What is an earthquake? Why do they arise, where they occur, what are dangerous, how to behave during an earthquake? Is it possible and how to predict earthquakes? The power of influence in points and the most destructive earthquakes in history: Description

What is an earthquake? Why do they arise, where they occur, what are dangerous, how to behave during an earthquake? Is it possible and how to predict earthquakes? The power of influence in points and the most destructive earthquakes in history: Description

In this article, we will consider what is dangerous and what earthquakes are. And also give recommendations on how to anticipate them and behave in dangerous conditions.

Our planet is the only from the planets where the existence of life is currently tracked. Astronomers argue that planet Earth is most adapted to existence. Earth was and is the object of research of scientists of various spheres.

The experiments of the occurrence and composition of the planet are constantly carried out. We know that the Earth moves and is rebuilt from the inside all the time. All tremors from the middle that can be felt by a person are called an earthquake. We offer to get acquainted with the very concept and cause of earthquakes.

What is an earthquake and what origin does it happen?

It is not difficult to determine the name of the earthquake. The assertion is generally accepted that an earthquake is fluctuations in the surface of the earth as a result of the internal movement of lithospheric plates.

  • In general, the power of an earthquake can be felt by a person, but not always. Earthquakes are practically not felt at the bottom of the oceans. Therefore, for starters, we suggest you understand the classification of existing types of earthquakes.
  • Scientists classify the detected earthquakes for the following types:
    • tectonic origin. These are the largest and most severe fluctuations that spread to significant areas. However, for a person they are practically imperceptible. Lava in the middle of the globe is constantly in motion. Gradually rises and sinks. This situation in science is associated with the breath of the earth. An earthquake is considered the place where, under the pressure of the lava, there was a rupture of the earth's crust;
    • volcanic origin. In territorially, they occur near the volcanoes. And follow in parallel with the eruption of the volcano;
    • denudation fluctuations. The type of earthquake, which is provoked by rock collapses due to leaching with underground waters. In places of deployment of such leaching, caves are formed. Which collapse over time, which creates fluctuations;
    • underwater. The middle between other three species, since all their signs can include at once. A feature of this species is the occurrence of water. Possible reasons are the eruptions of underwater volcanoes, a collapse due to water leaching and through the movement of lava. The consequences of an underwater earthquake are the formation of waves from small to giant sizes. It is the height of the wave that affects the result of such an earthquake;
    • artificial. This type of earthquake can be associated with human activity. When mining and tests of nuclear weapons are carried out.

Scientific terms around the earthquake

Observation of earthquakes is carried out at a constant level. Science is being improved. But, unfortunately, a thorough study of this process has not yet been shown. For general familiarization, we offer you the main terminology used in studying and observing the fluctuations of the earth's crust:

  • focus of the earthquake - the place of fluctuations;
  • the epicenter of the earthquake is the superficial expression of the shocks outside;
  • seismograph - a device for fixing the earthquake;
  • seismograms - practical fixation/display of trembling;
  • seismology is a science that studies earthquakes;
  • seismologists are scientists of this specificity;
  • seismic waves - fluctuations from the focus of the earthquake;
  • the amplitude of oscillations - placement of soil during fluctuations regarding the state of rest;
  • the period of vibrations is the time during which one complete amplitude passes.
Earthquake is a fluctuation in the surface of the earth
Earthquake is a fluctuation in the surface of the earth

Why are earthquakes arise?

We showed you the most generalized species. Different causes of earthquakes differ depending on the origin.

  • The most common cause of the fluctuation of the globe is determinedshift tectonic plates. These plates are shifted almost a few centimeters. But this size is enough to move a whole mountain from a place. Any movements on the mountain lead to cracks. As a result, everything located on top is set.
  • Volcanic causes-an earthquake occurs precisely due to the action of the volcano.From school we were taught that volcanoes are of two types: acting and extinct (sleeping).
  • When the volcano begins to act, volcanic fluctuations occur. The whole mass of the volcano begins to move outward, and put pressure on the entire circular earth's surface. Seismic waves arise - explosions of gas and steam.
  • Unfortunately, scientists do not always manage to investigate the cause of the activation of the volcano. Since even a sleeping volcano can wake up and begin to act. Sleeping volcanoes are very dangerous varieties. Since the main attention is focused on all active species. And it is not known whether the sleeping volcano can explode, or it will always remain at rest.
  • The collapsible character-an earthquake occurs due to the collapse of the rock. Outings are due to the blow of the driving mass. The emerging earthquakes through such changes are characterized by small fluctuations. Due to such earthquakes, lakes can form, since the displacement blocks the river. Also, these earthquakes are associated with the usual displacement of the soil. The consequences have precisely the displacement of the Earth.
  • Underwater causes are also called m andoas.An earthquake may occur in the sea, ocean and in the coastal zone. Changes in the water column provoke the formation of huge waves. Since moving water is trying to return to its previous position. Large waves are called tsunami. They move aside to the shore and demolish everything in their path.
  • Artificial character. The name speaks for itself. A person independently provokes the occurrence of an earthquake. Frequent reasons are underground and aboveground tests of nuclear weapons, oil, gas production, leaching salt, waste burial, filling wells with water.
  • There are also natural causes of earthquakes.Mother Nature returns everything to its circles. All artificial changes in the earth's crust are gradually restored naturally. For example, the dug cave is gradually falling asleep on its own. The mined mine is filled with water. Nature on its own restores the original state of the Earth. These restorations very often serve as the beginning of the occurrence of an earthquake.
Earthquakes may arise as a result of human activity
Earthquakes may arise as a result of human activity

Is it possible and how to predict the occurrence of earthquakes?

In general, an earthquake is considered a dangerous process caused by the Earth. The danger lies not only in the consequences, but also in attempts to forecast. Indeed, if you find out about the time of the earthquake, you can at least partially, but still try to reduce the deplorable consequences and victims among the population.

Scientific approach

  • The scientist appears three main tasks:
    • determination of the place of occurrence of the earthquake;
    • determination of the time of the occurrence of oscillations;
    • determination of the force of earthquake.
  • In this regard, it is customary to classify forecasts for two types: short -term and long -term. Thanks to long -term forecast You can find out the place and power of the earthquake. And to ratkosky forecast Allows you to determine the time of the earthquake.
  • The location of the oscillations is determined due to the available data of the forces of each earthquake during their existence regarding the activity of the earth's crust. Thanks to these manipulations, scientists create a graphic display of seismic danger. Unfortunately, the accuracy of this forecast in percentage equivalent is not more than 80%.
  • Another of the inalienable tasks is determining the time, it can only be tracked by constantly observing the strength and frequency of oscillations. The disadvantage is the factor that the data obtained may be inaccurate.
The scientific method of forecasting earthquakes does not give guarantees more than 80%
The scientific method of forecasting earthquakes does not give guarantees more than 80%

Signals that say the approach of the earthquake

  • At the level with a scientific approach by determining the approach of the earthquake, attention is traced and drawn to other factors. These signs are associated with natural changes. An animal behavior indicates the approach of the earthquake:
    • for example, dogs It is noticed that they begin to howl and run out of the premises. The fidelity of this species of animals knows no boundaries. The dog can warn its owner about the approach of danger by pulling the clothes towards the exit;
    • snakes They get out of their holes even regardless of the time of year;
    • strange behavior is observed fishthat can be massively thrown ashore;
    • rats and mice Run from their holes;
    • cats, pigs, horses, cows behave nervously, showing their anxiety;
  • Also, the approach of the earthquake may indicate natural phenomena, such as the appearance of light over the center of the future hesitation, possibly meager fluctuations in the earth.
  • As you can see, in order to clearly find out the time, strength and place of the occurrence of the earthquake, a number of studies and observations need to be carried out. After all, there is no single final clue to determine the approach of the earthquake.
Animals also give signals about the approach of earthquakes, especially dogs
Animals also give signals about the approach of earthquakes, especially dogs

Earthquake characteristics: the strength of its influence

Nowadays, the intensity of the jolks of the earthquake is performed quite well. Scientists have developed a classification to determine the scale of the earthquake. The measurement scale is called twelve Richter's point scale. It is named after the American seismologist Charles Richter, and is measured in points:

  • 1 point - We do not notice for a person, fixation occurs only by seismic devices;
  • 2 points - It is almost not felt by a person, however, it can be perceived by sensitive pets;
  • 3 points - the shocks are very weak, they may fluctuate close to the epicenter of the building (shudder is similar to movement near a heavy car);
  • 4 points - The tremors are noticeable. Possibly trembling windows and utensils, noticeable fluctuations in hinged objects;
  • 5 points - strong vibrations are noticeable, which are visible to the naked eye. The furniture begins to shake and fall. By the way, cracks appear on glass and walls. Wall clocks, as a rule, stop;
  • 6 points - The fluctuations become stronger. The plaster from the houses begins to disappear. Heavy furniture falls. The destruction of the old premises is possible. A person is afraid of fear;
  • 7 points - Very strong tremors are noticeable. The walls of strong buildings begin to crack, shifts can be observed. The water level is clouding and ranging. People are panic. Perhaps injury to people;
  • 8 points - The earthquake has a destructive force. Trees begin to break. Strong buildings are already lying around. The soil surface is covered with small cracks. The mortality of the population is present;
  • 9 points - everything is devastated. A significant number of dead appear. The Earth continues to crack. Buildings are continuously destroyed;
  • 10 points - Assumes cause a destructive effect. Bridges, dams and foundations of houses begin to collapse. Water whips from the shores. The earth is covered with large cracks. The number of victims is growing;
  • 11 points - Catastrophic level. They are destroyed by roads, bridges. At home, unfortunately, almost all are destroyed. Wide cracks on the surface of the earth. A large number of dead;
  • 12 points - The extremely catastrophic level of destruction. Everything is destroyed. The Earth changes its reliefs, and the rivers come out of the shores. It is almost impossible to survive.
Earthquakes can have different effects of exposure
Earthquakes can have different effects of exposure

The most destructive earthquakes in history

We see that the earthquake is a very terrible phenomenon of nature. The teachings of earthquakes are interested in ancient times. Even Aristotle, Golitsyn and Vicert were observing the seismological activity of the Earth. A huge number of such trembling of the earth's surface occurred in the world. Scientists identified the following most cruel cases.

  • 1920 Chinese province Gansu. Very few people survived. One village disappeared underground.
  • 1923, Japan, Canto province. The largest earthquake in this seismically unstable zone.
  • 1939, Chile - the city is completely destroyed. The largest number of victims was found in the destroyed Kosepyon Theater.
  • 1948 in Turkmenistan (then Turkmen SSR), the number of victims was hidden by the then power. The earthquake occurred late at night, when people practically had no opportunity to escape.
  • 1988, the Armenian city of Spitak underwent tremendous destruction in all of the then USSR.
  • 2004 in the Indian Ocean-the largest among underwater earthquakes, on the Richter scale occupied a 9-point scale. Tsunami up to 30 meters height destroyed hundreds of thousands of people in the coastal zone.
  • 2010, Port-O-Prens, Haiti-observers named the figure of the dead about 160 thousand. Such a large amount of mortality was the result of poor-quality construction of residential premises.
  • 2017, Iran - tremors were felt in countries such as Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Israel.
  • Unfortunately, these are not all cruel cases.
Even in ancient times, the deplorable consequences of earthquakes were registered
Even in ancient times, the deplorable consequences of earthquakes were registered

Why are earthquakes dangerous and where do they occur?

Now the information world is very developed, so we have repeatedly been able to hear about earthquakes. These processes are constantly taking place in the world. Most earthquakes are insignificant, may not even be felt without special devices.

  • Very often, there are cases of earthquakes in New Zealand, Turkey, California, Japan, Spain, as well as Chile, Mediterranean and Indonesia. Southeast Asia, Himalaye, India, Philippines, Andes, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, etc. complement the list of Southeast Asia, India.
  • The reasons for the appearance of trembling on these parts of the Earth is the location on the “mountain belt”. Another of the most common territories is the Pacific Ocean, scientists call it a "fiery ring."

Earthquake - element with deplorable consequences. According to the results of a number of tests, observations, the consequences after earthquakes were generalized and revealed:

  • the destruction of buildings, bridges, roads, embankments;
  • shifts of the earth's surface;
  • changes in riverbeds, the emergence of new lakes, floods;
  • fires;
  • destruction of life in certain territories;
  • the disappearance of entire cities;
  • filling the atmosphere heavy for the human body with metals;
  • technogenic disasters;
  • strong environmental pollution of the earthquake;
  • destruction of oil, gas pipes, whole TPPs and hydroelectric power stations;
  • the emergence of tsunami;
  • the emergence of numerous sacrifices;
  • mental disorders in people who have survived the earthquake;
  • change in behavior of all types of animals;
  • inability to restore the destroyed territory.
Earthquakes are more often in areas with
Earthquakes are more often in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain belt

How to behave during earthquakes?

As you can see, no one is safe from the earthquake. Since it is impossible to accurately determine the time and place of the occurrence of oscillations. It is also impossible to determine the power of future jerks. But, if you are in the zone of tangible shaking, remember the basic rules of behavior:

  • remain calm and balanced;
  • the greatest danger in such a situation is falling fragments;
  • do not panic;
  • help others if possible;
  • take the documents and all the essential things with you;
  • be sure to get warm warm, take a flashlight and medication;
  • turn off the gas and electricity;
  • severity should be on the floor;
  • remove and release all pets. They feel better, so they can survive on their own;
  • teach children the rules of conduct during an earthquake;
  • listen to information about the local location of the oscillations and the situation in the area;
  • if you could not go out into the yard, hide under the table;
  • the angles of the room are the most dangerous, you can hide under the load -bearing wall in the doorway;
  • move away from buildings and trees to a safe distance;
  • old buildings, roads, bridges and embankments carry great danger, since the first to be destroyed;
  • stairs, the elevator do not guarantee safety. On the contrary, they need to be separated from them as far as possible;
  • do not light matches during fluctuations, fire may occur;
  • water is polluted during the earthquake;
  • if you found the earthquake in the car, then reduce the speed, open the door and wait for the weather;
  • depart from the house quickly and carefully;
  • observe surrounding objects;
  • remove as far as possible from electric wires;
  • do not turn to inspect the rubble;
  • check the communications in the house so that there is no fire or explosion;
  • do not be in the coastal zone;
  • assess the situation soberly and calmly;
  • do not forget about the possibility of repeated fluctuations.
During earthquakes - keep calm
During earthquakes - keep calm

Summarizing all the information, we see that the earthquake is the most powerful unpredictable internal force of the earth. If it were possible to thoroughly study and predict the beginning of the earthquake, then a lot of people could be saved. Do not be upset, as research occurs on an ongoing basis. A person himself needs to remember that all negative changes in nature are the consequences of people's activities.

Important: you need to be interested in the main aspects of this topic. Indeed, possessing at least some information about earthquakes, and knowing the elementary rules of behavior in such a situation, one can prevent deplorable consequences, preserve your life and the lives of the surrounding people. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. And remember, in all problem situations, the main thing is to remain calm.

Video: Interesting facts about earthquakes?

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