Drotaverin and No-shpa-what is the difference: composition, method of application, contraindications, how do they act on the body?

Drotaverin and No-shpa-what is the difference: composition, method of application, contraindications, how do they act on the body?

In the article you will find information about how no-shpa, drotaverin differ from each other. You will also know about how they act, what contraindications of drugs have.

When the muscle fibers are reduced, due to pain, people resort to taking a certain group of funds that relax the muscles and relieve stress. Such a sharp reduction is also called - spasm. Therefore, dosage forms that can get rid of this phenomenon are also called antispasmodics.

It is these drugs that quickly act on the center of pain, contribute to the removal of muscle tension. Drotaverin, no-shpu can be ranked to them. Thanks to advertising, almost everyone knows the second drug. Drotaverin is less known in this regard. Find out how these drugs differ.

Drotaverin and No-shpa-what is the difference: how do the drugs work?

The main goal of these drugs is to remove the voltage of smooth muscles, as a result, the pain should also leave after spasm. Thanks to the expansion of the walls of blood vessels, the internal organs begin to work in normal mode.

Differences between spasmotic agents
Differences between spasmotic agents

According to medical characteristics, drugs that relieve spasms are divided into groups. In the first group of neurotropic antispasmodics - they affect nerve impulses, which transmit commands to muscle tissues, vessels, internal organs. They are also called m-cholin blockors-these are such as: Scopolamine, Platifilin, Buscopan.

Dosage forms with myotropic effects carry out a direct effect on muscle cells due to biochemical processes. To these are ranked: Drotaverin, Papaverin, Galidor, No-shpa.

So, if we consider their pharmacological functionality, then that no-shpa, that drotaverine have the same effectiveness on the patient's body.

The main active substance of myotropic antispasmodics has an antispasmodic effect in relation to muscle tissues, the digestive system, some vessels, the urological system, biliary tract, and reproductive systems. The component has a rapid relaxing effect of muscle fibers due to the rapid absorption of the drug in tissue cells.

Drogloride drootaverin makes itself felt after a fifteen -minute period of time. It is able to penetrate into the walls of the intestine during this period, and then spread through the digestive tract through the tissues of smooth muscle fibers. Moreover, the drug does not affect the central nervous system. The remedy comes out through the kidneys with Urina.

Drotaverin and No-shpa-what is the difference: composition, dosage, comparative characteristics

Drug Drotaverin They are released in the form of tablets of 40, 80 milligrams. Active component of the drug - gihidloride Drotaverine. Also, for injection, there are two milliliters in ampoules in pharmacies. It is recommended to drink pills three or two tablets three times a day. The therapy scheme is determined by the doctor. It is impossible to exceed the maximum daily dosage of tablets - it is 240 milligrams per day.

What is drotaverin use to treat?
What is drotaverin use to treat?

No-shpa It has the same active substance as drotaverine - drootaverin hydrochloride. The number of the main component in No-Shpe is the same as that of Drotaverin. Therefore, the intake of antispasmodics is identical to drotaverine. The treatment regimen is also similar to methods of therapy with a second tool.

In such drugs, the side effects on the body of patients are minimized. In general, funds are normally tolerated by patients. In rare cases, allergenic reactions are manifested to the components of these panic. In pharmacies, they can be bought without a doctor's prescription. According to the doctor’s order, only solutions in ampoules are released.

IMPORTANT:It is undesirable to use pills without consulting with a specialist-doctor. Otherwise, you can harm. The period of therapy is better not to exceed more than two days.

Comparative characteristics of funds

As already mentioned earlier, No-shpa, Drotaverin Very similar to each other. Moreover, they also have the same component. Both that and another remedy belongs to the same pharmacological appearance.

Perhaps, antispasmodics have only two differences - name, cost. No-shpa at a price more expensive than drotaverin.

Spasmolytics are used to:

  • Remove the cramps of the gastrointestinal muscles, restore blood vessels of blood flow and blood vessels in the brain.
  • Resume the functionality of the peripheral nervous system.
  • To rid the patient from cramps of the muscles of the urogenital system.
When should you drink antispasmodics?
When should you drink antispasmodics?

For complex therapy osteochondrosis Doctors often prescribe drotaverin or no-shpu. Thanks to them, the painful syndrome is stopped with exacerbations of pathology. After several intracramolytics techniques, such patients have a noticeable improvement in the condition.

Drotaverin and No-shpa-what's the difference: when they use funds?

Spasmolytics will quickly eliminate pain only with pathologies such as:

  • ulcer of the stomach, intestines, goltiasis, cholecystitis
  • colic in the intestines due to excessive gas formation, colitis
  • pyelitis, inflammation of the bladder (cystitis)
  • brain vessels.

Pregnant women use tablets with a threat of a breakdown when the uterus is in good shape. These dosage forms are used not for therapy, but for temporary facilitating the condition. The disease itself needs to be treated with other means.

Drotaverin and No-shpa-what's the difference: how to drink pills correctly?

There is no difference in the use of pills. Both that and another tool is best used according to the following instructions:

  • Starting from the age of eighteen at one time, you can drink 80 mg of the drug, but no more than 3-4 per day, which is 240 milligrams per day.
  • Patients from six to twelve years old - one pill of 40 milligrams, twice a day.
  • Teenagers over twelve years old are allowed to use no more than 160 mg per day, divided into two to three tricks.
How much to give no-shpa to children?
How much to give no-shpa to children?

IMPORTANT: Eat pills by drinking them not by a large amount of liquid.

Drotaverin and No -shpa -in what is the difference: contraindications for use

It has already been said earlier that these tablets are well tolerated, but they also have their disadvantages, antispasmodics cannot be consumed if:

  • There are kidney pathologies, namely, liver, renal failure.
  • There are allergenic reactions to components.
  • If the patient is not yet 6 years old.
  • In severe forms of heart failure.
  • It is undesirable to drink pills for women who breastfeed.

Doctors advise with caution to use these dosage forms during pregnancy in women, reduced pressure.

The side effect of the drotaverine
The side effect of the drotaverine

Despite the statement that pills are well tolerated by patients, there is still a place to be adverse reactions. Most often they arise when using maximum dosages. A heartbeat, dizziness, headache, nausea, insomnia, a feeling of heat may appear. To eliminate symptoms, you must stop drinking pills, and conduct symptomatic therapy.

Drotaverin and No-shpa-what's the difference, which drug is better?

If you choose among these two antispasmodics, it is impossible to say which drug is better. After all, these are the same pills and affect the body systems they are the same. They vary by the name, manufacturer, cost.

The plus of the drotaverine is that It has a smaller one cost price, how No-shpa.

Also, drugs quickly affect the center of pain. The main drawback of these two drugs is that there is no dosage of tablets in production for daily use.

During pregnancy, nevertheless, both the drug should be used with caution. And it is desirable that the appointment is made by the attending specialist.

Video: The use of drotaverine, why is it used?

Video: No-shpa-for the treatment of what is the drug use?

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