What is workaholism and is it worth fighting with it? Why not be a workaholic: reasons

What is workaholism and is it worth fighting with it? Why not be a workaholic: reasons
In this article we will tell you who the workaholics are and how to recognize them. Moreover, you will find out why you should not be a workaholic.

The workaholic is a person who can work around the clock, but his goal is not even earnings, but work itself. Of course, some employers can consider such employees with beautiful personnel, because they can be entrusted with any, even the most urgent projects. That's just such people have disadvantages. First of all, stress arises from too high load and lack of good rest. And this is fraught with neurosis and heart problems. In addition, they have no personal life.

Why do not become a workaholic: reasons

Hard worker
Hard worker

Some people are simply fixated at work and just live in order to work. But this is good, on the one hand. But only in the end it turns out that not everything is so rosy. So why shouldn't you be a workaholic?

  • Rest time and personal life

The workaholics differ from other people in that they do not have much free time. It is, but only every minute they try to use as efficiently as possible and not to spend minutes in vain. That is why they do not have time for personal life and rest, because they constantly think about work and do not know how to build borders and be distracted.

  • Loads

Yes, the moderate load is even useful, but if it is uncontrolled and constant, this will lead not only to health problems, but also with finances. However, it is worth looking at the situation from a different angle.

When a person likes what he does, it can work without problems longer, but only this does not make him a workaholic, well, he was carried away, with whom it does not happen. From pleasant things and get tired less. But when work is burden and even 8 hours to a burden, then processing will generally be brought to a nervous breakdown.

As a result, this can even lead to problems with alcohol, smoking and so on. That's just it ruins health, and not the work itself.

  • There is no development

Every person needs a hobby, as well as free time to expand the horizons. And when it is not there, then development is in place. You can only talk to you about work, but who is interested in?

Although, you should not underestimate workaholism so much, because at least in professional terms people are developing, reading literature, advanced qualifications and so on. And how often do modern people read books in their free time?

  • Stimulus, reduce its needs

In fact, this is a wrong position. Undoubtedly, when you earn little, you have to refuse a lot. But this, on the contrary, should become an incentive to strive for more. So, on the one hand, workaholics are great, because they are just striving for more. But you still do not need to forget about the vacation. At least for health.

  • Rest and communication with friends

Here, again, the matter concerns love for work. If your colleagues are also friends, then it charges with positive and energy. Here are just ordinary friends and work is definitely not connected. Although, if you wish, you can find time for anything.

  • Ideas, thoughts, discoveries

Here it is about the hobby. When a change of activity occurs, it becomes easier for us to find some new ideas. When the work is creative, the muse is important to the workaholic. And if it is not, then the work will not work. From a monotonous work, it is all the more to be distracted, because it bothers. In addition, maybe the time has come to pay attention to their colleagues? Make friends with them or even something more.

  • The workaholic is sleeping little and its schedule is not normalized
Irregular schedule
Irregular schedule

In fact, here how to look. If a person correctly distributes his time, then he will have everything.

  • No problem with sex

The workaholics, despite their great employment, successful and confident people. They always pay attention to them, so they have no problems. Again, can they be distracted?

  • Effective use of time

Drumaholics do not always use time effectively, because they do not limit themselves in time. However, they are always ready to work overtime, if necessary. Yes, this is a reliable employee, but still he does not always use time effectively.

Why a person becomes a workaholic: reasons

Many people think that workaholism is a positive character trait similar to hard work. But only these are two completely different concepts.

Hardness is the ability to perform work to achieve a certain result. And hard work is just doing work without a goal. That is, the process itself is important here, and not what will be in the end.

Trudogolism is considered a serious mental dependence on work, and even easier - a disease. And the reason is that in this way a person is hidden from reality. Perhaps he had a difficult situation in life or he is complex. This can make the workaholic become such.

The reasons for workaholism
The reasons for workaholism

Often, when a person has any problems in life, he tries to protect himself from too strong experiences and plunges into work. This gives rise to workaholics. They do not want to go home, where they are not appreciated, the spouse constantly arranges scandals and tries to manage every step. The only way out for them that comes to mind is to take itself with work. But such tactics is even worse.

The worst in this situation is that the workaholic does not even realize his illness. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to remove this problem. This is the same alcoholism - the alcoholic knows that there is a problem and it is necessary to fight with it. Moreover, his behavior is not approved by society. But workaholism is approved, and therefore praises make the situation only worse.

What workaholics are - views: Types

There are several types of workaholics.


This person loves his job, and cannot live without him. It is most important for him in life. And he throws all his strength at him. At the initial stage, workaholism turns out to be constructive and allows you to achieve large heights. And then he switches to the second and then the third stage, when emotional burnout begins.

For others

Workaholic for others
Workaholic for others

In this case, the workaholics sincerely believes that he is trying for the sake of her family, so that she has everything. But to realize these goals, it is not at all necessary to work constantly. As a rule, loved ones do not even need so much money, they would better have a rest or reported. That is, a person does nothing better, but on the contrary forces him to suffer. Moreover, he does not even realize that he is a workaholic.


It is not necessary that such a workaholic will love his work. Consciously, he still does not want to process and linger, but so accepted. Everyone is delayed, and he too.

That is, in his opinion, he is not a workaholic. The authorities or circumstances are to blame for everything, but not him. Such people accept the position of the victim and therefore quickly burn out.

They are trigger because they are afraid to lose work. But here's the bad luck. Even a change of work does not give a result, because you have to linger again. In such a situation, it would be worth considering where then the reasons for workaholism come from?


Behind his active zeal to work, a goal is hidden to make a career and achieve power. Thus, a person tries to please the authorities to finally noticed him. He is full of ambitions and achieves his own.

He almost lives at work. Only this is fraught with a family loss or it does not have it, because there is no time at all.


Label-nuclear unit
Label-nuclear unit

Such people, as a rule, work at such work where they pay very little and there is no growth prospect. Gradually, they themselves begin to understand that their activity is meaningless. However, it still allows you to fill the void and run away from reality, in which the workaholic understands even worse than in its activities.


Such people of life do not represent without work, but try to actively hide it, because they know that this is addiction. They can specifically complain that they have a lot of work, how they are tired and finally want rest.


The workman-awarer always creates an avaral for himself. This is due to the fact that he simply does not know how to distribute time and responsibilities in the team. Such people spend most of the time in useless conversations, calls and other small deeds that could be done later.

In the end, a person drives himself into a corner. But it is precisely this condition that satisfies him, and therefore he does not specifically, but creates it.

By the way, it is these people who always break the terms of projects or make them poorly.

How to recognize a workaholic: signs

Signs of a workaholic
Signs of a workaholic

As we have already said, Truelar never realizes that he is a workaholic. It is more difficult to recognize the problem from this. But still, there are some signs, and you can note them at home.

You started spending a lot of time at work

You began to notice that you spend a lot of time at work? This is one of the obvious signs of workaholism. Yes, it’s normal to linger a couple of times to finish the urgent project, but when this is a habit, you should already think. Moreover, they are far from always paid for overtime work. So, if your balance of time shifts towards work and there is no time left for yourself, then you have become a workaholic.

You miss the work

When you are sitting at home, you constantly think about work! If so, then you have problems. Undoubtedly, to love your work is wonderful, but not to think about it constantly! This is another sign of workaholism - the inability to switch. You constantly think when you finally go to work and begin to fulfill your duties,

You never give up projects

How to find out a workaholic?
How to find out a workaholic?

Troubleships never refuse projects. They are only a joy to take on additional responsibility, and regardless of the main one. Everyone knows about the reliability of such people and will certainly use at least once. If you know this, then you are definitely a workaholic.

Work is most important

Career is very important for a person, but do not forget about life outside of work. If you are not interested in personal desires, then for you work and life have long ceased to live in harmony.

You work constantly. You do not understand the zeal of colleagues to relax and go on vacation. You work even during an illness. The family has already forgotten how you look. You don’t even remember when you saw your friends for the last time. This is the manifestations of workaholism.

You do not part with work even on vacation

Yes Yes exactly. Even on vacation you work on a laptop. Yes, you can say that you see on the beach and enjoy a cocktail, but only with an open laptop you are still at work, just a place is different.

You do not feel like a workaholic

Workaholism is a disease
Workaholism is a disease

As in the case of any other dependence, its recognition is the root of the problem. If you think that everything is fine, then remember whether you refuse from the anniversary, birthday or wedding of a friend because of work? If so, then you are definitely a workaholic.

You feel bad

One of the signs of workaholism is an unimportant well -being. This is due to the fact that you are constantly working and do not rest. Even proper nutrition and physical education remain in last place. If you are a workaholic, then the risk of complete exhaustion is very high, both moral and physical. This can provoke even a serious illness.

What are the consequences of workaholism?

The consequences of workaholism
The consequences of workaholism

The main consequence of workaholism is dependence. That is, it is the main support that holds you in one bunch.

This is similar to alcohol or narcotic dependence, when a person simply cannot live without it. As we have already said, there may be another reason to be emotional experiences. In the most difficult cases, even thoughts about suicide appear or attempts are made. They are often successful.

The workaholic himself is also really recognized that he is sick. But this takes time. Perhaps he already understands that he suffers, but cannot understand what. It is at this time that the main reasons are aware of. As a rule, this condition is also called a middle -aged crisis.

How to deal with workaholism?

How to deal with workaholism?
How to deal with workaholism?

Since workaholism is a psychological disease, do not think that the problem will be solved by itself. Often, workaholics require the help of a psychotherapist who prescribes therapy. In addition, it is important to play sports.

The main thing is that the workaholic himself is aware of his problem, otherwise no therapy will make sense, because by his self -hypnosis he will prove to himself that workaholism is good.

So, if suddenly you noticed that you began to love work too much, then try to reduce its volumes a little. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to do this. For example, an entrepreneur cannot reduce his responsibility or remove some responsibilities, because then he will burn out. This is one. But when you are trying to do your job and even alien, you can’t do this in any case. As well as do a lot, so that then there is less.

Undoubtedly, when you abandon part of the work, you will have free time. Replace it with some pleasant activity. Find yourself a new hobby, visit nature, go to fitness and so on. And what is important - go on your vacation.

Remember that to love work is good, but there should always be a line between hard work and workaholism. So if you lose interest in life and will sacrifice everyone for the sake of work, then think about whether this is a consequence of the disease that you need to fight?

Video: Who is the workaholic?

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