What is pyoderma? Pyoderma in children, newborns, adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

What is pyoderma? Pyoderma in children, newborns, adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pyoderma. How to cure an adult and child. Antibiotics and folk remedies in the treatment of pyoderma.

What is pyoderma in adults, children, newborn on the face and scalp?

Pyoderma is understood as a disease of an inflammatory, purulent nature. The main pathogen is staphylococci , Streptococci. This is a very common and frequent skin disease.

Pyoderma in children

In childhood, such a disease occurs more often. Since the skin newborn The child is sensitive ,she is to the maximum of the negative effect of the world around him. A possible pest is bacteria - cocci, which are poured with abscesses and pass into the pyoderma. Such bacteria are activated under the influence of many factors and causes. These include endogenous And exogenous.

After diagnosing such a disease, you need to pull yourself together and recall all the harmful surrounding factors in order to eliminate them.

During illness, it is affected the hairy part of the human head:

  • Opesters are placed in follicle hair, right in the central part of the hair and spreads widely
  • At the next stage, the formation of numerous ostiopholiculite. This is an inflammatory process in a bulb with severe rot and redness.
    Pyoderma on the face and body:
  • The skin is affected from above, forming a muddy bubble
  • A reddish whisk is formed around the bubble with the liquid
  • Bubble or flickteen It dries, leaving behind a purulent gray crust.
    All this brings painful and unpleasant sensations, constant itching. A complete change in the structure of the skin is undergoing.

Symptoms of childhood pyoderma are similar to other skin diseases, so it is forbidden to diagnose and treatment at home.

Depending on the type of cocci The child’s skin is distinguished by a pyoderma in a particular class:

  • Considering degree of neglect pyoderma divided into acute and chronic
  • On the fact of localization: common and with a limited zone
  • The depth of the hearth: superficial or deep
  • Taking into account the type of pathogen: streptoderma, staphyloderma, streptostastafilloderma
  • The defeat zone: face, scalp, body, sweat glands
  • Distinguish the pyoderma by type of rashes : peripitrite, impetigo streptococcal, stomatitis in the corners of the mouth, panaritius, streptoderma.

Video: Pyoderma Classification

Causes of pyoderma in adults, children, newborns

Pyoderma in adults and children has endrogen and exogenous causes.

To endrogen relate:

  • Complications arose. As a result of early diseases
  • Possible violations of the work of internal organs
  • Deep defeat of the central nervous system
  • Problems in metabolism
  • Weak immunity
  • Endocrine disorders associated with diabetes mellitus
  • Vegeto-vascular Distonia
    Exogenous reasons include:
  • Sleep injuries: cracks, abrasions, combs
  • Non -compliance with hygiene rules when caring for a child
  • Pollution of the skin
  • Skin overheating or strong hypothermia
  • Personal contact with the pyoderma carrier
  • Constant stress and overwork
  • Lack of vitamins, poor nutrition
Pyoderma in a newborn

Pyoderma y newborn Baby leads to inflammatory processes that take place in the umbilical cord. The reason will be any wound that will develop into a purulent infection and lead to blood poisoning.

Gangrenous pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Gangrenous pyoderma is a very rare and chronic form of the disease. It has subsequent pronounced progress with skin necrosis. The main cause of the occurrence: weakened background of the underlying system disease.
Symptoms in adults with gangrenous pyoderma:

  • Ulcerative dermatitis, painful ulcers on the body with a quick threshold of distribution. May arise a second time in the same place
  • Malignant formations
  • Ulcerative colitis, Dysproteinomy
Gangrenous pyoderma

The main features are:

  • boils that quickly break up in favorite places: legs, lower body
  • Ulcers there with raised , uneven edges

Symptoms of gangrenous pyoderma in children and newborn:

  • Contagious defeat on the first week of life
  • Multiple bubbles with flabby coating
  • Dry, purulent crusts over the body
  • Dense papules in the buttocks, perineum and hips

Chronic pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Most often, it is chronic pyoderma that develops in patients with low and weakened immunity. Symptoms are manifested in cancer, alcoholics, people with diabetes, patients with powerful hormone therapy.

Here the slightest damage or skin wound leads to the development of pyoderma.

Chronic pyoderma in children comes to constant development due to non-observance of hygiene rules, a rare change in clothing, infection from sick relatives.

Pyoderma is chronic

Such a pyoderma in the baby newborn It occurs by infection even inside the hospital. In weak children, a powerful detachment of the epidermis with the emergence of pain foci takes place. Getting into the navel, pyoderma develops omfalite, with the transition to sepsis.

Staphylococcal pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Staphylococcal pyodermadeveloped process inflammation, in subordinate clause education skin cover. To symptoms her relate : defeat hair follicles, glands sebaceous and sweat.
If a staphylococcal pyoderma expressed ostiopholiculite observed rashes in source hairy, surrounded  red kamka. Localization them passes on the face, beard, forearms.

Staphylococcal pyoderma

Sycosis defeat staphylococcus skin. Symptoms and emergence his bright expressed on the skin faces, eyebrows, axillary fabrics.
Folliculite also refers to sight staphylacockova pyoderma. Symptoms protrude painful nodes and  rashes in hair cover, in areas neck.
Hydradenitisgrynaya pyoderma  in areas sweat glands. Symptoms manifest in axillary cavities and areas sexual lips.
U children and newborns staphylococcal pyoderma expressed multiple abesses skin. Amazed sweaty glands. Symptoms manifest u thoracic children and children early age. AT form education multiple numbers dense nodes in thicker skin.They are after marking, turning in abscess.

Ulcerative pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Chronic pyoderma is expressed by rashes of the lower legs ,stop. An ulcer appears there when vulgar ectima is not cured, a boil. The causative agent is streptococci.


The main symptoms of the disease begin to develop during the general weakening of the human body and its protective forces. A circulatory violation appears in the limbs, nervous-trophic disorders, cicatricial changes. All this leads to the development folliculitis.
The same symptoms are observed in children and newborn With weak immunity and congenital pathological diseases.

Streptococcal pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Pyoderma streptococcal- disease Pupil with infectious skin lesions due to the introduction of bacteria into the human body. The main pathogens are streptococci, located on clothes, towels, combs, even in the air.
The symptoms of the disease are deeply expressed:

  • Complete and uniform defeat of the skin, except for hair and sebaceous glands
  • The appearance of bubbles with white, muddy liquid
  • Damage to the skin folds of the upper layers.
Pyoderma streptococcal

Impetigo expressed in the form of inflammation with a red rim , the border of the lips turns red, soreness manifests itself, fucks, the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose is affected. It is on The body in childhood, with improper and insufficient hygiene.
Ektima expressed by deep damage to fabrics and integument with ulcers, manifestation purulent plaque.

Lesion of the skin with pyoderma

Pyoderma streptococcal is often expressed in toxic shock. It occurs due to the release of toxins and bacteria into the air, which exposes the body to dysfunction.

Pyoderma treatment in children and adults: antibiotics and ointments, skin treatment

Treatment diseases held after definitions forms and degree severity. Not get out here without appointments antibiotics,that how they are global eliminators staphylococcus and streptococci.

Methodology treatment shares on the :

  • drugs with local action
  • therapy antibiotics
  • immunotherapy
  • surgical intervention
  • with help people's medicine.
    If a amazed superficial layers skin assigned drugs local impact, form antibiotics and ointment.

Before conducting treatment should clean and handle wound, open all opesters.

For treatment use also alcohol solutions, drugs antimicrobial, gels, ointments.

  • Salicylic acid in form ointments external application will help soften stricken layer, actively affects on the healing wounds. It has  anti -inflammatory effect and suppresses bacteria  in skin cover
  • Diamond zelenkamedicine on the alcoholic basis, for external application. Actively fights with growth bacteria pyoderma.
  • Fucurcinspecial solution, for suppression bacteria and antifungal impact. Apply on the painful sites, after drying out complement treatment ointment.
  • Khlogecdin—  medicine in form gel, contributing full elimination growth grunty bacteria, destroy active from them in blood and pus.
  • Triamcinoloncream external use. A drug glucocorticoid for suppression inflammatory process, intensively reduces allergies.
    To drugs combined impact on the about chag pyoderma related fucicort and hyoxizon. Ointments with anti -inflammatory  action, for suppression streptococci and staphylococcus.

At pyoderma with light and medium severity assigned antibiotics inside.AT heavy forms pyoderma apply intravenous injections.
For crane use recommend penicillins : amoxicillin, ampiox. BUT also cepholosporins and tertecyclines. Them they spell it out for violations integrity bacterial walls,suppression growth bacteria and destruction staphylococcus on the cellular level.

Immunotherapy it has also important meaning at treatment diseases u children and adults.

it method treatment, founded on the drugs stimulating immunity to action pathogenic microorganisms. It has place in cases chronic currents diseases with possible exacerbation repeated. AT program immune treatment included drugs: anatoxin and vaccine staphylococcal, bacteriophage strepto and staphylococcal, leikinferon.

Pyoderma treatment in newborns

Treatment pyoderma u newborns children directed on the appointment drugs with high protective strength and correction exchange violations. Before total baby it is necessary right care and good food. Highly important feeding thoracic milk in such period.
AT asselo observe complex treatment. Here will be enter appointment antibiotics penicillin type. Them introduce intramuscularly. For elimination toxicosis at treatment introduce in organism also solution glucose.
Children older three months apply complex vitamins and introduce injections staphylacocy anatoxin.
If a baby feeling myself more less good for umbilical wounds can limited only application external ointment.
To wash thoracic child need prepare baths with light solution potassium permanganate.

Pyoderma is infectious or not? The most contagious form of pyoderma

Such forms pyoderma how acne, sycosis, boils and zaeda, I drive very contagious forms diseases and can bring, in children's institutions ,even to epidemics.
All is happening fromper  transformations microorganisms from sarophytic flora in pathogenic.

Important role in development pyoderma playing condition skin and ability organism repel from myself pathogenic bacteria.
The most contagious forms pyoderma protrude staphyloderma and streptdermia.

Yourself subject to public protrude thoracic children and adults, working in unfavorable conditions labor.

Pyoderma incubation period

Incubation period pyoderma it lasts from moment infection and before appearance the first signs. it time approximately from seven before ten days. AT the course this period bacteria actively propagated in body man. The first symptoms will be discovered with manifestation on the body the first rashes. AT this areas then it is formed neoplasms with pustular character.

Pyoderma treatment with folk remedies

If a pyoderma passes in light form maybe resort to people's methods her treatment. There is lots of medicinal funds for elimination and reduction pain threshold. Can take off edema and influence on the fast regeneration skin fabrics.
Cure illness try using tinctures and mixtures herbs.

  • Dandelion apply in tincture. For they take it three tablespoons roots dry and cup water. We boil and we give drinking eight hours. We accept infusion in inside before use food
Folk remedies in pyoderma
  • Leaves celandine. We take 20 gr medicines and 100 ml oils. We do mixture, we apply on the foci defeat skin. Term procedures : three weeks.
  • Poplar. We take it kids poplar in sizetwo glasses, grind. Fill 200 ml oils.We spend infusion smooth day. Lubricate sick sites two times in a day.
  • Potato. Three one root crop. We apply on the gauze and we do dressing affected site bodies. Manipulations perform near three once, on two hours.

Video: treatment and prevention of pyoderma

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