Erythromycin ointment: instructions for use, composition, form of release, readings and contraindications, as it acts, reviews. How to properly use erythromycin ointment for eye diseases, nose, wounds, burns, acne, in gynecology?

Erythromycin ointment: instructions for use, composition, form of release, readings and contraindications, as it acts, reviews. How to properly use erythromycin ointment for eye diseases, nose, wounds, burns, acne, in gynecology?

The article describes in detail about how erythromecin ointment acts, for which it is used and what it has contraindications for use.

Erythromycin ointment is a wide spectrum of action. Used to treat various pathologies. The tool is used in ophthalmology, for the treatment of various skin diseases, eliminating the cosmetic defects of the epidermis, treatment of suppuration, burns. The composition of the drug includes a non -toxic antibiotic - erythromycin. Thanks to this component, the ointment is effective in the fight against chlamydia, ureaplasma, and other harmful microorganisms. Further in detail.

Erythromycin ointment: composition, form of release

The drug with erythromycin looks like a thick substance of saturated yellow color. It has a characteristic aroma. In pharmacy networks, ointment is implemented in plastic, aluminum tubes. The amount of the drug can be different 3, 10, 15 grams. Tubes for the treatment of eye aims have a tip, with which it is convenient to apply an ointment under the eyelid of the eyeball.

Erythromycin ointment
Erythromycin ointment

Ten tables contain one gram of erythromycin antibiotics. In addition, the active substance in the product contains lanolin, sodium sulfate, petroleum jelly. The ointment acts pointily on sores, quickly copes even with the complex manifestations of various diseases of the skin and eye diseases. Pediatricians in some cases prescribe the use of the drug even newborn.

To avoid quick damage to the composition, the ointment must be stored in a cool place for no more than three years. It is also necessary to ensure the inaccessibility of the funds to children, in order to prevent side effects, etc.

After opening the tube, the drug must be used within one month. Violation of sealing leads to rapid damage to the ointment. In some cases, the use of the dosage form is allowed about five times a day for a three -month time interval.

IMPORTANT: If the ointment is used for a fairly long period of time, then resistant reactions are possible. More precisely, pathogenic organisms get used to the actions of this antibiotic, and it becomes ineffective.

Erythromycin ointment: Indications for use

The tool is a group of antibiotics, which affect the protein tissue of microorganisms. Using this ointment, you can get rid of various infections.

Erythromycin ointment is effective for the following groups of pathogens:

  • coklush; Staphylococcus, corinet -bacteria
  • streptococcus, salmonella, microbacteria
  • honococcus, Listeria, Chlamydia, Horror -Railway sticks
  • hemophilic sticks

The eye ointment with erythromycin helps to cope with ophthalmic pathologies, such keratitis, conjunctivitis.

Eye ointment erythromycin
Erythromycin. Therapy for ophthalmology

The ointment has a minimal negative effect, so pediatricians to infants for the treatment of eye diseases can be prescribed.

Due to the anti -inflammatory effect, the drug is popular in the treatment of acne, acne, wounds of various etiologies. The current component kills different pathogens of skin pathologies.

In combination with other drug forms, this ointment is used to treat suppuration, burns of the second and third degree.

Erythromycin ointment: pharmacological effects, which group is it considered?

The main valid component - erythromycin It is considered a number of macrolides. Substances of this series have the smallest toxic effect on the human body. According to the observations of experts, their use does not have any effect on the nervous system, and does not cause impaired stools, irritable reactions of the body. They are extremely rare when using these components.

Means for the treatment of ophthalmological diseases have an antimicrobial effect on the next harmful bacteria:

  • gram -positive microorganisms
  • mycoplasmas, chlamydia
  • some gram -negative microorganisms

Unfortunately, many gram -negative microorganisms, fungal infections, viruses have resistance to the action of this drug. That is why, if the patient is infected with various pathogens, then the ointment is used comprehensively with other means for effective therapy.

What ointment treats conjunctivitis?
What ointment treats conjunctivitis?

IMPORTANT: There are certain groups of dosage forms that are able to change their pharmacological properties when interacting with erythromycin. Therefore, only the attending physician should prescribe drugs for the complex therapy of a particular disease.

Erythromycin ointment: contraindications

If this tool is used to treat conjunctivitis, then only an ophthalmologist must prescribe a course of treatment and select drugs. Perhaps the ointment will not give the proper effect in therapy, other drugs will be needed, or maybe you will have to choose a different remedy due to invalidity. After all, conjunctivitis is caused by various harmful bacteria.

Experts say that erythromycin has a minimum toxic effect on the body's systems. However, even with such interpretation, adverse reactions can occur. After its use, some patients feel nausea, burning on the skin in the application zone, rubberized in the abdominal, allergic reactions on the epidermis, dizziness, dysbiosis.

Ointment cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. In case of liver failure.
  2. With allergic manifestations of different nature into the components of this dosage form.
  3. It is not recommended to use the medicine with pregnant women and women on Guards.

In emergency cases, the doctor may prescribe treatment with ointment to women awaiting the appearance of a child. But during lactation, this drug is better not to use. Only a specialist can solve the originality of the use of the ointment. The main current component of the product has the ability to penetrate into bream milk, this can be harmful to the newborn.

The drug can be used for therapy of ophthalmic diseases in children of various ages, it is important that treatment is carried out under the control of a specialist.

What complications in the treatment of the eyes can cause the drug?

Ophthalmologists did not notice any complications caused by the use of this ointment even with an overdose. Very rarely there are strong allergenic reactions to the components of the product.

Contraindications to the use of the drug
Contraindications to the use of the drug

Application of erythromycin ointment for medical purposes: Instruction

Ointment for the treatment of eye diseases

In ophthalmic practice, erythromycin ointment is considered the most effective drug. It is used to treat conjunctivitis in children and in adults, bacterial blepharitis, meibomites, etc. On such an unpleasant disease as barley, the ointment acts very effectively. The disease passes quickly.

So, for the treatment of eye ailments, the ointment is laid on the lower eyelid three times a day. If there is trachoma, then the drug is used from three times to five times a day. The dosage form can be used for a long time, for the treatment of serious ailments it is used for about three months.

Erythromycin ointment from acne

Ointment from receiving
Ointment from cosmetic problems

To treat rashes on your face skin, you will have to be patient. The process can be prolonged depending on the nature of the rashes. People who used erythromycin ointment for acne treatment say that it is impossible to stop using the drug with slight relief, otherwise repeated rashes may occur. Since unfinished bacteria with renewed vigor begin to spread. Still, in order to quickly get rid of skin cosmetic problems, you need to use erythromycin with zinc ointment.

Before using the product, be sure to wash your face, preferably warm water, with cosmetic soap. Then, apply erythromycin ointment into dry skin with an even, thin layer to problem areas on dry skin. After several days of therapy, you will feel a noticeable improvement. Use the ointment until the emergency rashes completely disappeared. In the event that you feel the presence of itching, the manifestation of inflammation on the skin tissues, refuse to use this tool.

Application of a nasal product

If skin tissues are damaged in the nasal sinuses, then inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages may occur there. Your doctor may prescribe the use of erythromycin ointment. The tool is used two to three times a day. The following factors can be a contraindication - these are erythromycin intolerance, pregnancy.

The use of a means in gynecology

The main active substance of the drug is an effective tool for the treatment of gynecological pathologies, such as inflammatory manifestations of different nature, thermal, chemical, mechanical injuries, infectious ailments. The drug is effective in the fight against harmful microorganisms in the microflora of the female genital organs. Most often, the use of the ointment gives a positive result in the fight against bacteria. But there are negative reviews about the drug, because the resistance of harmful microorganisms to the action of the antibiotic can be observed.

Erythromycin ointment: o assistance patients

Natalia, 34 years old

After birth, my son was diagnosed with a halazion. The doctor advised to use Erythromycin's eye ointment. Used for more than two weeks. Of course, there were fears, because there are antibiotics in the ointment. But it’s good that everything went without any complications, and the disease has gone. The swelling of the eye decreased, the bump disappeared.

Veronica, 22 years old

I had a strong burn on my hand. She was at the surgeon, he prescribed treatment with erythromycin ointment. The wound was deep, the doctor said that there may be complications in the form of suppuration, and in erythromycin there is an antibiotic, it would not allow bacteria to develop. I used for almost two months - twice a day and everything healed. There were no complications. A good and inexpensive drug, I advise.

In the treatment of skin pathologies, the antibiotic accumulates in high concentrations in the epidermis cells, and then leaves the body systems with urine, minimally affecting other body systems. The drug has a powerful local effect on harmful microorganisms, thereby the positive effect of its use is achieved.

Video: Erythromycin ointment - Instruction

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