What is OKTMO in the details and where to get it?

What is OKTMO in the details and where to get it?

In this article we will tell you what OKTMO and OKATO are and where they are used.

Often in payment documents there is such a props as OKTMO and OKATO. Many do not understand what kind of numbers these are, but in fact it would be worth knowing. We decided to figure out what both of these details mean.

What is Oktmo and Okato?

This props has such a deciphering as All -Russian classifier of the territories of municipalities. It began to be used several years ago and values \u200b\u200bcalled OKATO are used for it.

Accordingly, OKATO is now not used in the documentation and it is deciphered as All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division. However, when this props was used, the statistical service could not find out in which city the organization or individual entrepreneur is working in. So it was decided to make a clarification in the classifier that it was more convenient to make statistics and collect different information.

As a rule, the requisite has 8 or 11 digits and all of them are divided into different groups. All numbers have their own purpose. The first two indicate the region of the country where the company is located. Then there are three signs, they are an indication for a particular district. The remaining 3-6 signs allow you to find out in which city this or that company is located.

Why do you need an octmo?


This code is issued to a legal entity automatically during registration. Its storage is carried out in Rosstat, because this service uses an active classifier to collect statistics.

What is a checkpoint in the company's details?

Entrepreneurs must know the codes assigned to them. They are indicated in all tax returns and reports. Moreover, they are required to apply for payment documentation intended for payment of taxes and fees. All these fields must be filled out.

How and where to see Oktmo?

The classifier of territories is a very large collection and, if you suddenly forget your code, you can always see it in it. But if you independently view the entire list of companies, it will be extremely difficult to find your own among them. For a simpler search, there are special services on the Internet to clarify the data. And there is also the opportunity to see OKTMO on the tax service website.

Video: What is OKATO (OKTMO)?

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