What is Lol VKontakte? History, meaning and feasibility of using acronum lol in Internet correspondence

What is Lol VKontakte? History, meaning and feasibility of using acronum lol in Internet correspondence

The value of acronum lol, its varieties and use in Internet correspondence.

New words are constantly appearing on the Internet, accordingly, their special vocabulary is developed, on which the inhabitants of the network are talking. There is nothing strange in this, because the world develops does not stand still. One of the jargon words is lol. In this article we will tell you what this word means.

What is lol: the story of the word

Usually lol is written as three title large letters. This word is not at all Russian origin, but foreign. This is nothing more than laughter and means the same as the Russian ha ha ha. This word arose from the English abbreviation, in connection with the reduction of the phrase Laughing Out Loud or lots of Laughs. The first option means “laughing loudly”, and the second is “a large amount of laughter”.

Therefore, the abbreviations in the Russian language must be written as three title letters, and not small, or large at the beginning, the rest are small. The fact is that many such words and Internet jargon are used by schoolchildren. Therefore, the meaning of some words and phrases, as well as abbreviations with abbreviations, changes in one direction or another. The most interesting thing is that adults should perceive this as laughter.

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Internet meme

What does lol mean in correspondence: derivatives from lol

There are also options when they put more than one letter inside, but several, for example, LOOOOL. This suggests that the laughter is long, very loud. As for the spelling and rules of the Russian language, lol is an interjection that expresses emotion. When writing, it should be released on both sides with commas. When is it worth using lol? The fact is that if you are outside the network, TET-A-TET communicate with someone, we do not recommend using Internet jargons.

Leave such words and phraseological units directly on the network, on the pages of contact or other social networks. Because a lot of older adults do not understand what this means and can be offended. The most interesting thing is that students differ in the meaning and lol does not always mean laughter. In addition, now acronym can be used as another word " lulz ", Which means joy because of the mockery of someone else. Often used in Internet trolling.

Internet meme
Internet meme

Who is Lol, Lolo, Ololo?

Among adolescents and children of school age, lol does not always mean laughter. Most often, this abbreviation perceives somewhat ironically. It is often taken as a mockery, some kind of sarcasm. Among adolescents, the term Lolo even appeared, which means a near, stupid person who is always smiling.

Acronym has gained popularity in 2003. It was then that a group of students decided to conduct some studies according to which Internet correspondence was analyzed, the presence of Internet salts in them. The most interesting thing is that in 2011 the use of the word LOL in correspondence exceeded 3% among other acronics, so it was introduced to the Internet (Internet response. Young people often use words Loise, Luz, or even S, Because spelling is very similar to a Russian letter.

The word is often used among schoolchildren LOLOKWhich means stupid, a man who looks absurd. In addition, in youth slang there is Ololo, which means a dumb schoolboy.

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Internet memes

What is Lol VKontakte, is it worth using it?

Often this Internet meme is put immediately before some serious statement. This means that a person is trying to make fun of the author of these statements. In this case, acronym is used as an irony.

This word has many options and decoding, depending on the context and circle of communication. We advise you not to use the reduction in the event that you are afraid that you will be incorrectly understand. It is best to replace Lol with some kind of soil emoticon. Moreover, now a huge number of free emoticons are offered, which can express absolutely different laughter, both sad with tears and a tear. In this case, it is better to choose the necessary emotion than just write the word LOL. If this is a common correspondence in the mail, you can not add emoticons, but replace laughter with ordinary brackets with quotes.


In colloquial speech, we do not advise using the reduction, because it was created in order to write less, and to express emotions. In ordinary colloquial speech, this can be done with a smile or ordinary laugh. As for Internet correspondence, try to use the reduction rarely, and only if you are sure that you will be correctly understood.

Video: The meaning of the word lol

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