Diet table No. 5: what is possible and what is impossible? Diet menu No. 5 for a week, products table

Diet table No. 5: what is possible and what is impossible? Diet menu No. 5 for a week, products table

Diet No. 5 is one of the components of the treatment of liver diseases, pancreas and gall bladder. The article on the features of the diet, its menu, as well as delicious recipes for dietary dishes.

  • There is a certain category of people who are forced to sit on a diet almost for life not because they control their weight, but due to health status
  • Even in the first half of the last century, an outstanding therapist and nutritionist M. I. Pevzer proved that nutrition directly affects the mechanism of development of various diseases, and its adjustment is an important step towards recovery
  • Moreover, sometimes only a therapeutic diet is enough to restrain or overcome the disease
  • A diet for the treatment of digestive and endocrine systems is especially important. So, if the liver is junk, for more than fifty years, the patient is recommended to observe a special treatment diet - table No. 5

Diet No. 5: what can be eaten, what is impossible: the characteristics of the dietary table

The therapeutic diet under this number, developed by Dr. Pevzner, is prescribed to patients with:

  • acute hepatitis in the recruits of recruits and chronic hepatitis
  • cholecystitis in the stage of recruits and chronic cholecystitis
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • gallstone disease
It is recommended to sit on diet No. 5 those who have diagnosed problems with the liver, pancreas and gall bladder.
It is recommended to sit on diet No. 5 those who have diagnosed problems with the liver, pancreas and gall bladder.

As with drug therapy for these diseases, the purpose of the therapeutic diet under the fifth number is:

  • unloading of the liver
  • support for its functions
  • promoting the regeneration of hepatocytes
  • improving the current of bile
  • improving the entire digestive function of the body

Important: there is nothing supernatural in therapeutic diet No. 5: the patient does not need to sharply limit the diet, significantly reduce his calorie content. It is necessary to reduce only the content of fats in it - up to 90 g per day


  1. There will be as many proteins and carbohydrates in the daily menu as necessary by age norm - up to 100 g and up to 450 g, respectively
  2. The energy value of the diet will be 2800 - 2900 kcal per day
  3. Salt consumption - up to 10 g
  4. Pure water consumption (mineral dining room or alkaline) - 2 liters
  5. There is a need to limit the use of a small group of products, which in a significant amount of sorrel acid containing
  6. You can not cook dishes by frying, since after that they contain harmful fat products for the liver and the whole body
  7. It is necessary to introduce as many foods rich in dietary fiber as possible into the diet
  8. It is better to eat food in warm form. Too cold food is prohibited
Table 5 according to the singer does not provide serious restrictions on food.
Table 5 according to the singer does not provide serious restrictions on food.

Important: you do not need to perceive table No. 5 as a diet, tune in to food restrictions. It is rather a new, healthier way of nutrition, which is elected for months, years or all my life

Recommendations regarding the compilation of the menu will be as follows:

liquid first dish (soups) warm soups of lean or vegetables with cereals, pasta, rolls, so on; Warm soups on milk with cereals and pasta soups that are served in cold form, for example, okroshka; liquid dishes cooked in broth of meat, fish, mushrooms; Brirer
meat dishes bird (chicken, turkey), beef, low -fat or devoid of pork fat, rabbit; It is preferable to chop the meat, boil it, bake, steam, in extreme cases, simmer fatty pork, chicken skin, goose and duck, offal
sausages sausages, sausages (not smoked), boiled sausage sluggish, smoked, fried sausage, blood, potion, canned meat
fish and seafood low -fat fresh fish, any seafood in a reasonable amount (if there is no allergy to them) fatty, salted, smoked, sluggish, canned fish
eggs chicken - in the form of an omelet, cooked softly or in a bag, but not more than 1 yolk per day chicken - fried, boiled screwed
bread and baking wheat bread (1.2 varieties), rye-wheat bread, rye bread, baking without compass, biscuit, biscuits fresh warm bread, baking with sons, fried flour products
groups everything pea porridge
milk and dairy products milk up to 2.5 % fat; yogurt, kefir, yogurt, acidophilin, other sour -milk drinks; low -fat cottage cheese; low -fat sour cream; Low -fat, non -resistant cheese fat milk; fat sour cream and cream; fat cottage cheese; Fat, salty cheese, with seasonings
vegetables and fruits fresh vegetables, thermally treated with extinguishing, jam, baking; salads, stew; All non -acidic fruits and berries in any form radishes, spinach, sorrel, others, in which there are a lot of oxalic acid; mushrooms; vegetable pickles and marinades; sour fruits, canned fruit and berries
sweets marmalade, dairy and fruit sweets, jams, jam, jelly, pastille, beekeeping products ice cream, chocolate, sweet cotton wool, fat creams
beverages tea is black and green, coffee with milk, compotes and juices at room temperature black coffee, cocoa, cold and carbonated drinks, alcohol
seasonings it is better not to use


VIDEO: Therapeutic diet (table) No. 5 (chronic liver diseases)

Diet No. 5: Product Table

Resolved and prohibited dietary diets 5 are reduced to the table.

Diet No. 5: Product Table

Diet table No. 5, menu for a week

When it comes to a therapeutic diet, especially at first of its use, it is recommended to make a menu for several days or a week. Then the diet will turn out to be thought out, healthy and balanced.

Important: in a month on a diet, when food habits are formed, the need to prescribe the menu can disappear

When compiling a list of dishes for each of the seven days of the week, it is necessary to be guided by the following:

  • daily norm - 5 meals
  • carbohydrates need to be distributed between breakfast, lunch and lunch, in the afternoon of them there should be at least
  • drink water between meals

Menu for example:

  • breakfast - porridge made of oatmeal, wounded in milk, with a spoon of honey and raisins, 2 pieces of cheese, bread, tea
  • lunch - an apple stuffed with cottage cheese and honey baked in the oven, coffee with milk
  • lunch - soup with vegetables, boiled on vegetable broth, lazy cabbage rolls, pearl barley, rosehip decoction
  • afternoon snack - fruit jelly, two crackers from a sweet roll
  • dinner - stewed fish, vegetable stew, kefir (immediately or before bedtime)


  • breakfast - a steam omelet of 2 proteins and yolks, a sausage boiled, two sandwiches with cheese or cottage cheese paste, coffee with milk
  • lunch - apple and banana
  • lunch - soup with pasta and chicken meatballs, a meatball, mashed potatoes, carrots, beets and apple under olive oil, compote
  • afternoon snack - lazy dumplings under sour cream sauce, rosehip decoction
  • dinner - beef boiled with grilled vegetables, white yogurt (immediately or before bedtime)
An approximate menu for a week on a diet number 5.
An approximate menu for a week on a diet number 5.

Video: Diet table 5. What can be? What is impossible?

Diet # 5 recipes for dishes for a week

RECIPE For breakfast: milk sweet soup with buckwheat

Milk soup with buckwheat.
Milk soup with buckwheat.

Need: buckwheat - 3 tbsp. tablespoons, milk 1.5 % fat - 1 cup, sugar or honey - 1 teaspoon, butter - 0.25 teaspoon

  • buckwheat is washed and sorted out
  • pour the cereal with boiling water, keep under the lid for 15 minutes
  • drain water from buckwheat
  • bring milk to a boil
  • put buckwheat in boiling milk
  • cook soup 10 minutes
  • add sugar or honey
  • serve with butter

RECIPE For afternoon snack: sandwich sandwich

Sands with cottage cheese paste.
Sands with cottage cheese paste.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bcottage cheese - 250 g, butter - 50 g, sour cream - 100 g, chicken egg yolk - 1 pc, cucumber, green onion, salt

  • cottage cheese is kneaded with a fork
  • the oil is softened
  • separate the protein from the yolk
  • the yolk is slightly beaten
  • onions and cucumber are finely cut (cucumber can be rubbed to grater)
  • combine cottage cheese with butter, sour cream, yolk
  • add greens to the mass
  • salt the paste
  • serve on thin pieces of rye-wheat bread

RECIPE For lunch: soup with vegetables and pearl barley

Soup with barley and vegetables.
Soup with barley and vegetables.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bwater - 2 l, potatoes - 3 pcs., Celery root - 0.5 pcs., Carrots - 1 pc., Onion - 1 pc., Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. tablespoons, pearl barley - 0, 25 cups, salt, sour cream to taste.

  • wash barley, soaked in cold water for 3 hours
  • strained swollen barley boiled 1 hour
  • potatoes, carrots, celery, onions are cleaned, cut into small cubes
  • potatoes are lowered into cold water and begin to cook
  • the rest of the vegetables pass
  • 10 minutes after boiling potatoes, the rest of the vegetables are added and barley
  • after another 5-7 minutes add tomato paste
  • after 3 minutes turn off the soup
  • serve with sour cream

RECIPE For lunch: chicken souffle

Kurin souffle.
Kurin souffle.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bchicken - 200 g of file meat, milk - 50 ml, egg - protein, flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt to taste.

  • chicken fillet is boiled until it is ready
  • grind it with a manual blender or twisted on a meat grinder
  • add whipped protein, milk and flour to minced meat
  • salt the mass for the souffli
  • prepare souffle steamed or in the oven
  • you can serve souffle with sour cream

RECIPE To the afternoon snack: cottage cheese-rice casserole

Curricular-rice casserole.
Curricular-rice casserole.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200brice - 0.5 cups, cottage cheese - 250 g, milk - 200 ml, egg - 1 pc., Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt to taste, sour cream for feeding.

  • rice is carefully sorted out and washed
  • rice is boiled to a finished state
  • let the rice cool
  • cottage cheese is crumbling
  • the egg is beaten with sugar
  • connect rice, cottage cheese and egg-sajar foam, suck it
  • bake the dish in the oven
  • the casserole is very tasty with sour cream

RECIPE For dinner: salad with carrots, apples and peas

Carrot-apple salad.
Carrot-apple salad.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bcarrots - 1 pc., Apple - 1 pc., Green peas - 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons, green onion, sour cream 15% - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt.

  • carrots and apple are cleaned from the peel and rub on a coarse grater
  • peas are taken without liquid if it is canned
  • connect peas, apple and carrots
  • say salad and season with sour cream

Diet No. 5 for children: menu, recipes

If the child has been on proper nutrition since childhood, he most likely will not even notice a forced transition to diet 5. The only thing that can upset the baby is some restrictions on sweets. Therefore, parents should show imagination and learn how to cook the child delicious, but dietary, dishes and desserts.

RECIPE: Sweet salad with carrots, apples and raisins

Sweet salad with carrots, apples and raisins.
Sweet salad with carrots, apples and raisins.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bcarrots - 1 pc., Apple - 1 pc., Sugar - 1.5 tsp, raisins - 1 tbsp. spoon, sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

  • cleaned carrots and apple are passed through a coarse grater
  • add steamed raisins and half sugar to them
  • the second half of the sugar is mixed with sour cream
  • a mixture of carrots, apple and raisins is laid out in a smoked shape lubricated with butter.
  • they smear the salad with sweet sour cream on top
  • languish at 180 degrees in the oven for 5-7 minutes

RECIPE: Mousse with an apple

Mousse from semolina and apples.
Mousse from semolina and apples.

Need: semolina - 1 tbsp. spoon, apple-1 pc., Sugar-1-2 tsp (depending on the sweetness of the apple), citric acid-on the tip of the knife.

  • the apple is cleaned from the peel and the core, finely cut and trampled on fire
  • softened apples are wiped through a sieve and sweet
  • add citric acid in mashed potatoes and put it on fire again
  • as soon as the mashed potatoes boils, they add semolina to it (a very thin stream so that there are no lumps)
  • after 10 minutes, remove the mass for mousse from heat and slightly cool
  • warm beat the mousse with a whisk
  • dishes with the finished mousse are cooled in cold water
  • served a child with powdered sugar

RECIPE: Sour cream

Sourceful jelly with a cracker.
Sourceful jelly with a cracker.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bgelatin - 0.5 packages, sour cream 15% - 400 g., Madame cracker - 100 g, sugar - 2 tbsp. tablespoons.

  • gelatin is bred according to the instructions and left to swell
  • sour cream sweet and slightly beat with a whisk
  • add a cracker to a sour cream mass
  • the melted gelatin is poured to the sour cream and the cracker
  • mix the future of jelly well, pour it into shape and put in the refrigerator to harden
  • before serving, you can sprinkle jelly a small amount of cocoa powder mixed with powdered sugar

Diet No. 5 for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the future mother with liver problems, pancreas or gall bladder may well eat according to the principles of diet No. 5. It is enough for her energy value to take a healthy child safely.

Diet 5 is quite suitable for pregnant women.
Diet 5 is quite suitable for pregnant women.

Important: the only change that doctors recommend making to the power method is to increase the amount of protein in the diet to 120 - 130 g

Also, a woman in a position is recommended to additionally receive vitamins and minerals from special complexes, they should talk about their use with a gastroenterologist.

Diet No. 5 for hepatitis C

A patient with hepatitis with dietary nutrition is shown categorically. The liver affected by the virus does not cope with its functions, intoxication of the whole organism occurs.

The purpose of the diet in the acute stage of the disease is to unload the liver, but at the same time supply the body with the necessary energy and useful substances to overcome the disease. In the stage of exposing the liver and its functions, the patient’s body as a whole should be restored, including thanks to special nutrition.
Acute hepatitis C in the pre -yellow and yellowing stages involves the patient’s nutrition according to the treatment menu number 5A. It is somewhat different from diet No. 5 in its classic version:

  • the amount of salt decreases to 5-8 g
  • the amount of water increases to 2.5 - 3 liters
  • bread can only yesterday or in the form of crackers
  • the meat is only boiled or steam, groomed or chopped
  • fish is also steam or boiled in the form of chisels, cutlets, souffle
  • egg yolk - 1 for two days, no more
  • sour cottage cheese is excluded
  • the butter is excluded
  • porridge, pearl barley, barley, any pasta are excluded
  • the rest of the cereals should be boiled, mucous membranes
  • consume a minimum of raw vegetables, it is better to boil them or extinguish them
  • berries and fruits are only non -acidic, apples are better baked
  • confectionery products are strictly impossible
Diet diet for hepatitis C.
Diet diet for hepatitis C.
Diet diet for hepatitis C.
Diet diet for hepatitis C.

In general, food should be fractional. All dishes to perceive the gastrointestinal tract well, it is better to cook liquid, puree and soft.

Important: as soon as hepatitis C goes to the recovery stage, the patient can gradually switch to the classic table menu 5

Diet No. 5 for pancreatitis of the pancreas

Dr. Pevzner called a diet for pancreatitis, “table 5p”. This menu is also transitional, persons should eat on it, in whom pancreatitis is acute or chronic exacerbated.
The features of diet 5 with a book "P" are:

  • reducing the energy value of the daily diet to 2000 kcal
  • reduction of carbohydrates to 300 g
  • the exclusion of products that stimulate the pancreas: all seasonings, raw vegetables, rich in fiber, raw fruits, herbs
  • egg yolks are completely prohibited, you can only eat proteins
  • sour -milk products - only fresh, three -day is no longer possible
  • sour cream and cottage cheese are more fatter than 9 % prohibited

VIDEO: Treatment of pancreatitis. Diet for pancreatitis, nutrition for pancreatitis

Diet No. 5 for gastritis

Usually, the patient’s liver problems are complemented by problems with other digestive organs. Often, gastritis is added to pancreatitis, hepatitis or cholecystium. Then, the principles of the anti -hystista diet No. 1. The most important of them: the most important of them: the principles of diet No. 5 are added:

  • transition to 6-razing meals
  • exclusion of products that stimulate the production of gastric juice
Acidity of products.
Acidity of products.

Diet No. 5 after removing the gallbladder

After removing the gall bladder, the patient is recommended to eat a variety of the fifth diet with the prefix “B”. Its features:

  • all dishes are warm
  • all dishes are stewed or boiled, soft, liquid and semi -liquid
  • food 5-6 times a day
  • some decrease in the energy value of the day menu by reducing the consumption of fats and simple carbohydrates
  • additional reception of enzymes and hepatoprotectors

VIDEO: Diet after removing the gallbladder

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Comments K. article

  1. She got sick of the village on diet number 5. of course I wanted to eat that you can’t do it. In a general cool diet.

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