Fuzing technique: master classes, ideas, photos. How to do a plate, jewelry, watches, lampshades, souvenirs using technology?

Fuzing technique: master classes, ideas, photos. How to do a plate, jewelry, watches, lampshades, souvenirs using technology?

In this article, we will talk about which crafts and how can be created using the Fuzing technique.

AT our previous article We have already written about what fusing is, and what is necessary for the development of this type of creativity. It is time to move from theory to practice! We bring to your attention master classes that will help you feel like a real master!

Crafts using Fuzing technique: plate

In order to create a bright plate with notes of summer, you only need Follow the following instructions:

  • First you need to create a stencil. In this case, the twelve -angle will act in its role. Although the form directly depends on what form the master wants to give the future product.
Fueling technician
Fueling technician
  • This the stencil is applied to Milk-white glass.
  • Now a marker stencil circle along the contour.

Important: it is preferable to opt for a permanent marker, which is used for inscriptions on the CDs.

The contour of the future plate on Fuzing technique
The contour of the future plate on Fuzing technique
  • Now, armed with glass cutter, you can create glass copy of the stencil. If desired, you can wipe the marker marker markers. But this is not at all necessary - the marker when heating the glass will evaporate, most likely, himself.
Harvesting for a fusing mello
Harvesting for a fusing mello
  • Next, you can decorate the future plate. From pieces of colored glass are cut out traveling for edging and pattern. Given the summer theme, flowers will be a pattern.
Decorated blank for fusing-mounted
Decorated blank for fusing-mounted
  • If desired, you can sprinkle patterns glass crumbs. It turns out such a wonderful decor element thanks to a special machine.
Slightly sprinkled with a glass crumb workpiece for a fusing-mount
Slightly sprinkled with a glass crumb workpiece for a fusing-mount
  • Now the bream is sprinkled with a separator. A workpiece under the plate is placed on it - and to the oven!
Future plate-fusing in the furnace
Future plate-fusing in the furnace
  • Left give the plate volume, So that it does not resemble a glass pancake. You can purchase a ready -made basis for molling, or you can make it yourself for considerations of financial savings. So, for this you will need 4 bricks.

Important: bricks need to choose refractory and lungs.

These are bricks are needed in the manufacture of a fusing mello
These are bricks are needed in the manufacture of a fusing mello
  • Around the perimeter, the composition of bricks is worth fix with leaf iron.
Molling composition in the manufacture of a fusing mushroom
Molling composition in the manufacture of a fusing mushroom
  • Armed with a circulus, it is worth drawing Cleads of the bottom and edge Future plate.
Molling workpiece for the manufacture of fusing melts
Molling workpiece for the manufacture of fusing melts
  • The circle is cleaned by a chisel. All this is easier than it seems, since the refractory brick is quite soft.
The future Fuzing Motale will fit here
The future Fuzing Motale will fit here
  • The bottom and edges need to be connected by a bevel. To polish the workpiece for molling with sandpaper, too, you need to not forget.
Molling-starting for fusing-tares
Molling-starting for fusing-tares
  • But since the edges of the plates will be wave -like, you need to accordingly prepare a million-Osnov.

IMPORTANT: best of all will help to cope with the previously used plate stencils. Therefore, do not rush to throw it!

  • Now you need form petals. A tool for this purpose is a stick wrapped with sandpaper.
This is what a molling-starting plate-fusing looks like
This is what a molling-starting plate-fusing looks like
  • Molling-founding is ready! I need her sprinkle with the divider - And you can place in the furnace Glass workpiece.
The future plate-fusing is placed on Molling-Osnov
The future plate-fusing is placed on Molling-Osnov
It turns out such a plate-fusion
It turns out such a plate-fusion

Fuzing technology crafts: jewelry

Both dishes and jewelry using Fuzing technology are made by masters quite often. Let's try to figure out this master class how to create a pendant:

  • First of all, worth draw a sketch.
  • According to the sketch pieces of glass are cut. In addition to glass cutter, it is recommended to use scraps - it is easier to separate the pieces along the cut line.
  • Can fold the resulting glass pieces together And see how the pattern will look at the jewelry. If something does not suit, you can make additional details.

Important: if oil windows are used, which goes on glass more easily, you must definitely take care of cleaning the glass from oil.

Oil, as well as sorcini and villi, need to be removed so that they do not get into the fusing edition
Oil, as well as sorcini and villi, need to be removed so that they do not get into the fusing edition
  • After processing glass in soapy water, you need to do preparation of the stove - A thermalmp is lifted to her bottom. The glass as a result of this simple procedure will not stick to the furnace, and the reverse surface of the pendant will remain even and beautiful.
  • Now a composition of glasses is laid out on the thermalmp. It doesn’t matter if a little water remains on them after washing - this will not hurt the craft. If you need to align the composition, you can use the usual tweezers.
  • If you want to get a voluminous thick decoration, you need cover the workpiece on top with a transparent glass.
Harvesting for the future fusing colon
Harvesting for the future fusing colon
  • Left put the entire composition in the stove. How much to bake a pendant? It all depends on the stove - more detailed information can be read in the instructions for the furnace. You also need to take into account the quality of the glass and, in fact, the idea itself.

Important: in any case, it is recommended to periodically check the condition of the craft. Every 3 minutes, for example. But the check should occur quickly.

Fuel pendant in the furnace
Fuel pendant in the furnace
  • As soon as the craft is processed in the furnace, you need to leave it cool for 2 or 2.5 hours.
  • It is better to process crafts with warm water - So the remains of thermalmps will disappear completely.
This is how the blank for the fusing-kulon will turn out
This is how the blank for the fusing-kulon will turn out
  • Now you need to take it bale - part for fastening decoration with a cord or chain - and glue to the glass. For a while, Bale is clamped. For several minutes, until the glue has dried up yet, you can level the part if necessary.
  • The craft should be left for about a day - During this time, the glue will dry out completely.
The pendant -fusion is ready - it remains only to choose the right lace
Fuel pendant is ready-it remains only to choose a suitable lace

Clock on technology Fuzing: photo, master class

Graceful hours of glass will decorate the wall of any room. So what is needed for their manufacture?

  • To start - create a sketch. It should be in the proportion of 1: 1 in relation to the original size.
A sketch of fusing hours
A sketch of fusing hours
  • Now you can start Cutting glassa. The clock is planned in the shape of a flower, and it is better to create petals for it from close shades. You can prepare several details of transparent glass - they will give the finished product volume and beautiful glare.

Important: as for the basis for the clock, it is also better to make it from transparent glass - this is how it will be possible to create a visual perspective, depth.

  • Now a sketch is placed under the glass, a on glass-pieces-pounds. Their location should correspond to the notes on the sketch. Color pieces are glued to the baseBut the glue needs a little to avoid divorces after baking.
Glass details for future fusing hours should be numbered for convenience
Glass details for future fusing hours should be numbered for convenience
  • Left bake the craft - And approximately after a day After baking and cooling, the glass blank for the clock will be ready!
This is how the workpiece for clock-fusion looks like
This is how the workpiece for clock-fusion looks like
  • But the work has not yet been completely completed, because not just a beautiful circle, but a watch are made. That is, you need to do the hole for the clock mechanism. And it will help this drill equipped with a special drill for glass work. It is worth driving a little water to the place that will be processed - and you can start drilling.

Important: the main thing in this process is not to rush or put pressure on the glass surface.

  • Now it remains only Install the clock mechanism. About how to do this can be read in the instructions that should be attached to the mechanism.
These beautiful watches are obtained
These beautiful watches are obtained

Obacound using Fuzing technique: master class, photo

Glass framing the lamp on the bedside table - what could be more comfortable in the home interior? How to make an lampshade?

  • So, first you need a special cover the heat -resistant board. On this surface and The contours are indicated future lampshade. You can draw them with an ordinary pencil.
Such the easiest sketch can be composed for the future Fuzing Agam
Such the easiest sketch can be composed for the future Fuzing Agam
  • Now you need to do cutting glass into strips. The strips can be of different sizes. A broker for glass, pliers and, of course, glass cutter are useful from the tools.
Such tools and such pieces are cut glass for the future Fusig-Abazhura
Such tools and such pieces are cut glass for the future Fusig-Abazhura

Important: forceps for mosaic work - magnificent acquisition. They are extremely convenient to adjust the size of the workpieces.

Mosaic forceps - a good tool for making a fusing abominated
Mosaic forceps-a good tool for making a fusing abomination
  • Next begins collection of lampshades. Pieces are laid depending on imagination and sketch.
Harvesting for lampshade-fusing
Harvesting for lampshade-fusing
  • Now goes the second layer.
The second layer of glass stripes for the future fusing-abbreviation
The second layer of glass stripes for the future fusing-abbreviation
  • At the ends of the rays It is preferable to put on a piece of glass - So they will turn out thickened.
More pieces of glass for lampshade-fusion
More pieces of glass for lampshade-fusion
  • The workpiece is laid in the furnace. It’s not too late, you can still report the glasses.
    Now about 5 o'clock Craft is necessary bake. And further 10 hours She should slowly cool in the oven.

Important: you can not sharply open the stove - the glass may well be covered with cracks.

Fuzing lamps are placed in the furnace
Fuzing lamps are placed in the furnace
This is what a baked hagotovka for a fusing-abbreviation looks like
This is what a baked hagotovka for a fusing-abbreviation looks like
  • But that's not all, because the workpiece needs Molly - Process it again with heat, giving a different form. To do this, the glass circle is laid on a special basis.
This is how the blank for fusing abutment based on molting
This is how the blank for fusing abutment based on molting
  • Such a workpiece is placed in the stove. About 15 hours will have to wait.
This is what a Fuzing man looks like
This is what a Fuzing man looks like

Butterfly using Fuzing technology: master class, photos

Glass fragile -looking figures will serve as a magnificent decoration of the interior, a gift. To create a butterfly figure, you need to do the following:

  • Of course without sketch You can’t do in this case.
Simple sketch for Fuzing Babochka
Simple sketch for Fuzing Babochka
  • Respectively, a sketch, from glass are cut out details future figure.
The process of cutting parts for Fuzing Babochka
The process of cutting parts for Fuzing Babochka
So the wings of Fuzing butterfly will look like
So the wings of Fuzing butterfly will look like
  • The stove is lined division.
  • Then the glass is laid. The baking shelves such a small craft is small - approximately minutes 3.

Important: but it can vary depending on the type of stove, the quality of the material.

  • Half an hour It is necessary to highlight on cooling Crafts.
It turns out such a cute fusing bow
It turns out such a cute fusing bow

Fuzing technology crafts: ideas, photos

We offer the attention of readers a selection of photos with ideas of fusing forces. It is possible that they will inspire creativity!

A beautiful set of jewelry-fusion
A beautiful set of jewelry-fusion
Fuzing hours that will serve as a magnificent decoration
Fuzing hours that will serve as a magnificent decoration of the interior
Funny figurine figure
Funny figurine figure
Interesting desktop fusing craft - Angel on a bicycle
Interesting desktop fusing craft - an angel on a bicycle
Fuzing start-ups for bathrooms
Fuzing start-ups for bathrooms
Sparkling bright fusing-sprayer
Sparkling bright fusing-sprayer
Comfortable and beautiful countertop
Comfortable and beautiful countertop
Cute brooch-fusion in the form of a blue bird
Cute brooch-fusion in the form of a blue bird
A fusion house will be a great gift
A fusion house will be a great gift

When you look at fragile and bright things from glass, it seems that people do with many years of experience and some special secrets. In fact, to master the fusing at home can do any person! We hope that this article has proved this.

Video: a master class on creating a fusing panel

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