Color cabbage: planting for seedlings at home, landing in open ground: terms, depth of sowing, temperature. How to care for seedlings of colored cabbage at home, water, dive?

Color cabbage: planting for seedlings at home, landing in open ground: terms, depth of sowing, temperature. How to care for seedlings of colored cabbage at home, water, dive?

How and when to plant cauliflower for seedlings? How to care for seedlings of cauliflower at home? How to plant seedlings of cauliflower in open ground?

In our country, colored cabbage has become popular relatively recently. The largest admirers and consumers of this vegetable are chest children, because it is he who is part of their first complementary foods.

For growing cauliflower, our gardeners are not taken too willingly, since this culture is rather picky and capricious. Colored cabbage will give a good crop only under certain temperature conditions - not lower than 10 degrees and not higher than 26 degrees. It is almost impossible to provide such a stable climate naturally, because most often color cabbage grows in greenhouses or greenhouses.

When and how to sow color cabbage for seedlings at home: Dates

Time sowing color cabbage for seedlings
Time sowing color cabbage for seedlings
  • The timing of sowing colored cabbage for seedlings directly rests on the variety of plants and climatic features of the area on which it will grow.
  • Occasreed varieties of cabbage (early, opal, snowflake, etc.), as a rule, are sown at home from the second half of March to the end.
  • The early varieties of this culture (movir, express, nautilus, etc.) are customary to sow from the first days of March (8-10) to the first days of April.
  • Middle -based cabbage (like domestic, Flora Blanca, etc.) is usually sown from early April to early May.
  • The late varieties of this culture (Sochi, the Consist, etc.) are customary to sow in the last decade of May - mid -June.
  • Fans of the autumn crop of this vegetable are recommended to sow its seeds for seedlings on June 5-15.
  • Experts recommend sowing colored cabbage with an interval of 3-4 days. Thus, you can get a continuous process of fruiting this useful culture for the season.
  • The main step in preparing for planting seedlings of cauliflower is the preparation or acquisition of suitable soil.
  • Soil is the component that 50% determines the yield of cauliflower, and to which this culture shows the maximum requirements.
  • The soil for seedlings of cauliflower can be prepared from autumn, or you can combine in the spring.

Spring soil preparation

Spring preparation of the soil under the sowing of the seedlings of colored cabbage
Spring preparation of the soil under the sowing of the seedlings of colored cabbage
  • We take 2 parts of humus, 2 parts of the soil from the garden and 1 part of dry non -generated peat.
  • If the soil from the garden contains a lot of clay, then add 1 part of large sand to new soil.
  • All components are mixed.
  • To disinfect the finished substrate, we either send it to the microwave for several minutes before good heating, or watering a manganese solution, or use industrial disinfectors.
  • We immerse disinfected soil into clean containers and cover with polyethylene on top.

Autumn preparation of soil

Autumn preparation of soil for sowing seeds of cauliflower
Autumn preparation of soil for sowing seeds of cauliflower
  • We take the top peat (if we use lowland peat, then reinforce it with 1/3 of the sawdust).
  • We steal the soil for a couple of hours.
  • We feed the substrate with nitrogen fertilizers (we use 20-25 g of urea or ammonium nitrate on 10l peat-instead of them, you can use complex fertilizers in a ratio of 50 g for the specified amount of land).
  • If fertilizers without beneficial trace elements were used during the top dressing process, then we feed the soil with them, by making 1st. wood ash.
  • We hide the finished soil in a secluded place where rodents and other pests can not reach.
Sowing seeds for seedlings of cauliflower
Sowing seeds for seedlings of cauliflower
  • When the earth is ready for seedlings, it remains only to sow seeds in it.
  • Sowed cauliflower must be covered with a film, placed in conditions with a temperature of 20-22 degrees and peep the first sprouts.
  • The seedlings of cauliflower will not be long in coming, so do not miss this moment, because the sprouts of the sprouts must be placed in a well-covered place at a temperature of 8-12 degrees. This mode will allow seedlings not to reach up, but to develop its rhizomes.
  • After 5-7 days, the seedlings of colored cabbage must be provided with a stable temperature regime of 13-15 degrees.
  • Colored cabbage does not like too much moisture, but its disadvantage is also destructive for the plant. The optimal indicator of humidity in the room with seedlings should be 70-80%.

When to sow color cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings?

When to sow color cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings?
The timing of sowing colored cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings?
  • If a greenhouse or greenhouse is equipped with an additional heating system, then you can sow the seedlings of cauliflower in them even all year round.
  • If there is no autonomous heating in the greenhouse, but it can be planted in the last day of January on the window, and it can be transplanted into the greenhouse already in the last days of March or the first days of April.

Cooking color cabbage seeds for sowing for seedlings

Calibration of seeds

Calibration of cauliflower seeds
Calibration of cauliflower seeds
  • For sowing cauliflower, only large, selected seeds are suitable.
  • In addition to visual analysis, it is advisable to perform the study of seeds for hollowness.
  • To do this, the seeds of cabbage must be placed for several minutes in a salt solution (for 1l of water 30 g of salt).
  • Those seeds that drop to the bottom can be used for sowing.
  • The same seeds that surfaced, can be thrown away without dumbnesses - nothing will rise from them.
  • After a salt solution, suitable seeds must be washed from salt and dried.

Seed disinfection

Color cabbage seeds disinfection
Color cabbage seeds disinfection
  • You can disinfect color cabbage seeds with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, plunging them into it for 10-15 minutes.
  • The method of cleansing the seeds in garlic is considered more natural - it is necessary to add 30 g of crushed garlic cloves on 250 g of water.

Feeding seeds

Core cabbage seeds top dressing
Core cabbage seeds top dressing
  • To prepare color cabbage seeds, you can use the method of growth stimulation, which consists in exposure of them in 1% solution of nitrogen fertilizers for half -sakes.
  • As a nitrogen fertilizer, you can use ammonium nitrum or nitrofosk.

Seed heat treatment

Heat treatment of cauliflower seeds
Heat treatment of cauliflower seeds
  • Thermal processing of cauliflower seeds is carried out by placing them in hot (48-50 degrees) water for 20 minutes.
  • A longer stay of seeds in hot water can become fatal for them.

Examination for germination

Checking for the germination of cauliflower seeds
Checking for the germination of cauliflower seeds
  • To make sure that all seeds are capable of giving sprouts, they can be checked for germination.
  • To do this, you need to put seeds on a damp cloth, a cotton pad or washcloth and cover them with the same material on top.
  • Be sure to ensure that the material is constantly wet, and the room temperature does not fall below 10 degrees.
  • After 4-5 days, the first sprouts should break from the seeds.
  • Those seeds, which after a week did not show positive results, can be disqualified.

Seed hardening

Cauling cauliflower seeds
Cauling cauliflower seeds
  • The last test on the eve of planting cauliflower seeds may be their hardening.
  • To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to place sprouted seeds for a day in conditions with a temperature of 1-2 degrees (refrigerator, cellar, cold veranda).
  • Immediately after the manipulation of seeds, it is advisable to plant seeds in the ground.

The depth of planting of cauliflower seedlings

Color cabbage seeding depth
Color cabbage seeding depth
  • Not sprouted cauliflower seeds can be deepened by 0.5-1.5 cm, placing them according to the 3x3 scheme.
  • Propheted seeds are best laid to a depth of 2cm according to the scheme of 50x25.

What does the seedlings of cauliflower look like?

What the seedlings of cauliflower look like, can be viewed in the photo below:

Photo seedlings of color cabbage
Photo seedlings of color cabbage
Core cabbage seedlings
Core cabbage seedlings

How to distinguish seeds of cauliflower from white cabbage?

The overall cabbage is white
Better cabbage seedlings
  • This question is difficult even for experienced gardeners. The fact is that almost all varieties and varieties of cabbage, in the stage of seedlings, are very similar to each other.
  • Some experts determine cauliflower by more rounded, small leaves. In white cabbage, they are openwork.
  • No matter how professional you are, but it is very difficult to distinguish the sprouts of white cabbage from the color of color, therefore, get seedlings only from trusted sellers.

How to water the seedlings of cauliflower?

Watering the seedlings of colored cabbage
Watering the seedlings of colored cabbage
  • Earth with seedlings of cauliflower should in no case dry out, because it should be provided with timely, moderate watering.
  • Watering cauliflower seedlings is best best.
  • Water this plant with water, the temperature of which is slightly higher than the temperature of the soil in which it grows.

Picking of color cabbage seedlings at home

Picking of color cabbage seedlings
Picking of color cabbage seedlings
  • Many gardeners do not recommend picking colored cabbage at all, but immediately plant it in a separate container.
  • The fact is that when transplanting this plant, its root system experiences severe stress and may not at all cope with such a complex rehabilitation process.
  • If, nevertheless, it was decided to dive colored cabbage, then this action must be performed no later than 7-10 days after the appearance of the first seedlings.
  • The best option for picking colored cabbage is a peat pot that can be purchased at specialized horticultural points or do it with your own hands.
  • Peat pot will provide the plant with safety and safety of the root system when it is planted in open ground.
  • You need to dive colored cabbage in pots to cotyledon leaves.
  • After transplantation, the plant is best mulched with wood ash.
  • Experienced gardeners recommend picking colored cabbage in several stages - first transplant part of the sprouts, and the next day or every other day, having analyzed the condition of transplanted plants, dive the remaining ones.

At what temperature to grow seedlings of cauliflower?

Core cabbage growing temperature
Core cabbage growing temperature
  • The entire period before the appearance of the first seedlings, it is advisable to organize a temperature of 20-22 degrees with color cabbage.
  • As soon as the first sprouts are interrupted through the ground, they must immediately be moved to conditions with 10-12 degree regime.
  • After a week, the sprouted seedlings are recommended to be kept at a temperature of 12-15 degrees.

Planting of cauliflower seedlings in open ground

Choosing a place

Choosing a bed for colored cabbage
Choosing a bed for colored cabbage
  • When choosing a place for cauliflower, it is necessary to focus on her love for heat, sun and high humidity.
  • As for the composition of the soil, the loamy and sandy soils with neutral pH for this plant are considered the most suitable.
  • Poor predecessors for cauliflower are crucible crops.
  • It is advisable to feed the land under the planting of this culture by manure or compost in the fall, and in early spring you can only make complex mineral fertilizers into it.


Planting of cauliflower seedlings in open ground
Planting of cauliflower seedlings in open ground
  • When the earth is ready for the planting of colored cabbage, you can make holes under seedlings with a depth equal to the height of a peat or ordinary pot.
  • If after diving the seedlings of colored cabbage is in peat pots, then right in them you can plant it in the ground.
  • If the sprouts of cabbage are “sitting” in ordinary containers, then they must be carefully released and, together with the earthen lump, are lowered into the hole.
  • It is recommended to deepen colored cabbage until the first leaves.
  • When the cabbage is planted, it must be thoroughly watered.

At what distance to plant cabbage seedlings?

The distance between the seedlings of colored cabbage
The required distance between the seedlings of cauliflower
  • Early varieties of cauliflower need to be planted at a distance of 25cm from each other and 70cm between rows.
  • Late varieties of seedlings are planted at a distance of 35cm from each other and 80cm aisles.

We hope that thanks to our tips, you get to grow chic seedlings of cauliflower.

Growing color cabbage seedlings: video

Sowing cauliflower seeds: video

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