Hyaluronic acid: drugs for joints in tablets, injections, creams - names, instructions, reviews

Hyaluronic acid: drugs for joints in tablets, injections, creams - names, instructions, reviews

Hyaluronic acid is very useful, and how to use it - find out from the article.

Hyaluronic acid is considered an important substance of connective tissue. It is in any internal organ, even in the joints. The main function of the component is to ensure strength and elasticity to the fabrics. Every day 1 \\ 3 part of the acid is updated thanks to special proteins.

Every year, the number of data of proteins becomes less. As a result, the concentration of hyalurotan in each tissue becomes less. Due to such changes, the destruction of cartilaginous tissue occurs, joint diseases occur. Medicines that contain acid are able to restore the number of substances, cope with the causes of pathologies.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a polymer molecule, which contains small compounds of the carbohydrate structure. People discovered this connection about 70 years ago. From the moment of discovery, acid has been actively studied by chemists, biologists, pharmacists, doctors, scientists and other specialists. Physical qualities are considered unique.

Acid is held by water molecules, a gel -like structure is formed due to it. In addition, this compound takes part in some processes that are important for the body. For example, thanks to this acid, cells are divided and migrated, genes are rebuilt, wounds are healed, the egg is fertilized, the fetus grows and develops, tumors are formed, and so on.


Today, hyaluronic acid is used in medicine, in the manufacture of cosmetics (creams, masks). Acid is also used during the treatment of eye diseases, malignant formations, wound healing, and so on.

Therapeutic effects of hyaluronic acid

How does hyaluronic acid affect sore joints? Previously, this substance was considered exclusively as a substitute for the synovial fluid, that is, a kind of prosthesis.

Today, after prolonged studies, scientists have found that the effect of drugs with acid has a long effect. The component reached its own peak after a few months. And the resorption of the substance in the joint cavity is carried out within 28 days. Since it is impossible to imagine a prosthesis that works independently without eliminating joints, scientists learned that the functionality of this substance is much wider.

Doctors prescribe injections with substance in such situations:

  • If cartilage is damaged or injured.
  • With arthrosis, osteoarthrosis, gonartrosis.
  • They are used in order to accelerate rehabilitation after injuries.
  • If the patient is concerned after the injury, joint pain.

For prevention, other methods of involving the component are used:

  • When it is necessary that the liquid becomes more viscous.
  • To relieve the inflammatory process.
  • For additional nutrition of all cartilage.

During treatment with acid with acid, the following results can be observed:

  • Administrative processes are improved inside the joints.
  • A sewn shell is formed for cartilage, which protects the joint from injuries, restores sliding of the surface of the joints.
  • Depreciation of the joints, the volume of movements, their performance is restored.
  • Enhances the elasticity and elasticity of the cartilage.

Preparations with acid suspend the destruction that can occur in joints, pushing the risk of endoprosthetics. In addition, the substance has anti -inflammatory qualities, the patient may decrease in the need to use painkillers, since the pains are significantly reduced.


For joints
For joints

Natural acid can be the following types:

  • Low molecular weight. The substance acts as an anti -inflammatory drug. It is used during the treatment of various skin diseases.
  • Medium -complex. It is used to stop the propagation and migration of cells. As a result, you can overcome arthritis and eye diseases.
  • High molecular weight. The substance is able to bind moisture, which is why the epidermis becomes elastic, resistant to adverse factors. This type is used during the manufacture of injections in the field of cosmetology.

Also distinguish such types of acids that are obtained artificially:

  • Animal origin. Once upon a time, this substance was quite in demand. But at the moment they almost stopped releasing it. They received a component due to the fermentation of some animal tissues. However, the fractions of the product were rapidly disintegrated and turned into low molecular weight. The result of injections with such a substance was short, and therefore dermal nodes often occurred because of it. Also in some situations, allergies and inflammation were observed.
  • Due to biotechnological synthesis. The component is received today thanks to specially grown streptococci. The substance is cleaned several times, dried, checked by bacteroologists, tested in clinics. It is as similar as possible with an amino acid that is formed in the human body, and almost does not have any negative factors.

Varieties of drugs with hyaluronic acid

Several types of drugs are distinguished, which is based on hyaluronic acid. Any type has its own main purpose and can be widely used in cosmetology or medicine.

Creams, ointments

Such drugs are applied easily, they are not even washed off. With regular use, you can get excellent results.

Gels for injections

Many beauty salons use injections based on this substance. They are considered very popular, they can even compete with the boot.

Capsules or tablets

In therapy and during prevention, these drugs are often used that are able to act on the whole organism as a whole. The tablets have their own positive and negative sides.

Popular types of tablets

Manufacturers of drugs offer consumers a wide selection of tablets that contain hyaluronic acid.

Among them, it is worth highlighting the following products:

  • Laura. The tablets from the domestic manufacturer in their own composition contain hyaluronic acid. This substance fills the epidermis with moisture, can significantly improve the formation of collagen. The tool also participates in the rejuvenation of the body, strengthen the immune system, and the regulation of hormonal balance.
  • Solgar. These tablets are considered vitamin additives. Thanks to the drug, overall well -being improves, forces are added. Each pill has a cosmetic effect.
  • Doppelherz. This dietary supplement from the German manufacturer has anti -aging and healing properties. The tool is considered as a multivitamin drug. The duration of the course is 1 month, after which a break is made for 14 days.
  • KWC. This additive is produced in Japan. It contains many beneficial substances, such as vitamins. The drug positively affects the musculoskeletal system. The only minus of the product is a relatively high price.
Japanese supplement
Japanese supplement

Of course, this list can be continued for a very long time.

But such drugs can have some side effects and contraindications:

  • It is possible to allergies to acid itself or other components.
  • Tablets are not able to give such an effect that is obtained from injections. The pills are supported, refreshed and smoothed out the skin, but they are able to work better with injections.
  • Never chase inexpensive drugs. So you can avoid buying a fake. It is better to buy additives from reliable and trusted manufacturers.
  • Tablets are not able to benefit if an insufficient amount of water enters the body.
  • The drug is forbidden to drink to pregnant women and women during lactation.
  • You can also not drink people who complain of autoimmune diseases.

Popular types of injections with hyaluronic acid

Injections in which acid are present are able to eliminate pain, symptoms of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, return the mobility of the diseased joint, and accelerate recovery.

The following most popular drugs are distinguished:

  • FEPMATRON. The tool is used during an increase in the viscosity of the synovial fluid. As a result, the joints become more mobile, pain disappears, inflammation is relieved.
  • Ostenil. For a full course of treatment, 2 injections are used. It all depends on how the dynamics of the disease occurs.
  • Hyalurus. It is necessary in order to relieve inflammation of the affected joint.
  • Durelan. Injections are used to treat joints. The drug is produced by the company from the UK.
  • Adant. The tool is considered universal, as it is used to treat any joint diseases.
  • Giruan plus. The drug increases the effectiveness of joint treatment.
  • Sycker. For a full course, 5 injections are used. Six months later, the treatment is repeated to fix the achieved result.
  • Rusvisk. A maximum of 3 stages is able to cure inflammatory diseases.
  • Adant. The drug is produced by a Japanese company. Recommended during diseases of the knee, shoulder and wrist joints.
  • Sycker. The manufacturing company is located in Austria, and therefore the product is relatively expensive. The drug is produced in syringes, can be used during the treatment of joints.
  • Giastat. The means of the domestic market, and therefore the course of therapy can do much cheaper. Treatment is carried out using ultrasound and radiological control. If the injection gives positive dynamics the first time, then the doctors continue treatment.
  • Soplazin. Manufacturer of this drug Irish company. One injection contains 20 mg of medicine.

Injection has some contraindications. You can not make injections in such situations:

  • In the presence of purulent formation, infectious lesion.
  • During swelling, stagnation.
  • Allergy to protein and its compounds.
  • If the patient is not another 18 years old, pregnant women, during breastfeeding.

The use of acid -based injections is one of the expensive methods of treating inflammation, restoration of cartilage tissues.

Popular types of creams, gels

Acid can also be added to ointments and gels. It is advisable to use such drugs as additional drugs for injections. Most often in pharmacies you can find karipain or artiflex.

  • Karipain. Means of domestic production. In addition to acid, it contains chondroitin sulfate, plus other useful components for the treatment of joints.
  • Papain. A tool that contains plant substances obtained from the papaya culture. The components that are in the plant destroy non -viable cells of the connective tissues, are able to replace them with new, young cells.
  • Transculus. It is considered a wonderful conductor for useful components, as a result of which they can penetrate the fabric deeper.
  • Bosvelia. Ointment based on plant components that stimulate and accelerate tissue healing, remove the inflammatory process.
  • Artiflex. This ointment consists of hyaluronate and ibuprofen, which have an anti -inflammatory effect. During the use of this ointment, the pain and the amount of additional analgesics can be reduced.

Instructions for using funds with hyaluronic acid

Each tool must be used, following a certain instruction.


  • Professional doctors make injections, while observing the standard methods of these procedures. The injection is administered once every 7 or 14 days.
  • The course of treatment consists of 5 injections. Re -treatment is carried out after 6 months or 1 year.
  • Before the injection is introduced, the effusion is removed from the joint bag, then an injection is made with the solution into the knee cavity. At the same time, doctors take into account the individual anatomical characteristics of the patient.
  • During the removal of effusion and the introduction of the product, one needle is used, which is entered before aspiration. In this case, a syringe filled with a means joins a needle that is freed from a syringe with effusion.

The process of introducing products with acid is carried out in compliance with the standards of aseptic or antiseptics. If the patient feels pain, the introduction of the solution stops.



  • The dosage of tablets and pills is installed by the attending doctor. It all depends on the manufacturer of the product, form of release. Basically, the dose for one day is from 1 to 3 tablets.
  • Preparations are taken during meals or after eating. The course of therapy can be at least 1 month. Often, doctors who prescribe oral medicines advise their own patients to absorb pills in their mouths, but not swallow.
  • They argue that this method of use helps to avoid the risk of the negative effect of the drug on the stomach, accelerates the absorption of the drug in large quantities. Additionally, doctors advise drinking tablets with a lot of water.

Creams, gels

The cream is applied with a thin layer on sore skin zones 2 times a day. Such a drug can be absorbed almost instantly, and therefore an additional bandage is not required.

The doctor determines the course of therapy individually. It all depends on the complexity of the disease, its form.

Reviews about the use of drugs with hyaluronic acid

Doctors note that various forms of drugs can provide a different effect. Many drugs relieve pain on the 3rd day, there are those that bring a positive effect in a week.

In any case, patients remain satisfied with the course of therapy. The effect in a positive direction is achieved, as a rule, in most cases. From important points, doctors distinguish that after injections, swelling sometimes occurs. But the level of injection comfort, of course, will depend primarily on the qualifications of the doctor, his experience.

  • Olga, 52 years old: “I have been worried about arthrosis for a long time. The doctor advised me to undergo injections in which hyaluronic acid is present. The cost of the American drug did not suit me, it was very high. I decided to find the medicine of the domestic manufacturer - Giastat. Before that, of course, I consulted with the attending doctor, he approved my choice. Injections have a lot of positive effects, I have not discovered negative effects. ”
  • Anatoly, 45 years old: “Recently I had an operation on the joint. About 6 months I was on the course of therapy, made injections of Viscil. Now I have a rehabilitation period. After the drug, I do not find complaints, I hope that I will soon recover completely. ”
  • Maria, 54 years old: “For many years I have been tormented by osteoarthrosis, pains that almost do not subside. My daughter, who is a certified doctor, convinced me to go through the injection course with hyaluronic acid. The treatment took 30 days, and the result was able to pleasantly surprise me. The pains almost do not bother me, I feel excellent, start moving more, even do exercises in the morning. ”
  • Peter, 70 years: “The effectiveness of the product has no equal. My knees were sick before, and therefore I decided to sign up for the course of treatment with injections. This technique today supports me on my feet. I am terribly glad that I took advantage of such a treatment. ”
  • Angelina, 35 years old: “I was recently advised by a friend to buy a cream based on hyaluronic acid. I initially doubted, but then I still decided to buy this wonderful remedy. Applying the cream constantly, I began to very soon notice positive results. I began to complain less about joint pain, swelling disappeared. I really liked the cream, so I will recommend it to everyone. ”

Video: Using hyaluronic acid for joints

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  1. I tried various ways to use the hyaluron, but I still felt the best effect from taking it in capsules inside (I drank the course of Evalarovsky hyaluronic acid). Since I regularly go in for sports, there is always the need to support the joints, so I think I will introduce this supplement on a permanent basis now ...

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