Red currant jam: the recipe for the winter is simple, with giving sugar, gelatin, pectin, without bones. How to make a delicious jam from red and black, white currants and raspberries, gooseberries, watermelon, cherries, apples, in the oven, a slow cooker for the winter: recipe

Red currant jam: the recipe for the winter is simple, with giving sugar, gelatin, pectin, without bones. How to make a delicious jam from red and black, white currants and raspberries, gooseberries, watermelon, cherries, apples, in the oven, a slow cooker for the winter: recipe

In this article you will learn how to cook delicious red currant jam: one and with other berries and fruits.

Summer with an abundance of berries and fruits ends quickly, and so I want to stock up on the whole year, and therefore came up with, our ancestors in ancient times, cook jam, jam and jam. In this article we will learn to cook red currant jam.

Red currant jam: a simple recipe for the winter

Currant jam

You can learn to cook delicious jam if you learn a few secrets:

  • Sugar must be added to a fully boiled berry mass. If you add raw berries right away, then they remain solid for a long time, and they need to be cooked for a long time.
  • You can find out whether you can be ready by jam if you drop it with a hot jam on a cold saucer: if you are ready, a drop freezes, if not, it spreads.
  • Unripe and overripe berries are suitable for Jem, but it is best unripe - they have a lot of pectin.

IN krasnosmorodin Jam required:

  • 3 cups squeezed through the sieve of the pulp of red currants without seeds
  • 3 glasses of sugar

We start cooking:

  1. My currant, let the water drain, and we think right with the tails.
  2. We wipe the sieve, the juice with the pulp leaves, and the bones along with the skins remain on Sita, throw them away.
  3. Mix the pulp of currants with sugar, and cook, often interfering, with barely noticeable boiling, until it thickens. Remove the foam.
  4. Pour into banks (necessarily clean) and close.

How much to cook red currant jam?

Cook the currant currant to thickening, about half an hour, with weak boiling, often interfering so as not to burn. And if you want to cook jam faster, then gelatin or pectin is added to it.

How to make a delicious cook from red currants with geling sugar: recipe for the winter

There are varieties of currants with a high pectin content

In order for a thick redsmoredin jam, it is not at all necessary to add harmonizing sugar, you can simply use such varieties of currants for jam that contains pectins more than 6%. Most pectins (up to 11%), in such varieties:

  • Vika
  • Marmalade
  • Orlov resident
  • Rose
  • Gazelle
  • Niva
  • Dana
  • Light
  • Oryol star
  • Osipovskaya
  • Yutherborg
  • A gift of summer

A little less pectins (about 10%) in the following varieties:

  • Valentinovka
  • Bayana
  • Asya

And if the redcurrant jam does not freeze well, then you need to add gelding sugar.
IN currant jam required:

  • 1 kg of red currant pulp without bones
  • 0.3 kg of ordinary sugar
  • 0.3 kg of chewing sugar
  • At the bottom of the pan, so as not to burn currants, water

We start cooking:

  1. At the bottom of the pan, pour a little water to closed the bottom, fall asleep clean, dried after washing the berry, and turn on low heat, cook while the berries are cracking.
  2. We rub the currant through a sieve, throw the seeds and skins remaining on the sieve.
  3. Pour the squeezed juice from the currant into a wide pan, pour sugar, turn on the low heat and, interfering, cook for 3 minutes, then pour the gelbeling sugar, and Tomi for another 2 minutes.
  4. Poured into banks (necessarily clean) jam we roll up, wrap it with something warm to cooling. With 1 kg of fruits, it will turn out 1 liter of jam.

How to make a delicious cook from red currant with gelatin: recipe for the winter

Curranty jam with gelatin

In order for Jam to be thick, and cook it less, you need to add gelatin. IN curranty jam with gelatin need to:

  • 2 kg of currants (red)
  • 1.5 kg of sugar
  • 25 g of gelatin

We start cooking:

  1. My currants, dry on a tolete, tear off from branches and twist in a meat grinder.
  2. We stir gelatin in powder and sugar, pour in mashed potatoes from berries, and leave to brew in a cool place for 2 hours.
  3. Mix the mashed potatoes and leave for another 4 hours.
  4. We put a pan with a berry mass on low heat and heat it, but do not let it boil, and set aside until it is cooling.
  5. If the sugar has not yet melted, we heat it again and set aside.
  6. When the sugar in Jeme dissolves, heat it again, but do not boil (when boiling, gelatin loses its properties and does not thicken with jam), pour it according to previously prepared clean banks and save in a cool place.

How to make a delicious cook from red currant with a pectin: recipe for the winter

Jam will be thick, and you will not have to cook long if you add pectin during cooking. IN curranty jam with pectin required:

  • 1.2 kg of currants (red)
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 20 g Pectin

We start cooking:

  1. The washed and dried berries are raked by currants in a meat grinder, pour into a pan, add pectin, knead, put on low fire.
  2. When the mass boils, pour sugar, and continue to keep on low heat, interfering.
  3. Cook for 5 minutes, poured into jam (necessarily clean) jam. We close.

How to make a delicious cook from red currants without seeds: recipe for the winter

Currant jam without seeds

IN currant jam without seeds need to:

  • 1l of redsmoredine juice
  • 1.25 kg of sugar

We start cooking:

  1. Currant directly with my twigs, lay out on a towel and let it dry for about 12 hours.
  2. We separate the berries from the branches, grind in a meat grinder, and then wipe through a sieve.
  3. In enameled dishes, add sugar to the juice, and knead with a wooden spoon until the sugar dissolves, it may be needed for 10-15 minutes.
  4. If you do not want to mix for a long time, then you can heat a little on the stove, but not to a boil. In this case, vitamins in Jem will remain less.
  5. Pour jam into jam (be sure to be clean), if you store in a cold basement, it is enough to close with plastic lids.

Red and black currant jam without seeds: recipe for the winter

Red and black currants go well in Jeme

IN currant jam (red with black) without seeds required:

  • 1 kg of blackcurrant
  • 0.25 kg of red currant leaves
  • 0.8 kg of sugar
  • 1 cup of clean water

We start cooking:

  1. In the washed berries we pour water, boil for several minutes, the berries should crack, and set aside until it is cool.
  2. We wipe the cooled berries on the sieve, and cook with sugar until the jam thins.
  3. Pouring into banks (necessarily clean) jam twist.

Currant jam, red and white: recipe for the winter

From white and red currants it turns out good jam

IN currant jam, red and white need to:

  • 1 kg of currants, white and red
  • 5 glasses of sugar
  • 2 glasses of clean water

We start cooking:

  1. Both types of currants are mine, if there are branches and tails - we tear off.
  2. Having poured half sugar into the water, cook the syrup, lower the berries into it, and cook for about 1 hour. First, the berries will be twisted, and then the jam will thicken.
  3. We roll hot to banks.

Red currant jam and raspberries: recipe for the winter

Red currants and raspberries go well in Jeme

In red currant jam with raspberries need to:

  • 1 kg of red currants and raspberries.
  • 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar

We start cooking:

  1. My currant, let the water drain, tear off the branches and leaves, wipe it on the sieve, fall asleep with sugar and let it boil for 2-3 minutes.
  2. We sort the raspberry, we wipe the worst berries on the sieve and add to currants, let the berries boil.
  3. We throw well-preserved raspberries into boiled mass, boil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. We distribute jam into 0.5 liters of jars (necessarily clean), install the lid on top, and sterilize in boiled water for 15 minutes, and then roll it up.

Red currant jam with gooseberries: recipe for the winter

Red currants are combined with gooseberry in Jeme

Currants with a gooseberry ripen at one time, and it will not be difficult to prepare a delicious jam from them.

IN currant jam with gooseberries need to:

  • 0.6 kg of currants (red)
  • 0.6 kg of gooseberries
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 150 ml of water
  • Third teaspoon of citric acid

We start cooking:

  1. Impathet, dried, grind, pour in a meat grinder, pour sugar, pour water, and cook with weak boil, stirring, close for 15 minutes.
  2. My currants, dry, grind, pour in the gooseberry mass, pour citic acid and cook, maintaining a weak boil for another 15 minutes.
  3. Pour jam into jam (necessarily clean) and immediately twist.

Red currant jam with watermelons: recipe for the winter

Red currant goes well with a watermelon in Jeme

IN curranty jam with watermelons required:

  • 0.3 kg of crossed red currants
  • 0.3 kg of watermelon pulp
  • 0.1 kg of sugar
  • 30 ml of cold boiled water
  • 12 g of corn starch

We start cooking:

  1. My currants, let the water drain, fill it into the bowl and chop the blender, pour it into a pan, pour sugar, and heat it.
  2. The pulp of the watermelon, but not all (leave a little), cut into small pieces, chop the blender, and when the sugar is dissolved into currant mass, pour into the pan and boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. We cut the rest of the watermelon pulp in small cubes, throw it into a boiling pan.
  4. We dilute the starch with boiled cold water, stir, add to Jam, let it boil, stirring all the time.
  5. In a clean jam we put the jam, closing with a plastic lid, store in a cool basement.

Red currant jam with cherries: recipe for the winter

Red currant goes well in Jeme with cherries

IN currant jam with cherries required:

  • 1 kg of currants (red) and cherries
  • 1.4 kg of sugar
  • 0.5 cups of clean water

We start cooking:

  1. We rinse the cherries, tear off the tails and take out the seeds, put the pulp in the pan.
  2. Currant, too, remove the twigs, and add to the cherries.
  3. Pour water, cover with a lid and cook with an average boil for 15 minutes.
  4. Sugar and cook in the berry with a rain of berries, maintaining weak boiling, 10 minutes.
  5. Immediately pour into banks (necessarily clean) and close.

Red currant jam with apples: recipe for the winter

Sour red currants and sweet apples go well in Jeme

IN apple-Smorodine jam required:

  • 0.4 kg of currants (red)
  • 2 kg peeled from the peel and seeds of apples
  • 1.5 kg of sugar
  • Zest from 1 lemon

We start cooking:

  1. My apples, clean from the skin and seeds, cut into small pieces, fill in sugar for 3-4 hours.
  2. The apples were let the juice, we cook on medium heat for 5 minutes, remove from heat to cool.
  3. We rinse the berries, tear off the twigs, and from the berries we make mashed potatoes with a blender, and then wipe through a sieve.
  4. Cook the apples for the second time for 5 minutes, let it cool a little, and chop the blender.
  5. Mix apple and currant mashed potatoes, zest from lemon, and cook, all the time, interfering with 10-15 minutes.
  6. By spreading jam into clean jam jam, we twist.

How to make jam thick of red currants: tips

Thick currant jam

So that currant jam is so thick that it can be put in pies and pies, experienced cooks advise the following:

  • Wipe raw berries through a sieve and cook jam without adding water.
  • Put more sugar in jam than berries, for example, the ratio of sugar and berries 1.5: 1.
  • Cook jam for more than 1 hour, in open dishes over low heat.
  • Replace half the usual sugar in the recipe with geling sugar.
  • Add gelatin or pectin when cooking jam.

Features of cooking jam made of red currants in the oven, slow cooker

Currant jam from the oven

If you want to cook jam, but there is no time to stand at the stove and stir, you can cook it in the oven. But before starting to cook jam, you need to take into account some tips:

  • If you are going to cook jam in a pan, it should be thick -walled and heat -resistant.
  • You can cook in a deep baking sheet.
  • It is also necessary to take into account that the jam can “run away”, so the dish should not be complete, fill it with 2/3 of the part, the rest is free.
  • Prepare jars with lids, sterilize them, since the jam from the oven will need to be quickly poured and rolled.
  • If you are in doubt about Lee Jam, drip on a cold plate, if the drop does not spread on a plate, it means that jam can be poured into jars.

IN currant jam boiled in the oven, required:

  • 1 kg of currants (red) and sugar
  • 1 cup of clean water

We start cooking:

  1. Clean, dried currants chalk through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour pour with water with water, pour sugar, mix.
  3. We turn on medium fire in the oven, put a pan with a future jam until it boils, stir, then make low fire in the oven and leave the pan for 1 hour.
  4. We get it out of the oven, immediately pour it into banks (be sure to clean), and roll it up.

You can eat at once or leave a multicooker jam at once. IN currant jam boiled in a slow cooker, required:

  • 1 kg of currants (red)
  • 3 glasses of sugar
  • 150 ml of water

We start cooking:

  1. I wash the berries, dry it on a toe, tear it off from branches, fill it into a slow cooker with water, set a temperature of 30 degrees for 20 minutes.
  2. We wipe the cooled berries on the sieve, throw the remainder, and fall asleep juice with pulp with sugar, and set the program “Jam” for 20 minutes.
  3. After the slow cooker, the still hot jam is a liquid, pour it into sterilized jars, close it.

So, we prepared a jam from one red currant, and with other berries and fruits.

Video: red currant jam and watermelon

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