Fuzing - what is it? Fuzing at home: how to choose tools, material and equipment. Fushing techniques, recommendations and tips. Fuzing at home: photo

Fuzing - what is it? Fuzing at home: how to choose tools, material and equipment. Fushing techniques, recommendations and tips. Fuzing at home: photo

In this article, we will talk about the unique technology for creating amazing stained -glass windows called Fuzing.

When it comes to hand-made, not everyone can understand what is hidden under the mysterious word “Fuzing”. Meanwhile, this is quite exciting and insanely beautiful craft for many centuries! Despite the fact that the technology similar to modern, it arose around 1990 in Germany, it became a glass multi-colored mosaics in ancient Egypt. Let's talk in more detail about this colorful craft.

Fuzing: What is it?

Translated from English, "Fuzing" means "Rave", "heating". Simply put, many pieces of glass of different colors sint with each other, forming a product.

Such products were found in Egyptian tombs. The outlines of the future crafts were created thanks to special formin which the material was placed. The same principle of the so -called "Hot enamel" Used today.

Fuzing was used in ancient Egypt
Fuzing was used in ancient Egypt

For a long time to suffer with gluing glass also there is also no need, as in the case of the formation of outlines. As we know, any material can melt at a certain temperature.

Important: in the case of glass, the range is 600-900 degrees. Sometimes it expands to 1100 degrees.

Often fusing confused with a stained glass window. These types of art are really so similar that an unknown eye can easily take them for the same phenomenon. In reality fuzing is a type of stained glass.

The differences are as follows:

  • If you look closely at the stained glass, it will become obvious that the basis is the metal frame. Fuzing Absolutely excludes the use of a metal profile - With this technology, the glass does not need a binding basis, directly rafting with each other.
  • In mosaic canvases, individual pieces are clearly distinguishable. Even from afar, you can determine their boundaries. Fuzing allows you to achieve the effect of watercolors, When the silhouettes are blurred, and the outlines are soft.
Classic stained -glass windows - clear boundaries of colored glasses are visible in it, unlike fusing
Classic stained -glass windows - clear boundaries of colored glasses are visible in it, unlike fusing
The picture made according to fusing technology - it is clear that some boundaries are more blurry than the stained glass
The picture made according to fusing technology-it is clear that some boundaries are more blurry than the stained glass
  • It should also be noted that the products manufactured in technology fuzing, obtained voluminous. If you want to create a relief thing, you should definitely take a closer look at the fusing.
The picture-fusing is embossed
The picture-fusing is embossed
  • In addition to differences in aesthetically, there are practical ones. So, the lack of seams makes fuzing editions resistant to water.

Fuzing at home: how to choose equipment and tools

It may seem that they have just heard about such needlework that items made of sore glass can be made only on special bulky industrial equipment. But this is not so! Foyting can be done even at home.

Important: however, you can’t do without special devices.

So, what are these tools, equipment?

  • You can find on sale Special stoves. Moreover, completely not bulky, without problems placed in a living room. Such a stove can be connected to the standard power grid, the power of which does not exceed 220 volts. The stove uses, as a rule, 3 kW - This is enough for work with glass. The peculiarity of heating in such furnaces is that heat envelops the glass evenly - As a result, there are no cracks.
Fucusing furnace
Fucusing furnace
  • You can even simplify home fusing by purchasing mini-patch for microwaves. She is heat -resistantTherefore, it is perfect. Thanks to the coating of the walls, the products are created much faster than in a larger stove. Of course, large products will not work in such a miniature furnace, but it suits it perfectly to create small masterpieces. Such equipment is considered The safest and most suitable for beginners.

Important: you can’t create crafts in a microwave without a mini-tank!

A white small cylinder - this is a fusing furnace in the microwave
A white small cylinder - this is a fusing furnace in the microwave
  • Blacks or, as they are also called, "Bonder regiments" - necessary if you need to work with a larger stove. Most often, craftsmen are purchased by masters from ceramics - They are the most convenient and affordable in cost.
Homemade Fuzing
Homemade Fuzing
  • Oven stands - It is preferable if there is a large furnace, and the desire to warmly warm and also evenly cool the craft.
  • Polarization filters - help to determine the internal voltage of the glass. Some masters use filters from a camera or ordinary glasses of glasses, but it is preferable to purchase special devices.
  • Glass cutters - It is extremely desirable to buy a tool that has carbid tip. They are of high quality and, according to observations, even last longer than steel.

Important: if the windows belongs to those that are lubricated themselves, one nuance must be taken into account. It is better to remove the oil immediately, otherwise then you will have to remove it from the glass.

Fuzhing glass cutter is a necessary thing
Fijusing glass cutter is a necessary thing
  • Pla -rodbones - They are useful when breaking off pieces of glass of the desired size.
  • Sander, which can be processed glass - it is difficult to achieve beautiful neat edges of the product without it. Copper or lead foil will not hide flaws. Concerning grinding circles, it is worth picking up several copies, which are different in degree of granularity, and size.
  • Putty knife - It is useful for applying a separator, in the role of which architectural gypsum can act.
  • Hard brush - It can be deleted by it.
  • Brush - In order to make it possible to conveniently apply a liquid separator. She must be wide and have soft bristles.

Important: it is preferable to choose the brushes "Hake", "Suma".

  • Spray gun - The most common, but capable of missing large particles of the separator. With this tool, it is best to apply the separator to the furnace shelves, shapes.
  • Thin rounds are thin - You can’t do without them if it is planned to make jewelry and hooks for them. Obtained round-lumber-rudders.
Ruleic lines during fusing can also come in handy
Ruleic lines during fusing can also come in handy
  • Protection objects - Without them, you should not make even an experienced needlewoman. Without asbestos or leather gloves, for example, it is not recommended to open the furnace categorically. Protective glasses For welding, the eyes will help protect the eyes from infrared radiation, which is invariably formed when heated by special equipment for fusing equipment. Also hard, stock up fire extinguisher, given the specifics of the hobby.
  • Ceramic fiber dividing paper - It can serve as an analogue of the separator between the glass itself and the furnace shelf.

Important: it is necessary to ensure that ceramic fiber does not fall into the respiratory tract. To do this, it is important to ensure good ventilation of the room.

  • Copper wire - It can be melted between the layers of glass so that they do not collapse. The main thing is to make sure that the wire is made precisely from copper, and not from alloy.
  • Forms - They help to determine the outlines of the future crafts. They are selected according to individual preferences.
Fushing molds can be different
Fushing molds can be different

Fuzing at home: how to choose the material?

Glass - This is a separate topic. The fact is that any attracted piece is not suitable. It is required exactly special Fuzing glass. How does it differ from ordinary?

  • Bright shades and divorces
  • Great brilliance
  • The most important thing is the same KTR ( the temperature expansion coefficient). Thanks to this, in the process of needlework, the glass does not give cracks and does not fall apart. The fact is that one part of ordinary glass during processing will change in size stronger than the other - this will lead to deformation, destruction.

Popular Fiizing glass manufacturers - This is “Uroboros”, “Mortti”, “Spectrum”. Beginners are recommended to pay attention to the last option - He is acceptable for the price and quality will please.

Important: but the most perhaps the main thing is to pay attention to the coefficient indicating the value of KTR. For example, the mark may look like “System 96”.

Fushing experts claim that it is only necessary to sin with each other the same coefficient. At the same time, manufacturers can be different.

The selection of glassin glasses is quite wide
The selection of glassin glasses is quite wide

What other materials except glass are preferably purchased?

  • Special aerosol - when working with some glasses, it is preferable to apply it with a thin layer. Then the glass surface will retain shine and smoothness. It is preferable to purchase aerosol "A".
  • Separator - You can’t do without it, since the heated glass is quite sticky, and it cannot be allowed to stick to the furnace. Work with glass determines the use of a special separator. He must half of the hydrate of aluminum and half - from kaolin. Or you can use architectural gypsum.

Important: the separator for ceramics is not suitable categorically. It can, on the contrary, cause sticking and the emergence of bubbles.

  • Glue - It is used in front of the sintering process to fasten pieces of glass. The main thing is that glue is non -toxic. Suitable, for example, Mark "Bohle". You need to apply it a little, since all the glue will not disappear, and no one needs bubbles.
This glue can be used for fusing
This glue can be used for fusing

FUSINING techniques: views

Fucusing technician, despite the general algorithms of work, there are several:

  • Farm sintering - The most popular. The output turns out, as is from the name, flat product. It can serve as an independent decoration and the basis for any more voluminous products. A composition is laid out on a sheet of glass from glass, and then baked. It would seem that the technique is very light. But she has her nuances - so, she does not allow not the slightest mistakes. Each step from the choice of glass to baking should be verified carefully.
  • Combined combing - Fans of this technique change the shape of the product using a special tool at the stage when the craft is still hot. Changes are made manually. The advantage is that the master can eliminate problems, in the literal sense of the word, "in hot pursuit."
  • Fire polishing - Using this technique, the product is given smoothnessit becomes shiny. As a rule, the method is recommended in cases where the edges of the product must be made rounded.

Important: it is important to remove the product from the furnace before it melts a lot.

Decorative plate made on fusing technology fire polishing
Decorative plate made on fusing technology fire polishing
  • Molting or, as they also call this technique, "Formation" - Repeated heat treatment. As a result, the product is given the desired form. A great way to remake what is no longer needed in something more useful and beautiful.
  • Pate de Ver - The method consists in casting in forms with the addition of soda. As a result, the craft is covered with sintering small bubbles.
A set of jewelry manufactured by Fuzing Technics Pate de Ver
A set of jewelry manufactured by Fuzing Technics Pate de Ver

Fuzing at home: tips and recommendations

Like all masters, fans of fusing are in stock Several recommendations for beginners:

  • For some time, the workpiece is required hold at maximum temperature, It cannot be reduced right away. The so -called "exposure stage" allows you to achieve maximum smoothness and plane.
  • Reduce temperature indicators is preferably sharply. A gradual decrease can turn into the blank of the product. You can simply achieve a sharp cooling with the opening of the stove door.
  • As soon as the glass accepted its natural shade, necessary Remove his tension. That is, anneal. As a result, the product and the form will be accepted, and the strength will retain.

Important: annealing is made when 580 degrees.

  • The product must necessarily be in the stove while cooling. You can remove a mini-patch for fusing from the microwave and install it on a ceramic or metal surface. So stand the stove with the contents should About half an hour. This step will prevent the formation of fragility of glass.
If you make a saucer-fusing correctly, it will be durable, withstanding the weight of the fruit
If you make a saucer-fusing correctly, it will be durable, withstanding the weight of the fruit

The popularity of fusing does not fade quite a long time. This is not surprising: the products are elegant, bright, unique. I would like to hope that this article helped to imbue this kind of creativity.

Video: What is fusing and how can you make money with it?

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