Effective treatment with tea tree oil. What diseases does tea tree oil help from?

Effective treatment with tea tree oil. What diseases does tea tree oil help from?

The article describes in detail the methods of treating tea tree essential oil. Recommendations for the use of oil in various diseases are given.

  • Some lovers of natural plant products have long discovered the secret of tea tree, while others are ignorant of the healing power of the plant or underestimate it
    • Let's try to catch up and find out why magical oil sometimes becomes the key to healing and improving the appearance. Being an excellent antiseptic, having an antiviral effect, tea tree oil helps out for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, sinusitis, seasonal colds
  • And the oil increases the adaptive capabilities of the body and is added to therapeutic hair care products. The aroma of oil perfectly stimulates with mental overwork, softens the state of tension, refreshes and invigorates
    • Oil enriches inhalation solutions, as part of other oils it is used during massage, and even the oil is found in everyday life: it copes with the neutralization of unpleasant odors in kitchens and toilet rooms.
    • In addition, the oil suppresses the development of infections, strengthens the immunity, has the ability to strengthen protective forces
    Tea tree oil straightens out with ailments that have been bothering for years!

Tea tree oilTea tree with tea tree essential oil. The action of tea tree

The test for determining individual sensitivity and allergies will show whether essential oil can be used. One drop is enough, applied with light rubbing movements on the wrist or a bend of the elbow. You can track the reaction in a day. The lack of redness, irritation gives a green road to treatment with oil.


A little story

  • Tea tree essential oil is obtained from the autonomic part of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant (Australia) when distillation with water. In appearance, the final product is transparent and colorless (or pale yellow), with a fresh, spicy cold smell, reminiscent of a camphor
  • Plant leaves began to use in home medicine since ancient times. In East Australia, natives used exclusively plant leaves for treatment. Added to inhalation, did herbal infusions and compresses
  • But essential oil for the first time proposed using chemist Arthur Penfold in the 1930s, proving in his studies his antimicrobial activity

Tea tree

  • The use of antibiotics has nullified the achievement of a scientist and commercial use of oil. In the 1970s-a period that is characterized by the return of interest in all natural
  • Entire plantations of this myrtle plant appeared, and oil production has become mechanized. The effectiveness of its drug use depends on the concentration of cinol and terpinen, of which the oil.



  • antiviral properties
  • Antibacterial properties
  • antifungal
  • antiseptic
  • it has properties that can fight against some antibiotics infections


  • with abscesses
  • to combat acne, oily skin, various rashes, insect bites
  • with dandruff and minor irritations
  • in the treatment of respiratory diseases
  • to increase the energy and protective properties of the body
  • as an analgesic
  • reduces the risk of cancer
  • to increase mental activity
  • to strengthen hair
  • To repel harmful insects (OS, bees, mosquitoes)

For each disease, oil with various concentrations is selected. In the fight against acne, 5% concentration oil is used, an am or 10% concentration can be cured of excessive sweating of the legs. To get rid of the process of fungus on the nails will help 100% concentration oil. It is necessary to adhere to the dosage specified in the instructions.

The use of essential oils: aroma lamps, aromatalons, inhalations, baths, compresses, rubbing, when douching, rinsing, point application, as well as as a freshener of air, it drip into water while washing the floors. The only thing you can’t do is drink oil without a doctor’s recommendation!

Tea tree oil, contraindications

The oil is hypoallergenic, which is confirmed by research. But for the treatment of skin prone to irritation when using some cosmetics with natural ingredients, tea tree essential oil is mixed with lavender oil, diluting 1: 1 - 1: 3. Lavender oil can be replaced with any vegetable fat oil, preserving those
The same proportions.

It is not dangerous with tea tree essential oil, but it can cause some side effects. Therefore, using the oil, you need to monitor the reaction of the body and when the slightest unpleasant sensations appear, stop oil treatment. Although there were times when people got used to the smell of oil unpleasant for them and found it pleasant.

It is not recommended to carry out oil treatment:

Women are in position
With individual intolerance to myrte plants
With frostbite, burns


Tea tree oil from thrush

Gynecologists confirm the effectiveness of oil in the treatment of thrush. When immunity is weakened, Candida albicans fungus, which is part of the vaginal microflora, actively multiplies, causing burning, itching, discomfort, whitish secretion.

These are the symptoms of thrush. Its appearance can provoke different factors: improper nutrition, climate change, stress, fatigue, vitamin deficiency, and impaired hormonal background. An accurate diagnosis will be made by a doctor. It is better not to delay the treatment, otherwise the thrush will go to the chronic stage.

  • After diagnosing thrush, you can start treatment using oil. This method is much safer than tablets
  • You will need a x/b swab (it is better to turn it yourself out of the bandage, cotton pads, but not take it purchased), which needs to be moistened a little with water or any basic oil
  • 5-8 drops of oil are applied to the prepared tampon. Replacement of the tampon is carried out 2 times a day
  • After 10-15 minutes, the discomfort will disappear, and in 2-3 days all the symptoms of thrush will retreat. But treatment should be extended until the end of the week, otherwise the unpleasant sensations will return again

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil from a runny nose

  • The easiest way: lubrication of one drop of nasal wings oil, inside the nasal passages. This will relieve nasal congestion. But it is important that the greased surface of the skin does not dry out
  • During inhalations: add 1-2 drops of oil to a container with hot water, and, hiding with a towel with your head, breathe for 20 minutes with evaporation
  • Aroma lamp will enhance the effect of the procedure. If during the washing of the floors a little butter into the water, then colds and epidemics are not afraid of the family


Tea tree oil from papillomas

If you take the oil of 100% concentration and pointedly cover the growths 3 times a day, then soon not aesthetic papillomas will disappear.

After that, a bandage or patch, which is removed after a few minutes, is applied to the plot with papilloma.

Sharp -pointed candylomes on the mucous membrane of intimate places are also treated with oil, but carefully, because the sensitivity here is higher. Recipe: mix essential oil in equal proportions with water. To moisten the gauze bandage in the resulting solution and squeeze, applying a place on damaged by condylomas. Leave all night.


Throat treatment with tea tree oil

With a cold, they also resort to the help of miraculous oil, because it accelerates recovery. Angina passes after the throat rinses with the following solution: 1-2 drops of oil should be taken on a glass of water. Rinse must be repeated within 4-5 times. Adding ½ teaspoon of soda will help enhance the stripping effect.

The use of tea tree oil from the fungus

RECIPE: Two drops of non -diluted oil are dripped from the bottle no more than 1 time per day to a sore spot and rub them with a fingernail. You can add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil in 8 ml of 70-90% of ethyl alcohol and spread the resulting solution on the surface of the skin with a affected fungus. Repeat the procedure until the fungus is completely disappeared
The fungus on the nails will disappear After the legs for the legs: pre -loaded particles of the skin are removed from the steamed legs, the nails are wrapped, treated with a file. Tea tree oil smear the patient and not washed off. The oil should dry.
The procedure needs to be repeated daily for 2 weeks or 3 months, depending on the degree of damage by the fungus

Foot baths

How to cure a tea tree oil?

Apply a mixture of 10 parts of olive (you can use linen, sesame, peanuts or other vegetables) and 1
parts of essential oil.

Tea tree essential oil, benefits for teeth

With a high sensitivity of the gums, the appearance of smell from the mouth, denture, the pain is used the following rinse solution: it is necessary to pour into 1 teaspoon of alcohol 1-10 drops of tea tree oil dissolved into a glass of water. Repeat
The procedure is a couple of times a day.

RECIPE: With a toothache, the tooth is lubricated with a drop of oil, or to drip off the squeezed pea paste. Essential oil effectively whits teeth, only for the rinse procedure or direct application to the teeth, 100% concentration oil is used.

Tea tree oil

The use of tea tree oil for health: tips and reviews

According to reviews, oil is an effective antibiotic and antiseptic. It is easy to use oil, and the result is obvious in the shortest possible time! Those who discover the beneficial properties of oil will be able to speak with confidence about its obvious benefits

Video: Tea tree oil

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