Deformation, dystrophy, exfoliation of the nail plate: causes, types of deformations, photos, treatment and recovery, tips, reviews

Deformation, dystrophy, exfoliation of the nail plate: causes, types of deformations, photos, treatment and recovery, tips, reviews

The causes and methods of treating deformation of the nail plate.

Recently, the ailments of the nail plate have increasingly diagnosed. Podologists were faced with the fact that the number of patients increased several times. In this article, we will tell you what the cause of deformation, dystrophy, detachment of the nail plate and how to deal with it.

Types of deformation of the nail plate: photo

There are several types of deformation of the nail plate.

Types of deformation of the nail plate, photo:

  • Vertical. Stripes are observed from the lunula, that is, Matrix to free cut. There can be one or more strips. Usually they are not very embossed, but quite noticeable. Such stripes are easily aligned using modern systems when applying gel polish.
  • Horizontal. Stripes usually depart from sinuses, side rollers to the middle, or to another sinus. Rarely located on both sides of the nail, most often can be located in the middle or on the sides. The photo can find how the deformation of the nail plate looks like.

After a manicure ribbed nail plate: Causes

In most cases, the wrong hardware manicure is to blame for everything. The device has become popular relatively recently, it allows you to perform a neat, pure manicure in a short time. Many masters do not take the corresponding courses, and in fact, unprepared people begin to perform manicure. As a result of this, cuts, ribbed nails, detachment of the nail plate, andcholysis are observed. Why is this happening? The wrong technique of manipulations is to blame for everything.

After a manicure, a ribbed nail plate, reasons:

  • First of all, this is the use of very gross mills, as a result of which there is severe heating and cuts in the area of \u200b\u200bsinuses, lateral rollers, as well as matrix. In addition, often the cause of deformation, as well as the formation of a wavy or tuberous nail plate, is the use of a cannon.
  • This does not mean that it is dangerous to use it, however, some clients have a sticky, rubber cuticle, which is very difficult to push away from the nail. It is essentially adhering, and grows together with the nail, forming strong burrs.
  • The master is trying to push it away with rude movements with a gun. As a result of severe pressure, the metal pushes the matrix zone, damaging it. It is damage to the matrix area that leads dystrophy, as well as deformation of the nail plate. As a result of this, a tubercle may form in the pressure zone. Thus, the nails can grow wavy and tuberous. 
Bugs on the nails
Bugs on the nails

Why does deformation of the nails on the hands appear?

The culprit of damage to the nails, their deformation, often becomes a very deep manicure, with painting under the cuticle. Now many experienced masters of manicure, Podologists have become alarm, and believe that the implementation of too deep manicure leads to deformation of nails and various diseases.


Why does the deformation of the nails appear on the hands:

  • This is due to the fact that under the cuticle isMatrix, very sensitive zones, where the nail is quite thin. That is, it is very simple to drink the areas. As a result of this, damage occurs.
  • Often, masters who do not have sufficient experience are used to push the cuticle and deletepERGIA Treens such as a truncated cone, or an needlery cutter with a very sharp nose. This sharp nose with improper technique of performing manicure can dig into the nail plate, in particular into the zoneMatrix.
  • The cutter is truncated cone, with the improper use of it, also leaves the furrows in the areaMatrix andlunula. All this subsequently leads to the construction of the nail plate from the box, with the formation of voids,onycholysis, and deformations. 

Nail plate wavy: mechanical causes

Of course, there are other causes of deformation of the nail plate, which are in no way connected with the poor -quality, incorrect performance of manicure. Often defects are observed after mechanical damage, blows. 

The nail plate is wavy, internal causes:

  • Bugirous nails appear after use aggressive chemicals. These can be household chemicals used to clean the slabs, toilets, acid solutions used when working in laboratories, or medical personnel. Therefore, such work must be carried out exclusively in gloves. 
  • Ripping, biting and breaking the cuticle, burrs. Usually this happens in men who do not know how to use scissors and tweezers to remove the cuticle, so all burrs are torn or wiped. As a result of injury, inaffected The zone is pathogenic microorganisms, which lead to infection of the nail, and the skin around it, deformation occurs. 
  • Rodents. These are people who love to bite their nails, and often before meat. Often, when biting down nails, they are laying, and with an unsuccessful tear -off, emptiness, onycholysis may form. Indeed, rodents have very untidy hands, with a torn cuticle and a laying nail plate, which is of relief. 

Strength of the nail on the thumb of the leg: Causes

Nails on the legs are more likely to suffer from trauma due to the use of tight shoes.

Deformation of the nail on the thumb of the leg, reasons:

  • Fungal lesions. Along with deformation of the nail plate, the color of the nail changes with the fungus, peeling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe side rollers, sinuses and cuticles can be observed. It is often observed. However, at first, when the infection occurred recently, there may not be such obvious symptoms, but only slight deformation, the appearance of waves on the nails are observed. 
  • Improper nutrition With insufficient vitamins. With a lack of vitamins A, B in the body, as well as PP, a failure is observed, in particular, the cells of the nails are produced to an insufficient degree. As a result of this, a ribbed nail plate is observed.

Ribbed nails along: causes

Longitudinal stripes are much less common, which depart from the cuticle to the free edge of the nail. They are not associated with trauma, but caused by disorders in the body. Among the causes of irregularities, and vertical stripes on the nails may be the following.

Ribbed nails along the reasons:

  • Anemia, lack of red blood cells, low hemoglobin. In this case, any cosmetic procedures, baths, will not bring the desired results, since the problem comes from the inside. The correct diet, inclusion in the products with a high iron content in the menu, will help to solve it. It can be apples, beef liver, beets. 
  • Endocrine disorders. Hypoteriosis or vice versa hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland often provoke longitudinal stripes on the nails. 
  • Systemic inflammatory diseases. The body has an increased amount of leukocytes, which is why longitudinal stripes on the nails appear. In the treatment of the underlying disease, longitudinal stripes will disappear. They will grow up and will no longer appear until the body is healthy. There are many methods of combating ribbed nails, the main of which is to eliminate the main cause. If the relief is provoked by fungal diseases or infectious ailments, they must be treated. Only cosmetic procedures, such as baths, compresses and therapeutic varnishes, will not help. Nail defects will appear again and again. 
Stripes on the nails
Stripes on the nails

Nail deformation: Treatment with baths

It is very careful for people with fungal diseases, since the fungus can affect neighboring nails, with untimely treatment. You can find out more about the treatment of the fungus here. Among the simplest options for eliminating the problem are the use of baths. They are usually cooked with sea salt, lemon juice, iodine. 

Nail deformation, baths with baths:

  • With lemon and iodine. It is necessary to add the juice of half the lemon to the container with 500 ml of warm water. Three drops of iodine alcohol tincture are introduced. Put your fingers in the mixture for a third of an hour. The procedure is repeated daily for 14 days. 
  • Baths with sea salt. For preparation, it is necessary to dissolve two tablespoons of salt in 1000 ml of water at room temperature. Nails fall into this mixture for about 20 minutes. The procedure must be repeated daily, for 2 weeks. 
  • Bath with sage. It is necessary to pour two tablespoons of grass with warm water, in an amount of 200 ml and boil for 2 minutes. The decoction is filtered, 30 ml of honey, half a glass of olive oil, and the juice of half the lemon are added to it. In this mixture, you must hold your hands for 30 minutes. You do not need to rinse with water, wipe with a cloth. Please note that the product leaves fat spots, so it is best to use paper wipes. This tool is used for 2 weeks. 
Damage to nails
Damage to nails

Uneven nails on hand: Treatment with tablets

It is best if you use vitamin preparations with local remedies. You can purchase the most ordinary vitamin complex, or special products for strengthening and treating nails. Excellent results can be achieved using the medicineFittalas well as the formula resent in capsules.

These means are perfectly affected by the condition of the hair and nails, strengthening them, preventing stratification. There are also cosmetic procedures that will help eliminate ribbornness. Note,if you make baths, nail compresses, there should not be an artificial coating on them. That is, for a while you will have to abandon the use of gel polish, nail extension. 

Uneven nails on the hands, treatment with tablets:

  • Doppelgerz Nail vitamins
  • Fittal
  • Formula resent
  • Complivit with vitamin D3
  • Solgar
  • Brewer's yeast

Uneven nails on the hands: prevention

It is worth adhering to prevention, which will prevent the appearance of lesions, damage to the nails. Among preventive procedures, it is worth highlighting the following.

Uneven nails on the hands, prevention:

  • European manicure. During the manipulation, cutting objects, as well as metal tools, are not used. A keratolytic is applied to the skin around the fingers and nails, with which the cuticle is softened. Remove it with an orange stick. 
  • Japanese manicure. During this manipulation, special wraps are used, masks that help soften the cuticle and quickly remove it. Try to go to manicure to trusted masters who adhere to technology, have passed the appropriate training.
  • In salons, where craftsmen work on stream to serve a large number of customers, fast manicure techniques are most often used using the device. Such masters monitor the correctness of the procedure, because the main goal is to serve a large number of customers and make money. Therefore, choose masters who work not for quantity, but for quality. Accordingly, their manicure is executed much longer.

Remember, in just 1 hour it is quite difficult to perform a clean, high -quality manicure, so you pay for speed, but not for quality. A good manicure with gel polish coating cannot cost cheaply, because it takes about 2 hours to execute it. 

Hardware manicure
Hardware manicure


There are cosmetic procedures that will help to cope with the defect. Usually they are performed in the beauty salons by masters of manicure. Please note that this is only a disguise of defects, but not treatment. It is used only if nail defects are provoked by internal diseases that require prolonged treatment.

In such cases, a rubber base for alignment of nails, or artificial materials, such as solid gel, or polygel, is used. They are overlapping the nail plate. Thus, it becomes more rigid, and it is possible to hide the ribbing. 

Varnish aligning the nail plate:

  • Maestro Letual
  • Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear
  • Frenchi smart enamel
  • Zinger Nail Repair
  • AVON "Good results"
  • Severina with acrylic and iron
  • Belweder strengthening with calcium
Smart enamel
Smart enamel

Clothing of the nail plate: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of patients with detachment and deformation of the nail plate.

Flasping the nail plate, reviews:

Olga, 25 years old. After switching to autumn shoes, I forgot to cut the nails on my legs. As a result of this, it turned out that the nail on the thumb began to exfoliate and hurt. I came to my master of the pedicure, she advised me to remove the nail that moved away from the skin. She carefully cut it to me, restored a piece with a gel. After 3 months, the nail has grown completely. Periodically, every 3 weeks, I came to the pedicure. The master removed the artificial coating and cleaned the area that was empty so that nothing would start there.

Vika, 30 years old. I have longitudinal stripes on my nails, and this is in no way connected with gel polish. After removing artificial material, when growing a new nail, longitudinal stripes still appeared. I passed a general blood test in the clinic, it turned out that I was a very low level of hemoglobin. The Maltofer's drug drank, six months later, my nails were completely recovered and became perfectly even.

Irina, 45 years old. Bugs on the nails appeared after visiting the cabin. I am very sorry that I went there, because I could not sign up for her master. They brought me a fungus. I treated for more than three months, now the nails continue to grow. Now I will go exclusively to my master and not experiment. Antifungal drugs, as well as smart enamel, helped me restore my nails.


Video: Nail plate deformation

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Comments K. article

  1. In any case, it is advisable to consult an OBO with a subsurrent, or with a dermatologist, because it is very similar to a fungus. To get rid of it, you need to adhere to a certain hygiene and be sure to use the Mizol solution. This is now the best medicine for the treatment of the fungus based on naphthyfin.

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