Home lamination of eyelashes: photos before and after, reviews. Eyelash care after lamination

Home lamination of eyelashes: photos before and after, reviews. Eyelash care after lamination

What is eyelash lamination, what is the benefit of it? How to perform lamination of eyelashes at home with gelatin and industrial compositions? Materials necessary for eyelash lamination. Treating eyelashes after lamination.

Every girl dreams of gorgeous eyelashes. The lucky owners of lush eyelashes do not have to stand at the mirror for a long time and pull each cilia with a brasmatist or go to constant eyelash extensions. It is enough for them to let the eye with a pencil and, in extreme cases, apply a little mascara to the eyelashes.

In principle, it is possible to achieve such an effect, in principle, to those ladies whom nature has deprived of such wealth from birth. The eyelash lamination procedure has come to the rescue today.

What is the essence of the eyelash lamination procedure?

What is the essence of the lamination procedure?
What is the essence of the lamination procedure?
  • Lamination of eyelashes in some ways is similar to laminating hair. In both cases, each hair is strengthened using special active substances
  • The main active substance in the lamination of eyelashes is keratin. This component is responsible for the appearance and condition of the eyelashes
  • Keratin, applied to the eyelashes as part of a special product, envelops each hair outside, thereby creating a rather strong protective film. Such a film allows you to protect the cilia from the effects of negative external factors (ultraviolet rays, cosmetics, mechanical damage). In addition, the barrier created by keratin protects the hairs from the loss of the pigment introduced in the hair during the lamination procedure
Keratin lamination of eyelashes
Keratin lamination of eyelashes
  • Keratin’s protective film also gives the eyelashes natural shine and provides the very notorious effect of lining
  • Penetrating into the hair, the active substance Keratin returns the natural structure and strength, wasted in the fight against the aggressive external environment
  • In addition, the active components of the composition used in lamination contribute to strengthening the hair, accelerating its growth and sufficiently moisturizing it

The benefits of eyelash lamination

The benefits of eyelash lamination

After the procedure for lamination of eyelashes, women observe the following changes:

  1. Cilia become more voluminous and strong
  2. The eyelashes have a natural shine and a rich color
  3. The result of the procedure is noticeable immediately. The volume and density of eyelashes increases by almost one and a half times
  4. Each subsequent procedure further improves the condition of the eyelashes. After three laminations, eyelashes can double
  5. The effect of the procedure lasts at least a month and a half
  6. The need for eyelash staining in mascara almost completely disappears, especially in the summer period of time, when you want to feel as little as possible on my face cosmetics
  7. Laminated eyelashes do not require additional care
  8. The lamination procedure does not contradict the rules for using contact lenses
  9. Laminated eyelashes can be contacted with all cosmetics (cream, mask, gel, mascara, shadows, pencil)

How to do eyelash lamination correctly?

How to do eyelash lamination correctly?
How to do eyelash lamination correctly?

The algorithm of actions during the eyelash laminating procedure:

  1. We clean the eyelashes and skin around the eyes from cosmetics remnants using a special degreaser
  2. Comb the cilia with a brush for eyelashes
  3. We process the skin of the eyelids moisturizing and softening
  4. Under the lower eyelid, we glue the sticky silicone tape that protects the skin from the active components of the composition for laminating
  5. On the upper eyelid with the help of glue, we fasten special silicone forms, allowing to protect the mucous membrane from an active substance from entering it, and giving eyelashes elegant bending
  6. We apply a tread on the eyelashes, after which we cover the entire surface of the eyelashes with an active substance. These two products allow you to visually increase the volume and length of the hairs, as well as prepare them for the staining procedure. You can enhance the effect of active substances using a warming compress from a film imposed on the eyelid and a cotton pad, folded in half and located above the film. We put a terry towel over a cotton pad and leave it for fifteen minutes
  7. Apply paint on the eyelashes with the pigment of the required shade. Many professionals recommend choosing a blue-black color-it gives the look additional attractiveness and mystery
  8. Remove the remaining paint from the eyelashes
  9. To consolidate the effect and create additional protection of eyelashes, cover them with keratin
  10. After ten minutes we remove silicone molds
Eyelash lamination
Eyelash lamination

Materials and preparations for laminating eyelashes

Materials and preparations for laminating eyelashes
Materials and preparations for laminating eyelashes

Today on sale you can easily find starting sets for laminating eyelashes. There is an opportunity to purchase a standard set or premium set. The standard set, as a rule, includes all the most necessary, without excesses. Premium sets, in turn, may contain auxiliary elements and additional (not very mandatory) means.

The standard set for lamination of eyelashes often includes:

  • compounds No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 - a certain function is assigned to each of the compositions. Composition No. 1 is responsible for softening the structure of the hair and preparing it for the procedure, composition No. 2 - for saturation of the cilia with useful trace elements and fixing the effect of twisting, and composition No. 3 is the actual keratin itself, which completes the lamination procedure and creates a protective layer over the entire surface eyelashes
  • glue - necessary for fixing silicone pads by the eyelid and eyelashes to them
  • pigments - used for eyelash painting
  • pigments oxide - used to breed pigment and create a coloring agent
  • silicone forms for twisting
Standard set for lamination
Standard set for lamination

In addition to the listed materials, the following components may also include the premium sets:

  • special tool for working with eyelashes
  • makeup
  • makeup removal
  • a brush for eyelashes
  • pillows under the eyes
  • sticky tape that is attached under the eyelid
  • napkins for disinfection
  • air conditioning for eyelashes
  • paint for breeding

How often can you do eyelash lamination?

How often can you do eyelash lamination?
How often can you do eyelash lamination?
  • The frequency of application of the laminating procedure of eyelash directly depends on their condition
  • If the eyelashes at the time of lamination are in good condition (they are quite long and voluminous), then the procedure can be repeated no earlier than two months later
  • If the condition of the eyelashes leaves much to be desired, then lamination can be carried out a month and a half after the first procedure
  • In any case, it is not recommended to apply the eyelash lamination procedure more than once a month

Eyelash care after lamination

Eyelash care after lamination
Eyelash care after lamination

As mentioned above, eyelashes after the procedure do not require any additional care or any restrictions. Cute ladies can safely use cosmetics, visit baths, swim in salt sea water, wash yourself with cosmetics and take sunbathing.

The only condition is that you can not wet eyelashes within twenty -four hours after lamination.

Is it possible to increase eyelashes after lamination?

Is it possible to increase eyelashes after lamination?
Is it possible to increase eyelashes after lamination?

Experts recommend abandoning eyelash extensions immediately after their lamination. It is advisable to wait at least a month from the day the lamination procedure.

This is due to the fact that the components of the funds used in both manipulations can adversely affect the condition of the eyelashes in the complex. In addition, it is not known how these components will react to each other.

Lamination of eyelashes with gelatin at home

Lamination of eyelashes with gelatin at home
Lamination of eyelashes with gelatin at home

If the girl does not have the opportunity to purchase a set for laminating eyelashes, or during lamination, an allergic reaction was not found to one of the components of the active composition, she can try to carry out the lamination procedure at home using gelatin.

For this manipulation, we need:

  • Gelatin - 1 package (15 g)
  • Warm water - 50 g
  • Hair balm - 15 g

The procedure for lamination of eyelashes with gelatin:

  1. In the indicated amount of water we dissolve gelatin and put them on fire
  2. Having kept the gelatin solution on the stove for no more than five minutes, remove it from the fire
  3. Add hair balm to gelatin
  4. Remove cosmetics from the eyes and degrease eyelashes
  5. Moisturize the skin of the eyelids with cream
  6. We fasten a silicone mold to the upper eyelid (if there is no mold, you can use a half of a cotton swab), and a sticky tape to the lower
  7. We cover the eyelashes with a warm gelatin
  8. We can withstand gelatin on eyelashes for about half an hour
  9. Remove the remnants of gelatin with water
Homemade gelatin lamination of eyelashes
Homemade gelatin lamination of eyelashes

You can immediately notice that the duration of the effect of gelatin lamination is significantly inferior to the duration of the effect of keratin. If in the second case the cilia will have a chic appearance for at least a month and a half, then gelatin can provide only a two -week beauty.

In addition, such clearly expressed changes after the first lamination procedure should not be expected. Only a few regular procedures can give a noticeable effect.

Home lamination of eyelashes: photo "B" and "after"

Eyelash lamination before and after the procedure
Eyelash lamination before and after the procedure
Home lamination of eyelashes: photo before and after
Home lamination of eyelashes: photo before and after

Eyelash lamination: reviews

Reviews about eyelash laminating
Reviews about eyelash laminating
  • Girls who have experienced laminating eyelashes claim that the procedure itself is very pleasant, and the effect of it has been observed at least a month
  • The only drawback of such a transformation of cilia is the price of the procedure. As a rule, in good salons, it exceeds the extension procedure by half
  • However, if with extended eyelashes about naturalness and naturalness you can only dream, then laminated cilia look natural and attractive
  • Women who increased eyelashes before lamination appreciated the opportunity to calmly sleep in the pillow and ease of washing

Video: eyelash lamination

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Comments K. article

  1. There is also home lamination of eyelashes? I didn’t know, to be honest, I'm sitting read reviews and looking for a master.

  2. I don’t know about home lamination, I have always done in the cabin. Maybe the master just comes to the house? Therefore, is it called homemade? I can recommend my master, Julia from a beauty salon and coloring shades, a very cool salon and services there provide efficiently. The cilia is covered with keratin composition, which completely envelops them, thereby protecting and strengthening. The view of the eyelashes is gorgeous, I really like it !!

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