What is male mastopathy? Features of the course and treatment of male mastopathy

What is male mastopathy? Features of the course and treatment of male mastopathy

The article will tell in detail about the causes and methods of treating mastopathy in men.

It is not true to believe that mastopathy is a purely female disease. Men are also subject to him, although much less often. Without expecting such a disease, a man can launch mastopathy, which can turn into a malignant tumor. To prevent this from happening, you need to know about the causes and symptoms of mastopathy in men.

According to doctors, this disease most often occurs in the elderly. However, they are not afraid to follow the state of their health and are not afraid to see a doctor at any age. In addition, mastopathy in men is treated much faster than female.

Why is male mastopathy: the causes of mastopathy in men

Mastopathy in men manifests itself in the seal of the chest tissues. The main cause of mastopathy is an increase in female hormones in the body. It is they who provoke the development of foreign tissues in the chest, the increase and compaction of the chest glands. The main reasons for increasing female hormones in men are the following:

  • The tumor of the glands of the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland. As a result of this, the glands produce an incorrect set of hormones
  • Liver diseases. The liver simply does not cope with the processing of female hormones (estrogens), which is why they are in excessive quantities in the body
  • The use of hormonal drugs that can disrupt hormonal balance
  • Excessive use of products that contain female hormones. This applies to beer lovers who use this product regularly. It is known that beer supplies the body with substances provoking the production of female hormones

Symptoms and features of male mastopathy

Detecting mastopathy, even at an early stage, is not difficult. This disease has pronounced symptoms.

  • In the chest, seals are formed, which are felt when touching. Such seals have a clearly expressed border, can be of different sizes
  • Neoplasms are of different sizes. There may be either one knot or several. You need to pay attention, even to a small area of \u200b\u200bdefeat
  • Sometimes colorless discharge from the nipples are noticed
  • The sensitivity of the chest increases, pain may occur when touching the compacted areas
  • The pectoral glands increase in size
  • If neoplasms appear on only one thoracic gland, an asymmetric breast size is noticeable
  • In the axillary depressions, the lymph nodes are often inflamed

Diagnosis of mastopathy. Which doctor should you contact with male mastopathy?

  • One of the reasons why mastopathy in men is harder is the fear or unwillingness of a man to see a doctor. Many representatives of the stronger sex are simply embarrassed by diseases of the pectoral glands
  • But it is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor. Mastopathy is closely related to breast cancer. Only an experienced specialist will be able to prescribe competent treatment, and prevent complications. In the early stages, mastopathy can be cured without surgery
  • If mastopathy is suspected, a man can turn to an endocrinologist, urologist or oncologist. Any of these doctors will be able to identify the presence of mastopathy and diagnose
  • The first stage of diagnosis is to identify the stage at which the disease is

There are three stages of development of this disease:

  • The stage of development, which lasts up to 4 months. At this stage of the neoplasm of small sizes, an increase in the chest gland is not observed
  • The intermediate stage, which lasts up to 1 year. At this time, the chest glands begin to increase, pain occurs
  • The last stage is fibrous, in which the thoracic gland increases significantly. You can only surpass this stage surgically
  • To find out the stage of mastopathy, the doctor prescribes a number of tests, mammography and ultrasound of the gland. After receiving all the results, treatment may be prescribed

Knot mastopathy in men

Knot mastopathy has the same symptoms outwardly as breast cancer. When consulting a doctor, a biopsy may be prescribed, which will accurately determine the nature of the compacted tissues. If there are no cancer cells, then this is mastopathy, which can be cured with a medication.

Why does mastopathy arise in elderly men?

The causes of mastopathy in elderly men are the same as at a younger age. An increase in female hormones in old age is caused by improper operation of the endocrine system.

Also, an increase in estrogen may be associated with the use of hormonal drugs for the treatment of other diseases. An elderly organism is easier to occur of foreign neoplasms. That is why, in elderly men, mastopathy is more common.

Medication of mastopathy in men

The first two stages of mastopathy, it is possible to cure with a medical way. For this, the causes of neoplasms in the chest gland should be eliminated.

  • In order to stop inflammatory processes in the chest gland, the doctor prescribes anti -inflammatory drugs. They relieve swelling and reduce pain
  • The next stage is the use of antibiotics that fight the foci of inflammation
  • The doctor eliminates the cause of the imbalance of hormones. Preparations that reduce the production of female hormones can be attributed.
  • A special diet is attributed
  • Sections of the chest where neoplasms are located, it is necessary to touch, massage and warm as little as possible

With the advanced stage of mastopathy, the doctor prescribes surgery. All instructions must be followed, otherwise, mastopathy can easily be transformed into breast cancer.

Removal of mastopathy in men

Removing neoplasms in the chest is called lapectomy. At the same time, affected tissues are extracted from the chest gland. With surgical intervention, pain and discomfort are felt for several weeks. Painkillers are attributed.

After healing the chest, it is recommended to wear a special supporting vest for several weeks. One of the stages of treatment is the use of medicines that cope with the cause of mastopathy. Also, a man must observe a prescribed diet so that the disease does not happen again.

How to treat male mastopathy with folk methods?

If you comprehensively use the drugs assigned to the doctor and folk methods of treatment, you can quickly cope with mastopathy.

  • Compresses. The most effective way, in the treatment of mastopathy, is the use of absorbing compresses. They cope with pain, swelling and destroy neoplasms. The easiest option is the use of fresh cabbage sheet. It must be abundantly smeared with honey, applied to the chest gland and fixed. You need to keep such a compress all night. As a compress, you can use a leaf of burdock. Another good remedy for mastopathy is a saline solution. It is necessary to prepare a solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water. Then, moisten a piece of fabric in it and make a compress to the affected area
  • Ointments from natural components. There are several effective ointments that will help to overcome mastopathy. One of the most popular is garlic ointment. To prepare it, 100 grams of garlic are crushed, mixed with vegetable oil and used for treatment. Also, effective components are castor oil and celandine. From these ingredients, you can also prepare therapeutic ointments
  • The use of therapeutic tinctures. Sw burdock juice is the most effective tool. For the treatment of mastopathy, you need to use it three times a day in a tablespoon. Another good natural remedy is Buzina's berries. They can be consumed both with sugar and honey

Before using folk treatment methods, you need to consult your doctor.

How to eat men with mastopathy?

Nutrition is the most important factor that affects the health of the whole organism. Therefore, in case of mastopathy, you need to establish your diet.

  • Refusal of beer. You can’t drink, also non -alcoholic beer. Because, it is hops, which is present in any beer, provokes the development of mastopathy
  • Refusal of harmful food: mayonnaise, fast food, chips and carbonated drinks. These foods have many chemicals that complicate the treatment of the disease
  • Eating products in which there are many vitamins of group B (liver, eggs, nuts, milk)

A diet is recommended to be observed not only during treatment, but also after overcoming the disease. With malnutrition, mastopathy may return.

Treatment of mastopathy in men: tips and reviews

There are many resources on the Internet where men share their experience in combating mastopathy.

  • “He found an incomprehensible seal in his chest and turned to his wife for advice. She said that it could be mastopathy. Therefore, together we went to the doctor a mammologist. It really turned out to be mastopathy. I don't even know the reasons, because The increase in hormones was not found. In general, he cured the disease with the help of the drugs. ", Oleg, 34 years old
  • “I was always complete and drank a lot of beer. Therefore, I did not immediately see the signs of the disease. Only after the chest began to hurt, went to the doctor. They did the operation. Now, I try to observe a diet and not drink beer ", Evgeny, 46 years old
  • “My husband has tumors in the chest area. They were very afraid that it was not cancer. It turned out that mastopathy. I didn't even expect it to meet men ", Anna, 51 years old.

Mastopathy is a serious disease that cannot be ignored. Mastopathy in the early stages is quite simple to cure.

Video: Pectoral gland disease in men





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