Dr. MOM - syrup, ointment, loaf: properties and causes of purpose, application and dosage, contraindications and dosage

Dr. MOM - syrup, ointment, loaf: properties and causes of purpose, application and dosage, contraindications and dosage

The variety of the drug helps to treat cough. And how exactly - read in the article.

Dr. MOM - a series of combined drugs to combat cough and colds in all age categories. The drugs remove the manifestations of symptoms of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Types of the drug Doctor MOM: Properties and reasons for the appointment

This series of drugs consists of loafers for resorption, ointments from acute respiratory diseases and syrup from coughing attacks. The composition of the components of the drug is determined by the form of release.

Cough syrup

Syrup  contains  ginger  root  in  combination  with:

  • solod  naked
  • turmeric  long
  • basilic  sacred
  • raslen  indian
  • pepper  cube
  • extract  adhatodes  vasiki
  • nine
  • terminal  belerik
  • menthol
  • barbado  aloe

The drug has a comprehensive effect on the body - removes sputum and restores the mucous membrane of the bronchi, eliminates the inflammatory processes that provoke a cough, eliminates the viral infection in the body.

  • The product is suitable for a family first -aid kit: designed for all age groups, has a pleasant taste, the packaging of the syrup is equipped with a measuring cup - which allows you to easily navigate in the exact dosages of the drug for adults and children. The drug is not recommended for children who have not reached the age of three.
  • The terms of treatment with syrup are designed to take until complete recovery. If necessary, the drug can be consumed without risk for a long time - up to three weeks, depending on the nature of the cough.
  • Syrup is prescribed for laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs, asthma and prolonged inflammation of the upper respiratory tract from smoking, whooping cough in the stage of development, with irritation of the nasopharynx as a result of inhalation of aggressive fumes or injury to the mucous membrane.


The ointment for rubbing during a cold is intended. In appearance - a thick mixture with a menthol aroma.

Contains in its composition:

  • camphora
  • nutmeg oil
  • dripidar oil
  • eucalyptus oil
  • levomenol
  • thymol
  • paraffin base

Medicinal and plant components help eliminate the symptoms of influenza and colds: headache, rhinitis, relieve muscle pain. You can use ointment to adults and children over three years of age. It has anti -inflammatory, irritating and antiseptic effects. It also has inhalation properties. It is used to eliminate signs of colds - rhinitis, nasal congestion, back pain and muscles, headache.

Layouts for resorption

The medicine helps to eliminate inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, pain and sore sediment. It is produced in the form of convex loafers with different fruit and berry tastes. Contains plant components - extracts of ginger root, licorice and emblem.

A variety of tastes
A variety of tastes

The loafers have antiseptic and irritating, expectorant property. Active components in the composition help relieve breathing and relieve edema of the upper respiratory tract, inhibit the development of infection. It has an antipyretic and antispasmodic effect. Take to eliminate all types of cough, inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, with tracheitis, laryngitis. The drug is not intended for the treatment of children.

Application and dosage

Medicines are divided into two groups. For internal use - loaf, syrup. And external use - ointment.

The drugs should be used according to the instructions and the dosages indicated in it:

  1. Plant syrup: Recommended dose for adults-1-2 tsp. Three times a day. For children, 1 tsp Three times a day. At the same time, a single dose of children under 6 years of age is 2.5 ml. Taking the drug is designed for a course of up to three weeks of treatment. In the case of extending the course of treatment, a doctor’s consultation is required.
  2. Pastries - It is necessary to absorb in the mouth every 2 hours one in a piece. The daily dose of loafers should not exceed 10 pieces. The treatment period can last 2-3 weeks.
  3. Ointment Designed exclusively for external rubbing. It is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe disturbing area: to eliminate the headache - the ointment is rubbed into the temporal zone, with rhinitis - into the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, during coughing - rubbed in the chest area, general muscle pains - into the area of \u200b\u200bthe pain and joints. Apply should be pointed, with a small layer, and then distributed on the skin. In the case of rubbing in the chest and joints, it is recommended to wrap these places with a warm scarf. Apply ointment up to three times a day.

Contraindications and side effects, overdose

  1. When taking a syrup from cough, the presence of allergic reactions to plant components in the drug should be taken into account. Do not give syrup to babies up to three years old. Do not use the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Control the intake of syrup in case of diabetes mellitus. Cases with an overdose were not observed. The drug cannot be consumed along with similar drugs to avoid interference with mucus jerking.
  2. The use of loafers has the same restrictions as cough syrup. It should be noted that the loafers are not children's medicine.
  3. When using the ointment, to avoid the product from the mucous membrane, nose and mouth. Do not use in places of open wounds and skin damage. You should refuse to use the ointment in places of pronounced skin diseases. You can not use ointment during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under three years of age. Cautious use of the drug is required by patients with an increase in prostate, cardiovascular disorders, hypertension and increased tearfulness. In the case of using the ointment in the inhaler - not to exceed the duration of treatment, in order to avoid burns of the mucous membrane and spasms of the respiratory tract.

When using drugs, side effects can be observed: burning or itching in the nose, an abundance of mucous secretions, the manifestation of local allergic reactions in the form of a rash and redness on the skin, a feeling of suffocation in patients with asthma. Some manifestations are temporary. In the case of deterioration of sensations and adverse reactions - cancel the treatment and consult a specialist.

Video: Dr. MOM from coughing

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