What is a conscience: definition, explanation for children, examples

What is a conscience: definition, explanation for children, examples

The inner world of each person consists of a set of rules that regulate our life, dividing actions into good and bad. A spiritual sense of responsibility called conscience tells how to behave in each particular case.

The ability to listen to your inner voice helps to find mental harmony. A person who lives “in good conscience” sleeps stronger at night. Conscience helps to build full relations with society, to be honest with oneself, to bear responsibility for your behavior. A person with a clear conscience is respect. A feeling of envy, greed, self -interest and immense pride is alien to her.

How to educate a sense of conscience?

  • Conscience Refers to bright moral qualities. A sense of conscience is part of our soul and encourages good to do. People who consciously go to deceive commit a crime, unleash wars far from the concept of conscience. The more often we will listen to the inner voice, the less negativity will be in the world around them.
  • Conscience It is instilled in a person from the first years of life. Parents lay a certain education in us. They instill in us a sense of conscience and teach them to use it correctly. The formation of good qualities helps us live in a civilized society, stop permissibility and immorality.
  • Reasonable parents they bring up conscience in children from the first years of life. To instill a sense of conscience to an adult is a little more difficult. It is necessary to constantly analyze your behavior. Before making a decision, clearly distinguish between positive and negative points. Think about the consequences and strive for the best resolution of the situation. The more positive actions we do, the more valuable we become in our own eyes.
To educate from childhood
To educate from childhood
  • Very often we are tormented by conscience for unfulfilled promises. To avoid such remorse, you need to soberly evaluate your capabilities. It is better to refuse than to bring a person. If you have made a promise, then look for a way to restrain your word. The attitude of others is formed according to our actions.

Quality of conscience

In the process of interaction with people around people, several key qualities of conscience are formed in a person, which allow this feeling into several types.

Personal conscience

  • Each person seeks to match the expectations of people around them. Thus, we feel our significance, become part of society.
  • When our actions and thoughts do not correspond to the system, we begin to experience remorse. Personal conscience divides our actions into bad and good.
About conscience
About conscience

Collective conscience

  • Collective conscience It takes into account not personal interests, but the well -being of a group of people. The norms that take into account the interests of all participants are considered correct. Separation into good and bad is of secondary importance.
  • The collective conscience arranges priority in relations between people. For example, children are guided by the rules of parents, students follow the teacher, etc.

Spiritual conscience

  • This type of conscience is responsible for mental harmony, helps to gain agreement with itself. When our actions are harmonious, we feel a new surge of strength and a clear understanding of our further steps.
  • An unclean spiritual conscience fills a person with vanity and anxiety.

How to arise a sense of conscience in children?

Consider several ways how parents raise a sense of conscience in their children:

Talk to children about conscience

  • Children very often tell parents about the actions and behavior of their peers. Such a conversation is a good reason for discussing human qualities.
  • Comment on the behavior of actors when family viewing of the film or discussing the book read.

Listen to the point of view of your children carefully

  • Always be interested in the point of view of your child. Give him the opportunity to independently distinguish between good and evil.
  • Sound your point of view. Tell me how to behave correctly in various situations.

Encourage children for the right actions

  • Take a rule to praise the child for the correct behavior in society, for the respect, for compliance with generally accepted rules.
  • For example, if you cleaned the whole day, and the child brought a mess in 5 minutes, your scream will only aggravate the situation. But if his slightest help will be seen and encouraged by your praise, then the child's conscience will redistribute internal priorities.
Raising conscience
Raising conscience

Become an example for your children

  • Sometimes parents are unfair to their children. Learn to recognize your mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
  • Tell us that your conscience prompted you to rectify the situation.

Explain that conscience is different

  • Inside each family there is a set of life rules. Conscience of two different people It may vary significantly. There are certain standards that need to be followed.
  • But people make mistakes and need to adjust their behavior.

Pure and unclean conscience

  • How to understand what it is conscience is clean and unclean? Conscience does not imply specific actions of a person. A sense of conscience provides us with a certain state. When the conscience is unclean, a person experiences shame and guilt for certain events.
  • Daily situations summarize us to remorse. For example, you devote time to friends, and not a family or buy a thing for yourself when your loved ones need it, etc., considerable circumstances or simple egoism, forgetfulness, and inattention can act as excuses.
  • To the conscience remained clean It is necessary to give an honest assessment to your actions, strive for moral ideals. A person with a clear conscience fully fulfills his duties and does not harm others with his actions. To live according to conscience, it is always necessary to take into account the interests of others.
Pure and unclean
Pure and unclean

How to get rid of the torment of conscience?

  • To get rid of the torment of conscience, you need to try to correct your misconduct. Sometimes sincerely ask for forgiveness. The faster you admit and smooth out your guilt, the calmer you will be your soul.
  • If you do not know how to adjust the current situation, then ask for advice from your loved ones. Do not be afraid to talk about your mistakes. A person with rich life experience will help to overestimate your attitude to life, to instill other moral principles to you.

Remove the stone from the soul and start everything first helps to appeal to God. Go to church, tell the clergyman about your torment. Do not allow internal experiences to spoil your life and control your emotions.

What is a conscience on the example of literary heroes

In well -known literary works, the topic of conscience is very often addressed. Acquaintance with the life of literary heroes makes it possible to realize their own mistakes and make the right decisions in the future.

  • In the work of Pushkin "Captain's daughter" The reader is represented by the main character Peter Grinev. A contradictory struggle takes place in his soul. He is constantly tormented by conscience for the acts. For Peter, the laws of honor are close, the heart tells all people with complete equality.
  • At a certain moment, barbells begin to skip in Grinev’s behavior. Getting into life alteration, an ordinary Cossack comes to the rescue. Peter generously thanks him and once again convinces that we are all equal before God.
  • In another episode, Grinev insults his servant for the point of view expressed aloud. And then he loses peace due to his own arrogance. A sense of conscience helps to realize your mistake and encourages asking for forgiveness.
  • In the work Karamzin "Poor Lisa" The protagonist of Estrast takes a feeling of guilt and conscience to the end of his life. Erast decides to marry by calculating a rich widow. With his deed, he crosses out relationships with his beloved peasant Lisa. A girl cannot come to terms with such a betrayal and ends up the life of suicide. Erast is aware of his mistake, but he is not able to resurrect his beloved. Remorse They turn Erast's life into a miserable existence.
Poor Lisa
Poor Lisa
  • In the story of Bulgakov "Dog's heart" You can clearly see how important a role is played by a sense of conscience in a person’s life. The protagonist Philip Filippovich, with the help of surgical intervention, creates a person with a dog’s heart. Sharikov receives a new life with a complete lack of good human qualities. The lack of conscience makes his behavior unceremonious. Sharikov acts like a stupid animal.
  • On the example of this work, we can conclude that a civilized society should live in conscience, otherwise we will turn into a herd of animals.
  • In the work V. G. Korolenko "Children of the dungeons" Conscience helps resolve the conflict between the father and son. The boy without demand makes a toy out of the house, and the wealthy father accuses his son of theft. Suddenly a new circumstance pops up. It turns out that this toy served as a consolation for a sick child who is no longer alive. The father wakes up a conscience. He pleads his guilt and asks for forgiveness from his son.
Children of the Underground
Children of the Underground

The topic of conscience It is affected in cartoons and fairy tales. On the example of cartoon heroes, children learn the right actions, analyze their own behavior. The world consists of people. The more people will be friends with conscience, the less tears and insults will be. It is important to understand that living according to conscience does not mean sacrificing your own interests for the sake of others.

Video: Flour of conscience - how to get rid of them?

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