Physician or pulmonologist: What is the difference?

Physician or pulmonologist: What is the difference?

Who is a pulmonologist and what he treats: what does he do?

Pulmonologist - This is a doctor whose competence is the treatment and study of diseases of the entire respiratory system. But there are pathologies that a pulmonologist diagnoses and treats together with other narrow specialists.

These include:

  • Phthianist - pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Resuscitologist - stopping an acute process that is associated with a violation of the respiratory function
  • Thoracic surgeon - surgical surgery on organs located in the chest

What is the pulmonologist doing? This specialist performs the treatment of such pathologies:

  • Sarcoidosis, fibrosis, cystic fibrosis
  • Acute and chronic types of bronchitis
  • Occupational diseases and diseases of a chronic nature
  • Pneumonia of various etiologies
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Alveolitis
  • Hobble
  • Pleurisy

Can diagnose, but other experts will be treated:

  1. Emphysema
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Crayfish
  4. Upper respiratory tract diseases

A therapist or pediatrician due to the similarity of symptoms, as a result of which the diagnosis is difficult, gives the direction to the pulmonologist.

Physician or pulmonologist: What is the difference?

The competence of a pulmonologist has already been said above.
We’ll talk a little about Phthianist. What is the difference? What is this specialist doing:

  • Its area of \u200b\u200bresearch is narrower than that of a pulmonologist. He practically does only diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. In medicine, there is even such a section - phthisii - treatment of tuberculosis.
    Most often, tuberculosis affects the lungs, but we must remember that this is primarily an infectious disease, and can be found in any organs - liver, kidneys, bones and other organs.
  • The workplace of the TBC is in the clinic, in sanatorium-resort institutions in accordance with the profile, as well as in tubenstants, research centers.

A phthisator can engage in the diagnosis and treatment of leap and sarcoidosis. He can conduct specific examinations, conduct rehabilitation of patients, evaluate the BCG, evaluate human performance, and carry out medical examination and hospitalization.
A children's phthisator examines children for infection and prevents tuberculosis in children and adolescents.

Who is TB?
Who is TB?

Pulmonology: What is this department?

At the term "Pulmonology" or "Pneumology" There are two values. On the one hand, this is a field of medicine that is engaged in diagnosis, study and study of the disease of the respiratory tract and lungs. Sometimes it is also called "Respiratory medicine" or "Breast medicine".

On the other hand, pulmonology is called a specialized department in a medical institution that is engaged in the study, treatment and diagnosis of respiratory tract and lung diseases.

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