A gas -free tube for newborns: how to do it yourself - reviews. How to use a gas pipe for newborns made of plastic, rubber, Windi?

A gas -free tube for newborns: how to do it yourself - reviews. How to use a gas pipe for newborns made of plastic, rubber, Windi?

Instructions for the use of a gas pipe for newborns.

A gas -free tube is a fairly common device that parents of young children often use. It is known since the time of the Soviet Union. It is these devices that our mothers often used. In this article we will tell you how to use a gas pipe.

A gas -free tube for newborns: what is it - views

It resembles a thin, long product of rubber, the average diameter of which is 7 mm, the length can reach 25 cm. You should not be scared, because the device is not fully entered into the child’s anus. The tip of this device is rounded, soft enough, so that it could be painlessly inserted into the child’s anus.

It is not used quite often, since pediatricians do not advise using the device daily. It is recommended to use this kind of gasoline tubes no more than once a week. This is due to the possible addiction to the pipes. It is most often introduced in the first few months of the child’s life, when microflora in the intestine is not yet fully formed, so difficulties with gases, as well as constipation or vice versa, diarrhea may be observed.


  • Rectal catheter of Windi
  • Rectal tubes of Alfaplastik company
  • Rectal tube (probe) of APEXMED
  • ROXY-KIDS gasoline tube
A gas -free tube
A gas -free tube

Indications for the use of a gas pipe


  • Most often, there is a need for this adaptation in children aged 1 to 4 months
  • That is, as soon as the baby has soda or colic, due to the accumulation of a large number of air bubbles in the intestines and stomach
  • When the child is worried, grunts, squeezes the legs for himself, cannot go to the toilet, we recommend using the gas pipe

How to use a gas pipe for newborns?

Instructions for the use of a gas pipe:

  • You need a tip, that is, the rounded side, grease with petroleum jelly or some kind of vegetable oil
  • Enter about 1-2 cm into the anus for about 1-2 cm. You should not tweet this tube deeply so as not to deliver discomfort, as well as pain
  • The second edge of the tube must be put in a container of water. Pick up a little water in a bowl and put the phone. Leave for a while in the ass of the child
  • Please note that children up to 6 months are best introduced to this tube in a lying position on their back, holding the knees to the chest
  • If the child is already 6 months old, and he is sitting, it is necessary to lay it on the left side, holding the legs, carry out the introduction of the tube
  • When the gaziks come out, you will see bubbles on the surface of the water
  • Please note that manipulations must be carried out no more than once a week
  • After the manipulation, it is necessary to wash the tube with soap, and then boil for 10 minutes
  • It will not be superfluous to process with chlorhexidine or miramistin. These liquids are absolutely inert in relation to rubber and silicone, in no way affect its integrity, but they are well disinfected. Substances are absolutely safe for the child
  • It is necessary to store in a sealed packaging or in a sterile package
Roxy tube
Roxy tube

A gas -free tube for newborns: how to make it yourself?

Please note that now there are tubes of a non -standard model on sale, but new ones that resemble a narrow rod, gradually expanding. Such tubes are very convenient for the simple reason that are disposable and made of dense, waxed cardboard. They are used in the same way as rubber tubes, but after use they are not sterilized, but immediately thrown into the garbage bucket.


  • If you have not prepared, and have not purchased a gas -transport tube for the child, you can make it yourself. To do this, you need a small pear, with a capacity of about 50 ml. Her marking is one. She is the smallest in the pharmacy.
  • You need to buy a pear with a rubber tip. Next, it is necessary to cut the bottom, boil, use the same way as a regular rubber tube. Lubricate the tip with fat cream or oil, and introduced into the anus, the gas will be released.
  • The only difference is that there is no long tube that falls into the water, and the bubbles are not visible. But the functions are completely the same, so the funnel. It can also be reusable. Before the next use, it must be boiled and treated with antiseptics.
Dr. Komarovsky's tubes
Dr. Komarovsky's tubes

Reviews about the use of a gas pipe

This device is quite simple, but not everyone has encountered it. Those who used were mostly satisfied. Below you can find out the reviews of young mothers about the use of a gas pipe.


  • Elena, 28 years old. This is my first child. I met a pipe when the baby was a month. Strongly tormented with colic and gaziks. The pediatrician advised the gas pipeline, purchased the most affordable option, which is made of soft, transparent rubber. It’s quite convenient to use, I didn’t hurt anything, the child was not even worried during the introduction of the tube. There is an effect, but it is not significant. Our child was tormented not at all from colic and gases, but from other reasons. As it turned out later, he had problems with neurology. Unfortunately, until three months they suffered with these tubes, and only at 3 months, at a neurologist, they found a disease.
  • Oksana, 35 years old. This is the second child in our family. We use the tube quite often, about 2 times a week. Sometimes the child has strong constipation, as well as tormented soda. The kid is on artificial feeding, therefore, frequent constipation, malfunctions with the work of the stomach are observed. Gas lane tubes save, and help better than escumizan, and means that reduce gas formation.
  • Olga, 32 years old. They purchased gas outlets recently, when our baby was 2 months old. He cried very much, tossed, tossing, clutching his legs for himself, could not normally go to the toilet. Used dill water, as well as a bobotic. The funds helped us. At the next reception at the pediatrician, the doctor prompted to use the gas pipe. Really good device, the child began to worry less, we reduced the use of drugs.
Massage from colic
Massage from colic

The device really facilitates the work of the mother, and improves the condition of the child during colic, as well as the formation of a large amount of gases. Even if the baby is breastfeeding, often due to insufficient lactose in the intestines, there is a large accumulation of gases. This is due to insufficient flora. Therefore, it is sometimes advisable to use gas outlets.

Video: gasoline tube

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