The only reservoir in the world that no river flows into: name, location on the map of the world, a brief description. In which sea and in which lake does not a single river flow?

The only reservoir in the world that no river flows into: name, location on the map of the world, a brief description. In which sea and in which lake does not a single river flow?

Many interesting and unusual facts are found in nature. In this article, we will consider two of them that are associated with water sources.

The only sea that no river flows into: the name where is on the map of the world?

  • The only sea, the Red Sea is considered the source of the feeding of which are not rivers.
  • Thanks to the Karst fault of the earth's crust, which over time filled the Indian ocean with its waters, this marine pond formed.
  • The absence of flowing fresh water, makes the Red Sea the most salty and clean.
  • The water of the Gulf of Aden, passing through a very narrow strait, feed his waters.
  • It is the inner sea of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean.
  • The tectonic hollow, along which the Red Sea flows, shares the Arabian peninsula and Africa.
  • On the north side flows into the Mediterranean Sea, having previously connected with the Suez Isthmus
  • From the southern part it flows into the Arabian Sea, going through the El-Mandebi Strait into the Gulf of Aden.

You can get acquainted with information about the Red Sea in article

Video: Red Sea inhabitants

The only lake into which not a single river flows: the name where it is on the map of the world is a brief description

  • This monopoly law is inherent in Lake Cock-Kok.
  • Despite the fact that this reservoir has no tributaries of a single river and stream, it is always filled with a constant level of water.
  • This is due to its origin from ancient glaciers and finding in a career with moraine deposits, shrouded in firn thick, which do not allow the glaciers to melt hundreds of years.
  • In addition, according to scientists in a deep lake abyss, there are cave passages. These sources contribute to additional nutrition of the reservoir.
  • Regardless of the time of year, the water in the Coca-Cole is perfectly clean and fresh. The local population considers it healing.
  • According to the conclusion of scientists, the lake is through the pallets of the pallets with the Vitim River.
  • The lake bottom could not be detected, therefore, according to some reports, it is bottomless.
  • The lake is located in the south of Kazakhstan, in the Dzhambul region, the Karakistan valley.

Coco-Kol attracts a lot of interest in its mystery.

  • Showing instantly and disappearing also quickly funnels
  • Giant snakes occurs occasionally
  • Incomprehensible howl and sighing sounds

From a scientific point of view, all this recently was given an explanation, but, nevertheless, there are lovers who give natural anomalies a fantastic interpretation.
Amazing natural phenomena give special significance to the Red Sea and Lake Cock-Kol. But many tourists and vacationers do not suspect the exclusivity of the places they have visited. We hope that this article focuses on the features of these reservoirs and will deliver a lot of satisfaction from their visit.

Video: To the origins of Coca-Cola

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