Demodecosis is a subcutaneous tick in dogs: types, causes, symptoms, initial signs, treatment at home. Is demodicosis contrast in dogs for humans? Diacose drugs in dogs: name, list, instructions for use, the most effective treatment regimen

Demodecosis is a subcutaneous tick in dogs: types, causes, symptoms, initial signs, treatment at home. Is demodicosis contrast in dogs for humans? Diacose drugs in dogs: name, list, instructions for use, the most effective treatment regimen

In this article, we will talk about one of the most common diseases among dogs.

“Red Scabies” - sounds enough, is it enough, isn't it? Indeed, this disease, also called demodicosis, requires the close attention of dog breeders. Moreover, it occurs quite often.

What is demodex and demodecosis in dogs, what does a subcutaneous tick and illness look like?

Demodecosis is a disease that occurs thanks to a microscopic tick called Demodex Canis. You can find a parasite in the epidermis, sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as in hair follicles. By the way, in one follicle there can be at the same time about 200 individuals of demodex! The thing is that all the cycles of the development of the parasite occur without migrations on the body.

Important: such breeds such as Rottweiler, German dog, German shepherd, shelti, collie, boxer, bulldog both French, dachshund, tape-tire, west-high-west-uyit terrier, cocker-spaniel, Dobermanel, Doberman, Doberman, are especially prone to demodecosis. .

If we draw parallels regarding the similarity of Demodex with someone by external signs, you can recall the ordinary worm well familiar to all. Only this "worm" has many paws and jaws.

This is what Demodex looks like
This is what Demodex looks like

Young representatives of ticks they eat exclusively dead cells dog. But adults individuals are eaten the outer layer of the skin. That is why the dog’s body is covered with terrifying wounds, but we will talk about the signs of demodicosis below.

Demodecosis - subcutaneous tick in dogs: species

Despite the fact that the pathogen is one, the disease can appear in different ways:

  • Focal demodecosis - Veterinarians attribute it to The most easy look. How easy it is to understand from the name, only individual foci are affected. There are few of them - from 3 to 5. In the risk zone there are head, paws, stomach, chest. Skin on the affected areas without wool and has a tendency to abundant peeling. Statistics indicate that 80% of diseases of this type ends with a cure.

Important: however, the owner has no right to relax, since in the absence of treatment or its insufficiency, the situation may worsen.

Focal demodecosis in the face of a dog
Focal demodecosis in the face of a dog
  • Generalized - It may arise from the focal. In this case, they are already amazed large areas. They acquire gray or red tint, Appears unpleasant odor. If the case is launched, they can even internal organs to suffer, Which often leads to death. Veterinarians often insist on sterilization of a sick animaloh, since it may well convey the ailment to offspring.
Generalized demodecosis in a dog
Generalized demodecosis in a dog
  • Juvenile - It is found in dogs who still not a year. They inherit the ailment from the mother, and because of weak immunity, they still cannot overcome it. You can recognize the problem by formations on paws and "glasses".
Juvenile demodecosis in a puppy
Juvenile demodecosis in a puppy

Demodecosis in dogs: Reasons

The most interesting thing is that Demodex tick is each dog has! And in many cases, it does not manifest itself, the animal remains healthy. But why do less lucky relatives get sick? Scientists still continue to guess, but, nevertheless, a certain they highlighted the list of factors:

  • First of all, demodecosis provokes weakened immune system. It provides all conditions for Demodex to change its conditionally pathogenic status to pathogenic.

Important: but do not worry about any sneezer of the pet, fearing that the tick is also activated with a cold. We are talking about a very strong and sharp decrease in immunity.

  • Heredity - This was mentioned above. A weak body begins to grow is simply not able to repulse the pathogen. It is natural that the disease begins to progress.
  • Wool loss can occur due to reduction of skin tone. The translation of the dog from her familiar environment into unusual is sometimes accompanied by a loss of protective properties in the skin. Ticks react quickly to such weakening.
If the animal lived at home for a long time, and then began to live on the street, it may begin to begin scabies due to demodex
If the animal lived at home for a long time, and then began to live on the street, it may begin to begin scabies due to demodex
  • If the animal Poor eats, he may have problems. It is not for nothing that the dog breeders and veterinarians unanimously claim that the diet should be balanced. This is especially necessary for dogs leading active lifestyle. Since with a large load to the body for energy production, nutrients are especially necessary. And small loads and abundant nutrition provoke the concentration of nutrients in fiber under the skin.

Important: the last case is also important to control, since when the amount of fiber is increased, the skin ceases to be controlled by the immune system and normally cleansed. Here the tick is activated.

  • Oncological diseases They are also a provoking factor for demodicosis.
    Some medicines give side effects. Most often we are talking about hormonal agents.
  • Hormonal malfunctions Negatively affect a lot, including provoke the appearance of demodicosis.

Demodecosis in dogs: initial signs, symptoms

So what are initial symptoms of decomodecosis?

  • Itching, and strong. Of course, all the animals itch from time to time. However, if it happens Within a few hours in a row, definitely it is worth showing the dog to the veterinarian.
If the dog is often itchy for a long time, it can be the initial stage of demodicosis
If the dog is often itchy for a long time, it can be the initial stage of demodicosis
  • It is worth taking a closer look at The foundation of wool - will be there redness.
  • A few days later, in the places of such redness, they begin to appear bubbles. There are inside them content, which can be seen. In color, it reminds first brick, and later clay. So the so -called the abstract form of the disease.
  • In some cases, you can find dry scales. Despite the fact that they are dry, the wool nearby seems to stick together. They may resemble bran or scales of fish.

Important: they can sometimes be confused with dirt, which burned out in the sun, but it is definitely worth a closer look at the dog.

  • A few days after the formation of scales, they disappear. Under them you can see pus.
  • In some cases Body temperature The animal is approximately 37 degrees. By the way, for dogs this is not normal, since the optimum body temperature in a healthy dog \u200b\u200bis from 37.5 to 39.4 degrees, depending on the size.
  • The dog can refuse food, test oppressed state.
Dog with demodicosis often does not have appetite
Dog with demodicosis often does not have appetite

Research for demodicosis in dogs, scraping: where to conduct?

With the manifestation of the above signs, the dog must urgently be taken to a specialist in a good proven veterinary clinic. Before carrying out any treatment, it is necessary to identify the pathogen. Indeed, even if the symptoms of the disease of the pet coincide with the signs of demodicosis, the cause of the disease can lie in something else.

The specialist must appoint Bucks. This analysis will allow with a high degree of accuracy to determine the type of microbe and, as a result, its reaction to antibiotics.

It is also important to take into account the current state of the animal, because it is possible that it may have diseases. Only can do this specialistTherefore, home treatment based on acquaintances is excluded.

Important: analyzes for the laboratory must be taken not only in diagnosis, but also in the process of treatment every week or two. This will determine whether the treatment of the animal is successful.

In order to get rid of demodicosis, the dog must undertake an analysis for laboratory research
In order to get rid of demodicosis, the dog must undertake an analysis for laboratory research

Juvenile, generalized demodecosis in the face, in the eyes of dogs - treatment with ointments, drops, on the withers: names, list, instructions for use

We give a list effective tools treatment of a generalized, juvenile stage of demodicosis:

  • "Amitrase" - It is produced in the form of drops, which are very effective in the fight against many types of ticks. It penetrates the foci of inflammation without any problems, has bactericidal, mitigating properties. Preferably, drops are not just applied to the withers, but dilute them in warm water. In it, the animal needs buy completely, and then give dry naturally or dry with a hairdryer. After that, the solution must be poured without using it again. Each 10-14 days the procedure needs to be repeated Until several tests in a row, they give a good result.
  • Aversectin ointment - In reasonable doses, it does not cause irritation and safe. Before applying it in the patient remove scabs, cut the coat In problem areas. Then thin layer It is necessary to apply ointment. The frequency of treatment - from 2 to 5 times every 5-7 days.
Aversectic ointment is quite effective in the fight against demodicosis
Aversectic ointment is quite effective in the fight against demodicosis

Important: applying the product from the edges of the affected area to its center. It is preferable to process a centimeter of the skin around the wound.

  • Drops "Dana Ultra" must be applied in the same way with coverage of the border section. Washing should be done Once a day with an interval of about 5-7 days.
  • With a juvenile form of the disease It is strongly recommended in parallel with drops or ointments to treat the animal vitamin E. It helps fabrics regenerate faster.

Treatment of demodicosis in dogs by Ivermec, Bratseto, Miramistin, Ivermectin, droplets Lawyer: Instructions for use

Now a few words about another popular drugs For the treatment of demodicosis:

  • "Ivermek" - This drug is deservedly considered one of the best, and with a small dosage intramuscularly produces an amazing effect. The calculation should be as follows - 5 kg of weight Dogs need to be introduced 0.1 ml of medicine. You can dilute it with a sterile solvent.

Important: if the dog weighs less than 5 kg, you need to calculate 0.2 ml of the drug per kilogram of body weight.

Veterinarians often advise inverters to treat demodicosis
Veterinarians often advise inverters to treat demodicosis
  • "Braceto" - Studies show that the overwhelming number of parasites dies literally in the first 12 hours after the animal takes a tablet. To eat her animal should either during mealsor soon after this. Per kilogram of weight It should be approximately 25-56 g of the drug. It is important to know this, since the package of the tablets is different, so the calculation should be made before going to the veterinary pharmacy.
  • "Miramistin" - It is considered effective antiseptic tool When processing wounds. Apply the Marlev Tampon twice or even three times a day for 4-5 days.
  • "Lawyer" - 1 kg of weight It should come approximately 0.1 ml of drops. They need to be applied strictly on an intact body, preferably, as an starting point, you should choose the area of \u200b\u200bthe blades. Next, you need to move to the tail - everything should turn out 3-4 processed areas. On average should be 2-4 sessions of treatment. Interval You need to observe approximately per month.
Drops lawyer for the treatment of demodicosis
Drops lawyer for the treatment of demodicosis
  • "Ivermectin" - It is permissible how to introduce it in the form of an injectionso give In the form of a tablet. In the first case, the dosage is as follows - 0.4 mg is introduced per kilogram of weight Medicines. In the second one per kilogram of weight, you need to give once a day 0.6 mg of the drug.

Important: in both cases, the duration of treatment is on average 5-6 weeks.

Treatment of demodicosis in dogs with folk remedies: recipes

Of course, you cannot consider the alternative to visit the veterinarian and receive instructions from him instructions. But in quality additional measures The fight against demodicosis will be useful. So, what can be advised:

  • A decoction of honey and wormwood It has long established itself as a fighter of parasites. You will need to take only wormwood big spoon, but fill it 250 ml of water. Boil The future medicine should at least 15 minutes, after which it should Drive For some time. We must not forget about filtering! Then you can add a teaspoon of honey and give a pet every couple of hours.
Wormwood is a good assistant in the fight against demodicosis
Wormwood is a good assistant in the fight against demodicosis
  • If the dog loves to swim, special baths will be a great solution! For example, you can once a week Arrange water procedures in a decoction of oats.

Important: if a shampoo with this component caught my eye, you can safely purchase it.

  • From the roots of celandine You can make excellent ointmentwhy you need to stock up only 3-5 roots and 500 ml of oil. The latter must certainly be refined, lean. The sequence of actions is as follows: grind the roots, pour oil, freeze in the oven at a temperature of up to 50 degrees, strain.
The root of the celandine has proven itself well in the fight against demodicosis
The root of the celandine has proven itself well in the fight against demodicosis

Does dog -kerosene treat dogs in dogs?

There is an opinion that kerosene helps in the fight against demodicosis. Supporters of such a folk treatment method prove that if you process problem areas 3 days, on them the film is formed. This film is impermeable for the parasite and, therefore, there will be absolutely nothing to breathe. As a result, the tick will begin to get to the surface itself.

Logic in such a recommendation is present. However, the fact is that not every skin can positively perceive such treatment. It is possible that instead of a positive effect, the skin of the dog will receive irritation.

Important: it is preferable to choose some other less radical method from folk remedies.

The most effective treatment regimen for demodicosis in dogs: Description

There is no universal universal scheme for the fight against demodicosis with a guaranteed result. But you can try some scheme that certainly does not harm. For example, next:

  • At the first signs, the skin must be treated fish oil. The litter should change as often as possible.
Fish oil - assistant in the fight against demodicosis
Fish oil - assistant in the fight against demodicosis
  • Of course, it is necessary take tests, because the medicine is selected depending on the stage of the disease and on the animal breed. While the results are expected, you should arrange a bathing darling, having bathed it with the use antibacterial shampoo.
  • After shampoo, it is preferably to treat the skin Antiseptic lotion.

Important: diet plays a huge role. It should be saturated with vitamins A, E.

Is demodicosis contrast in dogs for humans?

A person to fear infection from the dog for sure it does not follow. Even if the type of tick in this case, under consideration, crosses to a person, he will not be able to live there for long - a maximum of a day.

Theoretically, it will be possible to get sick only if the immunity is very low. And as low as possible. And this is extremely rare.

A person can without fear of bathing a dog with demodicosis - it will not work to become infected
A person can without fear of bathing a dog with demodicosis - it will not work to become infected

How is demodicosis transmitted in dogs?

As for the transfer to the dogs, this is more likely. But do not imagine how the tick briskly jumps from one dog to another!

In fact close physical contact should occur Patient individual with healthy. Healthy should touch the skin and pieces of the epithelium of a sick individual.

Dog Demodecosis: photo before and after treatment

With timely contacting a specialist and following recommendations, the dog is quite can be cured. And here is evidence to this:

This is how the dog is transformed beyond recognition after treatment for demodicosis
This is how the dog is transformed beyond recognition after treatment for demodicosis
Even a dog that is very ill with demodicosis can be cured with qualified assistance
Even a dog that is very ill with demodicosis can be cured with qualified help

Prevention of demodicosis in dogs: Description of a complex of measures

How can such a disease be avoided?

  • Hygiene - primarily! This means, for example, that the litter needs to be changed to clean as often as possible.

Important: when bathing, do not neglect the use of specialized shampoos.

  • As mentioned above, one of the provoking factors in the appearance of demodicosis is a poorly balanced diet. The diet should be saturated With all the necessary substances, in order to maintain the immunity of the pet is normal.
  • When molting, you should add to the diet sulfur.
  • Contact with patients with individuals must be limited, since the probability of getting an infection still exists.
  • Vaccination - Do not succumb to prejudices and believe that the vaccine is jealous of health.
  • Veterinary preventive examination You cannot neglect! And it should occur at least every 3 months.
To prevent the appearance of demodecosis, the dog must undergo a veterinary inspection
To prevent the appearance of demodecosis, the dog must undergo a veterinary inspection

The skin of the dog is much more tender and sensitive than human - this will confirm any veterinarian. And one can only imagine how much discomfort parasites bring to their favorite pets! Only in the hands of the owner a fence of a dog from such a trouble

The veterinarian's opinion on the treatment of demodicosis in dogs:


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Comments K. article

  1. Spring occurs and I always have a light panic because of these ticks. I try to process all dogs faster to avoid meeting with these nasty ticks.

  2. You are doing this right, Tatyana. Animals need to be treated, it will get warmer, ticks will climb and there will be no salvation from them ((I began to drip my own on the withers, I buy an ultra. And I put on an additional collar in May when we move to the cottage. I am so calmer, honestly.

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