Espumisan Baby and Espumisan L for newborns - drops, syrup: composition, instructions for use, dosage, analogues, reviews. How many times a day and at what age can the newborn Espumisan be given with colic?

Espumisan Baby and Espumisan L for newborns - drops, syrup: composition, instructions for use, dosage, analogues, reviews. How many times a day and at what age can the newborn Espumisan be given with colic?

The article will tell you how Espumisan helps to fight colic and bloating in children.

What is the difference between Espumisan "Baby" and Espumisan L | L, which is better?

Espumisan is a popular and frequent means to combat intestinal disorders, excessive gases and colic to which they lead. Everyone learns about Espumizan on the recommendation of a doctor, but you can only learn about the drug in detail by reading carefully the entire instructions.

The main active ingredient in this drug is Simeton (100 ml per 1 mg). The additional composition gives the substance (suspension) a sweetish taste and aroma of a banana (most often). At the moment, you can find several varieties of Espumisan in a modern pharmacy:

  • Espumisan 40 - Everything is simple here, 40 is the amount of substance (i.e. Simeticon by 1 tsp, namely - 5 mg).
  • Espumisan l - The most common concentration of a substance, where40 mg of Simeticon is 1 ml. suspensions.
  • Espumisan "Baby" - Here for 1 ml. The suspensions account for about 100 mg of Simeticon. A bottle of suspension, as a rule, is equipped with a measured spoon.
  • Espumisan tablets - a simplified form of taking the medicine for emergency, where one capsule contains 40 mg. Simetikon.

For those who have not yet encountered such a drug as Espumisan, it is important to explain the differences between Espumizan L ”and“ Espumizan Baby ”. The latter is considered a more advanced version of the drug, which perfectly copes with any digestive disorders in children, facilitates the process of defecation and eliminates pain with other unpleasant symptoms.

In addition, the drug Espumisan “Baby” is equipped with a measured spoon, which allows the child to give a substance in a clear and limited amount. This drug is positioned as a more effective remedy for colic and bloating in newborn children that occur during the formation of intestinal microflora. Espumisan “Baby” contains a larger amount of Simeton substance and therefore can be safely said that this drug is more effective than “Eskumizan L”.

Suspension in a bottle

Espumisan Baby for newborns - drops, syrup: composition, instructions for use, dosage

Before using the drug, it is important to familiarize yourself with its instructions and composition.


The drug is available in a special glass small bottle, which is equipped with a small pipette for comfortable use. Espumisan "Baby" belongs to a number of wind -bearing preparations, which directly affects the gas bubbles in the intestines, violating their tension, which leads to the rupture.

The Simeticon is absolutely harmless to the use of small and newborn children, since it is not completely absorbed into the intestinal walls and is not absorbed (it is excreted in the same form in which it is accepted). As a result of its use, it not only weakens unpleasant symptoms, but also helps the child receive all nutrients from food.

Fortunately, the substance does not cause any addiction and the secretion of the stomach does not suffer from it. It is recommended to use the drug immediately after the occurrence of pain in the intestine or increased gas formation. The effect of the drug occurs after about 10-15 minutes. Also, Espumisan Baby can be prescribed to children as a preventive agent.

When you need to take Espumisan "Baby":

  • Pain in the intestines
  • Increased flatulence
  • Intestinal colic
  • With poor absorption of food

Can be for admission and contraindications:

  • High sensitivity to Simeticon
  • Intestinal obstruction

Important: after taking Espumisan, “Baby” was not detected by special side effects, and only rare cases showed individual intolerance. The drug equipped with a pipette helps to precisely dose the substance. Remember that before dialing the drug in a pipette, the bottle should be shaken.

Application of the drug:

  • Depending on age, the amount of administration of the drug may vary.
  • It is recommended to give 5 drops of a newborn during meals.
  • It is not recommended to exceed the dosage of the drug.
  • It is also impossible to give the drug more than 5 times a day.
  • The child should give medicine in its pure form, but if the baby refuses, the drug can be mixed in a bottle of milk.
  • For children from 3 years of age, it is recommended to give a drug 10 drops at a time and no more than 5 times a day.
  • Children from the age of 5 are allowed to use a drug of 20 drops, but no more than 5 times a day.

Important: even if you increase the dose of administration, the drug is not able to cause an overdose, but still this is not recommended. Espumisan does not interact with other medical drugs. The drug is freely sold in a pharmacy without a prescription and with storage has a shelf life of 3 years.

Espumisan "Baby"

At what age can the newborn Espumisan Baby be given, Espumisan L with colic?

Espumisan (in any issue, except for capsules) is allowed for children from first days and months of birth. As a rule, parents resort to him when the child’s intestinal colic reach their “peak”. This period falls on 3-4 weeks from birth.

At this time, the baby is experiencing the strongest colic, which cannot be completely weakened with massage or exercises. The drug begins to give a child with a low dose before intake or during meals. So, it enters the stomach with milk and prevents the formation of gas bubbles.

IMPORTANT: do not exceed the dose agreed in the instructions and the number of techniques of substance per day. If the baby does not experience unpleasant sensations after food (it doesn’t matter: breast milk or artificial nutrition), the drug can be used. As a rule, for newborn children who feed on mother's milk, the drug is administered by a pipette or a measured spoon in the mouth. Children feeding on mixtures are taken by escapamizan dissolved in a bottle.

How many times a day can the newborn Eskumisan Baby be given, Espumisan L with colic?

As already mentioned, the drug should be taken as necessary: \u200b\u200bi.e. Then, when the baby is experiencing strong colic and cannot sleep normally or play because of them. If the baby feels good, in preventive measures, the intake of Espumisan can be skipped. The permissible norm per day is 5 doses, most often this amount corresponds to the number of meals.


How quickly does Espumisan work for newborns?

After taking Espumisan, a significant improvement in the health of the baby is observed after 10-20 minutes. How it manifests itself:

  • The kid stops crying
  • The kid stops squeezing the legs
  • Baby is played, he has a mood
  • Bloating decreases, gases come out

Espumisan action for newborns

The time of action of Simeticon on the intestines, as a rule, lasts for 2-6 hours. The effect of the drug depends only on the individual characteristics of the body of each baby and the seriousness of the problems: strong or weak colic. The effect also depends on the age of the child, because in 3-4 months the child’s intestines are much more resistant to flatulence than in the first weeks of life.

How long give Espumisan to newborns?

Taking the drug and the deadline for taking it depends only on what problems the baby has. If these are ordinary natural colic, then the daily use of Espumisan may not be useful in 3 months (from birth). In the case of there are problems with the microflora, taking the drug can drag out up to six months or more.

Does Espumisan help with constipation in newborns?

Espumisan himself will not be able to directly help the child with constipation. However, the drug still has its positive effect on the intestines. If the child has constipation, doctors often prescribe medications based on lactulose. Lactulose, in turn, can provoke increased gas formation in the intestines, with which Espumisan is fighting.

Important: this is how the drug eliminates unpleasant sensations and allows the baby not tormented by colic. The child should be given to the espumisan with constipation during food intake and at night so that the dream does not deteriorate.

COLICAL in the baby

What to do if Espumisan does not help a newborn than replace: analogues

A case of prolonged use of Espumisan, many parents noticed that the child ceases to feel the effect. In another case, the child may have individual intolerance to this medicine, or allergies to other components. To alleviate the condition of the baby, you should find worthy analogues of Espumisan, the choice of which is great:

Analogue No. 1
Analogue No. 2
Analogue No. 3
Analogue No. 4
Analogue No. 5

What is better Plantex or Espumisan for newborns?

First of all, it is worth noting that these two substances are completely different in their pharmacological form. Plantex is special granules that are customary to dissolve in water to receive a drink. The composition of Plantex is a fennel extract (this component is often present in such windbogs as “dill water”).

Fennel extract, unlike synthetic symeticon, is natural. He is also able to affect the intestines, taking out from it a naturally accumulated gases. Drink such a drink as Plantex, is allowed from 2 weeks of the baby’s life.

What is Plantex do:

  • Makes the digestive process easier
  • Removing spasms
  • Eliminates colic
  • Facilitates the defecation process

Important: the drug Espumisan can be better than Plantex only because fennel extract can provoke an allergic reaction and intolerance in the body.

Is it possible to give bifidumbacterin and Espumisan simultaneously newborn?

Bifidumbacterin is a special probiotic that is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora of a small child (newborn). Often, when taking it, the baby is experiencing increased gas formation, which is accompanied by pain in the stomach (colic).

Important: you can alleviate the condition of the baby when taking bifidumbacterin with the help of escumizan. You can take these two drugs together, since they do not have interactions.

Is Espumisan harmful to newborns: side effects

Espumisan is allowed for consumption from the first birthdays. But, it is advisable not to prescribe him to the baby on his own, but to get the recommendation of the doctor for use (after all, the baby may have intestinal obstruction). Give the drug gradually, starting with a small dose, to see how the child’s body reacts to a substance.

Is there an allergy to Espumisan in newborns: signs

Allergies to the Simeticon itself are not present, but in Espumisan there are a number of other substances, in particular, sugar syrup and flavorings, in addition to Simeticon. An allergy can be developed for other substances in a child, so when taking doctors, doctors recommend paying attention to well -being and external signs: itching, rash, redness). In such cases, Espumisan is replaced by an analogue.

Espumisan Baby and Espumisan L for newborns: reviews

Catherine: “As soon as we have turned a month, I learned that the child can facilitate colic Espumisan. We began to accept it and I felt relief (the child became calmer, and I was able to relax and rest while he was sleeping). Dilling water, massage and a warm diaper for us were not valid in the problem. We took Espumizan up to 3-4 months, then colic passed. "

Victoria: “I gave Espumisan from 2 weeks from birth. Started with small-from 2-3 drops. When the baby was very tormented, increased the dose to the permissible maximum. Additionally, she did a tummy massage and pressed her legs so that he could fart. ”

Julia: “We periodically took Espumisan and sometimes replaced with analogues. For example, a jar of Espumisan and a jar of colicide later. I was just afraid that she would be addictive, was reinsured. ”

Video: "Colic in newborn Espumisan"

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