Children's scenarios on March 8. The best scenario on March 8 in kindergarten, at school

Children's scenarios on March 8. The best scenario on March 8 in kindergarten, at school

Several scenarios to celebrate March 8 in kindergarten and school.

Children need to instill a love for mothers and grandmothers since childhood. The attitude of men to women depends on education. It is for this that holidays dedicated to March 8 are arranged in kindergartens. They allow each child to prove themselves, and also instill respect for the female sex.

Morning script on March 8 in kindergarten

Be sure to invite some animated hero. Kids love animals and characters from children's fairy tales. Leading is needed.

  • Presenter: “Hello guys, do you know what we are celebrating today? That's right, International Women's Day. On this day, mothers and grandmothers need to give smiles "
  • Boys come out and invite their grandmothers to dance.
  • Presenter: “And where are the culprits of the celebration - girls. Probably prerying and preparing for the exit. Let's call them "
  • Girls come out and dance to the music. Babies should be in sunset costumes or spring flowers.
  • Presenter: "Oh, who is hiding behind your back?"
  • Carlson comes out: “I am moderately a charming and attractive man. What kind of noise did you arrange? "
  • Presenter: “Do you not know that today is in the day? Guys tell me a charming man "
  • Children in chorus: March 8
  • Presenter: "Go, get acquainted with our charming guests, mothers and grandmothers"
  • Carlson: “I am Carlson, the one who lives on the roof. And I am also the most charming and moderately well -fed man in the prime of life "
  • Carlson invites one of the guests to dance
  • Presenter: "And where are our boys, they congratulated the grandmothers, and who will give gifts to the girls?"
  • Boys take out and give the girls gifts
  • Presenter: "Or maybe you will dance with the culprits of the celebration?"
  • Boys dance with girls
  • Presenter: "The time has come for fun contests and prizes, who wants to participate?"
  • Competition of the line
  • Presenter: "Now our boys should show how good the drivers are"
  • Competition "Block"
  • The matinee ends with a tea party


Competition "Skin". An odd number of children is necessary. Kids come out and dance to the music. The host gives the command to divide into groups of 4 people. Who has not hit anywhere. Children receive prizes.

Competition "Block". For the competition, you need to take several cars and tie the ropes to them. Which of the children will ripe the ball faster, he receives a bouquet of snowdrops that can give mom, grandmother or girl who likes.

Scenario on March 8 in the younger group of kindergarten

Children in the younger group cannot yet learn long poems, so the script is quite simple. Kids need to learn only quatrains. Three children from the older group or adults take part in the view. They need to change into mice.

  • Presenter: “Hello kids, today we have your mothers and grandmothers. Today is their day, and we are going to congratulate "
  • The mouse reads a poem
  • Children sing a song about mom. She is learned in advance with the musical director.
  • Mouse: "Oh, we probably forgot to give moms flowers?"
  • Parents are given a bouquet of snowdrops
  • Mouse: "Children, do you help your mothers?"
  • Children in chorus: yes
  • Mouse: "Then let's show how you do it"
  • The host scatters toys and gives each baby on a basket. Children collect toys to the music. Whoever collects the most, he won. Prizes give to all children. It can be sweet gifts
  • Mouse: "Now please your mothers and grandmothers with poems"
  • Children come out and tell quatrains
  • Sweets are handed out to the kids
  • Presenter: "Mouse, in my opinion, have we forgotten something?"
  • Mouse: "Congratulate the girls!"
  • Girls take small surprises
  • The holiday ends with a sweet table

Mastery verse:

Mom, mom, mom.
I love you,
I am spring for you
I'll sing a song!

Scenario on March 8 in the middle group of kindergarten

Children of the middle group are already talking well, so they can take part in the matinee. For the holiday, two adults are needed. Girls of the middle group are unique.

  • Presenter: “Hello kids, who knows what number today? The figure resembles condelets "
  • Children in chorus: March 8
  • Presenter: “Oh, who is crowding at the door there? These are our units "
  • Girls run out and read poetry in chorus
  • After that, the girls sing and dance
  • Presenter: “What are our newcomers well. And they dance and sing, mothers delight. Oh, what about congratulations? "
  • One of the universal women reads a verse
  • Children give moms gifts
  • Presenter: “The best gift for mom on March 8 is help. Children, do you help your mothers with the housework? "
  • Children: Yes
  • Presenter: “We completely forgot about our boys. Where are they? "
  • Boys run out with flowers and gifts. Invite the non -waist to the dance
  • The matinee ends with the distribution of sweets or a sweet table

Poems of Nevalyask:

We are funny sisters
Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!
We start dancing!

Why the eighth of March
Does the sun shine brighter?
Because our mothers
Best of all in the world!

Scenario on March 8 in the senior group of kindergarten

The aim of conducting a matinee is to raise the mood, as well as consolidating choreographic and musical skills in children. For conducting a matinee, preliminary learning of songs and dances is required. It is necessary to sew costumes and learn poetry. Best if the script is presented, to the well -known fairy tale

Script for the fairy tale "Kolobok"

This is an unusual fairy tale, and modern and converted in a new way.


Kolobok - Do not eat me, I'm tasteless;

Woman - What to do, what to do?

Grandfather - I'll go smoke

Fox - I'm a cunning sister, my name is a fox

Bear - I'm a club's bear

Bunny - I'm a gray coward

It is necessary to read a fairy tale, and each of the actors must pronounce his words at the mention of his hero. A fun fairy tale, laughter and fun are provided. Do not forget to give children gifts.

Scenario on March 8 in elementary school

Children in elementary school are very active and creative. It is necessary to allow them to express themselves. To do this, organize KVN. It is necessary to divide the class into two teams. The first team "snowdrops", and the second "mimosa". The jury consisting of teachers and pedagogical staff is invited in advance.

  • The first contest of ditties. Teams should come up with several ditties on the topic of International Women's Day
  • The jury sets balls
  • The second contest "Warm -up". This competition is compiled on the principle of ordinary warm -up in KVN. The presenter asks questions who will answer faster, he receives the ball. At the end, points are summarized and a general assessment is displayed for each team

Sample questions for the competition:

  • When you can get hurt about water (when it becomes ice)
  • How many days in the high -hour year (365)
  • What do you see with your eyes closed (dreams)
  • Duck, when standing on one, weighs 3 kg. What is her mass if she becomes two legs (3 kg)

Choose other suitable questions.

  • The jury sets grades and calculates points for two competitions
  • The third contest "Vase". To conduct the competition, children are given colored paper, printed images of flowers, glue and scissors. In just 2 minutes, all participants must make a vase and stick cut flowers on it. Such a game helps children become a team and learn to listen to each other
  • Judges arrange grades and calculate points for three competitions.
  • The last contest "Riddles in verses":

Strokes everything that concerns
And touch - bites (iron)
Small, round,
And you can't catch the tail (ball)
She puffs like a steam locomotive
But he doesn’t rush anywhere.
At any time with your warmth
Ready to share (stove)

The jury calculates balls and puts the final assessment of each team. The time of the award comes. The teaching staff congratulates everyone on the holiday. Boys give gifts to the girls.

Scenario on March 8 for schoolchildren 7.8, 9 classes

The purpose of the event is to congratulate the girls on March 8. Only boys should participate in the event. They do everything for girls today.

For the first competition, girls are invited to the stage. This is a kind of quiz during which boys ask questions, and girls should confirm or refute judgment.


  • Is it true that in Japan, 200 girls die annually from high heels? (Yes, women die from the fall from behind the heels)
  • Is it true that there is more fat in butter than in Margarine (no, a different composition of fats, but the percentage of fat is the same)
  • Is it true that there are a lot of fat in bakery products and pasta (no, these are simple carbohydrates, fat content is small)
  • Is it true that rats are mice that have grown (no, these are different types of rodents)

After the competition, boys give prizes to the participants.

Further, a congratulatory competition, during which each boy chooses a girl and puts her on a chair. Each of the guys must say by compliment. And so in turn. After compliments, the girls should thank the boys in their own way. The jury chooses Miss gratitude. Boys give participants flowers or pleasant little things

Competition "Proverb"

In the process of the competition, you need to find out in a foreign proverb, and pronounce the Russian version.

  • I sowed the cactus - do not hope to get grapes (what you sow, then you will reap)
  • When the water reaches the neck, you begin to swim (drowning man grabs the straw)
  • The scalded rooster from the rain runs away (burning with milk, blowing into the water)
  • Even in the most beautiful apple, a worm can be (not all the gold that shines)
  • You will recognize the insolent by the eyes of how a donkey is in the ears (you won’t hide it in a bag)

After the game, girls receive prizes. The presenter announces the festive disco

Scenario for March 8 for mothers

In the family circle, this holiday is usually celebrated by arranging a feast. But men can prepare a surprise for their women and arrange funny contests.


  • The cook. For this competition, several aprons, hats and two cups per team are needed. Divide women into two teams. Put a cup of water and spoon on one side of the room, and an empty container on the other. Women put on caps and aprons. They should fill the empty cup at the other end of the room with spoons. Who pours more water, he won
  • Needlewoman. Divide women again into two teams. Each team give a skein of yarn. It is necessary that each participant for 1 minute wrap the threads into the ball. After a minute, the yarn is transmitted from grandmother to granddaughter. Won the team that has a larger ball
  • Karaoke. It is necessary that the participants sing songs under the phonogram. This must be done in an unusual way. Before the song, you need to take two chups-chups in the mouth. You will turn out whispering songs

After competitions, men give their women gifts. Such contests can be organized between students of students at school.

Scenario March 8 for kids and for children 2 years old

The script for babies should be short and occupy 15-30 minutes. This is due to the high motor activity of children. Accordingly, crumbs simply will not be able to sit in the hall for a long time and watch what is happening on the stage. It is best to connect children to congratulations. Usually, children 2 years old are already talking a little. It is necessary to choose three babies and learn simple congratulatory quatrains with them.

Morniki script for a nursery group

The actors are a doll, a bunny, an elephant. These roles are played by educators and nannies.

  • Doll: “Oh, what a wonderful day today, and our kids gathered. And let's dance. Funny music turns on, children dance "
  • Bunny: "Well done kids, do you know what day is today?"
  • Elephant: “March 8 is a holiday of girls, mothers and grandmothers. Let's give them poems "
  • Children who speak well, tell short poems about their mother or March 8
  • Further, boys invite girls to dance. Children dance
  • Bunny: "Oh, it seems we have forgotten something"
  • Elephant: "Give gifts to our mothers and girls"
  • Boys take out gifts to the whole female half of the hall
  • The doll gives everyone sweet gifts

Typically, mornings for a nursery group are carried out without parents, since children of 2-3 years old often painfully tolerate separation from parents. That is, during the matinee they will cry and ask for their hands.

Poems for children:

I love mom very much
Hello hot whore!
But not only to her alone,
And also a dear grandmother!
I help mom,
I work every day,
I remove from the table
My floor is hunting!

Fairy tale script for March 8

Script for the fairy tale "Turnip" in a new way

Children change into the heroes of the fairy tale: turnip, grandfather, woman, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse.

Turnip: Flood Palais

Grandfather: Oh oh

Woman: Sure sure

Granddaughter: Not a girl, but a dream

Bug: Right now, I'll bite you all the heels

Cat: I need it

Mouse: I came here here

The text of the fairy tale

Presenter: “Once upon a time there were a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather planted a turnip, she grew up large, you can’t straighten it out of the ground. Grandfather pulled, did not pull out. He called the woman. The woman also pulled, did not pull out. They called the granddaughter, and then the bug. The bug called a girlfriend a cat, and that mouse. Pulled, pulled the turnip and pulled out "

  • Children should say their words, at every mention of the hero. For example: I planted a grandfather (oh-oh) turnip (elapo-foul), it has grown a big subject, you will not pull it out of the ground.
  • After a fairy tale, you can arrange a small dance competition
  • Further, homemade gifts are awarded to mothers and grandmothers. The holiday ends with a tea party.

Giving a good mood to mothers, grandmothers and classmates is very simple. Only patience and a little preparation are necessary.

Video: Scene by March 8 in kindergarten

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