Determinism - what is it, which is the essence of the principle of determinism, categories and types of determinism. What is indeterminism?

Determinism - what is it, which is the essence of the principle of determinism, categories and types of determinism. What is indeterminism?

Determinism as another teachings regarding the theory of pattern, causal relationships and their interaction, as well as everything that happens in the world around us. This is a brief interpretation, learn more from the article.

The word "term" itself involves the definition of something. Hence the concept of “determinism”, which is actively used today in a variety of industries, from philosophical to technical. Determinism in psychology is especially popular, since it is a way of a better understanding of the features of thinking. The Latin origin of the word interprets it as “defined”, and it was he who used the founder of the teachings of the Greek scientist and philosopher Democritus, for whom it was always important to determine the causes of everything that was happening.

How did the concept of determinism evolve?

  • Like any teaching The concept of determinism passed certain stages. Antiquity identified Gilozoism, a teaching that says that everything that is on the material of the material is alive.
  • Later, with the expansion of the biological knowledge of mankind, scientists spoke that only living beings are inherent in the soul, while there is a close connection between biology and psychology.
  • After the works of the early Christian thinker Aurelius Augustine, who claimed that the soul was a source of all knowledge leading to the realization of the goal, was published in the 4th century, his concept was popular in order to know the psychology of people, the presence and application of internal experience is necessary.

Forms and representatives of determinism - Laplanic determinism

  • Today you can meet interpretation of determinismrelated to ancient, Laplaces, natural-scientific and modern (it is also called synergistic) forms.
  • Ancient interpretations rested on causality and necessity. These teachings were developed, in addition to Democritus, also Levkipp.
  • Laplacesky determinism (this is the already established name) and today often lies at the heart of the exact sciences of physics or mathematics, as well as philosophical teachings. Laplace theory indicates the impact of causes and external factors initially, in the process of development, forming and determining it, as well as on consequences.
  • Representative of mechanistic determinism, equalizing the living to automatic, was Thomas Hobbes. The teachings of Rene Descartes, who separated the spirit and matter, opposed him. The theory of Benedict Spinoza is especially distinguished, who considered the original reason, and causality is the main link between everything that exists and is happening in the world.
  • Modern determinism He absorbed all previous exercises, summarizing them. Today he speaks of a special role of such a category as a relationship and interaction, since absolutely everything is modified - from material to psychological components.

What is the essence of the principle of determinism?

  • In order to more fully understand what is happening to us and around us, scientists use several criteria, considering the correspondence of what is happening, additional and, including determinism. In fact, he is a teaching that gives confirmation that there are no accidents in our lives.
  • Scientists bring these confirmations based on the characteristics of the behavior of all living things. Determinism Not only studies for what reasons and in accordance with what factors our thinking is formed, but also proves that these factors affect us together. Under their influence, our behavior changes and mental characteristics develop.

Categories of determinism

First classify the principle of determinism They became only in the last century, and one of the classification systems was proposed by the Argentine philosopher and physicist Mario Bung.

He identified the following categories of determinism:

  • Statistical
  • Quantitative
  • Structural
  • Mechanical
  • Dialectical
  • Theological

And another category was noted by this scientist - we are talking about determinism in the contact of several people. If we consider in more detail each of the above categories, you can also distinguish such concepts as connection, cause and consequence, interaction and probability, the connection of states and the correlation, conditions and necessity, foresight and many more components.

The reason is the consequence
The reason is the consequence

What are the types of determinism?

If there is a classification in relation to categories, then, of course, the task of scientists was to defeat determinism by type.

As a result, today it is highlighted:

  1. Multiple (multi) determinism.talking about the influence of many factors on everything that happens.
  2. Psychological determinism The great Sigmund Freud emphasized, which claimed that there was nothing accidental and the smallest event is significant.
  3. Cultural determinism It is based on the education of a person laid down in childhood and affects all subsequent emotional states and actions.
  4. Mutual determinism It is understood as the components of a whole complex of a psychological type of person: thinking, cognitive abilities, activity, influence of external factors.

Next, we will consider in detail the indicated and other types of determinism:

Multiple determinism

  • This term is used when it comes to several factors that caused this or that behavior or event, as well as the several goals for which they serve. Freud used such a direction in his exercises, calling it super -detector.
  • Continuing to develop this concept, Robert Welder came to the conclusion that any of the mental actions concentrates a complex of psyche efforts, factors determined by the external environment, etc. Thus, even the solution of one issue becomes at the same time an attempt to resolve another.

Cultural determinism

  • Here we are talking about the dominant role of culture in the fate of each of us. From infancy, a person becomes a component of a certain culture, which dictates opportunities and determines the restrictions that regulate the entire course of life. And, accordingly, when choosing a solution, the dominant role is played by a culture in which a person has been brought up.
  • Thus, the teachings of cultural determinism Almost deprives a person of an independent, independent choice. He dwells on the decision that corresponds to the concepts adopted in his characteristic cultural environment. At the same time, many researchers emphasize that cultural influence is supplemented by biological, social, etc.

Mutual determinism

  • This teaching says on the impact on the personality And her behavior at once three aspects: the personality itself, her behavior and the environment. The latter factor is understood as a person’s environment, close, acquaintances and strangers who are around and with whom he is forced to interact.
  • The personality is manifested in character traits, views, interests and, of course, in behavior. But the behavior itself reinforces or becomes unusual for a given person.
  • In other words, our thoughts, views, tastes are able to determine the environment and the nature of our behavior we choose. In its turn, behavior can change as the surrounding world, so our thoughts. It is such interaction that theorists define as mutual determinism.

Technological determinism

  • Another variety of teachings of determinism, which at the head of all the development of society and the formation of its structure puts the development of science and technology. This direction defines the whole history of mankind as a relationship with nature, the ability to adapt to its conditions and even conquer.
About technological
About technological
  • It is such a criterion that meets characteristics of the "development" and "backwardness" of the statesBased on the level of technological progress and excluding spiritual and cultural development. Thus, according to this theory, society follows in its development from the pre -industrial (here the institutions of the church and the army), through the industrial (free trade, the factory organization of labor, the unified economic system) to the post -industrial, where the information component and the level of knowledge are already coming to the forefront .

Biological determinism

  • It is defined as the influence of biological laws on the general perception of existence. Arising in the 19th century, during the rapid development of science, many discoveries and achievements in it, it had several schools, from social Darwinism with its natural selection and the struggle for survival, to racism, talking about racial differences and their determining role in history and culture.
  • To biological determinism In many ways, Freud’s teachings are also attributed, based on the main instincts and subconscious. This also includes the Maltese school, as well as neo -magnanism.
About organisms
About organisms

Historical determinism

  • This direction is characterized by the assertion that the investigation is generated by the cause. With all reservations and exceptions, the pattern followers of historical determinism They deny that the course of history is predetermined in advance.
  • Since the existence of a personality occurs at many levels (psychology, biology, culture, social status, economics, politics, etc.), each of them is characterized by a priority in one period.
  • Given not only the objective course of development, but also subjective factors, to assume that and in what period it will form the basis of the social condition, it is hardly possible.
  • Wherein Historical determinism It does not reject the objectivity of the knowledge of the past, but knows it precisely in accordance with the conditions and factors inherent in it.

Mechanical determinism

  • In this direction of the teachings of determinism, it is stated that reasons are inherent to influence how the effect of their impact will become. It is believed that this interpretation does not take into account the influence of external factors and conditions in which there is a person, considering it in essence isolated from the outside world.
  • So, as an example, one can cite such an action as movement. By the theory of mechanical determinism, it should be infinite, since it is caused by a certain cause (effort). But in reality, external factors enter into interconnection - the same acceleration, friction, inertia.
  • It is such a set of influences that determines the trajectory, distance, time of movement and even adjusts its direction.

Geographical determinism

  • A similar concept considers the determining influence of nature forces on the process of development of society. Thus, the concepts of flora and fauna, climate, relief, etc. come to the fore. factors inherent in this territory.
  • It is they, as they believe representatives of geographical determinism, “Dictate” the conditions for the formation of society, the economy, up to physical characteristics and psyche.
  • The teaching takes origin since antiquity as opposing mythology and religion. It received special development in the 18th century, in the works of Montesquieu. The most radical followers of the theory even attributed a person to the “product” of the earth's surface. Among Russian scientists who, to one degree or another, agreed with such an interpretation, are Mechnikov and Gumilev.

Social determinism

  • The determining role in this direction of determinism It is assigned to forces moving public development. In different interpretations of theorists, you can find different forces: from the same geographical and material to supernatural and even ideas.
  • Almost every scientists and philosophers studying and developing determinism, one way or another, is correlated with the social factor - Montesquieu, and Hegel, and Marx. Only the driving forces vary, which they defined as dominant.
  • Today, an approach has been adopted that the different spheres of public life in this or that period can become dominant. In addition, constant interaction takes place between them.

Forms of the determinist approach

Determinism It is based on the fact that all events are in one way or another interconnected. Nevertheless, he admits that causality does not always underlie human actions.

There are several more forms of determinical approach to explanation of actions:

  • Systemic, i.e. considering the whole as a decisive concept for its components.
  • StatisticalThe one who says that the consequences of the actions of one person can be different, despite the fact that the factors that stimulated them are the same.
  • Feedback It implies that the consequences caused by the cause may, in turn, influence it.
  • Target form Talks about the implementation of the intended goal as a result of activity.
  • Self-Determinism svoyatic management of human actions and actions according to real needs.

What is the determination of behavior and psychological determinism?

  • Since relationships in the world are very significant, they appear not only in the influence of a person on a close circle of friends, acquaintances, relatives, but also on society in a broad understanding. This happens formation of certain norms: cultural, social, political, accepted in a certain circle.
  • We consider such a compliance with the stereotype of a citizen, but at the same time, each of us sometimes discovers that his personal qualities, character, and the disposition contradicts any phenomena.
  • It is this phenomenon that explains psychological determinismThe one who says that cultural and social norms affect the behavior of personality, determining the expression of his emotions and the behavioral manner. Thus, forming under the influence of the adults surrounding him, the child thereby supplements with external factors the qualities that were laid in him from birth.
About the impact on a person
About the impact on a person
  • It confirms theory of determinismtalking about the influence of natural, social and biological factors on a person’s mental state.

What determinants determine psychological development?

There are several determinants, and all of them are factors that influence how the personality develops, what manners it acquires.

The following determinants are distinguished:

  1. Genetic predisposition, which consists not only in hereditary diseases, primarily mental, but also in a repeat of actions similar to those that close people carry out.
  2. Environment, also affecting the formation of a person through the conditions in which he abides.
  3. Confrontation of the environment - This is a departure from generally accepted norms and stereotypes, due to strong -willed qualities and manifested in arbitrary actions.
  4. Development of the psychological component of the personality It manifests itself when such a level of development is achieved (this relates to knowledge, skills, talents), which begins to contradict reality.

Who is called determinants?

  • We are talking about people who are adherents of one or another direction of this teaching. They emphasize that a person is essentially absent free choice, Since its actions are determined by the causality of phenomena. In other words, any action is dictated by the motivation that dominates the psyche, and not features of character or internal motives.
  • But is it realistic to remain uninitiated today? Hardly. So determinants They just find an excuse in this or another act in this term, pointing to the relationship of the factors that influenced it.

What is indeterminism?

  • Industerminism, as the name implies, a teaching that denies causality. Similar ideas are found in theological treatises, in the teachings of Kanta, and Home also spoke of this. In contrast to determinism, we are talking about the subjective nature of the cause and investigation.
  • Simply put, it is implied that, making one or another conclusion, a person is actually completely unclear the degree of its correspondence to the true state of things.

The term indeterminism appeared as a scientific course along with the development of a statistical industry and is considered the opposite of determinism.

Video: Development and problem of determinism

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