Tea wood essential hair for hair. How to use tea tree oil for hair?

Tea wood essential hair for hair. How to use tea tree oil for hair?

Hair and skin diseases that eliminate tea tree oil. Masks for different types and diseases of the hair.

Healthy beautiful hair is a symbol of the happiness of a woman who can take care of herself and enjoy it. When the financial side allows you to often visit the slopes of beauty, the lady does not have problems with her hair. However, the physical and chemical effects on them both factors of an aggressive external environment and means for care and styling are often harmful to the hair. Then we resort to the healing forces of nature to restore lost health and beauty.

Let's talk more about tea tree oil and its effect on our hair.

The benefits of tea tree oil for hair

The girl is applied with an essential oil mask on her hair
the girl is applied with an essential oil mask on her hair

Tea tree is in no way connected with tea. It received such a name from the sailors of Thomas Cook, who arrived in Australia and brewed fragrant leaves of an unknown tree for them. For several centuries later, Australian medical scientists confirmed during a number of experiments that tea tree - the strongest antiseptic. Australia has become and continues to be an exporter of oil of this tree.
The unique composition, healing properties and natural origin of tea tree oil for our hair allow it to benefitly influence the health of her and skin, namely:

  • eliminate and prevent the appearance of dandruff, including caused by a fungal infection
  • reduce signs of brittleness, dryness and excessive loss
  • fight with pediculosis
  • refresh and cleanse oily hair and roots
  • stimulate their growth
  • return a healthy radiance, shine, volume and blooming look

And the indirect effect of the use of tea tree oil is the normalization of sleep and the emotional background of a woman.

How to use tea tree oil for hair?

A bottle of tea tree essential oil
a bottle of tea tree essential oil

Note that tea tree oil is prone to drying the skin, therefore it is used in diluted form. Most often it:

  • added to hair and care products
  • diluted with vegetable oils, food, water

There are such methods of using oil from Australian eucalyptus wood:

  • combing the hair with a wooden scallop before bedtime.
    Put a few drops of oil on a comb and smash along the entire length of the hair. So you will provide benefits for hair and good sleep
  • rinsing-add up to 4-5 drops of oil to a liter container with warm water or a decoction of herbs to your choice-chamomile flowers, nettle leaves, burdock roots. In the second version, you will increase the therapeutic effect on the hair and scalp
  • washing with shampoo in which oil is added.
    To do this, take up to 3 drops of oil and dissolve them in the amount of shampoo, which you usually spend on one wash of the head
  • adding to hair masks, both store and prepared by craftsmen at home.
    The components of masks in the second version are dairy products, eggs, bread, yeast, other essential and vegetable oils
  • preparation of oil mixtures from various essential and vegetable oils for applying to the scalp or along the entire hair length

Why add tea tree oil to shampoo?

Drops of tea tree oil in a container with shampoo
drops of tea tree oil in a container with shampoo

It is no secret that industrial shampoos contain more chemical ones than natural components. Therefore, beautiful ladies for saturation of hair with vitamins, healing their and scalp add various essential oils, infusions, decoctions of healing plants.

Since the range of valuable and unique exposure to tea tree oil on our hair is wide, its use is justified.

More often, Australian eucalyptus oil is enriched with shampoo, air conditioning and other hair products suffering from increased fat production with glands, brittleness, which have lost shine, radiance and volume.

And also with goals:

  • prevent dandruff
  • cure her
  • restore the balance of the sebaceous glands
  • eliminate from the pores of the scalp of dead cells and open oxygen access to hair follicles

You can add a few drops both to a one -time shampoo and dissolve them in small containers with it. Just remember that you should not store a healing shampoo for more than a week in a warm place.

The benefits of tea tree oil from dandruff

The girl scratches her head
the girl scratches her head

Depending on the type and condition of the hair, tea tree oil in combination with other ingredients effectively eliminates dandruff.
Thanks to the properties, it copes with such a task even in case of damage to the scalp with a fungal infection.

Bulge for oily hair

Fatty or prone to increased sebaceous glands that need daily washing and at the same time suffer from dandruff will help to cure such a mask:

  • in half the liter, the choice of distilled, melt, boiled water drip up to 5 drops of essential oils of Australian eucalyptus and lavender. First - will reduce the production of sebum with glands and eliminate dandruff, the second - will previously clean each hair of accumulated dirt
  • pour the solution into a container with a spray gun and apply abundantly to the scalp
  • you can repeat the procedure up to 7 times a week

Dry hair mask

The dry type of hair suffering from dandruff will revive and cure such a simple mask:

  • combine a couple of paired units of olive or almond oil with 4-7 drops of Australian eucalyptus oil
  • hurry slightly in the palm of your hand
  • apply the oil mixture to the hair growth zone
  • wash off with shampoo in an hour

Tea tree oil for oily hair


Thanks to a pronounced antiseptic property and the presence of substances that align the work of the sebaceous glands, the oil of the Australian eucalyptus is a real natural rescuer for oily hair and such that they suffer from rapid pollution of the roots.
Prepare the following masks:

  • with cottage cheese and lemon juice. Sake 1 measured unit of cottage cheese, 2 measured units of lemon juice. Add up to 7 drops of oil. Apply the mask for an hour and a half. You can wrap your hair to enhance the therapeutic effect


  • with colorless henna. Pour the henna bag with only boiled water so that the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Cool to room temperature, enter up to 5 drops of Avsralian eucalyptus oil. Apply as usual to the hair roots. You can hide a shower cap and a towel. Wash thoroughly in an hour using shampoo

Add tea tree oil to your favorite hair in an amount of up to 7 drops in love with you. Or find options for such masks in the public domain.

Tea tree oil for dry hair

Girl with long blond hair
girl with long blond hair

If you have dry hair dry by nature or after long -term use of hair, then you can use Australian eucalyptus oil in shampoos, masks, rinses.
However, you should be more careful with him. Due to the drying effect, the oil can overdose the scalp and cause dandruff.
On the other hand, in a tea tree there are many unique beneficial substances for our hair, which treat the latter for brittleness, dryness and visited ends.
In order for the healing properties of oil to appear in the best way, refuse to wrap the hair and long -term wear of the mask. Limit 30-40 minutes.

How to use tea tree oil for dry hair?

Girl squeezes washed hair
girl squeezes washed hair

Please your hair with such masks:


  • with low -fat kefir, yogurt, ash, or yogurt. Heat in a water bath a quarter of a liter of anyone to choose a dairy product. Cool and add up to 5 drops of Australian eucalyptus oil. Mix well, apply to the roots and along the entire length of the hair. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo


  • with honey and yogurt/kefir/yogurt/fermented. Mix 1/5 liter of a dairy base with 3-4 measures of liquid honey and 4 drops of oil. Distribute at the roots and along the entire length of the hair, leave the mask for half an hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo


  • nourishing with yolk and burdock or castor oil. Combine fresh chicken yolk with 2 measures of castor or burdock oil and 6 drops of Australian eucalyptus oil. Apply first to the hair growth zone, then with the help of a scallop, gently smash the mask along the entire length. Leave for an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

Tea tree oil from hair loss

The girl combs her hair
the girl combs her hair

Often the causes of hair loss are:

  • dandruff
  • their fat type
  • violations of the sebaceous glands and the rapid contamination of the hair

That is, a free flow of air to the roots is difficult.
On the other hand:

  • frequent staining
  • laying with a hot hairdryer, forceps
  • curlers also become thinner of our hair and provoke their premature loss

To stop this process will help tea tree oil in the form:

  • aqueous solution, which is applied with a wooden scallop during daily combing of the hair.

RECIPE: Prepare it simple - 1/10 liter of boiled or distilled water add up to 3 drops of oil

RECIPE: Oil mixture for point exposure to problem areas -

combine the oil oil of one of the herbs to choose lemon balm, burdock roots, rosemary or ylang-ylang with four drops of Australian eucalyptus. Warm the mixture in the palm of your hand. Distribute on clean hair for an hour and a half.

If the hair is subject to very strong loss, then after washing the mixture, rinse them with water with a couple of drops of Australian eucalyptus oil and burdock to enhance the strengthening effect.

Tea wood oil for hair growth, use

The girl distributes a mask on wet hair with a scallop
the girl distributes a mask on wet hair with a scallop

To activate the growth of new hairs and strengthen already growing prepare such masks:

  • oil-base and kefir/lemon juice.
    Combine 1 measured unit of essential oil of burdock either castor, or olive, or almond and kefir or lemon juice. A dairy product is useful for dry hair, sour citrus - for oily. Add up to 3 drops of Australian eucalyptus oil. Distribute the mask along the entire length and hair roots for an hour and a half. Rinse it in the usual way. It is acceptable to use the mask no more than a couple of times every seven days


  • oil mixture for point exposure to affected areas with coconut or clove oils, fir as foundations and Australian eucalyptus. Mix 2 measuring units of the main oil and up to 4 drops of tea tree. Wide well with a mixture of the hair growth zone and scalp. Wrap yourself with polyethylene and warm towel for an hour and a half. Wash the oil mixture thoroughly with shampoo

How to use tea tree oil for hair: tips and reviews

Girls with different hair color
girls with different hair color


  • Buy only high -quality certified oil in pharmacies or other stores with permission to sell natural products
  • Before the first use of oil, conduct a test for the sensitivity and lack of an allergic reaction of your skin. To do this, drop 1 drop on the wrist or the inside of the elbow. If in a minute the skin has retained its color and there is no sensation of itching, feel free to use the product
  • Rinse your hair with a solution of Australian eucalyptus oil no more than twice a week
  • If you notice increased dry hair after washing with shampoo with Australian eucalyptus oil, then either reduce the dose of oil, or completely refuse to use it
  • Avoid heating the hair mask, which includes tea tree oil. It will lose its healing abilities

Karina, pharmacist
In his student years, she was carried away by experiments with my hair - she often changed color and hairstyle. A few years later, the hair faded, lost their former volume, became brittle. Mom advised adding Australian eucalyptus oil to shampoo every time before washing the head and make oil mixtures. A month later, I really saw the results - my hair came to life, sparkled and stopped pouring.

Dinara, mom of two children
I love natural components and create cosmetics with them for home use. Particularly affected by tea tree clock. It saves me and my family from dandruff, survivability of hair. I give shampoos and masks with him to my relatives and-friends. They are also satisfied and constantly order more wonderful funds.

Be healthy!

Video: Tea wood essential oil

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