How can you cure alcoholism yourself - tablets from alcoholism, the main groups of drugs for alcohol dependence, folk treatment methods: indications for use in different stages of alcohol dependence

How can you cure alcoholism yourself - tablets from alcoholism, the main groups of drugs for alcohol dependence, folk treatment methods: indications for use in different stages of alcohol dependence

In this article we will consider what stages of alcoholism exist and how detrimental they are. We will also study drugs that will help the patient abandon a bad habit.

Alcoholism is a terrible disease that can comprehend every family. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many alcoholics do not relate to dependent people. They claim that at any convenient moment they can stop drinking alcohol, but this is completely wrong. After some time, the body of an alcoholic requires more and more alcohol. The patient’s body gradually gets used to such drinks, without alcohol, his well -being worsens significantly. Daily hangover transfers a person more complicated and more complicated.

Alcoholism can bring serious troubles to both human health and the patient's family. Constant scandals, assault, spending money on alcohol - these all troubles at one moment split the family. A person begins to lose his own money, remains without work, money, even housing. Friends and relatives turn away from the patient - a person’s life simply collapses. How to cure an alcoholic? What drugs and drugs will help to cope with this problem?

Stages of alcohol dependence

Doctors release 3 stages of alcohol dependence. There is also a prior - this is a condition that borders on drunkenness.

  • Protest. In this state, a person constantly drinks alcohol, but for him this process is not normal and systematic. At this stage, the patient can at any convenient moment abandon alcohol. However, if he drinks constantly, drunkenness smoothly becomes a chronic stage.
  • Stage 1. A person is tolerant of all alcoholic beverages. For intoxication, he drinks a lot of alcohol. A person has a desire to drink alcohol alone, at lunch or at another time of day. With the onset of the next day, a person cannot remember half of the events of yesterday.
Alcohol dependence is in several stages
Alcohol dependence is in several stages
  • Stage 2. Tolerance to alcohol increases significantly. The next dose of alcohol consumed grows significantly. A person cannot control this process, as he intoxicated, he loses control over his own actions. The patient does what a sober person will never do. During a hangover, a person has a desire to drink alcohol again.
  • Abstinance. This is exactly the stage during which the psychological state of a person worsens, he is often haunted by depression. The patient is annoying everything, he literally in front of his eyes goes out of balance, even street sounds and sunlight annoy him.
  • Stage 3. Constant binges continue continuously. An alcoholic is always drunk, or rather, most of his life. At the same time, for intoxication, he can drink very little alcohol. Bingling leads to personality disintegration, the patient requires a thorough examination and treatment. Sometimes at this stage the drunkard encounters a “white fever”.
The dependence should be saved with drugs
The dependence should be saved with drugs

In addition, a alcoholic has specific diseases, for example, gastritis of the pancreas, encephalopathy, liver disease and many others. Some diseases are sometimes even impossible to cure. Even if a person has the initial stage, he must take medications so that other more complex problems do not arise. The most important thing in this matter is to act only comprehensively.

How to cure alcohol dependence yourself?

  • Many alcoholics do not admit that they are sick. If the patient arrives again intoxicated, bring it out of this state. You can consult a doctor in advance, perhaps he will recommend something sensible to you.
  • If the case is rather neglected, then place the alcoholic in a narcological hospital. There, his doctors will try to get out of binge, conduct the right treatment. Do you want to contact a doctor? Then help the patient yourself.
  • When bring the patient out of a drunken state, within 3 days his organs and the entire body will be restored. Give more time in this period vitamins, antioxidants, antidepressants. In addition, a person should begin to actively perform physical exercises, walk on the street more often. If you can, talk to the patient, find out why it was he who started drinking.
Dependence on alcohol
Dependence on alcohol
  • Put a person from communication with other alcoholics. If you can, you can leave for another city together. If the alcoholic is trying to be loyal to treatment, then offer it to be encoded.
  • Support the patient, this is a very important point. Rejoice with him to his successes, try to jointly consolidate a sober life image. You can write the patient to a psychologist. If he does not like a visit to a psychologist, do not force him.
  • Bring the patient useful drinks from the grass. After a couple of weeks, the patient will significantly decrease the craving for alcohol, maybe he will completely refuse him.
  • If a person clearly understood his own problem and decided to get rid of alcohol dependence, come to the doctor. He can prescribe drugs that provoke an aversion to alcohol.

Medicine for alcoholism: folk methods

The use of drugs is not always recommended due to the presence of some contraindications. Also, not every person can be encoded or using psychological methods of refusal. If you can’t quit drinking alcohol using encoding and drugs, then you can use folk recipes.

Lemon juice

This recipe is considered the most effective in home medicine. The treatment course should last about 2 weeks. The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • Day 1. The patient should use squeezed juice from 1 lemon during the day
  • Day 2. The patient should drink juice 2 fruits
  • From 3 to 7 days. Every day you need to add 1 fetus
  • From 8 to 13 days. The patient reduces the use of lemon per 1 fetus every day
  • Day 14. The patient should drink squeezed juice 1 lemon
Lemon juice from alcoholism
Lemon juice from alcoholism

This method has almost no contraindications. The only thing is not suitable for people who suffer from ulcer and gastritis.


This tool fights with alcohol dependence, if combined with other methods. Thanks to this treatment, a person begins to receive glucose and potassium. The duration of treatment is 2 days.

  • Day 1. Take honey (18 tsp). Break this portion into 3 doses. The interval should be 20 minutes
  • Day 2. Take honey (14 tsp). Break this portion into 3 doses, in 2 doses you need to eat 6 tsp. 3 reception - 4 tsp.

Green tea combined with sauerkraut

When you quarrel cabbage, add tea in this proportion: 1 kg of cabbage and 3 tsp. tea. In this case, during fermentation, substances will occur that lower the attraction to alcoholic beverages.

Oats with a calendula

  • Place the unpeeled oats in the container by adding water to it (3 l)
  • Boil the mixture, boil for 30 minutes.
  • Dry the decoction, add fresh flowers (100 g)
  • Wrap the container tightly, insist at night
  • The patient should take a decoction before meals 125 ml
Oats from alcoholism
Oats from alcoholism

Alcohol dependence tablets: main groups

It is not particularly desirable to carry out independent treatment. This must be done under the supervision of a doctor. Almost every drug is considered potent, therefore, it cannot be consumed independently. Medicines have some side effects that can lead to serious problems.

During each stage of drug therapy, certain drugs are used. The drugs can be divided into the following groups:

  • Means that eliminate the hangover syndrome
  • Drugs that reduce alcohol dependence
  • Medicines that disgust alcoholic beverages

Means from a hangover

Before therapy, which is directed against dependence on alcoholism, it is important to initially carry out the detoxification of the whole organism. In this way, a person will come out of binge, plus his condition will improve, the functionality of the organs will normalize.

There is a remedy for detoxification
There is a remedy for detoxification

The following drugs should be distinguished from drugs of this category:

  • Limontar. The composition of the product has citric acid and amber acid. The medicine is able to improve metabolic processes, accelerate metabolism, and provide cells with oxygen. If a person has a slight intoxication, then this medicine will almost completely relieve the effect of toxins.
  • Metaco. The most effective medicine that helps fight a hangover. At the expense of the drug, ethanol is disintegrated and excreted. The effect of the drug is aimed at the activity of the brain. It restores blood circulation, normalizes the work of organs. The drug also has a positive effect on the liver suffering during strong binges.
  • Magnesium sulfate. As a rule, this tool is prescribed in order to overcome alcoholism. The medicine improves the general psychological state of a person. Also, thanks to the medicine, blood pressure decreases.

Means that lower the craving for alcohol

If intoxication has already decreased, it is necessary to start using drugs of this category. This category includes psychotropic drugs, therefore, they can be used only under the supervision of a doctor.

  • Antidepressant Tianeptin. The medicine is able to relieve stress, get rid of a depressive state and false fear. A person becomes calmer, more balanced, less aggressive and irritable. Thanks to the drug, sleep normalizes, as a result of which the patient may return to normal life over time.
  • Diazepam. This medicine relieves tension, anxiety. The product is soft enough, it soothes perfectly, removes aggression. After the drug, convulsions disappear, the limbs also cease to go numb.
  • Fluanxol. Among drugs of this type, this drug is in greater demand. The product has an antipsychotic effect. Thanks to him, you can get rid of aggressiveness, hostility, irritability,
  • Akamprosat. This drug is considered a novelty. It normalizes the balance of the chemicals of the brain. As a result, the craving for alcoholic beverages drops.
Remeds for traction to alcohol
Remeds for traction to alcohol

Alcohol disages

Almost all drugs of this category are made on the basis of disulfirama. Medicines have a positive effect on the human body. They block negative enzymes. Thanks to them, the patient eventually disappears intoxication:

  • The person is very shivet
  • He is worried about nausea, vomiting cramps
  • The patient has decreased pressure
  • Hands begin to tremble. It may also seem to the patient that his temperature has increased

Among the drugs that cause alcohol, the following drugs are considered the most popular.

  • Esperal. The medicine can be consumed inside. It causes negativity to alcohol at the physiological level. The drug is able to extend, enhance negative symptoms that causes a hangover syndrome. Even the minimum dose of alcohol provokes a person’s strong rejection. After taking, the patient begins to complain about nausea, he has vomiting, he loses coordination.

It is a pity, but the medicine has side effects, for example, mental disorders.

Causes an aversion to alcohol
Causes an aversion to alcohol
  • Antabus. This tool has its own advantages. It is produced in the form of sparkling pills, which solve with lightning speed and are also quickly absorbed. As a result, the required dose in the blood is achieved more promptly.
  • TETURMEMS. The medicine is considered effective, but it cannot be consumed during hypertension, diabetes, mental illness, and the pathology of blood vessels and the heart. The drug is preventive, it prevents relapses that are characteristic of alcoholics. The product is available in the form of tablets and powder. Doctors claim that the second option is considered the most biologically accessible.

An important advice: Medicines must be combined with psychological work. Also, support, social adaptation will not interfere during treatment. It is very important that a person does not want to return to alcohol dependence.

Video: How to cure alcoholism? Consultation of a narcologist

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  1. If the husband refuses to go to the doctor, can you somehow try to treat him from alcoholism at home? There are some drugs for sure ...

  2. Inga, of course. You can read about them on the Internet yourself. I dripped my drops of Midzo, he generally refused to be treated, what could I do? Fortunately, they are without color and smell, so I did not notice at all. And it really became less to drink, and then he threw at all, he says disgust. Is your completely refusal?

  3. The saddest thing is that alcoholics develop anosognosia. Denial and not taking your illness. Therefore, it is difficult to expect from them the desire to be treated. Therefore, only ask specialists to convince them to be treated and put in narcological clinics or in rehabilitation centers.

  4. Yes, the problem with alcohol was extremely serious. The husband was almost dying in front of his eyes. I tried a lot of things so that he finally stops his binges. It took 3 years to find something working ... 10 years I tried to explain that Zhora !!! You looked like a homeless person !!! And at least he would be whimper !!! The neighbor saved and advised some herbal gathering. At first I thought that garbage, but decided to buy .. Thank God it helped. If anyone needs it, just find a group in VKontakte (not advertising, it really helped). "Tibetan collection" Write in the search for VK. I bought there, because there is a big discount on it. We drank 2 courses (ordered 2 boxes). Only this helped. Thank you, God ...

  5. Yes, the problem with alcohol was extremely serious. The husband was almost dying in front of his eyes. I tried a lot of things so that he finally stops his binges. It took 3 years to find something working ... 10 years I tried to explain that Zhora !!! You looked like a homeless person !!! And at least he would be whimper !!! The neighbor saved and advised some herbal gathering. At first I thought that garbage, but decided to buy .. Thank God it helped. If anyone needs it, just find a group in VKontakte (not advertising, it really helped). "Tibetan collection" Write in the search for VK. I bought there, because there is a big discount on it. We drank 2 courses (ordered 2 boxes). Only this helped. Thank you, God ...

  6. The second husband was an alcoholic ... Why was it because in the cemetery ...
    I tried to pull it out and treat it, I just spat it then ... It’s the point of spending time on a person who does not want to quit drinking and I am not screaming an alcoholic ...
    It’s stupid and stupid to spend 10-20 years on a drunk, who all the same wants to change anything ... and even more so throw drinking ... And the women are pulling the strap and what is drunk, it is convenient for him ...

  7. In my family, my father suffered very much with alcoholism ... We tried the improving, but it did not bring any result. A familiar doctor advised Drops Alkoviks. She saved her husband. Mom began to add them to her father to food, they smell, without taste. A week later, we began to notice that a healthy mind returned to his father, the body was cleaned with toxins. The swelling gradually came off and the emotional state was established. Mom mixes drops for a little more than a month and the father is already drinking much less often. Slowly, but confidently, we are going to a successful result. In any case, Alkoviks brought us more progress than CADING.

  8. Suffered a mild form of alcoholism. When the awareness of all possible consequences came - he went to the pharmacy in search of treatment options. The pharmacist gave an album. Very good drops with a natural composition, are well absorbed, relieve alcohol thrust, help restore the body and nervous system, which is especially important with prolonged intake of alcohol. You can use without waiting for alcohol excretion, that is, during binge.

  9. It is necessary to create conditions for motivating the dependent to seek help, most often relatives serve his alcoholism and cannot be treated to be treated. The most effective way of treatment is rehabilitation +79103601111 I can tell and give advice on how to treat alcoholism

  10. Our family also faced the problem of alcoholism. The husband washed down. First beer, then cognac, and then anything. Binges, challenge of brigades. A very difficult period. Only rehabilitation helped, I agree with the previous comment. They were treated in a "health resort" in Moscow. Great doctors. When she chose the hospital herself, she could not find sensible reviews, now I’m not worried and I will do a useful thing. Only they managed to persuade their husband to be treated for treatment.

  11. I will not say that I am completely finished, but it happens that if I start drinking, then this business is delayed for several days. And by the way, the last time I went out because of the appearance, my spouse gave me Mexidol in tablets. Really a hangover has passed more calmly for me. As I understood that thanks to the action of this product, the body begins to better resist an adverse factor, alcohol comes out better. Yes, and cerebral circulation this tool improves its effect.

  12. Treatment of alcoholism is a difficult stadium. As a rule, doctors help treat complications well - alcohol intoxication, organs, and even alcoholism syndromes. But it is very difficult to cope with the craving for alcohol. Here almost everything depends on the desire of the patient himself. Therefore, with poisoning and binge, call a narcologist at the house, but if a person does not want to get help, you first need to solve this particular problem.

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