A pet as a gift - whether it is worth giving a child: 10 arguments for and against

A pet as a gift - whether it is worth giving a child: 10 arguments for and against

Find out in the article whether it is worth giving the child an animal: arguments for and against.

Children and pets have always been, eat and will be friends. Most children love animals. And sooner or later, parents are faced with the child’s requests to give him an animal.

Some parents try to fulfill the child’s dream right away. Others are approaching the decision consciously. After all, an animal is not a toy that can be left or forget after time.

Important: the animal is responsibility, so we advise you to weigh the pros and cons, before getting a pet.

Below you will find the arguments for "for" and "against" that will help you make a decision.

Arguments "for" a pet for a child as a gift

  • Happiness

A child can become happier if he has a pet. Especially if the child has long dreamed of him. The pet will not allow the baby to get bored and will not make him feel lonely. We are talking about a dog, a cat, not about fish. Silent fish, although beautiful, but insanely boring.

If parents do not always have the opportunity to spend leisure time with the child, the pet will make up for these gaps. But you should not take this a rule on an ongoing basis. With the advent of a pet in the house of worries, the parents will add. You can say that they will have another child.

Child and dog
  • A responsibility

The animal will help to make a child more responsible. A hamster or a parrot cage must be cleaned, the animal must be fed, washed, and walk with it. By accustoming the child to take care of pets, you will help him become more responsible. The child will understand that he is responsible for another life, more fragile and weak.

It must be understood that having given the animal to a two -year -old baby, it will not be possible to accustom him to justice, the age is too small. In this case, parents will take care of the pet.

  • Love for nature

On the example of his pet, a child will learn to take care of the fauna and flora. It doesn’t matter if this is a dog, a cat or a hamster. Any animal will contribute to the fact that the child will love the nature and brothers of our smaller ones.

In addition, walks with an active animal, for example, with a dog, will allow the child to often be in the fresh air. In addition to health benefits, the child will be able to admire nature, slowly enjoy its variety and species.

Children and their pets in nature
  • Friendship and care

The animal arouses in the child a feeling of disinterested friendship and care. Understanding from childhood, which means selfless affection and sincere friendship, the child will learn to build his relationship with people in the future. This will help him form his character, find real friends and become a good friend himself.

Children become softer, kinder, taking care of their favorite pet. Then they will carry these qualities with them to adult life.

  • Discipline

If a dog has become a pet’s pet, he will have to walk it. This perfectly disciplines and motivates. Now you can’t sleep longer, because every morning you need to take a walk with the dog. The same will need to be done in the evening.

Thanks to this, the child will eradicate laziness in himself, unwillingness to wake up in the morning, and in the evening he will want to lie down early, because tomorrow again walks in the morning with the dog. Instead of laziness and unwillingness to wake up, the child will have a goal and desire for discipline. This will help him in adulthood. Discipline and self -organization is one of the most important qualities in human life.

Girl walks with a dog

We suggest watching touching videos on how children react to gifts in the form of animals. There are tears of joy, and unbridled laughter, and surprise.

Video: Children are given animals

Arguments "against" pets to a child as a gift

Unfortunately, in this barrel of honey there is a spoonful of tar. And you should think about the disadvantages of keeping a pet in advance, so that later the animal is not unnecessary, abandoned or burden.

  • Allergy

An allergy in a child to an animal is like a lottery - lucky or out of luck. It will be insulting if you give the baby the animal, and then it turns out that he has an allergy. In this case, you will have to give the animal to someone else.

It is desirable that the child contacts in advance with the animal that he wants to start. For example, you can go to a friend and play with his cat. In extreme cases, there are pet stores and contact zoos.

You can also take an analysis and find out if your child is allergic. It is necessary to take into account not only possible allergies in a child, but also for all other family members. If it turns out that the child does not have allergies, but mom, dad or grandmother have it, then the content of the animal in the house is also impossible.

Animal allergies
  • Ireworthiness in attachment

Sometimes the desires of our children can be spontaneous, rash. In this case, interest in a pet can be fading as quickly as it appeared. To follow the child, pleasing his whim, means only to harm and bring an animal to the house, which will subsequently turn out to be a burden for the family.

It is necessary to consider whether it will be with anyone to leave the animal if your family wants to go on vacation or will have to go to another country. Will you be ready to take care of the animal later, if suddenly the child loses interest in him?

Sometimes the animal does not meet the ideas of the child about beauty, in which case the child can also lose interest in him. For example, he wanted a fluffy kitten, and presented the Sphinx.

After the first request of the child, you should not buy him an animal. It is worth waiting and see if his interest will be lost. If the desire is conscious, then it is worth fulfilling the child’s dream.

Child and parrot
  • Safety

Not all animals can be safe for a child and family members. For example, breeds of fighting dogs, snakes, some species of spiders, exotic animals.

For a small child, even a cat can pose a danger that can scratch the baby. After all, the baby does not yet know how to behave with the animal. He can carry the cat by the tail or mustache, in response the animal will protect himself.

  • The mess is in the house

Children and an active animal are a double mess in the house. Slopes are not in their places, inverted pots with flowers, wool on the carpet is not all that can expect you. Fans of order and purity can be very annoying. Therefore, think in advance if you are ready for such a turn of events.

Of course, with the advent of the animal, it will be more often removed in the house. But besides this, the animal requires financial costs. This is food, vaccinations, visiting veterinary clinics, processing from parasites. For a child - it can be a friend and a toy, and for parents a serious blow to the family budget.

Girl with a kitten
  • The death of a pet

Sooner or later, you will have to face the fact that the animal will die. And this is the main reason why adults do not want to start an animal. After all, all family members are attached to the pet with all their hearts, consider him a full -fledged member of the family, and sooner or later he dies. The life expectancy of animals is different, nevertheless, after 10, 15 or, if you are lucky for 20 years, there will be no animal.

A child can perceive the disappearance of a favorite pet is very painful. Therefore, many parents do not want to harm the nervous system of the child. This desire is quite understandable.

In addition to the natural death of the pet, another can happen. For example, the animal may be lost or escaped. In any case, the child will perceive it emotionally and will be suppressed.

The death of a pet

To start a pet or not, you decide. But before bringing a small defenseless creature to the house, think well and weigh all the arguments.

Video: a pet and a child - for and against

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