How to care for hair with lemon oil? The benefits of hair lemon oil

How to care for hair with lemon oil? The benefits of hair lemon oil

The miraculous properties of lemon essential oil: hair masks, and also how to properly add to cosmetics.

The appearance of a woman played a crucial role at all times. But many centuries ago, the girls had no synthetic shampoos giving their hair the maximum volume, nor the army of hairdries and styles helping to achieve the necessary curls, brilliance and a healthy type of hair.

But it was they, the women of antiquity entered the world history as the most beautiful and charming. Their statues are also admiring contemporaries. And all because they turned the departure into art. They carefully investigated nature and using natural means increased their beauty.

Long hair - the key to beauty
Long hair - the key to beauty

Modern girls often have a difficulty - hair grows just below the shoulders, and then the height slows down significantly, the ends seize, and the dream of long curls remains a dream. But our great -great -great -grandmothers all went like one with braids below the waist.

What has changed in just one century? Yes Yes. The hair care procedure has changed. We were offered to facilitate the care of ourselves with ready -made shampoos, masks, balms. And in the crazy cycle of life we \u200b\u200bgrabbed onto this opportunity. And for this they lost the opportunity to shine in full force.

Preparation for the massage of the head with lemon mlice
Preparation for the massage of the head with lemon mlice

But everything is not hopelessly lost, the beauty and radiance of the hair can still be returned if you start to look after them with effective natural means again. And one of these products is lemon essential oil.

The benefits of hair lemon essential oil

First you need to figure out what lemon essential oil is. This is a natural ether mined by cold pressing of lemon zest. Especially relevant is lemon oil in the summer period of time, when the hair due to climatic conditions is overdried in the sun, dry wind, etc.


Lemon essential oil refreshes the hair, leads to a normal "living" state. After passing a course with lemon oil, you will improve the condition of the hair, revive, get rid of dandruff, the skin of the hair will “breathe” again.

Use of hair lemon essential oil

One of the most effective oil uses is to dilute 2-5 drops of lemon oil per 10 grams of oil oil and massage the scalp. The course is 10-15 times after 1-2 days before washing the hair. Hair with such massage “wake up” shines with beauty and significantly accelerate in growth.

Favorite mask
Favorite mask

Another of the important characteristics of the essential oil of the lemon is to absorb all waste waste (fat, dead particles, and even dust). Hair becomes obedient, silky, the level of pH of the skin is settled.


In ancient times, when the fashionistas did not know what peroxide was, and the fashion on the fair -haired already was, the popularity of lemon oil was the highest. For those who want to lighten hair without harm, essential lemon oil is just a find!

Of course, the effect will not be fast, but with regular adding a few drops of lemon oil in shampoo, balm and masks, the hair will not be several tones lighter. Recall that it is necessary to rinse with cool water so that the scales of the hair are closed and preserved all nutrients.

Video: Mask for strengthening hair roots with essential oil

Hair mask with lemon essential oil and castor oil

To strengthen the follicle and accelerate hair growth, we recommend a lemon-caste mask. In addition to these ingredients, the base will require. On 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil (can be replaced by others) 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil and 3-5 drops of lemon.

Rub the hair thoroughly, rush with a film and wrap it. Keep at least two hours, if possible, leave until the morning.

Lemon essential oil
Lemon essential oil

Rinse also in a special way. The shampoo is a pinch of soda and a few drops of lemon oil. In conclusion, the air conditioner is on the tips.

To strengthen hair, revitalize after dyeing, styling

Another miracle of the mask, which after the first application will surprise with its unsurpassed result. Cheeric water, olive oil in equal shares, 7 drops of lemon oil. It is good to shake and apply first to the roots, and then distribute through all the hair. Leave for an hour, then wash off, as in the previous recipe.

Lush healthy hair in 7 out of 10 girls the first time! Well, those who have irrevocably spoiled their hair will be surprised at how quickly new ones grow. Another plus: dandruff, pathogenic microorganisms, and even pediculosis, often bothering the children and their parents, disappears from it. She should not get involved in, no more than once a week and no more than 8 procedures in six months.

Hair mask with honey
Hair mask with honey

Hair mask with lemon essential oil and burdock oil

The properties of a burdock mask with lemon essential oil can be listed endlessly. Hair grows “like yeast”, shine with beauty and health. For slightly curlys, a positive moment - the hair will become more even and obedient to styling.

The mask can be done continuously for a month before each hair washing, hold for about an hour. On 2-3 tablespoons of burdock oil 2-5 lemon, dilute and thoroughly rub into the hair. If desired, you can add yolk, more utility, and plus the mask will be creamy and spread less on the skin.

Before and after lemon oil
Before and after lemon oil

How to use lemon essential oil for oily hair? Hair mask with lemon essential oil and olive oil

To strengthen hair in most masks, olive oil is taken as the basis. The most popular mask will save you from dandruff, excess fat. Olive oil 1 tsp, honey 1 tsp, yolk eggs, a spoonful of cognac, 7 drops of lemon oil and 2-3 almond drops.

Mix everything and let it brew for 5 minutes. Then apply to the hair, wrap your hair tightly, and go about your business for a couple of hours. Rinse with warm water several times, applying shampoo. After that, apply air conditioning with the addition of lemon oil and rinse with cool water. Do not dry your hair with a hairdryer after this mask, as useful components will be destroyed.

How to use lemon essential oil for hair growth?

Masks are only the peak of the iceberg in the use of oil. It is recommended to add it to shampoo, air conditioning, hair spray. But it is recommended to use a course of no more than 10 days of continuous use, and then replace, since there is a risk of leaving the skin.

Beautiful hair - the property of a girl
Beautiful hair - the property of a girl

Why add lemon essential oil to shampoo?

Lemon essential oil has a gorgeous property - detoxification. When oil is added to shampoo, hair cleansing and scalp improves several times, and also normalizes the skin of the skin. In order for the oil to work effectively, it is necessary to foam the shampoo and leave for a minute, then wash it off.

Hair rinsing with lemon essential oil

In order to clean the hair, the oil is added to the shampoo. But for feeding hair, it is best to add lemon essential oil to air conditioning and water for rinsing hair. But such methods are suitable exclusively for fair -haired ones, since adherents of the brown -haired man can be upset with a significant clarification of hair over time.

Hair rinsing
Hair rinsing

Video: Super Hair Remed !!!! How to strengthen hair and effectively grow it!

How to use lemon oil with benefit for hair: tips and reviews

Karina: My childhood was magical. My grandmother and I lived more in the country than in the city. And she taught me to be a real girl. The procedures for caring for themselves could occupy almost all evening. Do you think it's boring? Several! Grandmother gathered a whole district, and we arranged a spa, and then went to the bathhouse.

What to say, that today I use her recipe. Despite the fact that my hair is more blond, I brighten it with lemon essential oil to the blond. Never painted, and the hair just shines. The length by the way is slightly below the lower back.

Maria: I never loved leaving myself, and I did not understand him. Until it became pregnant. Classic hair haircut was postponed for certain reasons and after a couple of wonderful months I heard a “compliment” from my spouse. That I should do something with me.

Pregnancy is wonderful, but not when looking at me. I was offended, took the map and went to the most expensive salon of our city (in spite of course) and then I met her - the best hairdresser of all time! I spent about two hours in the cabin, for which I made a miracle massage, a mask (the girls made a hair mask and face, and I lay and relaxed), and then a lace.

And I did not recognize myself! I asked what a miracle the mask and in response received a simple answer - burdock oil with essential lemon and sandalwood oil. Of course, I will not do at home, I became a regular client of this salon. I would never have thought that essential oils could affect the hair like that.

Video: Lemon essential oil: 10 main properties

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