What is a tantric massage for a man and for a woman? Tantric erotic massage of Lingam and Yoni: technology, readings, benefits and contraindications

What is a tantric massage for a man and for a woman? Tantric erotic massage of Lingam and Yoni: technology, readings, benefits and contraindications

Technique and performing tantric massage.

Every day, each of us experiences fatigue to one degree or another. We are falling from a large number of worries: families, work, home problems, problems of acquaintances and relatives. We are obliged to have time everywhere, but at the same time we never leave time for ourselves and our own rest.

Sometimes the case may come to the point that you want to escape somewhere, forget about everything and about everyone, and relax well. However, this dream often cannot be fulfilled. Therefore, drugs often come to the rescue.

This path from the very beginning is considered wrong. But what can eliminate fatigue and help to take a break from the daily fuss? Of course, tantric massage.

Tantric massage for two - dance of love: genital massage

Tantric massage It is called a massage that cannot be ordered in any salon. Tantric massage is a developing practice, an important condition of which is the relationship between lovers - a man and a woman.

This type of massage is considered one of the methods that allows you to show love. A woman with a man learn to trust each other. They exchange their own warmth and pleasure, with great gratitude accept what their partners give them.

Tantric massage
Tantric massage

In this process, the energy of women and men is exchangeed. After such a massage, partners come together, their relationship becomes much harmonious, and feelings are stronger and brighter.

Tantric massage and for you will be an integral part of love pleases. This will allow you and your partner to free your own sexual energy. With regular practice, you will expand sexual capabilities, your feelings to aggravate, and an orgasm will increase.

What useful qualities does this massage have:

  • It improves blood circulation.
  • After a tantric massage, you can relax well.
  • Massage helps relieve tension in the muscles.
  • Massage soothes the nervous system, establishes mental abilities.
  • With regular massage, the body is rejuvenated and healed.

Massage is performed down with the stomach or down with the back. The partner is arranged so that during the process he does not feel discomfort. He can also move around his partner, so that each part of the body is involved.

  • A tantric massage begins with stroking the back and the trapezoid area.
  • It is also necessary to remember the hands and hands.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the lower back and sacrum. It is here that sexual energy focuses.
  • Then it is necessary to massage the buttocks, legs with the feet and fingertips.
  • Also in a lying state, the masseur proceeds to stroking the chest, abdomen and intimate zone.

You can influence during massage with different power: stroke, pinch, knead or pat. You can also use kisses, touch your partner with a variety of frequent bodies. The most important thing is to bring a loved one a real pleasure.

Self -knowledge with massage
Self -knowledge with massage

If you decide to use this technique with your partner, then you need to know that such a massage has some nuances:

  • Massage is suitable for lovers. It helps to relax, get better to get acquainted with each other, make new impressions and refresh old relations.
  • The partner from the massage is able to be very excited. However, a massage therapist must control this desire. This helps to feel a bright pleasure.
  • Massage is not only an effect on the body, but also on an intimate area.

What is a tantric massage for a man?

In modern medicine, there are several effective methods that can cure male potency. These methods, combined with exercises and a special diet, enhance potency. They also have a positive effect on male health.

The tantric massage itself accelerates blood circulation, completely relaxes the body of a man, improves mood and eliminates fatigue. If you perform the massage technique correctly and conduct a perfect session, you and your partner will definitely notice changes for the better.

Physiologists argue that during the influence of a particular erogenous point that are on the human body, you can significantly strengthen the strength of a man and establish it forever. On the male body, such points, as a rule, are in pairs.

Massage for men
Massage for men

Tantric massage is performed using light kneadings of erogenous points. If you want to find them on your own partner’s body, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Grab the left palm of your loved one with your right palm. Move your fingers closer to the elbow (about 2 cm). Around the area there is one of the points.
  • Put your wrist on the partner’s belt so that the palm is on your back, and your fingers touch your stomach. Around this area, near the ridge, there are still points just above the coccyx.
  • Find the points in the area of \u200b\u200bthe foot. One point is located in the central part of the heel, the second from the inside of the heel.

Lingam tantric erotic massage: readings, benefits and contraindications

Tantric massage is a type of erotic male massage. If you dream of surprising your own partner, you want to make him so that he feels the most beloved. He must relax and receive only vivid emotions from your massage.

Ligman's tantric massage is necessary so that the man can relax as much as possible, fill his body with vital energy and receive pleasure from the process. In addition, this massage has a healing effect.

Erotic massage for men
Erotic massage for men

Experts argue that a large number of erogenous points on a member are on a member of a man, which are very closely interconnected with all internal organs. If you act correctly on these points, you can thereby improve the general condition of each system and organ.

Side, however, the mandatory effect of such a massage is, of course, an orgasm. But it is not considered the main goal of this process. After all, if you decide on the current technique, you will also experience pleasure from the process and incredible joy, bringing your own partner a strong pleasure. Since massage is considered a healing, there are practically no contraindications for its conduct.

Tantric erotic massage of Lingama: Technique

An important point in this process is that massage is performed using special oil.

  • Lubricate your own palms and a partner member. Do not allow strong friction or discomfort.
  • Start massage not on the main male object, but on the stomach, chest, legs and arms of a loved one.
  • After that, carefully begin to stroke and massage the member.
  • Make sure that without your attention there is no scrotum, testicles and head of the penis.
  • During a tantric massage, a man should relax as much as possible, align his breath and calm down. Recall that the orgasm at the end of this massage does not have to be present.
  • This ritual will help him accumulate sexual energy. Doctors claim that a man will approach orgasm about 6 times about 6 times. If this happens, then he will receive simply unforgettable sensations.
  • When the process is over, let your partner relax a little so that his pleasure lasts.

There are a large number of techniques for performing this particular massage. We gave you only general advice. But you better know the main techniques and nuances of execution from a special video lesson.

Erotic massage technique
Erotic massage technique

Do not be shy and lazy. Make your beloved pleasant. Get pleasure with him, and make this massage with all your heart and with great love. Your partner will undoubtedly feel it. Believe me, he will certainly respond to such a massage reciprocity.

Video: Lingam massage technique

Tantric massage of a man’s prostate: technology, benefit

The tantric massage of the prostate allows you to remove the accumulated stagnant secret from the male body or eliminate inflammation. Also, this massage is able to improve blood flow in the vessels and stimulate blood circulation. As a result, oxygen metabolism and the intake of nutrient components to the prostate gland will improve. Thanks to this technique, you can improve immunity during the fight against infectious disease.

The tantric massage of the prostate reduces the tense state of the prostate, while improving the function of urination, since some of the urethra passes in the inside of the prostate. The massage made correctly will eliminate the violations associated with the prostate, and improve the condition of muscle tissue in the perineum area.

Tantric massage of the prostate to bring a positive result to some disorders that directly affect the sexual activity of each man.

Prostate massage
Prostate massage

The prostate gland plays one of the important roles in the sex life of a man. However, it is also considered a “slow -action bomb”. About 80% of representatives of the strong half in their own lives collided and face diseases of the prostate gland.

Some men who are faced with this problem are postponing a visit to the doctor for later, because they prefer to leave it secret. Do not bring to that, help your beloved say goodbye to your fears.

How is such a massage performed? Everything is extremely simple:

  • Never hurt your partner.
  • The massage itself is performed by a finger, which must be inserted into the anus.
  • A man should lie down during massage on the side.
  • The process itself takes about a couple of minutes.
  • You need to perform movements with your finger, directing it from the periphery and ending with the central groove of the gland.
  • Separately, it is necessary to massage the right share and the left.
  • At the end of the process, a finger must be drawn in the center of the furrow, squeezing the gradually accumulated liquid of the urethra.

What is a tantric massage for a woman?

Tantric massage for women is an ideal method that allows you to absorb male energy. Sexologists advise such a massage in order for a woman to liberate, free herself from the psychological barrier and release her own sexual energy.

Massage is pleasant for women
Massage is pleasant for women

Do you want your partner to make you such a massage, then you need to fulfill such rules:

  • Lie down on the floor with your back. Put something comfortable under your head and under the buttocks, for example, a pillow. Your partner should be at your feet. Let him stroke his stomach a little, and then go to the hips.
  • Tantric female massage suggests the following: a man must stroke your chest, back, legs.
  • Let him caress at the top of the intimate zone, and then go to the lower part. The movements should be circular and very tender.

Tantric erotic massage yoni: indications, benefits and contraindications

A woman needs a tantric erotic massage of Yoni so that she can relax well, feel the strongest excitement and get incredible sensations from this.

A partner may also experience pleasure from the process. However, this type of massage applies not only to physical sensations. He also affects the feelings of a woman, her consciousness and internal energy.

Yoni tantric massage is considered a kind of technique for the interaction of a couple in love. This technique can be used for therapy and emancipation, as well as in order to release sexual energy, which is associated with sexual contact.

Yoni massage
Yoni massage

You can use this massage as a form of safe intimacy, if, of course, ordinary sex is not available to you. Also, this massage strengthens the relations of partners, increases the emotional relationship in pairs, making a man closer to a woman.

During massage, a woman may experience an orgasm, but this is not considered the main goal of the methodology. There are women who experience several orgasms in a row from tantric massage.

There is a lot of benefits from this massage. He:

  • Relaxing.
  • It is considered a good alternative to traditional sex or its addition.
  • Strengthens the relationship between a woman and a man.
  • Eliminates problems related to the health of a woman and so on.

Tantric erotic massage Yoni: Technique

  • To begin with, a man does everything to make a woman relax. He strokes his beloved in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chest, abdomen, legs and hips. Then the massage itself begins to perform.
  • Do not regret the oil process, it needs to be taken enough.
  • The woman’s breathing should be even, deep and free. Thus, a woman will be able to relax well and get the maximum pleasure.
  • Massage is done with delicate stroking the upper zone of Yoni. After that, the massage is done at the bottom of the perineum.
  • It is advisable to caress using circular movements. So that they are soft, slow and neat.
  • After such preparation, the middle finger on the right hand is inserted into the inside of the yoni and massage is performed. In this case, the thumb should caress the outer part of the yoni. Thus, the simultaneous effect of the internal and outer part of the intimate organ of the woman occurs.
A woman must enjoy the massage
A woman must enjoy the massage

During massage, a woman should not feel pain and discomfort, but only a pleasure to experience.

Video: Author's method of erogenous (etheric) massage of Tatyana-Maria Svetlova

What oil is suitable for tantric massage?

In order for the tantric massage to help relax and increase sexual arousal, it is advisable to use special essential oil. It is better to ask his partner in advance if he has an allergy to a particular drug.

Massage oil
Massage oil

The following oil is suitable for women. It is prepared like this:

  • Take bergamot essential oil (2 cap.), Coriander essential oil (2 cap.), Sandal essential oil (2 cap.), Rose essential oil (4 cap.) And jasmine essential oil (6 cap.). Plus, you need to add any vegetable oil, for example, olive (a couple of tbsp. L). This composition helps to increase sexual attraction and desire in a woman.

The following oil is suitable for men. It is prepared like this:

  • Take the essential oil of incense (2 cap.), Vetverer essential oil (2 cap.), Ilan-ylang essential oil (2 cap.), Orange essential oil (2 cap.), Essential oil (4 cap.) And essential oil and essential oil Sandala (8 cap.). The composition is also added to the base oil (pair of tbsp. L). This composition increases the sexual excitability of a man.

Video: Tantric massage

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  1. I did such a massage many times, though without oil and did not know what it was called tantric. The women were really delighted, but new sensations were a little embarrassed. With some women who managed to relax, they reached a prolonged orgasm without penetration into Yoni. I admit these moments I myself reached a state of orgasm, but it was not just an orgasm, these are some kind of warm waves throughout the body ...

  2. The article is very interesting.

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