"Hedgehog" in English: translation with pronunciation, transcription

From this article you will learn how the word "hedgehog" is written in English.

English is beautiful, but very complicated. In order for schoolchildren to remember the words in English better, teachers set to write stories and make translation from Russian into English. In this article, you will find a translation of the word "hedgehog" And a few stories about this animal.

"Hedgehog" in English-as written: translation with transcription in Russian, pronunciation

In English, many words are of multiple meaning. If you mean the animal, then "hedgehog" In English it is written like this:

  • Hedgehog - Hedgehog
  • Female Hedgehog - Hedgehog

Here is a translation with transcription:

Transcription of the word
Transcription of the word "hedgehog" in English

In Russian, this transcription will sound like this: " headzhog ", as if extending the letter "o". British speak more easier, without a lot of stretching, but simply "Headzhog".

"Sea hedgehog", "Hedgehog fish": translation into English

Word "Hedgehog" It can be used by the military and designate some tank or other details. But there is also sea \u200b\u200burchin or hedgehog fish. These words are translated into English as follows:

  •   Sea urchin Translated as "Sea Hedgehog".
  • Hedgehog fish translated like this: "Fish Hedgehog".

Just add to the word "hedgehog" A clarifying word and a more accurate phrase-determination will turn out.

"Hedves": translation into English

If you write a story in English about a hedgehog, then you may need a translation of such a phrase as "Hedves" needles ". Here is a translation into English:

  • Hedgehog Needles

If you make up sentences in English and understand that you are doing something wrong and the story does not work, then read on. Below you will find stories about a hedgehog in Russian and English.

Description of a hedgehog in English: story

If you want, you can first come up with a story about hedgehogs in Russian, and then translate it English. But you can take a ready -made story, for example, the famous writer Mikhail Prishvin. Here is a ready -made description of a hedgehog in the form of an artistic story in Russian and English:

A story about a hedgehog in Russian and English
A story about a hedgehog in Russian and English

"Hedgehog Family": a story in English

No less interesting will turn out a story about the hedgehog family. Also, first read the story in Russian, and then a literal translation into English:

A story about a hedgehog in Russian and English
A story about a hedgehog in Russian and English

Now you know how the word translates "hedgehog" In English and you can even write a story about this animal. Good luck!

Video: Hedgehog in English

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