Elokom: the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to the use of the drug, method of use, safety measures, overdose, side effects, interaction with other drugs

Elokom: the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to the use of the drug, method of use, safety measures, overdose, side effects, interaction with other drugs

In this material, we will get acquainted with the action of the elokom.

Elokom ointment is a dermatological drug, which is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory ailments of the skin.

Elokom: the effect of the drug

The active substance of the Elokom ointment is Momethason Foroate, in addition to this substance in the product there are other, for example, water, wax, etc.

  • The active substance of this drug is a synthetic CC.
  • Elokom eliminates inflammation, increased permeability of blood vessels, exudate yield in fabric.
  • It also relieves itching, burning and unpleasant sensations with various ailments of the skin.

Elokom: Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

Assign the ointment "Eloku" to treat such ailments:

  • The elimination of symptoms such as itching, burning and inflammation in various diseases of the skin, which can be cured using steroid hormones.
  • Scaly lichen or as it is also called psoriasis, with the exception of plaque psoriasis.
  • Chronic inflammatory skin disease, which appears due to the predisposition of the body to allergies.
From skin ailments
From skin ailments

Contraindications to the use of this ointment are the following:

  • The patient has a “pink acne”, that is, a chronic skin disease, which is manifested by the redness of the skin, the appearance of hillocks, rash on the skin.
  • The presence of ordinary acne in ordinary acne, which appear due to improper operation of the sebaceous glands and excessive amount of steroid hormones in the body.
  • The presence of skin atrophy, which is manifested by inelastic skin, a decrease in its volume.
  • The presence of a patient in a chronic inflammatory lesion of the skin around the oral cavity, which is manifested by a rash and redness of the skin.
  • The presence of rashes from diapers.
  • The presence of other ailments that are caused by viral, bacterial, fungal infections.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Syphilis.
  • Also, this medication cannot be treated with an allergy to at least one of the components that are in its composition.
  • The presence of open wounds and ulcers in the affected area on which you need to apply the ointment.

Elokom: Features of the use of the drug, its interaction with other drugs

Using Elokom ointment for treatment, take into account that:

  • Ointment must only be used externally.
  • It is forbidden to apply the product forever. It is necessary to ensure that it does not get into the eyes.
  • In the composition of the medicine, Elokom has a substance that can provoke irritation of the skin. In this case, treatment with the drug must be temporarily discontinued and irritated itself.
  • After prolonged treatment and sharp cancellation of the drug, the appearance of the old symptoms of the disease (inflammation of the skin, burning and itching) can be observed. In this case, the drug must be taken gradually.
  • During gestation and feeding his breast, it is impossible to use the ointment "Elok". The exception is those cases when the attending physician prescribed treatment with this medication and only if there is more benefit for the mother than the harm to the child.
  • It is important to know that prolonged treatment with Elokom's ointment can provoke a delay in the growth and development of children.

As for the interaction of the drug Elokom with other medical drugs, it has not been established, just as the drug is not established to influence human reactions.

Elokom: a way of applying

Treatment with ointment "Elok" should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. Moreover, the duration of treatment will also be determined by a specialist. It is strictly prohibited to use the drug without a doctor’s prescription, especially when it comes to the treatment of young children, since uncontrolled use of such an ointment can provoke a number of negative health consequences.

  • Ointment can only be used for adults and children who have reached 2 years.
  • Take a small amount of funds in the hands and apply to the affected area.
  • The procedure needs to be carried out once a day.
  • Please note that applying an ointment on the face and children is not desirable. In this case, you need to use the minimum amount of the product, and the duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.
Apply external
Apply external

Elokom: overdose and side effects

With prolonged treatment with Elokom ointment, suppression of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system may be observed. In this case, your attending physician will adjust the diagram of the drug.

Side reactions can be as follows:

  • Skin: itching, burning, atrophy of the skin.
  • Local reactions: irritation and dryness at the place of application, dermatitis, stretching, rash, tingling.

As you can see, despite its effectiveness, Elokom has a fairly large number of contraindications for use. That is why treatment should be strictly controlled by the attending physician.

Video: Elokom: efficiency, side effects, treatment of children, cheap analogues

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