What is a generic curse: views. How does the curse of the family manifest? The family curse on the female and male line: how to get rid of? Prayers and conspiracies from the birth curse

What is a generic curse: views. How does the curse of the family manifest? The family curse on the female and male line: how to get rid of? Prayers and conspiracies from the birth curse

Types of generic curses and ways to remove them.

The tribal curse is a way to make a whole human race badly. It is used as revenge after the commission of some grave sin. In this article we will tell you what a generic curse is, its types, as well as ways of delivering.  

What is a curse of the family and what does it happen?

It is worth noting that magical intervention can be both in the male and female line. Most often it is blocked with black magicians and sorcerers. Of course, a person can burn out someone’s kind, but usually this does not always work. Destructive actions are connected precisely with the curse, which is carried out using a black magician and sorcerer, using rituals and rituals.

The main task is to make a poorly specific person, as well as all his relatives on a female or male line. That is, it is most often superimposed for the commission of someone a serious crime. Usually few people apply a curse due to some small, household quarrel. It should be some kind of significant, heavy sin. There may be a murder, or a mockery of one of the family members of the one who is sending damage.


Men's birth curse

For representatives of the stronger sex, this is most often due to alcoholism, mental illness, or possible participation in an accident. That is, from generation to generation, father, son, and then the grandson, in some strange way fall into the same unpleasant situations, or get sick with some same disease.  

Quite often, a magical male intervention usually occurs with all participants in the family. That is, with all the boys who are born in a particular person. But sometimes it does not act on everyone, that is, the next generation does not participate in the curse, and then the next heir appears, who is completely exposed to magical forces.  

Mental disorders
Mental disorders

Gatual curse on the female line

Intervention in the female fate is carried out much more often than in the male one. This is due to the fact that girls are more emotional and vividly respond to any grievances, as well as quarrels. Because of this, people often face such a problem. Men for the most part are more restrained, and may not pay attention to grievances, and not so angry as to wish for misfortunes, or death to their enemies.

On the female line, magical intervention looks somewhat different. Usually applied to the sphere of romantic relationships, marriage, as well as family ties. That is, a person, specifically, a woman, cannot build a serious relationship with anyone, or no one offers her to marry. Also, often a curse on the female family and descendants is superimposed directly on the function of childbearing, bearing a child.

Very often in women, due to magical manipulations, complex birth occur, during which a woman dies, or on the contrary, sick children are born, with severe injuries or disability. One of the varieties of such an intervention is the cover of the widow. Thus, all the husbands with whom the woman concludes the relationship die, or die in a very strange way.  


Signs of a generic curse


  • It mainly depends on whether such a damage is brought on a male or female family. The fact is that it can manifest itself completely differently. In men, this is usually an addiction to alcohol. That is, the man is drunk very slowly, then his son, as well as his grandson, is drunk. As a result, this leads to the destructiveness of the personality and its destruction. Quite often, men, when exposed to magic, can suffer from schizophrenia, other severe mental disorders. Which are transmitted from one generation to another.  
  • Constant poverty and poverty. A person, despite the fact that a lot works a lot, constantly needs money. That is, he never has money, and it is felt not just an acute lack of their lack, up to the lack of food, which needs to feed the children.  
  • A person can constantly wander and start a new relationship. That is, he does not have a constant couple, because it is very difficult for him to find a soul mate for himself, due to the presence of magical intervention. Usually this often happens to women who are often forced to change partners. After a woman finds a new man, only a few months later she is forced to diverge due to misunderstanding. Thus, unwanted children are very often born, who then experience the action of the birth curse.  
  • Constant diseases. Moreover, most often the diseases are serious. That is, this is not some cold, but a serious ailment. For example, all men of a particular kind die from a heart attack, or an accident. A certain type of oncology may be observed. For example, skin or melanoma cancer. All men or women of a particular kind die precisely from cancer of a particular organ or system.  
  • Constant troubles in all areas of life. Man is a kind of magnet for misfortune, as well as troubles. He always falls into some situations that many bypass. All this affects the general quality of life, that is, a person feels completely unhappy all his life, sometimes it ends with suicide. By the way, the main magical intervention is just a few deaths in a male or female line from suicides. It can also be manifested by the use of a large number of drugs. The genus of a man or woman dies, or spoils his life thanks to drugs.  
  • Quite often, a sign is a deterioration in relations between family members. Very often relatives do not communicate with each other, and wish each other evil. Usually, after a decrease in magical influence and its removal, relations between relatives are established. This is due to the fact that the energy metabolism is violated, people are, as it were, are sick, but do not have a physical plan. They are patients emotionally, as well as spiritually. This is a violation of the aura, biofield. The most interesting thing is something to remove the negativity of the female family is quite difficult. This is due to the excessive anger and emotionality of the fair sex. Everything is much simpler with men, which is connected with their distrust of otherworldly forces, as well as a more calm disposition. Although in fact, men do much more bad deeds than women.
Magic ball
Magic ball

Ways to get rid of the birth curse

Usually get rid of the consequences of sorcerer intervention using magic. That is, it is also necessary to attract black or white magic in order to get rid of intervention. It is worth noting that this is a more severe defeat than damage or evil eye. Because the energy is quite strong and certain rituals are carried out in order to draw this curse. This is a huge clot of negative energy, also the suffering that a person who saturates negative energy suffered. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a lot of effort in order to free yourself from it.

The participation of an experienced magician or sorcerer is necessary. It is not rare to turn to the church for help, as well as the temple. It is believed that with the help of prayer and the Lord, you can get rid of the consequences of witchcraft. Unfortunately, one session and a trip to the clergy to get rid of the negative influence of the magician will not work. This is constant work, as well as the need to read a huge number of prayers.  


It is worth paying attention to that you can absolutely easily get rid of trouble without the help of a magician only if the impact was not easy, and was carried out without the help of the victim’s personal belongings. What will happen if you do not remove the magical effect? In general, all this kind of intervention is carried out for seven generations. That is, on the seventh generation, the action of this magical intervention ends. Therefore, if you do not want your children and grandchildren to suffer, you should start removing this kind of influence. Some of the interventions are carried out for 13 generations.

All this is clarified in an individual case, and with the help of an experienced psychic. It is worth noting that in no case to remove this kind of influences should not be used by black magic. The best option is the use of prayer, as well as church paraphernalia. Everything connected with the Church is bright, and good, while it does not harm enemies.

Behind the grinder
Behind the grinder

How to remove the birth curse with water?

Remove the curse in several ways. You can do this with sorcerers and magicians, also independently. An independent way to get rid of magical intervention can only be possible if it is not strong enough. Otherwise, you cannot do without the help of magicians. In order to remove magical intervention, it is necessary to perform several simple actions.


  • Manipulation from Tuesday is carried out on Wednesday. Moreover, this should be from 17 to 28 lunar day. That is, such a curse is removed only once or twice a month. You will need to purchase some items in advance. Get some consecrated candles in the church, as well as holy input. Come home and read the Antichrist several times on Monday.
  • It is necessary on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, preferably at about 12:00 in the morning, set two mirrors. One in front of you, the second behind you. Near it, three candles are exposed next to him so that you highlight their silhouettes in the mirror.
  • A basin of water is placed, it is necessary to read the conspiracy, its words are presented below. After reading the words, it is necessary to wash several times with holy water that you have prepared in advance, and wipe the hem of a T -shirt or combination. It is necessary to manipulate in a T-shirt with panties or in some kind of combination. Moreover, one condition - they should be on the body for two days.
  • This is done so that the thing is saturated with your energy. It is necessary to wipe the Mikey's hem, then wait until the ash remains from the candles, not including light. It is impossible to extinguish them, it is necessary that they are completely burned out. Now the clothes that you take off will need to bury away from people.
  • On the first Sunday, after the manipulation, you will need to come to the temple and purchase 12 sacred candles. Three of them are placed by the Virgin, three Jesus, three to the Holy Spirit and three Panteleimon the healer. Be sure to thank the saints for saving you from damage.  

Words of prayer:

I look at the clearings of clear, I'm not afraid of anyone. Neither the demon, nor the vow, nor the evil man. The Lord is with me, with me the Holy Spirit, with me, Mother Most Holy Theotokos. It’s not a mirror before me, then the shield of God before me. It is not a mirror behind my back, then the shield of God is behind me. I’m shining with a shield, defending myself with a shield, I’m not fighting anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind him, the Virgin in advance. Amen.

How to remove a male birth curse?


  • You can also cope with the help of a ritual, which is carried out on the day of Holy Easter. There is such a tradition in the church that everyone is allowed to call bells.
  • You must go up to Zvonar, along with your relatives, you should be three. That is, this is a great way to get rid of a male curse. That is, three men rise to Zvonar and ask him to hit the bells 12 times.
  • At the same time, you need to take up the rope together and shock in order to get ringing. After that, it is necessary to give a bell to three stained eggs, and some little money. After that, the next conspiracy you need to pronounce on the steps.
A voodoo doll
A voodoo doll


Calling from heaven, Christ is risen! Death defeated, hell destroyed. So our Christian clan, baptized forgiven, will resurrect, death will win, destroy the curse. As the Church of Christ is strong, so our kind will be strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Please note that sensitive people who believe in hypnosis and the existence of the other world are exposed to the effects of negative energy. Usually atheists do not believe in the existence of outsiders and parallel worlds. They practical do not feel the effect of magic.

This does not mean at all that there is no need to visit the church. However, it is possible to visit sorcerers, as well as magicians, is more an act of complacency and self -deception. Thus, the placebo effect is achieved, thanks to which a person gets rid of negative thoughts, and feels cleansed.

Video: Curse in the genus

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