What does it mean if a man sits on the leg: psychology. Why is it harmful to sit on the leg to men: why not?

What does it mean if a man sits on the leg: psychology. Why is it harmful to sit on the leg to men: why not?

Why do men sit on the leg, why are they doing this? The reasons are described in the article.

The legs of any person are a symbol of self -control and control over himself. The most frequent location of the legs that men accept is not only spread legs, but also crossed on each other.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What does it mean if a man sniffs a woman?". You will learn about physiological causes, psychology, and also what smells are hate men.

In this article, we will analyze below what the pose speaks about the man - the leg on the leg, and why most take precisely this position in the sitting. Read further.

Why are men sitting with their legs spread?

Almost all men are sitting with their legs arranged
Almost all men are sitting with their legs arranged

The most common pose in men is the legs spread. Why are almost all representatives of the stronger sex sit just like that?

  • Sitting with wide legs, while laying their hands on the genitals - men feel the imperious over the situation or man.
  • Also in this position they are confident in themselves and their abilities.
  • But open legs do not always mean power. This pose can also be a sign of relaxedness and confidence in the “own” company.

It is also worth noting that widely exposed legs give a person more space. This can be considered an indication of compliance with their personal boundaries.

Why do men sit on the leg: what does this mean?

Crossing the legs denotes - show a references of gestures that determines your mood right here and now. This process is controlled by non -working emotions of the right or left hemisphere of the male brain. So what does it mean, why do men sit on the leg? Read more:

  • If a man is left -handed, he can throw his right leg on his left and feel harmonious with himself or others. In simple words, crossed legs are an attractive pose meaning sympathy.
  • You can also change your legs in places, thereby showing that you are not satisfied with something or experience hostility for a person.

Such gestures can be confidently considered mirped emotions that a person experiences, but does not want them directly and still unconsciously shows them - crossing the legs.

What does it mean if a man sits on the leg: Psychology

Brownering of legs is the most easy-minded and noticeable gesture. What does it mean if a man sits on the leg according to psychology?

  • Men can cross their legs because of fear of fate. The fear of the loss of the penis has been present in most men since childhood. Often mothers say that if you often touch your genitals, it is lost or fall off. The habit of crossing the legs appears in childhood, thanks to various stupid intimidations from parents.

It so happened that adults are ashamed if they imagine that children touch their genitals and enjoy it. It is from here that all “stories and theories” arise about the loss of the organ.

Human legs are literally a synonym for free action and a barometer working in a psychological climate. All the actions that a person performs, starting and ending with crossing the legs, are free movements that are carried out of his own free will.

  • When a person (man) folds one leg on the other, he protects his personal space from extraneous invasion, i.e. It shows the logical basis of self -control.
  • The knot of crossing the legs can serve as a reliable indicator of the human state. Thanks to this, your interlocutor will understand what feelings you feel for him: sympathy or antipathy.

Know that dissatisfaction with something is rarely expressed directly. The emotion will be either on the face or in the legs. Adults can and know how to control their hands and adviser face, but this does not apply to the hips, feet and ankles. The human body and speech are in different directions from each other. If the upper part of the man is strictly controlled by his consciousness, then the entire bottom lives his life and shows emotions hidden in the mind.

It is worth knowing: The negative emotions of the man are under the rule of the left side of the body, and the positive are subject to the right, so carefully observe which of the legs is upstairs.

If the man is right-handed and his right leg is below, then he is unhappy with something or deny something. If the legs are the opposite - a man experiences positive and attractive emotions towards the interlocutor. When you observe how the interlocutor during a topic changes the position of the legs to the negative, ask him about the sore topic and immediately see how he will change his position.

If your goal is to lure the interlocutor to your side or place it to yourself, try to create comfortable conditions for this.

Why can't you put your foot on a man: what is the harm?

You can’t put your leg on the leg
You can’t put your leg on the leg

Many magazines and newspapers often write about the dangers of this pose - when a man sits on the leg. So why can't you do that?

  • Firstly, when a man sits on his leg, he compresses the genital organ and many more blood units.
  • Secondly, this very poorly affects posture and fatigue, which occurs in this position.
  • In general, as a result of the transfer of the male body, spermatozoa may overheat it and the circulatory system will cease to work correctly.

Now you know everything about the “leg on the leg” pose and exposing the person sitting in front of you will be much more convenient and easier.

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