Where are the lymph nodes on the body of a person: diagram, description. What lymph nodes are inflamed with tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, rubella, HIV, oncological, autoimmune diseases? How to protect the lymph nodes healthy?

Where are the lymph nodes on the body of a person: diagram, description. What lymph nodes are inflamed with tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, rubella, HIV, oncological, autoimmune diseases? How to protect the lymph nodes healthy?

From this article you will learn where the lymph nodes are on the surface of the body, and inside, a person.

The lymph nodes protect our body from infections and viruses, and are responsible for immunity and health. How do they look? What are filled with? How many are there? In what places are located? We find out in this article.

What are lymph nodes?

Our body, like a root system of a tree, is shrouded in thin vessels with nodules on them, along which the lymph is moving - a liquid substance. That's what it is lymphatic system. The place of accumulation of several vessels is called lymph node.

A circulatory system is located next to the lymphatic. She is closed. In the lymphatic system, in contrast to the circulatory, the lymph moves only in one direction: from limbs to the center, and then connects to the central veins, where it “shipping” the spent lymph.

Lymphouzel -This is an oblong elastic formation under the skin or inside the body, having a diameter of 2-5 mm in a calm state, if nothing hurts. If some disease has begun, the lymph node increases to 1-2 cm, but maybe up to 5 cm.

In the section of the lymph node It consists of sections in which lymphocytes are located. If the body attacked a lot of infections, then the lymphocytes in the lymph nodes begin to be intensively produced. Here, in the section, the lymph of the lymph channels also seeps, driving a harmful microbe. In the lymph node, with the help of lymph, the infection understands pieces, and lymphocytes study it in order to then look for throughout the body, and destroy similar microbes.

In total, a person has 420-500 lymph nodes, and they are located both inside our body and not far from the surface of the skin.

The main external and internal lymph nodes of man

Where are the internal lymph nodes located?

Internal lymph nodes are divided:

Legonal lymph nodes or tonsils. Located in the mouth in the sky, in the throat, in the tongue. Disordant infections that fall through the nose and mouth.

The main pharyngeal lymph nodes

Lymph nodes around the lungs, intra -syllable, near the trachea. This group of lymph nodes in the human body is the largest. Fights with infections that fall into the lungs and bronchi.

Basic Breast Lymph nodes

Current lymph nodes They are located near the spleen, stomach, liver, intestines, and destroy harmful bacteria from these organs.

Basic lymph nodes located in the abdominal cavity

Attention. We do not see internal lymph nodes, and you can only see them if the doctor prescribes an ultrasound.

Where are the external lymph nodes located?

External races lymph nodes are laid near the surface of the body, under the skin. They can be felt and found out whether they have increased or not.

External lymph nodes are everywhere:

  • Behind the ears
  • On the back of the head
  • Under the lower jaw on both sides
  • On the face
  • On the neck
  • Armpits
  • On the collarbone
  • Along the whole hand (left and right)
  • On the lower back
  • In the groin (in men and women the same)
  • Under the knees
The main groups of external lymph nodes
Basic lymph nodes and lymph vessels on the hands
Basic lymph nodes and lymph vessels on the legs

What diseases are the most often sensitive lymph nodes?

Lymph nodes react to the following diseases:

  • Cold viral diseases
  • Autoimmune
  • Venus
  • The presence of parasites in the body
  • Rubella
  • Tuberculosis
  • Oncological
  • HIV-pares
  • Lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes)
  • Bad habits (smoking, consumption a lot of alcohol)
  • Bad ecology

If you have one of the above diseases, this does not mean that all lymph nodes will increase, but only those that are closer to the sick organ.

How to treat lymph nodes for lymphadenitis?

Lymph nodes can also become inflamed and get sick. This disease is called lymphadenitis. It itself does not happen. The following not treated diseases can be preceded:

  • Not healing infected wounds for long
  • The presence of large boils or other purulent inflammations on the body

In order not to become inflamed by all the lymph nodes, you need to respond in time to small increase in lymph nodes, treat diseases that inflamed lymph nodes indicate.

We need lymph nodes in the body, but if they increased and continue to get sick and do not decrease (and this happens with lymphadenitis), in modern medicine they are treated: they are treated:

  • Therapy (tablets)
  • Combined therapy
  • Cutting
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
Increased lymph node - lymphadenitis

What are the reasons for lymphadenitis?

If the lymph nodes have increased slightly, then our body has visited the infection. But do not panic immediately - the body can cope with it itself. You need to worry and go to the doctor if the following symptoms are observed for a long time:

  • The lymph nodes are increased for more than 1 week, there is redness over them, and they hurt when pressed
  • General malaise and increased body temperature
  • No appetite
  • Sleep violated
  • Headache

What lymph nodes are inflamed with tuberculosis disease?

If a person is sick tuberculosis, then the causative agent of this disease - Koch's stick, first enters the internal lymph nodes around the lungs, and then into the external ones: cervical, sometimes under the armpits and inguinal, which is why they increase. If the disease is not treated, the top -top lymph nodes can sleep with the skin, and suppurations, fistulas are formed.

Attention. A sign of tuberculosis disease: against the background of general malaise, coughing for a long time, a large number of lymphocytes are produced.

Another sign of tuberculosis disease - the lymph nodes increased

What lymph nodes are inflamed with sexually transmitted diseases?

If a person is infected syphilis (and only people are sick of all living things), the causative agent is the infection of pale treponema. At first, those lymph nodes react to it, near which there is a solid chancre (syphilis focus). It can be inguinal, lumbar, facial, cervical lymph nodes. A few days after infection, they increase to the size of the walnut.

What lymph nodes are inflamed with rubella?

At rubber First, the virus enters the nasopharynx, and then into the blood, and at this stage they begin to react with an increase in the cervical lymph nodes, as well as on the back of the head and behind the ears, and then rashes throughout the body appear.

What lymph nodes are inflamed with HIV disease?

Disease HIV It can not show himself for a long time, but only all the human lymph nodes increase, but not immediately, but gradually. First, the lymph nodes are inflamed under the armpits, on the neck, chest, lower back. And when all the lymph nodes are increased, then we can say that the disease is no longer cured.

Attention. If several groups of lymph nodes are inflamed for a long time (about 1 month), it is worth checking your blood for HIV.

What lymph nodes are inflamed with oncological diseases?

Oncological diseases They do not make themselves felt for a long time. But when the lymphocytes “notice” the cancer cells, that lymph node or several lymph nodes will increase, closer to which the cancer is located.

What lymph nodes are inflamed with autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune They call diseases (thyroid diseases, type 1 diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, red lupus), when the immune system fails, and it fights with healthy cells of one or more organs in its own body, considering them alien.

The causes of autoimmune diseases can be both internal (after severe infectious diseases) and external (radiation, industrial air and water pollution). All these diseases are severe, and suggest that they appeared with you can enlarged lymph nodes near the organ that is ill.

How to protect the lymph nodes healthy?

To prevent lymphadenitis, you need to immediately respond to an increase in the lymph node and adhere to several simple rules:

  • Stop there
  • Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages
  • Do not overcool
  • Not to be in a draft
Lymph nodes inflamed and in normal condition

So, the lymph nodes in the body are fighting various infections, and if you notice an enlarged lymph node for several days in a row, you do not need to apply lotions on it, but go to the doctor to treat a real disease, which is indicated by the sick lymph node.

Video: lymph nodes - invisible self -defense

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  1. hello, under my armpits, it hurts from (lymph nodes around the lungs, intra -align, near trams. This group of lymph nodes in the human body is the largest. Fights infections that fall into the lungs and bronchi.
    The near -blower lymph nodes are located near the spleen, stomach, liver, intestines, and destroy harmful bacteria from these organs).
    Doctors cannot understand. Inflammation, temperature, hurts. what should I do,

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