The Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905: reasons, prerequisites, events, ending, Portusmut Peace Treaty, attitude to the war of other countries. Reasons for the defeat of Russia in the Russian-Japanese war

The Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905: reasons, prerequisites, events, ending, Portusmut Peace Treaty, attitude to the war of other countries. Reasons for the defeat of Russia in the Russian-Japanese war

The Russian-Japanese war, although it was not very long, had vivid events, which will be discussed in the article.

The Russo-Japanese War is still a keen interest among researchers. This war is called the black page of the history of the Russian fleet, since it ended in the almost complete defeat of the Baltic and Pacific squadr of the Russian fleet. Some historians are considered by the Russian-Japanese war as a shame for the Russian state, while others are sure that the outcome of the war for Russia would be successful if it were not for the betrayal within the country.

The reasons for the Russo-Japanese War

The main reasons are the geopolitical ambitions of the Japanese and Russian empires directed on the lands of the North-East of Asia.


The theater of military operations became the territory of the sea and sushi:

  • Manchuria
  • Sakhalin
  • Korea
  • Japanese Sea
  • Yellow Sea

The war under consideration had a huge impact on the further development of military affairs, as it showed the significance of fire weapons. The rifle chain has become the main combat system, and the closed ranks and blows with bayonets have gone into the past. Artillery weapons from hidden positions were widely used.


During the Russo-Japanese War, both sides were first used for the first time the latest weapons and equipment:

  • armadillos
  • machine guns
  • sea mines
  • a longing artillery
  • torpedoes
  • hand grenades
  • radio telegraph
  • submarines

The prerequisites for the Russo-Japanese War

In the 19th century, the Russian power had a huge political influence and possessed vast lands in the eastern part of Europe and Central Asia. In the process of territorial expansion, the attention of the Russian Empire rushed in the Far East.

In order to take a dominant position on these lands, the most important steps were carried out by the tsarist government:

  • The conclusion of the Simod treatise with Japan (1855). According to this agreement, the possessions of Russia became the Kuril Islands located north of Iturup. Sakhalin is declared joint possession of both powers.
  • The signing of the Aigun Treaty (1858). As a result, the land of the present Primorsky Territory was given to China to the Russian state. There was a strategically important Vladivostok (1860).
  • Conclusion of the St. Petersburg Treaty (1875), By which all the Kuril Islands were transferred to Japan. In return, Russia received Sakhalin. This strengthened in significant the position of the Russian state in the Far East.
  • The beginning of the construction of an important railway branch -The Trans-Siberian Railway in order to master the East Siberian and Far Eastern lands (1891).
Prerequisites - a desire for dominance
Prerequisites - a desire for dominance

The Japanese empire also strove for its complete domination in the Far Eastern territory. In the second half of the 19th century, as a result of the restoration of Meiji, she from an isolated medieval and mainly agrarian country turned into a modern strong state. The island empire accelerated the achievements of the West and acquired a technically equipped fleet and army.

After a large-scale reform of the economy by the new government of the Japanese power by the mid-1870s, a policy of external expansion was launched. For the further development of Japan, large quantities required human and industrial resources.

Therefore, she made attempts to strengthen on the mainland:

  • The territorial expansion of the Japanese began with nearby Korea. As a result of the military pressure, Japan achieved the signing of an agreement in 1876, according to which the Korean state ended its isolation. Korea sea ports opened access to free trade to the Japanese.
  • During the Japanese-Chinese war (1894-1895), participating countries fought to establish their control over Korea. A deafening victory in this war went to the Japanese army. The result was the conclusion of the Simososyok contract. China abandoned its own rights in Korea.

Suddenly increased power and influence of the Japanese state did not correspond to the interests of Europe. Therefore, Russia, together with France and Germany, carried out a triple intervention, demanding from Japan to abandon the Liaodun Peninsula. The Japanese state could not resist three strong powers, and fulfilled these requirements. Subsequently, the territory of the Liaodun Peninsula transferred to the Russian state for lease (1898). The Russian king went to Port Arthur. There is a naval base of the Russian Pacific squadron.


And although Russia and Japan established a joint protectorate over Korea (1896), the Russians dominated in fact there. This position of Russia caused a new stage of militarization in the Japanese state, which was already directed against tsarist Russia.

The current situation made the fact that the clash of the two empires was inevitable. However, in Russian government circles, the hope reigned that the power and strength of the Russian power would cause fear among the Japanese, and they will refrain from the war.

Events before the start of the Russo-Japanese War

The strengthening of Russian positions on the territory of East Asia Emperor Nicholas II saw as a paramount task of his imperial rule.

With the suppression in China, the Empitoan uprising (1900) Russian military forces occupied the territory of Manchuria. The Japanese people in this region did not suit the Japanese at all. The Minister of Japan Hirobumi, the events tried to conclude an agreement with the Russian government, fixing the sphere of influence of both countries. However, the agreement could not be achieved. Therefore, the Japanese state was enlisted by the support of Great Britain by signing an agreement with it (January 1902). According to it, in the event of a war of one side with other states, the other undertakes to provide assistance.

The response of the Russian government was the publication of the Franco-Russian Declaration (March 1902). The Russian Empire with France declared its right to take appropriate measures for hostile actions by other states and in case of riots in China.

Subsequent events in the Far East developed as follows:

  • March 1902 - The Russian and Chinese sides sign an agreement according to which Russia is obligated for 18 months in three stages to withdraw its military units from Manchuria.
  • May 1903 - The soldiers of the Russian army, dressed in civilian clothes, occupied one of the Korean villages on the Yalu River. The construction of military facilities under the guise of warehouses for the forest began. Thus, the second stage of the removal of parts was violated by the Russians. The allies of Great Britain and Japan this fact was regarded as the creation of a permanent military base by the Russian Empire.
  • After a couple of months, the railway traffic on the Trans -Siberian Railway, passing through the Manchu lands, opens. According to it, Russia began to transfer military forces to the Far Eastern territories.
  • A month later, the Japanese government offers a draft agreement providing for the recognition of Japanese rights and Russian railway rights (and only them) in the lands of Manchuria. Russia did not sign this agreement.
  • October 1903 - Russia offers its draft contract. According to him, Korea gets Japan, which in response refuses Manchuria. This agreement of the Japanese is categorically rejected.
  • In the same month, the deadlines for the withdrawal of Russian units from the Manchu territory expired. Russia is not fulfilled by Russia.
It is important to strengthen positions
It is important to strengthen positions

Japan demanded the withdrawal of the Russian army in order to achieve complete dominance in Korea. However, the Russian emperor did not want to concede. For the Russian state, access to sea non-freezing waters was important, since due to difficult climatic conditions, the port of Vladivostok did not have year-round navigation. Therefore, the state needed a port in the Pacific Ocean, which could take ships at any time of the year.

It should be noted that during this period the revolution was brewing in the Russian state. And in order to weaken the attention of the population to her, the king’s government needed a “fast and victorious war”. Relations between the two countries were extremely aggravated.

Japan was waiting for the right time and reason to deploy military operations against the Russian state. Before the war, the Japanese re -warned the army, significant resources were prepared, a high -quality, technically equipped fleet was created.

The Russian intelligence report at the end of 1903 testified to the complete readiness of the Japanese state to attack. Even the date of the beginning of military events was indicated. However, no serious measures were taken by the highest officials of Russia.

In the Far Eastern territory, the Russian Empire possessed two naval strategic bases:

  • Vladivostok
  • Port Arthur
Sea defense
Sea defense

According to military historians, the Russian fleet in the number of military courts was not too inferior to Japanese. However, it was distinguished by heterogeneity. The basis of the fleet was modern military equipment, but it was quite dangerous to use it alone, and at the same time, as a rule, it is difficult.

The Japanese fleet was rapidly developing. At the end of the war with the Chinese, the government of the country approved the program of enhanced development of military forces. A third of the state budget was allocated for the creation and maintenance of the navy.

The course of the Russo-Japanese War

January 27 (February 9), 1904, the Japanese fleet attacked the Russian squadron of Port Arthur. The Japanese Empire did not make an official announcement of the start of the war. The norms of international law of the early 20th century were not necessary to declare war before hostilities (the situation changed only two years after the events described at the Second Hague Peace Conference).

The leadership of Japan was extremely accurately calculated the most convenient time to start a military operation against Russia:

  • The cruisers (Ksuga, Nissin) purchased by the Japanese in Italy by this time were already outside Singapore. One way, no one could delay them.
  • Russian destroyers and cruisers caused for reinforcements were located in the waters of the Red Sea.

The main military events of the Russian-Japanese war were unfolding as follows:


  • January 27 -The attack of the naval forces of Japan under the command of Heihatiro on the Russian Pacific squadron in Port Arthur. Historians note that the squadron was not properly guarded. For several months, Japanese troops were bombed at Port Arthur. Several head Russian ships were removed from the combat system. Therefore, significantly weakened, the squadron had to be limited mainly to defensive measures.
  • February - Pyongyang is busy with Japanese units.
  • April -The Japanese go to the Korean-Chinese border near the Yalu River. At the same time, the actions of the Russian army were quite passive. Therefore, the Japanese units defeated the Russian army. The active invasion of the Japanese military forces in the land of Manchuria began.
  • April - Japanese soldiers landed on the territory of the Liaodun Peninsula. At the same time, the troops of Russia, commanded by General Stessel, did not provide active opposition.
  • May -Taking advantage of the weakness of the Russian command, the Japanese units strengthened on the Kwantun Peninsula and cut the railway communications of Russia with Port Arthur.
  • May - The battle of Jinzhou. The only Russian regiment fought with three enemy divisions for 12 hours. The Japanese won in this battle and broke through the defense.
  • During the summer period, the soldiers of the Japanese Empire advanced to Liaoyan in three directions. The military forces of the Russians retreated, although they were constantly replenished with resources arriving along the Trans -Siberian Railway.
  • 11 (24) August -Under Liaoyan, one of the main battles of the Russo-Japanese war unfolded. The Russian part, commanded by Kuropatkin, was attacked on three sides by the three armies of the Japanese under the command of Ivo Oyama. Within three days, the Russian units successfully beat off the attacks of the enemy. However, as a result of an unsuccessful attempt of the offensive, the enemy’s forces were reassessed by Kuropatkin, and he gave ordered to go to Mukden. According to various sources, during these battles, the Japanese army lost 23 thousand people, and Russian - 16 - 19 thousand. This battle was not only extremely bloody, but also inflicted a strong moral blow to imperial Russia. After all, under Liaoyan everyone was expected to be a decisive rebuff to the enemy.
  • August -The siege of Port Arthur began by the military forces of Japan. Under the command of Oyyama, the fortress stormed the 45th -thousandth army. The Russian army was strongly resisted. Having lost half of the soldiers in battle, the Japanese units retreated. Reinforcement was thrown from the center to help sailors of the Pacific squadron. However, the Russian soldiers were thrown back by the enemy and could not break through to the destination.
  • September - Fights on the Shah River, after which a lull is installed at the front and lasts until the end of the year.
  • December -The Russian Empire was inflicted on another heavy blow-the fortress of Port Arthur Pala. The garrison was forced to give up. The remaining ships of the squadron were destroyed either by the Japanese or personal crews. According to various sources, more than 30 thousand military were captured by the enemy. The defense of the Port Arthur fortress lasted 329 days. This battle is the longest in the course of the Russo-Japanese War. The surrender of the fortress served that the alignment of military forces in Manchuria changed dramatically.


  • January - The offensive of Russians at Sandup. After significant losses, the battle was stopped by the Russian command.
  • 9 (22) January - The beginning of the revolution in tsarist Russia. This event was significantly complicated by the conduct of military operations by the Russian side.
  • February - General Battle of Mukden, stretched out on a stock front line. The battle of the Japanese and Russians lasted three weeks. In history, this is the largest land battle that occurred before the First World War. The army of the Japanese put the main forces in shelling by artillery weapons. At the same time, Russian commanders gave conflicting orders, their actions were inconsistent. The Russian army retreated north. In heavy battles, human losses made up huge numbers - 75 thousand Japanese and 90 thousand Russian soldiers.
  • Military land operations after the Mukden battle subsided. The Russian army at the same time constantly increased its numbers and technical equipment due to regular replenishment. In addition, additional trains were launched to communicate the country with Manchuria. But despite this, any decisive actions were not taken at the front by military leaders.
  • 14 (27) May - 15 (28) May - The decisive Tsushima battle.
  • The Fleet of the Japanese consisting of 120 ships almost completely defeated the 2nd Pacific squadron, numbering 30 vessels, transferred for reinforcement from the Baltic. The Admiral of Togo commanded the Japanese naval forces, and the Russian-Vice Admiral Rozhestvensky. In this battle, 20 were sunk and 5 Russian ships were captured. Only 3 small vessels reached Vladivostok. Japanese troops won a crushing victory in this sea battle thanks to the special tactics, which was characterized by the highest accuracy of firing and the concentration of fire on the head ships of the Russian squadron.
  • July - Active invasion of the Japanese on the island of Sakhalin. The fourteen thousand Japanese division opposed the six thousandth army of Russians. The overwhelming number of this military unit was compiled by convicts of the exile and hard labor, who fought for the sake of receiving a repayment of the deadline. The victory of the Japanese on the island occurred on July 29.

The end of the Russo-Japanese War and the Portusmut Peace Treaty

The Tsushima battle was the final point of the Russo-Japanese War. A special meeting was convened by the Russian emperor. It sounded a statement by the Grand Duke that for the successful end of the war it was necessary to fight another year and this will require another billion of Russian rubles.

The Japanese Empire was also economically exhausted, despite the successful course of the war. Japanese soldiers were no longer observed by the previous fighting spirit. This situation forced the government of the country to reach peace negotiations.

Both sides of the war cost huge human casualties and financial resources. According to various sources, the losses of both countries made up:

Russian empire:

  • from 35 to 50 thousand dead
  • more than 60 warships
  • about 3 billion rubles
  • state debt grown by a third

Japanese Empire:

  • from 48 to 82 thousand dead
  • about 20 military vessels
  • more than 1 billion yen
  • increasing external debt four times

After the long thought of the Russian tsar on August 23 (September 5), 1905, the Russian and Japanese sides signed the Portusmut Peace Treaty. The intermediary was American President Roosevelt.


The countries agreed to withdraw their armies from the territory of Manchuria and the use of railway communication only for commerce purposes.

It should be noted that Russia has concluded the Portusmutsky agreement from the perspective of a strong side. She, unlike financially devastated Japan, could wage war for a long time. Therefore, the requirements of the contract met Russian interests closer than Japanese. Initially, Japan demanded the payment of indemnity and alienation of the entire territory of Sakhalin and the Primorsky Territory, as well as the demilitarization of the port of Vladivostok. However, the position of Nicholas II remained adamant. In addition, the Russian side received the support of the American president.

The concluded Portusmuta treaty caused a flurry of discontent in the Japanese state. Demonstrations of protest were held in Tokyo.

Attitude to the Russo-Japanese War of other countries

The attack of Japan on the squadron of the Russian fleet was outraged by almost the entire population of tsarist Russia.

However, the world community was different to the actions of the island empire:

  • The United States and England supported Japan.
  • France announced neutrality. The previously concluded alliance with the Russian Empire was necessary for France only in order to impede the strengthening of Germany gaining momentum.
  • In relation to the Russian side, Germany adopted friendly neutrality.
Many countries kept neutrality or did not support Russia
Many countries kept neutrality or did not support Russia

The outcome of the Russo-Japanese War and signed as a result of the Portusmut agreement as a whole was everyone: everyone was satisfied:

  • The United States arranged that the positions of the Russian and Japanese states in the Far East were weakened at the same time.
  • Germany hoped for the use of Russia in its own interests.
  • Great Britain and France Russia was considered as a future ally against the Germans.

Reasons for the defeat of Russia in the Russian-Japanese war

After the defeat of Russia in the Russian-Japanese war, the international authority of the Great Empire was undermined, and the expansion in Asia was interrupted.

The Russian power, in fact, during the war in no serious battle won. But the country's population almost three times exceeded the population of Japan, and Russia could put a proportional number of soldiers against the enemy. But it must be taken into account that the number of Russian units directly on the territory of the Far East was up to 150 thousand soldiers. At the same time, their essential part was occupied by the trunk, serfs and borders. And Japanese troops included approximately 180 thousand people actively participating in military events.

The reasons for the defeats of Russian troops in battles are due to various factors, the main of which researchers believe:

  • the remoteness of the Russian Center from the place of military operations
  • diplomatic isolation of tsarist Russia
  • insufficient military and strategic training
  • the mediocrity of many Russian commander in chief
  • the lag of tsarist Russia from Japan in technology
  • limited communicative networks
  • the revolution began in Russia

Video: Historical facts about the Russo-Japanese War

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