Jewish holiday of Hanukkah in 2022: What date? Hanukka's holiday 2022: congratulations, a holiday script for children, recipes for dishes

Jewish holiday of Hanukkah in 2022: What date? Hanukka's holiday 2022: congratulations, a holiday script for children, recipes for dishes

How to celebrate Hanuku? Traditions, scripts and recipes for treats.

The festival of lights or Hanukkah is an ancient Jewish holiday, which they began to celebrate from the second era to our time. It is worth noting that the Jewish calendar differs from the usual Gregorian one, so every year Khanuk is celebrated on different days.

The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah in 2022: how many days it lasts?

In total, this holiday lasts 8 days.

  • In 2022 Jews will congratulate each other on this liberation holiday, starting at the end  day (sunset) December 18at the end of the day  (twilight) December 26.

For the Jewish people, this holiday means a lot, since it was from him that the people began to openly pray to their God and build shrines.

What is Hanukkah among Jews: meaning, history of the holiday, traditions, symbols

This holiday has a big story. Translated by Hanuk, "they acquired peace." This applies to Jews who wanted to believe in their religion and live according to their own laws.

Initially, the Greeks and Jews peacefully coexisted in the same territory, the peoples did not try to impose their religion and religion to each other. That is why they lived peacefully. But everything changed with the advent of Antiochus, who tried to ban Jews to adhere to the laws of Shabbat and do circumcision.

At that time, the Jews were afraid for their lives, since they were punished by naughty. But still, the people secretly believed in their religion. The last straw was the desecration of the Jerusalem Temple, where, by order of the ruler, the altar of Zeus was established. It was then that the first uprising arose in Modin, which grew into a serious war.

In total, the war lasted 25 years. Such a long term is associated with a lack of Jews of the number of military. That is why the Jews acted secretly. The battles ended with the victory of the Jews. Then the altar of Zeus was removed from the temple. But in order to light the lights in the temple, there was very few oil, which should have been enough for one day. It took 8 days to prepare the new. But the lights lit and they miraculously burned for exactly 8 days. That is why Hanuku is called a holiday of lights.

Khanuki traditions:

  • In general, this holiday is considered to be childish, since only schoolchildren are resting during this period. For all other days, workers.
  • Parents give children money for toys.
  • Prayers are carried out before and after sunset.
  • Sweet treats for adult children.
  • Preparation of potato pancakes.
  • Every day they light a certain number of candles.

Among the main symbols of the holiday are Hanukia. This is a kind of candlestick that is placed in the center of the house and light candles in it.

Hanuka 2022: Holiday scenario for children

Since Hanukkah is considered a holiday for children, during this period, entertainment events are organized for them.

Approximate children's script for the holiday:

  • Leading: Children, today is a holiday of lights, so let's light candles and recall those thanks to whom we can openly believe and pray (the children pick up candlesticks and go around the hall in a circle. Jewish music sounds.
  • Leading: Now let's bake the traditional dish that is treated to during this period. Children are given potatoes, flour, eggs. They should cook pancakes from the products. This competition can be held exclusively among schoolchildren. If the children are small, you can just sculpt pancakes from plasticine at speed. You will get a kind of competition.
  • Presenter: Children who have prepared poems for parents, let's delight them (children come out in turn and read poetry).
  • Presenter: Children, now the turn of your parents to thank you and prepared poems. Parents give children a hanucal money to purchase toys.

Poems for children:

Happy holiday, holidays,
Happy Festival of Sveta.
Congratulations to you with Hanukkah.
Let these days be warm by the sun.
And the narrowing will be tasty for tea.

Smiles and joy sparkle everywhere.
The fun will help to raise the mood.
The candles lit up, and a miracle is accomplished.
Children are happy, parents too.

Let the hanucal fire obscure
From any problems from any bad weather.
Like stars, let the children pour in the palm of your hand:
Love and care, may everyone be happy.

Hanuka 2022: Congratulations

On this day, you should definitely congratulate your friends and relatives. You can independently make poems or choose from those available on the network.

Congratulations with Hanukkah:

Let the temples today shine brightly,
All candles and all eight days,
Hanuk's holiday is welcoming us all,
Give us heat from these lights!

Let the flame flame flame flare up,
Hanuki will give us warmth,
Feast of candles, a holiday of good,
Let us always be light with him!

Hanuka: Congratulations
Hanuka: Congratulations

Hanukka's holiday: What to cook?

During this period, it is customary to prepare potato pancakes and donuts with jam. Such dishes can be considered traditional.

On this day, it is not customary to fast, it is best to enjoy life and cook holiday food. Potato pancakes are suitable for which you can serve sour cream.


  • 5 tubers of potatoes
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 on onions
  • Oil
  • Salt
  • Matz flour


  • Clean the vegetables from the peel and chop in a blender or on a grater. Enter eggs and a little flour. Salt and add pepper.
  • It is necessary that the dough is a little liquid. Heat the oil in the pan and pour the pancakes with a tablespoon.
  • Fry to brown. You can serve with sour cream and greens.

Khanuka prescription

During this period, it is customary to prepare donuts with jam. This is a great treat for children and adults.


  • 100 g of margarine
  • 200 ml of warm milk
  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • jam
  • ¼ packs of yeast
  • Oil


  • In warm milk, dissolve the yeast. Add a little sugar and salt. Enter the stemmed margarine.
  • Knead a thick, but soft dough. With the help of a rolling pin, roll out a thick layer and squeeze the circles with a diameter of 3 cm.
  • Put a little jam in the center and pinch. Roll the ball.
  • Pour the oil into the pan and fry the mugs. Sprinkle donuts with powdered sugar.

Hanuka is a cheerful holiday that will give children and adults a lot of smiles and emotions.

Video: Hanukhai holiday

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Comments K. article

  1. In the text of the article, a terrible thing was written that after the expulsion of the Greeks from the temple they removed Zeus and restored the icons. There were no icons in the Jerusalem Temple and could not be !!! This terrible thing is written.

  2. What other icons are in the Jerusalem Temple? Who wrote the article?
    What other menia? Firstly, not menoria, but menorah. And secondly, they put not Menoria in Hanuku, but Hanukia. I suggest the author of the article to learn to count up to ten or, at least to eight. And in the future, to write to a person to a less self -confident, but slightly more educated person, whom he knows how to read at least, and not just write. I completely lost confidence in your site.

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