Is there a guarantee for the exchange, return and repair of goods for Aliexpress, how does it work and how to use it? A guarantee of exchange, repair on Aliexpress: is it worth buying? Garrow and repair guarantee for Aliexpress: reviews

Is there a guarantee for the exchange, return and repair of goods for Aliexpress, how does it work and how to use it? A guarantee of exchange, repair on Aliexpress: is it worth buying? Garrow and repair guarantee for Aliexpress: reviews

Warranty on Aliexpress: Is it worth buying, how to buy and how to use.

Despite the fact that only 2-3% of our compatriots at least once in their life handed over the goods for warranty repairs, still acquiring equipment, I would like to have a guarantee, and this is reasonable.
Prices on Aliexpress More than acceptable, but many do not dare to purchase a phone, a camera and many other equipment only because it is supposedly without a guarantee. But this is a misconception! And in this article we will dispel him!

Warranty for the exchange, return and repair of goods for aliexpress
Warranty for the exchange, return and repair of goods for aliexpress

If you have never yet come to Aliexpress, to you it is worth looking into our article, which is about how to register and make the first order.

Is there a guarantee for aliexpress on car radios, devices, phones, smartphones?

Yes, by car radio, devices, phones, smartphones on the site Aliexpress There is a guarantee. You can familiarize yourself with this in detail on the official website for linkas well as for this link.

The warranty on the equipment applies to 1 year, while paying attention to that not only repair but also exchange, If you wish that.

Please note that such a guarantee will cost a certain amount, but here you yourself decide to save and take a chance or confidently purchase the desired thing, because the price of equipment with a guarantee is still much cheaper than in local stores.

Of course, not everyone can use a guarantee and exchange, but only residents of several countries.

But we can please you - Russians can both send for repairs and create an exchange under warranty without any problems!

What does a guarantee of exchange and return to Aliexpress mean?

Warranty of exchange and return to Aliexpress It provides an opportunity to hand over the purchased equipment for repairs or exchange for a new product. Please note that the exchange is possible for the same model or another with exactly the same functionality.

Exchange for a newer/expensive/fresh model under warranty is not possible.

In addition to Russians, only Americans and Germans have the ability to exchange and return.

The guarantee is provided by only three companies.

Companies providing a guarantee for aliexpress
Companies providing a guarantee for aliexpress

What does the repairs guarantee on Aliexpress mean?

Service service guarantee from Aliexpress Russians, Spaniards and Americans can afford. When purchasing a guarantee for service, the client can be sure of any difficulty, he can contact the service center.

How does Aliexpress work work?

So, you decided to buy, for example, a phone and a guarantee for it. To do this, on the product page (also called a product card), pay attention to the option " Guarantee“, As well as in the presence of several service companies, select the desired and click on it to confirm the choice.

How does the guarantee for aliexpress work
How does the guarantee for aliexpress work

After moving to the basket, you just have to pay for the order and warranty service.

How to use a guarantee for Aliexpress?

The equipment warranty is provided for a period of 12 months and if during this time the equipment leaves the system, you will need to go to the site Aliexpressthen in your office and select the tab " My orders", Find the necessary and press the icon" Take advantage of the guarantee«.

How to use a guarantee for Aliexpress?
How to use a guarantee for Aliexpress?

In a pop -up window, fill out the questionnaire, if necessary, download the photo and click " OK»To send an application.

And it remains only to send the device to the service center.

Please note that the warranty is activated only on the 16th day after receiving the parcel, since until this time the buyer’s protection is still valid and the equipment must be replaced if you open the dispute. If you find a defect within 7 days, then the device can be returned immediately.

What cases are not considered warranty on Aliexpress?

If it is discovered that damage or breakdown was provoked (damage to fluid, fire, sharp temperature drops, blow, etc.), then the service center has the right to refuse warranty service and offer paid repairs at will.

Also, if the service center has a problem that arose through the fault of the client, the customer will be sent to the client already at the expense of the client. Also, the client will need to reimburse the amount of delivery to the service center.

How the claim is processed when exchanging Aliexpress?

If an exchange application is submitted (just like warranty service, it is only indicated for the exchange). Then contact the nearest branch of the company (the address is indicated when applying for an application). You can personally bring the equipment, or you can send with courier services.

The application is processed within 20 days after which a new gadget will be sent to you.

Why so long? Since the check is in five stages:

  • Sending a complaint with a file in which a breakdown is visible and also describes in detail the essence of the complaint and requirement;
  • Checking the complaint by employees of the company;
  • Receipt and verification of equipment for the presence of breakdowns, as well as the causes of their occurrence;
  • A solution of a breakdown or an exchange for a new model. In the event that you are to blame, a dialogue will be carried out to find the middle ground in the problem that has arisen.

Warranty Service conditions in Russia: Tomrepair Service Center, Wisetech-Service

On the territory of Russia there is a guarantee of repair and exchange from Tomrepair, Wisetech-Service. The conditions are as simple as possible, there is nothing intricate in them, but still it is worth considering them before you draw up a guarantee.

  • Warranty obligations apply exclusively to equipment that has electromechanical defects that appeared due to normal operation.
  • To identify the factory marriage, customers have 16 days after receiving the parcel, and in case of damage to the equipment, the client will refuse to warranty service;
  • If a breakdown or factory marriage was discovered within 15 days after receiving the parcel, you must open a dispute with the seller And the seller must resolve the issue and make an exchange of goods or a refund;
  • In order for the guarantee to work, you must activate the guarantee in your personal account Aliexpress. The activation activation button to be directly in the order and is called " Using a guarantee«
Warranty Service conditions in Russia: Tomrepair Service Center, Wisetech-Service
Warranty Service conditions in Russia: Tomrepair Service Center, Wisetech-Service

The next step click the button " Take advantage of the guarantee"And further according to the scheme described above.

Warranty Service conditions in Russia: Tomrepair Service Center, Wisetech-Service
Warranty Service conditions in Russia: Tomrepair Service Center, Wisetech-Service

After the application, you no longer need to return to Aliexpress, and you should contact the company providing warranty service.

Garrow and repair guarantee for Aliexpress: reviews

Ruslan: he ordered the phone, and he, as luck would have it, left the order in the first month. It was too late to return to the seller, and I applied for an exchange. To my surprise, the whole procedure was simple and fast. I had a new phone in a month. In general, I was satisfied with the site and service.

Maksim: before the warranty on Aliexpress I ordered only trinkets and things. Now I order gadgets, but from numerous purchases I used the guarantee only once, but the quality of solving the problem even pleased me. Really feels a decent level!

Video: Warranty of repair and return to AliExpress, is it worth buying or not?

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