What is a fistula on the tailbone, what does it look like, what is dangerous? Fot on the tailbone: symptoms, causes, treatment, removal, surgery

What is a fistula on the tailbone, what does it look like, what is dangerous? Fot on the tailbone: symptoms, causes, treatment, removal, surgery

The human body is very hardy and strong. We can tolerate a large number of unpleasant, serious, complex diseases. But in our time due to different adverse factors, people are increasingly suffering from a variety of problems. One of them is a fistula on the tailbone, which will be discussed today.

What is a fistula on the tailbone, what does it look like, what is dangerous?

A fistula is a small hole, a channel in the coccyx area. Everyone knows that the coccyx is the last section of the spine, it is almost motionless and a significant amount has been collected there nerve endings. Therefore, even with minor injuries, acute pain can occur.

Fot on the tailbone
Fot on the tailbone

The first references to such a problem as a fistula, or as it is also called dermic, pylonida or coccygeal cyst, epithelial coccygeal move, They are found during the Second World War.

How does a coccygeal cyst arise? It can be two types: acquired and innate. The occurrence of the first type is provoked by various transferred surgery.

And the congenital type occurs during the development of the fetus in the womb. 5-6 weeks-this is the time when the fetus develops a small tail, which in the process of further growth is normal disappears.

But due to different pathologies, it can remain and then a fistula forms. This channel is most often covered with a significant hair ball. And due to a significant hairline and skin, secreted by the epithelium, bacteria develop there and an inflammatory process occurs. In almost 90% of cases, this is a congenital type.

But more often found in male representatives
But more often found in male representatives

What is the danger of this disease? Exactly Purulent process It is dangerous. Because it can arise at any time and it is not controlled. How a complication can arise phlegnoma (extensive inflammation of the fatty tissue that has no boundaries).

In this case, you need a large number of operations to combat it. But, in addition, against the background of inflammatory processes, may occur eczema and purulent abscess.

Fot on the tailbone: symptoms and causes

It is believed that, in most cases, this unpleasant disease occurs in a person in the womb, because it is then, as mentioned above, the pathology of this spine develops. If we talk about symptoms, then they most often do not appear in childhood, so during this period it is very difficult to diagnose a fistula. But during puberty, the disease begins to show itself.

Of course, it happens that, even having such a pathology, a person does not experience any painful or other unpleasant sensations. But still, most often some problems with the coccyx are observed. It can be pain when walking, in a sitting position or when changing the position. Among other symptoms, one can distinguish:

  • Unpleasant sensations in Kopchikova, Interonian region
  • Inflamed, red skin cover
  • Discharge of pus
  • Elevated temperature
There can be not only unpleasant sensations from the fistula, but also a rather severe pain
There can be not only unpleasant sensations from the fistula, but also a rather severe pain

But, if the stage of the development of the fistula is acute and rather neglected, the pain can be so severe that it will not be able to relieve it, even painkillers. In such cases, it is impossible for a person to either walk or take any other position.

As for the temperature, it can reach 40 ° and at the same time there will be a strong malaise. If we talk about the reasons, then, in addition to the fact that this disease occurs due to congenital pathology, it can be provoked inflammatory processes in the coccygeal region. And they develop for reasons:

  • Sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle
  • Significant physical overstrain, loads
  • Disadvantage or, conversely, an excess of calcium. Most often this problem arises due to improper metabolism
  • Frequent hypothermia
  • Infectious diseases
  • Infringement of the nerve
Sedentary work is one of the reasons for the appearance of a fistula

Fot on the coccyx of the newborn: Reasons

As was repeatedly said above, a fistula on the coccyx, in most cases, develops in the uterine period. Therefore, most often this disease is congenital.

Newborns have fistulas
Newborns have fistulas

But even, if it is in a newborn, then it is very difficult to diagnose it because the fistula begins to develop during youthful maturation. Is it that experienced specialists can find a coccyx cyst in earlier childhood.

Fot on the coccyx: treatment at home with folk remedies

Nowadays, modern technologies are still often resorted to the help of traditional medicine. So inflammation with a fistula can be removed by different folk methods - compresses, tinctures, lotions.

The first help plant is st. John's wort. For the treatment of a fistula, take:

  • 3 tbsp. Medicine St. John's wort
  • pour 1.5 st.
  • bring to a boil
  • boil a few min.
St. John's wort - the first assistant from the fistula
St. John's wort - the first assistant from the fistula

After filtering, you need to put the plant on a dense surface and sit on it. If possible, it is necessary to sit as long as possible. This procedure must be done until the inflammation passes and purulent discharge disappears.

The second method is a compress from butter and tar:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. oil and 1st.L. tar
  • Apply to a problem place
  • Cover the bandage for the whole night
  • The compress is put until the problem disappears
Also use tar with butter
Also use tar with butter

For the next recipe, you will need fresh grassing grass. It must be grind until the juice appears and attached to the problem area. In the same way, you can use and plantain, and onion gruel with juice.

Wormwood is also effective
Wormwood is also effective

Tincture from propolis and calendula will be quite effective. To prepare the first you need:

Make tincture from alcohol and propolis (ratio of 6 parts of alcohol, 1 part propolis):

  • Moisten a clean napkin in water
  • Dip the napkin in tincture
  • Attach it to a sore spot
  • Keep a napkin for several hours
  • Continue treatment for at least 5 days

The second tincture is made using fresh calendula and alcohol flowers, strength 70%:

  • Moisten a napkin in water
  • Pour a little tincture on a napkin
  • Attach to the cyst
  • Leave the medicine for a couple of hours or even a night
  • Continue the course of treatment for at least a week
Propolis and calendula another folk assistants
Propolis and calendula another folk assistants

What antibiotics to use for a fistula on a coccyx?

In order to prescribe treatment with antibiotics, doctors first need to determine the type of fistula and bacteria, which provoked the development of inflammatory processes. But such diagnostics, in most cases, are expensive, so doctors prescribe a wide range of action antibiotics.

The course of treatment with antibiotics is usually about 7-10 days. They use it for this Gentamycin, metronidazole Or its analogues of 2 ampoules to a week to relieve inflammation.

Do not rely on this issue only on antibiotics
Do not rely on this issue only on antibiotics

Such drugs in this case are not very effective and, in addition, have a large number of side effects. And also their disadvantage is that they eliminate discomfort and symptoms for a while, but the problem itself remains. Therefore, it is best to do the operation.

Ointment from the fistula on the tailbone

If we talk about removing the inflammatory process with a fistula on the coccyx, then to prepare drugs at home, you can try to use the ointment Vishnevsky and mummy. But thus, only inflammation is possible. No home -made drugs will help to eliminate the problem completely.

Fistula treatment
Fistula treatment

Which doctor treats the fistula on the coccyx?

In case of suspicions of the presence of a fistula on the coccyx, first of all, a person needs to go to an appointment with a local therapist. It is this specialist that will regard the situation and directs to doctors such as a surgeon and a proctologist. And only then, it is these experts that will prescribe all the necessary tests and will be determined with treatment.

Removing the fistula on the coccyx: Operation

As mentioned earlier, surgical intervention is the only, most reliable and effective way to completely get rid of the fistula on the coccyx. It is prescribed by a surgeon with a proctologist after passing all the necessary tests.

After surgery, the patient is a couple of days, or even before the week will be in the hospital. After stabilizing the condition, it is sent home and attributed to the first few days bed rest.

Only on the 4-5th day you can start trying to walk. After 2 weeks, the seams are removed. But it is also necessary to strictly remember that for 3 weeks you can neither sit nor wear severity.

Operation is the most effective method
Operation is the most effective method

The postoperative period is easy if you listen to the recommendations of specialists. At this time, in addition, antibiotics and painkillers are used.

What I would like to talk about is about the methods of conducting the operation. And there are several of them:

  • The first of them is With an open wound. With this method, the doctor completely removes the fistula, creating natural drainage. With this method, the patient’s rehabilitation time is up to a month, but the effectiveness is high. After such an operation, relapses may occur in rare cases
  • The second is when the wound is closed. In this case, the surgeon excises the cyst, but at the same time leaves the hole and performs drainage daily. This method is best used during remission. This method is good because healing occurs faster, but relapses are possible
  • There is a third method. In this case, the wound will also be closed, but the essence of the operation is slightly different. The fistula is removed in the direction from the primary hole to the secondary under the skin. And, if the primary is sewn up, then through the secondary and drainage occurs
  • And the last way is the method of Karidakis. But some say that he should be called the name of not only this scientist, but also a Basque who took part in research. The essence of this method is that not only a fistula is removed, but also a small affected skin shred. At the same time, the wound shifts a little and becomes between the buttocks. Recovery occurs faster and relapses rarely arise
Seams can be superimposed by several methods
Seams can be superimposed by several methods

Which of the methods you choose, you do not need to be afraid, but it is necessary to resort precisely to surgical intervention. By the fact that, as you understand, this is the most effective way to combat the fistula on the coccyx.

Video: Modern treatment

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Comments K. article

  1. I have been fistula for about five years, I am currently undergoing an examination for a second operation. Already no strength. Is it possible to just take and excise completely so that he no longer disturbed on Vernak. And doctors only benefit ((((

  2. The fistula is a consequence, you need to find the reason, apparently you cannot find it, or do not really try.

  3. I want to consult online, send a photo.
    If possible, tell me how.
    Thank you. Ariel.

  4. Excellent 6th drawing, signed under it and wormwood is also 🤦imes
    The fistula with sitting or self -medication will not pass, it is necessary to go to the doctor and necessarily.

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