What is hypochondria and how to get rid of it: tips and recommendations. How to recognize a hypochondria: 10 signs

What is hypochondria and how to get rid of it: tips and recommendations. How to recognize a hypochondria: 10 signs

The material of the article will be useful for those who carefully care about their health, as well as for relatives of hypochondriacs. Find out what hypochondria is, and how it manifests itself.

What is hypochondria?

Hypochondria, along with depression, is often called a disease of the 21st century. In fact, this condition is observed in a huge number of people. Among your acquaintances or loved ones can also be hypochondriacs. However, those who are not familiar with this condition can be difficult to understand hypochondriacs. From misunderstanding and lack of support, hypochondriacs suffer greatly. It turns out a vicious circle.

Important: hypochondria is called the state of excessive concern with its own health, excessive imagination of a person with regard to the presence of diseases.

It is believed that hypochondria is most prone to the elderly. But the disease is progressing, and today you can find a lot of young people with hypochondria.

There may be several causes of hypochondria:

  1. The state of protracted depression in conjunction with anxiety, as a character trait.
  2. Strong and unexpected stress. This stress can provoke the death of a friend or loved one, the news of the disease of someone close, etc.
  3. Disorders in the work of the cerebral cortex.
  4. A consequence of inattention from loved ones. Most often this applies to older people.

Ipochondriter also fies up the availability of information. Many people come to an appointment with a doctor, as a rule, having already made a diagnosis on their own. They read a lot, watch TV shows and compare the information received with their symptoms. But, we all know that fear is great, and in most cases independently made diagnoses are not confirmed.

An example of this behavior can be observed in the book "Three in a boat, not counting the dog." The three main characters went on a boat trip and began to read a medical directory. And what was the surprise when they found almost all diseases from the book, except for the maternity fever.

Hypochondriacs are sure that they are mortally ill, and if not, then this is about to happen. Often, hypochondriacs believe that they have not even one fatal disease, but several. They constantly go to examinations, pass a bunch of tests. And when they get good results, thoughts creep into their heads that doctors either do not want to treat them specially, or experts are not competent.

What is hypochondria?

At the same time, the hypochondriacs themselves are really afraid and worried, their fears are quite real. Familiar and colleagues call such people whiners. And relatives often suffer with hypochondriacs, because life in the house turns into a real hell, where everyone is forced to convince a person that everything is in order with him.

It is proved that melancholys are prone to hypochondria. These are people - imaginary, sensitive, vulnerable, impressionable. If suddenly a melancholic fell into the clutches of protracted depression, he may well develop a state of hypochondria. At the same time, the person himself will not notice how this condition will become an integral feature of his character, poisoning his own life and the life of relatives.

Video: Hypochondria - what is it?

How to find out a hypochondria: 10 signs

Important: you can find out the hypochondriat according to the main characteristic features - the fixture on its health and the fear of death from the disease.

Read these 10 signs of hypochondria, you may learn in this description of yourself or someone from your environment.

Sign 1: The weak manifestation of the disease is perceived as a fatal disease

A cough of a hypochondriac seems to be a sign of tuberculosis, a headache is a brain tumor, any tingling in the left side of the body is a heart disease. Hypochondriacs for the slightest reason love to "thicken the clouds."

If the Hypochondrick something fell ill, which in most cases is not a sign of a serious illness, psychosomatics are connected. A person is focused on sensations in this area, because of this pain intensifies. Or it seems to a person that they are intensifying.

Sign 2: Confidence in the presence of a fatal disease, or maybe not even one

As a rule, most hypochondriacs are afraid of such diseases - cancer, HIV/AIDS, deadly viruses.

They are so sure that everything is bad now, and then it will only be worse. At the same time, life loses its colors for such a person. He thinks of suffering, about death, he was seized by fear for his life. If the tests show the opposite result, a person thinks that the disease is not diagnosed.

There are also symptoms of an incurable disease. For example, hair loss, weight loss, insomnia, lack of appetite. It is important to understand that such and many other symptoms can be caused by anxiety, not a disease. As soon as it turns out to calm the alarm, get out of a depressive state, these symptoms will begin to disappear.

Signs of hypochondria

Sign 3: Unwillingness to do something

Ordinary tips, like to go for shopping, make a new hairstyle, visit a new place or attraction, do not affect hypochondriacs. They do not want all this. What helps ordinary people overcome a bad mood, hypochondriacs seems meaningless. Indeed, what's the point in a new thing, if Hypochondriter has a deadly disease (according to his thoughts).

Hypochondriacs become indifferent to their own appearance. This sign is especially manifested in women. The desire to appeal to others, to be beautiful is the natural desire of a woman. If a woman stopped painting, is not at all interested in new and stylish clothes, does not follow her hairstyle - these are serious signs of depression and hypochondria. In particular, if earlier a woman watched herself.

Not only the unwillingness to look beautiful can be attributed to the sign of hypochondria. You can also classify here:

  • Unwillingness to cook food
  • Unwillingness to walk with children, a dog, just take a walk in the evening
  • Unwillingness to clean in the house and make it beautiful
  • Unwillingness to visit new places and attractions
  • Unwillingness to communicate with friends, acquaintances and relatives

Sign 4: attempts to make a diagnosis

Interesting with your own health is not bad. But the hypochondriacs are not just an interest, but a fixation. They constantly read about a disease that is not even diagnosed. They visit the forums, are interested in how this happens to other people. They read magazines, watch medical programs, visit specialized sites, are interested in news in medicine and certain diseases. It is so much interested in the disease when there is a disease, and then this is not always necessary.

Hypochondriacs visit medical pages more often than accounts in their social networks. However, social networks over time cease to be of interest to them.

Important: the search for diseases on the Internet and adjusting their symptoms for them got its name - cyberhondria.

Sign 5: Confidence that you have a hereditary disease

Hypochondria often develops if the family has hereditary diseases. But it should be remembered that not always a genetic predisposition leads to a disease.

Yes, there are many diseases with a genetic component. But, firstly, you may not have it. Secondly, the prevention of many diseases is a healthy lifestyle.

If you know about a hereditary disease, it is better to periodically visit a doctor for prevention than to earn a hypochondria. Many diseases are treated in the initial stages.

Sign 6: You have a huge first -aid kit

Hypochondriacs are favorite clients of pharmacies. These people often buy all kinds of dietary supplements, vitamins. In a word, these people are looking for a “magic pill”.

At home, Ipochondriacs can find a cure for everything and just in case of life. If the Hypochondroke is going on a trip, he will definitely take a first -aid kit with all the medicines just in case. As experience shows, these medicines are not needed at all, but the hypochondriac is much calmer when the first -aid kit occupies half of its suitcase.

Even if there is a trip for only a few days and to the places where there are pharmacies, the hypochondriac will still take the necessary minimum drugs.

The danger of hypochondria

Sign 7: the desire to remove the organ or part of the body for prevention

For example, the Hollywood movie star Angelina Jolie removed both breasts due to the fact that her maternal relatives died from breast cancer. Such a desire visits many other people.

Some want to get rid of all moles on their body, but even oncologists do not recommend removing all moles. It is enough once a year or six months to be observed, and if the doctor suspects something was wrong, remove.

Doctors do not recommend such radical measures. The recommendations of doctors are regularly visited their specialists so that there is an opportunity to identify the disease at the initial stage.

Sign 8: You go to the doctor, like a store for bread

There is nothing wrong and shameful in getting the opinion of the second doctor. However, the situation with a hypochondric can cross the framework of normal. For example, when a person is constantly looking for new specialists, because it seems to him that the previous ones are not quite competent.

It may also be that the doctor will recommend a person to change the lifestyle and not be nervous. In this case, the Hypochondric begins to look for a doctor who would prescribe him drugs for prevention.

Important: hypochondriacs do not perceive the advice not to be nervous, as good. It seems to them that they are all right with their nerves.

Do not go to the doctor for every smallest symptom. This resembles an anecdote about how the same grandmothers every day occupy a queue for a doctor. As a rule, the doctor remembers such patients and does not perceive their complaints seriously.

Sign 9: Excessive scrupulousness in hygiene matters

Wash your hands after visiting the toilet or street, of course, the right approach. However, there are people who constantly treat their hands with antibacterial agents, wipe all surfaces before touching them.

Also, hypochondriacs can transfer their unhealthy attitude to hygiene to their children. For example, they do not allow the child in the sandbox to take someone else's spatula or touch a swing.

Public transport can turn into torture for a hypochondria. It seems to him that infected people can be next to him, and it is dangerous to touch the handrails and seats.

Yes, people can meet on the street and in public transport, but it is not always possible to insure themselves from a possible disease. And with means of disinfection of hands, you can achieve painful dryness and irritability of the skin. It is better to engage in an increase in your immunity, to make the necessary vaccinations than to try to protect yourself from the surrounding world with its microbes.

Hypochondria or imaginary patient

Sign 10: A thorough and frequent examination of your body

Hypochondering devotes a lot of time to his body. Sometimes the whole meaning of his life lies in the examination of his body, in listening to his body.

Such people spend a lot of time at the mirror, examining every centimeter of their body, feel themselves. Each time they can find something new on their body, which did not notice before, which leads them to panic And inspires a new fear.

Inspecting your body can become a morning ritual, along with washing, brushing your teeth.

Video: Hypochondria - the opinion of psychotherapists

How to get rid of hypochondria: tips and recommendations

Important: hypochondria cannot be confused with schizophrenia. The second condition is more difficult and requires urgent medical care in a specialized institution.

When it seems to a person that the neighbors poison him with radiation or the head is stuffed with needles, do not write off it on hypochondria. Similar statements are calls of a more serious disease.

As for the hypochondria, it is easier to cure it. This will also need the help of a doctor - a psychotherapist. Through conversations and beliefs, an experienced psychotherapist will help a person forget about this obsessive and unpleasant condition.

The problem is that the Council to go to the psychotherapist, many in our country perceive as an insult. Over the past decades, psychotherapy has undoubtedly advanced in terms of people understanding that this is the same industry of medicine as all others, that there is nothing shameful in visiting the therapist, but not so much. In the understanding of many, there is still a stereotype that psychotherapy is necessary only for people with severe mental deviations.

Hypochondriacs are important to have such an environment that will not support his fears or mock his feelings. Often relatives with a mockery treat such people from which hypochondriacs suffer even more.

If you have a familiar hypochondrick, communicate with him as before. Do not treat him as if this person is sick. Listen, show that you understand his suffering - nothing more. Do not try to convince a person by all means. This will lead to the fact that the Hypochondrock will be easier to refuse a fictional illness, since he will not find confirmation in his interlocutor to his fears.

Treatment of hypochondria

Sometimes hypochondria develops in older people due to inattention of children, grandchildren. Then older relatives begin to pester all family members with their many diseases. To prevent this, call more often, come, distract your elderly grandparents with conversations, take them with a game with grandchildren, take a walk, help the house. This will give older people optimism.

While in the same house with a hypochondric, you should limit its viewing of medical programs, try to distract him from reading information about his imaginary diseases, and more often invite him to walks.

Hypochondrias are subject to people who do not work anywhere, have no hobbies and hobbies. Sometimes a person should leave the zone of his comfort, go to work, find a hobby, go in for sports, get a pet and obsessive negative thoughts will go away.

Important: how to get rid of hypochondria?

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