Children's most funny jokes: Read. Funny jokes about Cheburashka and Gene, Vovochka, children, animals, animals, school, kindergarten

Children's most funny jokes: Read. Funny jokes about Cheburashka and Gene, Vovochka, children, animals, animals, school, kindergarten

Laughter is this best emotion that you can give a child at any age. Children's jokes will be a pleasant entertainment for parents and guys. Some of them are able to teach a child to important life things and teach a lesson.

Funny and interesting jokes for children 6 - 8 years old

  • What are children's jokes for? Children, like adults, are personalities and therefore they also need their ways to entertain and uplift.
  • Funny and interesting jokes can not only diversify leisure, but also become the beginning of cognitive activity.
  • A child who love funny jokes to strive to learn to read in order to independently be able to laugh himself.
  • In addition, in many jokes, special meaning is hidden for children. Some teach kids to behave correctly, respect parents, elders, teachers and educators.
  • Others - introduce the features of the world around them, with animals and birds, plants and toys.
  • To introduce the child to jokes is not at all bad, because the children's joke is significantly different from the adult and has no harmful words, phrases, mat and uncomfortable situations.
  • Children's jokes are composed by professionals: parents, teachers, writers and just those who love children.
anecdotes for children are the work of those people who love children and know the approach to them

Anecdotes for children from six to eight years old:

  • Parents hire a new nanny to work. Mom is interested in:
    - For what reason were you fired last time?
    - I forgot to atone for the child.
    - Mommy, take it! (Voice from the children's room)
  • Mom asks her son:
    - Sasha, yesterday there were two pieces of cake on the table. Now there is only one, why?
    “It's just that in the dark I did not notice the second piece,” Sasha answered.
  • The little grandson asks his grandfather:
    - Grandfather, tell me, is it true that you were born in the forest?
    - No, of course. Why do you think so? (Grandfather asks)
    - Yes, just every time you come dad says: “Old stump came again!”
  • Son asks her father:
    - Daddy, but if you imagine, would you be able to sign on paper with your eyes closed?
    Dad thought and asked:
    - I can, only for what?
    - But just close your eyes and try to sign in my diary. (The son answered)
  • Vovochka asks his dad:
    - Daddy, do you know which train is more late in the world?
    Dad thought and asks Vovochka:
    - No, son. I probably don't know that. Do you know?
    - Of course I know, daddy! The one you promised to give me on the last birthday! (Vovochka answered)
  • Little Masha asks My mother has:
    - Mom, do you accidentally know how much toothpaste is in the tube?
    - No, my daughter I can’t know this.
    - And I know: it is exactly as much as from the bathroom, to the very kitchen and around the table! (Mashenka answered)
  • Children in the kindergarten boast with its advantages:
    Mashenka: And I have my mother's eyes!
    Stasik: And I have father's character!
    Kirill: And I have grandfather's nose!
    Natasha: And I have a grandmother's smile!
    Vovochka: And I have my brother tights!
  • What the adult elephant saidWhen did you accidentally step on Kolobok? - Crap! (correct answer)
  • Two friends are sitting in kindergarten They talk on the bench. One chews a bun, and the second asks him:
    - Dimka, let me bite a bun!
    - This is not a bun, this is a pie!
    - Well then let me bite the pie!
    - This is not a pie, this is a cheesecake!
    - Well then let me bite the cheesecake!
    - You yourself do not know what you want, decide first!
  • Mom comes from work. She has three children and she asks everyone:
    - Sasha, what did you do today for the home?
    - I washed the dishes, mommy! - answered the boy.
    - Well done, son, here you have a chocolate candy. (mom encourages her son)
    - Mashenka, what did you do useful for home today?
    - And I wiped the dishes. - answered the girl.
    - Well done, daughter, here you have a chocolate candy! (mom encourages her daughter)
    - Igor, what did you do useful? - Mom asks the youngest.
    - And I, mommy, collected all the fragments from the floor and carried out the garbage. - answered Igor.

Funny jokes about children for any age

As a rule, what causes children joy and laughter are life situations that are able to happen to themselves. It is for this reason that jokes about children are the most popular in babies of all ages. They giggle with pleasure over stupid, and sometimes even very serious situations that boys and girls fall into.

Choosing such jokes for your child should be based on the age category of his child so that he understands exactly what it is about in the joke.

anecdotes about children are the most popular children's reading at any age

Anecdotes about children and for children:

  • Boy on a walk with dad In the park I saw two twins in a stroller. He examined them for a long time with a smart expression and finally asked the pope:
    - Daddy, where is my second one?
  • Dad bought his son children's crosswords. He set to solve and every question, of course, asked the pope. When there were few questions in the crosswordord, the turn of the most difficult came. The boy carefully read him and asked his father:
    - Dad, say: without which it is simply impossible to cook pancakes?
    - What letter does the word begin for? (Dad asked)
    - On the letter "M". - answered the boy.
    - "Mother". - Papa prompted.
  • On the allery of Sasha got a fight With his comrade. Dad started an educational conversation with him:
    - Sasha, tell me, are you constantly fighting?
    - Yes! - answered the boy.
    - And even in kindergarten!
    - Yes! - answered Sasha.
    - And who wins?
    - Our teacher always wins. - the baby answered sadly.
  • Petya came from school. Mom asks her son:
    - Petya, are you studying at school well?
    - Yes! - the baby answered proudly.
    - Well then, answer me, Petya, how much will it be if 2 multiply by 2?
    - Four! - the boy answered confidently.
    - Well done, Petya! Then hold four chocolate sweets then! - Mom encourages him.
    - Eh ... (the boy sighs) if I knew, I would answer - ten!
  • The boy came to the circus And he buys a ticket at the checkout. The cashier says to him:
    - Boy, you are already buying a ticket for the third time! What's the matter?
    “I'm not to blame, aunt, that at the entrance to the circus, some uncle just tears them!” - answered the boy.
  • Marinka notices his mother several Snow White hair on his head and asks:
    - Mommy, what is it?
    - This is gray hair. - Mom answers.
    - Why did they appear with you?
    - This is because you do not obey me. - Mom answered.
    The girl thought and said with a grin:
    - So that's why my grandmother has a complete gray head!
  • Ira got my mother, she decided to help her and went to the neighbor:
    - Aunt, Zina, please tell me you have a raspberry jam! My mom caught a cold.
    - There are few, Irochka. Where do you pour it?
    - Do not pour it. I will eat it right here! - answered the girl.
  • The boy walked in the yard with his mother. Suddenly he saw a large dog and ran to him. Without fear, he began to gently stroke his tail. The frightened mother ran to her son, took him from the dog and said:
    - Never do it! The dog can bite you!
    - In no case, mommy! On this side, she does not bite! - remarked the baby.

Jokes about Cheburashka and Gena, funny jokes for children

Anecdotes about animated characters - Cheburashka and Crocodile Gene are especially popular in children. These are positive heroes that cause only pleasant emotions in a child of any age. There are a lot of jokes with them, the main thing is to choose the one that will be understood by your baby.

jokes about Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena are loved and popular among children

Jobs about Gena and Cheburashka:

  • Cheburashka wanted to watch a movie. He came to the cinema, chose the film he liked and asks the cashier:
    - Tell me, how much does the ticket cost for that film?
    - Ten rubles. - answered the cashier.
    “But I have only five.” (Cheburashka sighed) Can I see it with one eye for five rubles?
  • Carlson and Cheburashka flew on the roofs. Finally they sat down on the cornice to take a break. Five minutes later, Carlson says:
    - Well, Cheburashka, flew again?!
    - Wait, Carlson. - said Cheburashka. - My ears have not rested ...
  • The postman brought a parcel for genes and cheburashki. Cheburashka after a while brings the genus a box and says:
    - Gene, I want to please you, we are a package with oranges!
    - Great, Cheburashka! And how many oranges are there? Gene asked.
    - Ten! - Cheburashka answered joyfully and added. - Eight things for you and eight things to me!
    - Listen, Cheburashka. You are probably mistaken, if you divide ten into two, you will turn out five!
    - I know nothing, I have already sat down my eight oranges!
  • Cheburashka found a coin. It was one penny. Since Cheburashka does not understand money, he began to get the Gena questions:
    - Gene, is it a lot of penny? Gene, what can you buy for a penny? Gene, how many cakes can you buy for a penny? Gene, is that a lot?
    - Lots of! - In the end, Gena answered angrily so that Cheburashka would not disturb him.
    Cheburashka, without hesitation, ran to the store. There he scored sweets, cakes, toys. He went to the seller, gave him a penny. The seller stared his eyes, and Cheburashka replies:
    - What you are watching? Come on!
  • Cheburashka ran into a pharmacy And he asks the seller:
    - Hello, do you have oranges?
    - No, there are no oranges. - the seller answered confidently.
    Cheburashka left and runs in an hour:
    - And you have no oranges?
    - No, there were no oranges and no.
    Cheburashka ran away, an hour later he runs back:
    - Hello, but the orange did not appear?
    - No, we don’t have oranges! - answered the seller.
    Cheburashka ran away again, and the seller hung a “oranges no” sign on the door so that Cheburashka would not reach him. An hour later, Cheburashka resorts again and tells the seller:
    -Yeah, so there were still oranges? !!

Children's jokes about vovochka, funny jokes for children

Vovochka is a famous children's character, which is often found in jokes. Children love him because he embodies the image of a curious boy who strives to know everything and knows the answers to all questions. Vovochka goes to kindergarten or school, performs homework, walks in the yard and communicates with friends. All his actions are certainly related to exciting questions and witty answers.

jokes about the vowel - a bright curious character

Anecdotes for children about vovochka:

  • On a walk with mom vovochka Makes her an unusual remark:
    - Mom you have such long nails!
    - Thank you, Vovochka. This is called manicure.
    - Oh, I would have such a manicure in the ground!
  • At school, a teacher in nature He asks the children a question:
    - Children, who knows why gorillas have such large nostrils?
    - I know! - Pulls the hand of a vovochka.
    - Answer, Vovochka. - offers the teacher.
    - They are big because the fingers of the gorillas are also large! So in the nose is more convenient!
  • In a physical education lesson at the school teacher He asks Vovochka:
    - Vovochka, how much can you run for a hundred -meter?
    Vovochka scratched his head and answered:
    - Well, I can ... I can ...
  • The class teacher asks children:
    - Children, do you know what kind of birds the nests are not driven?
    Vovochka pulls his hand. The teacher offers him to answer:
    - Cuckoo! - answers Vovochka.
    - Correctly! Do you know why? - asks the teacher.
    - Yes! Because she is sitting in the watch!
  • On the way home a little vovochka He asks his mother:
    - Mom, tell me why everyone at school call me a "liar"?
    - Vovochka, but you don’t even go to Cola !! - Mom answers.
  • At school, Vovochka called the teacher no misters". The teacher, without hesitation, asked him his homework: a hundred times in the notebook the phrase “You need to contact the“ you ”to the teacher. The next day, the teacher checks the notebook and notices that the given sentence is not spelled out a hundred, but two hundred times:
    - Vovochka, why did you prescribe a proposal two hundred times?
    - This, Marya Ivanovna, so that you are more pleasant!

Jokes about kindergarten about children and for children

Kindergarten is what every child has experienced in his life. This topic is interesting and relevant for babies of any age. That is why jokes with stories about kindergarten in a special way are funny and interesting.

anecdotes about kindergarten are interesting for children

Anecdotes for children about kindergarten:

  • While playing with the ball in the room The children broke the window. The teacher finds out:
    “I ask who broke the window?”
    (Silence in response)
    - I ask again who broke the window ??
    (Children are silent)
    - I ask for the third time: who broke the window with the ball ???
    One boy hesitated and said:
    - Come on, Svetlana Anatolyevna, ask for the fourth time!
  • Mom collects Sasha To kindergarten, and he drives her:
    - Mom, let's gather me faster! Mom, let's put it on soon!
    - Sasha, where are you in a hurry so much! - Mom is surprised.
    - To kindergarten, mommy!
    “And what is there that you can't wait?”
    - We are fighting there, mommy!
  • Little Masha complains to mom After the kindergarten:
    - Imagine mom, today they gave me only half of the apple for the afternoon snack!
    - Did they give other children a whole apple? - Mom is surprised.
    - No, the rest of the children also received a half.
    - So, Mashenka, it should. - Mom reassures her daughter.
    “But, because I can eat a whole!” - the girl answers indignantly.
  • Igor invites dad To the school matinee:
    - Dad, come tomorrow to the kindergarten to my matinee!
    - Okay, Igor. What will you portray on the matinee?
    - I, daddy, have a very important role in the view!
    “And what is your role, Igor?”
    - I will be the second part of the horse! - the boy noted proud.
  • The teacher tells the children About what animals exist in the world. She asks the group:
    - And which animal can be called home? This four -legged faithful friend lives with many of you at home.
    - I know the answer! - shouted Sasha.
    - Answer, Sasha.
    - This animal is called - bed!

Anecdotes for children are 9 - 12 years old, funny and interesting jokes

The age of children from nine to twelve is particularly intelligence. They understand jokes deeper, possess certain knowledge and skills. It is easier for them to understand the funny situations that are discussed in jokes and jokes. They independently read in children's magazines, books and on special sites. This great pastime and entertainment, which will expand their knowledge, will help to establish contact with other children and become the center of attention of peers.

jokes for children from 9 years old contain children and simple humor

Anecdotes for children from nine years old:

  • During a walk with my son I met a familiar aunt, she was delighted with the child and gave him candy. The boy quickly grabbed her, turned it around and ate silently. To such a reaction, mom says to him:
    - Dima, what do you need to say aunt?
    - Give another one! - the boy answered boldly.
  • Grandmother went to the park with her granddaughter, there was a violinist concert in the summer theater. Without hesitation, in order to introduce her granddaughter to musical art, she put her on the bench and they began to listen. The girl was clearly not a musician. She fidgeted on the bench for a long time and in the end asked:
    -Granny, and when uncle finally cut his box, we will go home?
  • Dad watched the Olympics on TV. At that moment, when the Svetochka approached him in the competition was attended by runners. The girl was interested in what they showed and she asked:
    - Dad tell me, why do these uncles run so fast?
    - This is a competition. The one who comes running the first will receive a prize!
    - Dad, why then are everyone else running?
  • Mom brought a neuropathologist to an appointment To the hospital of his son. He began to ask him questions:
    - Boy, please tell me, how many legs are a cat?
    - Four. - the boy answered in surprise.
    - Boy, how many cats do the cat?
    - Two. - the boy answered in surprise.
    - Boy, tell me, how many ponytails have?
    The boy frowned, turned to his mother and asked:
    -Mom, has this stupid uncle never seen cats in his life?
  • At a break at school, a class teacher Talking with Cyril:
    - Kiryusha, how did you celebrate your birthday?
    - Okay, Marina Alexandrovna.
    - And the guests came to you?
    - Many guests came, Marina Alexandrovna.
    - Did you give gifts?
    - Give, Marina Alexandrovna.
    - And who gave the best gift?
    - Dad!
    - And what did he give you?
    - As many as three slingshots!
    “Enough to joke, Cyril, it's not beautiful!” - the teacher noted.
    - I am not kidding. He has the only glass in the area, he said if there is a lot of work, he will also buy me a railway with a steam locomotive!

Funny children's jokes to tears, capable of quickly cheer up

A funny joke will be a great way to quickly raise the mood. He will be able to remove sadness and give a few minutes of joy even the saddest baby. Laughter is a pleasant feeling that not only saves from boredom, but also gives positive emotions.

funny children's jokes and jokes - a way to have fun

Funny jokes capable of bringing "to tears":

  • The computer specialist Ask at work:
    - Tell me, do you have children?
    - Yes, I have two sons! - He answered quickly.
    - And how old are they?
    The computer was thought:
    - Well, one already plays on the computer, but the second does not reach the keyboard.
  • Dad asks his son after classes:
    - Danil, how did it happen that your violin crashed?
    “I don't know, dad.” Everything happened very quickly. I learned the composition so carefully and carefully ... I learned and learned and then then ... and the violin fell out of the window!
  • Dad and daughter eat together for lunch cabbage salad. Dad tells his daughter his remark:
    - See, Ksyusha, are you and I like two goats eat cabbage?
    “I don't know, dad.” There is only one goat here, and personally I am a bunny.
  • Three puppies met in the yard-Dvornyags and began to communicate among themselves:
    - Tyav! - said one.
    Another in response to him:
    - Gav! - said the second.
    “Myu-oo-oo ...” said the third.
    Two puppies hatched their eyes and stared at the third:
    - Are you crazy or what is the shaggy, shaggy?
    - No guys, I'm just learning a foreign language.
  • The boy asked for a long time from his parents aquarium. In the end, they gave him an aquarium with a birthday fish. After a while, the pope noticed that the fish in the aquarium surfaced by their stomachs to the top:
    - Son, why didn't you take care of the fish and did not change the water for them?
    - Dad, why should they change? They haven't drank this one yet!

School jokes about school, students and teachers

School jokes are a special topic. School is that world for a child where the most interesting, most unexpected and most impressionable. Incredibly funny for children will be situations that happen to the characters in the lessons, changes and in the director’s office. Anecdotes about school will make the child be easier to the educational process and not to experience negative emotions every morning, on the way to the class.

school jokes are loved and popular among children

Jacks on school topics:

  • The girl is running home after class. Full of vivid impressions, she shares with her mother emotions:
    - Mommy, today in the lesson, Maria Ivanovna read a fairy tale about the red cap.
    - This is a good fairy tale. Do you like her? Have you made any conclusions for yourself?
    - Yes, mommy! You need to remember well what our grandmother looks like!
  • The teacher of mathematics explains Children New Material:
    - Class, listen carefully! Now I will prove to you the Pythagoras theorem.
    One boy answers the teacher from the place:
    - No, Natalya Ivanovna, we already believe you.
  • The teacher of mathematics sets Question to Vovochka:
    - Vovochka, answer my question very quickly: how much will there be seven plus four?
    - Twenty one! - Vovochka answered quickly.
    - Not properly. It will be eleven!
    “But you asked to answer quickly, and not correctly!”
  • Before the control work The teacher says:
    - Children, today we will have a test on the latest topic!
    One student asks from the place:
    - Anna Sergeevna, and it will be possible to use the calculator?
    The teacher thought, but answered:
    - Can!
    - And the transporter and the circul? - He did not calm down.
    - Can! Write down the topic: "History of Russia ..."

Funny jokes about animals for children of any age

Anecdotes about animals will be understandable to all children and cause a storm of pleasant emotions.

anecdotes about animals are understandable and funny for children

Anecdotes about animals to children:

  • The girl complains to your girlfriend:
    - Imagine, Sveta, my cat started a moth!
    - What, not even fleas?
    - No, mol!
    - Rejoice, Natasha!
    - Why?
    - Since the moth started up, then the wool is natural, not a synthetic fake!
  • Ad in the paper. Rubric about animals: “I will sell a good, healthy and adult chameleon green ... No, blue ... No, purple ... No, raspberry ... No, I won’t sell so cool!”
  • Two neighbors talk:
    - This is such a nightmare! Just imagine: your dog ate our chicken!
    - It's just wonderful!
    - And why is that?
    - So, you do not need to feed the dog!
  • The thief made his way into the apartment and began to rob. Suddenly hears a voice:
    - Kesha sees you! Kesha sees you!
    The thief understands that this is a parrot, covers it with a rag and continues to rob. The parrot continues:
    - Kesha sees you! Kesha sees you!
    - You do not see anything! The thief shouts nervously.
    - Kesha is not me, Kesha is a shepherd. - the parrot answers.

Short jokes for children of any age

  • Who is the bun? Kolobok is a smiley for our grandparents!
  • What is your favorite fruit? - Ice cream!
  • Vova, did you hang underwear? - No, mothers, I decided to have mercy on it!
  • If you open the refrigerator several times to the row, then you can notice how each time the cakes are getting less and less!
  • The most magical word in which the children immediately run to the store, take out the garbage and wash the dishes - this is "I will turn off the Internet!"
  • The guilty children are placed in the angle where the worst of all is Wi-Fi
  • Children are flowers of life. That is why he constantly pulls to the ground and dirt ...

Video: "The best children's jokes"

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