Hands tremble: causes, methods of treatment

Hands tremble: causes, methods of treatment

Causes of trembling in your hands, methods of treatment.

The tremor of the hands is a common problem that people face with an excitable nervous system. Rarely, anyone does not feel trembling in their hands during severe unrest, stress or before the introductory exams. However, in addition to physiological causes, there are also pathological. In this article we will tell you for what reasons the hands tremble.

Why do your hands tremble: reasons

In most cases, the causes are physiological, that is, completely explained and non -hazardous. This tremor immediately passes as soon as the cause of trembling in the hands is eliminated. That is, if a person ceases to be nervous, does not feel fear, then his hands are stopping trembling.

Why do your hands tremble, reasons:

  • Stress, excitement
  • Hangover
  • Hypothermia

Many of the admirers of drinking noted that in the morning their hands tremble at the hangover. This is a completely normal reaction, trembling disappears without a trace as soon as all alcohol comes out of the body. Also, hands may tremble due to hypothermia, but in this case not only brushes tremble, but the whole body as a whole.

Hands tremble
Hands tremble

Why do your hands sometimes tremble?

Before the introductory exams, or in stressful situations, when there is excitement, trembling - a completely understandable body reaction to the irritant. As soon as you calm down, it will pass.

Why sometimes hands tremble:

  • Physiological reasons include tremor after taking some drugs.
  • Most often, it is observed only when a person drinks psychostimulants and antidepressants.
  • The instructions for these drugs indicate that tremor of the hands can serve as a side effect.
  • Usually it passes as soon as the treatment ends or comes to an end.
Tea drinking
Tea drinking

Why do your fingers constantly tremble?

However, in addition to physiological causes, there are also pathological. It is worth thinking about it, especially if you regularly come across a trembling hand that is in no way connected with alcohol or nerves. In this case, the cause of such tremor can be serious diseases and disorders in the body.

Why the fingers are constantly trembling:

  • Diabetes. This is a disease during which the work of almost all organs and systems is violated. Often, diseases of the nervous system are also connected, which is why with a lack of insulin or immunity of the body to it, trembling in the hands can be observed.
  • Thyroid diseases. With an excess of thyroid hormones, tremor in the hands can also be observed.
  • The physiological cause of the tremor of the hands is severe physical activity. Many noted that after lifting weights and prolonged physical exercises, such as hilling of beds in the garden, tremor can be observed. If there are no visible reasons for trembling hands, you need to contact a doctor.
  • Pathological reasons include hypertension. With increased pressure, there is a trembling of the hands. In this case, it is most often recommended to contact a cardiologist or family doctor.
  • Tremor can also be observed due to some neurological disease. Often it is neurosis, or osteochondrosis. A neuropathologist will help to cope with these diseases.
Hands shake
Hands shake

Why does the child tremble?

Kids are very sensitive, and have an incapacitated nervous system up to one year. That is why tremor in a child under 3 months is considered a variant of the norm.

Why does the child tremble:

  • Most likely, the child has an immature nervous system, usually trembling in his hands is observed during severe crying. Do not worry if the baby shudders at night during sleep. Up to 3 months of trembling are considered normal.
  • However, if after three months the problem has not disappeared, contact a neurologist. Often in children tremor in their hands, the trembling of the chin is associated with disorders during childbirth, or improper intrauterine development.
  • Do not worry, since almost all childhood diseases are easy to correct. There are enough several massage courses and taking sedatives.
Hands tremble
Hands tremble

Hands trembling in the elderly

It should be noted that the trembling of the hands is very often transmitted by inheritance and manifests itself already in old age. However, you will not surprise people of mature age with trembling hands, as this is a fairly common problem.

The hands of the elderly tremble:

  • Fighting it with sedatives is irrational, since most often they are ineffective. In this case, doctors recommend special exercises and therapeutic gymnastics, which strengthens the muscles of the cervical region, and also improves the work of brushes, developing fine motor skills.
  • Very often, the trembling of the hands is provoked by Parkinson's disease. It is observed in elderly people who feel bad enough. Along with this symptom, a shuffling gait, poverty of facial expressions, and a very slow implementation of some manipulations associated with the work of the hands are observed.
Tremor in the elderly
Tremor in the elderly

Hands trembling: treatment

In most cases, after a visit to a neuropathologist, patients are often prescribed sedatives.

Hands tremble, treatment:

  • These include Persen, Tenoten, or Glycin. These drugs make the nervous system less excitable, and prevent the occurrence of tremor.
  • Classes helping to eliminate trembling in the hands include knitting, embroidery, or work with beads, some small objects. At such moments, a person is focused on a very thin, small work, thereby the tremor stops.
  • There is an essential trembling of the hands, which is provoked by heredity. Tremor is usually observed when the hands are in a specific position when performing a certain task. In this case, it is necessary to change the position of the hands, and strives to transfer limbs to another position.
The surgeon has no hands trembling
The surgeon has no hands trembling

Hands trembling: surgery treatment

There are several options for surgical intervention. Basically, they are used in extreme cases, when in a trembling in his hands it prevents a person from living normally, to perform work and take care of himself.

Hands tremble, treatment with operation:

  • It is in this case that they resort to surgery. Now there are several varieties of operation, the choice of which depends on a specific ailment that provoked trembling in his hands.
  • Basically, neurosurgeons on the brain are performed. During the manipulation in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, which is responsible for coordination of movements, neurostimulants are implanted, and installed on the chestbattery. For ordinary people, these devices are not visible at all, since they are under the skin. A person is absolutely no different from a healthy one.
  • This electrode using current affects this area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, stimulating its work. Thus, human movements become conscious, trembling in his hands leaves. According to surgeons, people who have been moving on wheelchairs for a long time, due to the involuntary movement of the body, could not do work, now they live a normal life. 
  • The second option- This Essential nerves in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands. During the operation, the nerve fibers are cut, which are responsible for trembling. Thus, the trembling leaves, but the sensitivity and performance of the hands remains. Operation with neurostimulants and excision of nerves is used in severe cases, in particular in patients with Parkinson's disease. 
Tremor hands
Tremor hands

It is necessary to approach the elimination of the problem comprehensively. If you do not eliminate the cause, then the trembling in the hands will not disappear. Sometimes they resort to surgical treatment.

Video: Hands trembling

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