What is yawning? The causes of yawning in children and adults. How to get rid of yawning?

What is yawning? The causes of yawning in children and adults. How to get rid of yawning?

How to find out is dangerous yawn or not? Why does yawning appear and how to deal with it? Zevota as a protective reaction of the body.

Zevota is the action of a person’s respiratory system, which is characterized by a long breath and a quick exhalation. Zevota is familiar to everyone, most often it appears when a person does not get enough sleep. However, there are several more reasons for yawning.

What does yawning mean? The reasons for yawning

For some time, scientists believed that yawning symbolizes the lack of oxygen in the body. This version explained a long breath well, in which there is a large amount of oxygen.

However, subsequent tests showed that if a sufficient amount of oxygen is often yielding person, he will not stop yawning.

Often repeating yawning
Often repeating yawning
  • After yawning, blood circulation is significantly improved, so that the process of yawning itself cannot be attributed to negative consequences
  • It is much more important to find out the reason why the body provokes uncontrolled yawning. Most likely, it slows down internal processes and yawning is an intuitive signal that makes the brain and heart work more actively
  • That is why in the morning, immediately after sleep, so often yawns. The body is in a calm state, and if we do not get enough sleep, we try to compensate for the lack of rest with low activity. This leads to resistance to the body through yawning

Causes of constant yawning

Often repeating yawning can indicate both excess nervousness and the presence of a serious disease. In the process of yawning, the brain cools slightly, due to oxygen saturation.

A similar phenomenon occurs involuntarily when a person is nervous, for example, among students before the exam or at the athletes before the responsible start.

Woman yawns at work
Woman yawns at work

There is nothing wrong with this, we can assume that the body gives out a completely correct reaction to what is happening. If yawning is accompanied by some additional unpleasant symptoms, you should think about visiting a doctor.

Frequent yawn, along with other symptoms, may indicate the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia or heart arrhythmias. In any case, the exact diagnosis can only be made after carefully research in clinical conditions.

What is the headache and yawning?

Frequent yawning can talk about the approach of a headache. Unlike the yawn of a person who has not slept or just misses, yawn in front of the migraine begins to repeat very often, literally every two or three minutes. Together with these symptoms, hypotension signs may appear.

Zevota, along with a headache, clearly indicates a medical disorder in the body. Most often, attention should be paid to the cardiovascular system. In rare cases, frequent yawning appears with disorders in the endocrine system.

Headache during yawning
Headache during yawning
  • At home, you can easily check what type of yawning torments you at the moment. As soon as you started to yawn often, get up and do some simple physical exercises
  • Any charging significantly increases the tone of the body and if your yawning is not associated with the disease, then after a few minutes you will receive an excellent charge of vigor and stop yawning
  • If the yawn does not pass after this, you should listen to additional symptoms that appear and seek help from the corresponding doctor
  • Moreover, at the reception you should talk not only about yawning, but about all the atypical reactions of your body that have been noticed. Remember that yawning itself is not a sign of the disease

Chills and yawning

  • Chills most often occur during the appearance of a respiratory or infectious disease
  • Together with yawn, chills are rare and can only indicate a comprehensive appearance of a mixed type of disease
  • If a person has an unstable heart, then an infectious disease causing chills may be accompanied by yawning
The state of chills and yawns
The state of chills and yawns
  • In this case, the banal possibility of nervousness or fatigue should be excluded. If you have a chills, and you tend to be nervous at the first signs of an unknown illness, the body may include a yawn mode as a protective reaction to your psychological state
  • It is believed that yawning is massively repeating in the community. If one of those around us begins to actively yawn, this stimulates other people to repeat this action
  • In this case, yawning may appear regardless of your current state. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that during the chills you were "infected" the surrounding people.

Nausea and yawning

Zevota can be not only harmless phenomenon. Medicine is known when often repeating yawning was the cause of serious diseases. If, together with yawning, a headache is felt and, especially, nausea, you should seek help from a doctor.

Feeling of nausea
Feeling of nausea
  • It is possible that this is the initial stage of the development of epilepsy, tumors of the brain, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis or paralysis
  • The visible specific manifestations of these diseases are still far enough, but the first steps to study your health must be taken now
  • It should be remembered that yawning can appear in many cases. A bored person often yawns. After an irritable night, you can also often yawn
  • It is quite common to a combination of violations of nutrition rules, when on the eve a person eats harmful food, especially spoiled, and the next morning the next day feels nausea from poor food and yawning appears due to the lack of proper rest at night

Zevota during training

At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to yawn during training, because there is an active process of performing any exercises or actions.

However, in reality, a person can quite calmly yawn during training and the cause here is the surrounding climate and exercises performed.

A man yawns in a gym
A man yawns in the gym
  • It has been established that the yawn cools the body a little, and if during the lesson the air in the room is warm, then during operation the body quickly heats up and the protective reaction is turned on, which is aimed at restoring the temperature regime
  • In this case, you do not need to be afraid and think about diseases, simple ventilation of the room will help you
  • If you feel that yawning intensifies and interferes with the exercises, you should immediately stop training and go to relax
  • You should not force yourself to work in conditions of total discomfort. This will negatively affect the quality of the result and may end with headache and increased fatigue of the whole body

Zevota in children, reasons

In children, yawning is manifested exactly in the same conditions as in adults. However, children are unable to resist the feeling of fatigue or the desire of sleep, so after yawn they often fall asleep immediately.

The yawn a little activates the functioning of the brain and heart; during its implementation, some muscles are strained. However, children are not enough for children to overcome the slow functioning of the body.

Yawning child
Yawning child

When the baby’s internal processes slow down, his body perceives this as a signal indicating that the child is already sleeping.

Very quickly after that, the baby really falls asleep. Such yawning is not dangerous for the child. He simply cannot yawn constantly and not fall asleep.

The reasons for yawning in children are all the same:

  • lack of sleep
  • fatigue
  • yawning of others
  • the protective reaction of the body

It is not necessary to take any special actions when the child is yawning. It is important to monitor the general condition of the child, the correct intake of vitamins and the corresponding recreation regime.

Zevota in pregnant women

During pregnancy, the woman’s body undergoes certain changes, therefore, new manifestations of the body's behavior occur.

In the pregnant woman, the respiratory function changes, the intestinal function changes. All this leads to the appearance of frequent yawning and the desire to reach out.

The state of pregnancy
The state of pregnancy
  • Additionally, a woman’s special mental state should be taken into account, especially if this is the first pregnancy. As a result, yawning appears throughout the day, which finds at the most unexpected moment
  • The process of yawning for pregnant women is quite characteristic and integral. During pregnancy, the gas structure of the blood changes, along with a change in the respiratory function, this leads to the appearance of frequent yawning

How to deal with yawning?

In order for the body to cease to give urge to yawn, it is necessary to cheer yourself up, remove the state of drowsiness. For this, a change in the situation or kind of activity is ideal.

If you are sitting at the computer and constantly yawning, just get up and walk around the corridor or room. If the environment allows, you can make several squats.

The doctor's consultation
The doctor's consultation
  • If you start yawning at a meeting or a necessary conference where you cannot get up and activate your internal processes, make your brain actively work
  • A good option would be to solve complex arithmetic problems that require a full -fledged inclusion of the brain. Try to multiply some two -digit not round numbers in the mind. If the task is too easy - increase the complexity and sequence of mathematical actions
  • If yawning is caused by a bad dream, it is best to lie down and sleep. If this cannot be done, switch your consciousness at that moment that you are pleased to remember. In the evening, be sure to try to go to bed earlier and how to get enough sleep
  • If yawning appears from boredom, you need to find what to entertain yourself. Here all the tips are purely individual, depending on the characteristics of a person and his interests

What to do with constant yawning: tips and reviews

  • Do not perceive yawning as the only true sign of the disease
  • Carefully examine the cause of yawning and eliminate it, not yawning itself
  • If there are additional symptoms, seek help from a doctor
  • Remember that yawning in most cases is a positive action that activates your body

Review: Artem, 32 years old

Despite the fact that this material was written by me after a thorough collection of information, in the process I began to actively yawn. Interestingly, reading about the reasons - I didn’t want to yawn, but when I went to write the article, Zevota made itself felt. I had to get up several times and make a complex of squats. A glass of pure natural water also helps.

Video: Why do people yawn?

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  1. I think anyway, the root cause is an abnormal desire to sleep. I, in any case, always have that always. Insomnia defeated the results. Recently, an express formula has begun to take. I ordered in the online store, it’s more convenient. I put it very conveniently under the tongue and after 10-15 minutes in a shutdown)) and in the morning there is no yawning))

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