What is endometrial hyperplasia: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention, reviews. What is the danger of endometrial hyperplasia, what are the consequences?

What is endometrial hyperplasia: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention, reviews. What is the danger of endometrial hyperplasia, what are the consequences?

Hyperplasia is a disease that is characterized by the growth of uterine tissue. This process can lead to many undesirable consequences, including cancer.

Women at any age are subject to gynecological diseases. Some of them can hide to a neglected state and become a threat to the reproductive function of a woman and even her life. In this article, we will examine in more detail a disease such as endometrial hyperplasia and talk about the methods of its treatment.

What is endometrial hyperplasia?

Hyperplasia of the endometrium - A common disease that women of all ages are subject to.

With hyperplasia, the endometrium tissue lends itself to pathological changes
With hyperplasia, the endometrium tissue lends itself to pathological changes

Endometry - This is a shell covering the uterine cavity and undergoing changes depending on the woman’s menstrual cycle. In the second phase of the cycle There is an expansion of the mucous layer inside the uterus, characterized by more active blood circulation, and favorable conditions are created for the life support of the embryo. In the absence of fertilization, the excess part of the mucous membrane is excreted by the body during menstruation.

If complete destruction does not occur, the endometrial layer grows due to the pathological enhanced cell reproduction. This process leads to hyperplasia, that is, to an increase in tissues above the norm.

Video: Hyperplasia Endometry

Hyperplasia of endometrium symptoms and causes

In the early stages, the disease can occur asymptomatic, which complicates timely diagnosis. Symptoms indicating hyperplasia:

  • lack of pregnancy with regular sexual activity
  • selection between menstruation
  • frequent delays of menstruation and abundant discharge following them
  • periodic pain in the groin
Hyperplasia can be asymptomatic, or can make itself felt unpleasant symptoms
Hyperplasia can be asymptomatic, or can make itself felt unpleasant symptoms

The cause of the development of hyperplasia is hormonal background violation, called:

  • increased level of estrogen
  • puberty
  • inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system
  • sexual infections
  • increased blood sugar
  • obesity
  • hypertension
  • incorrectly installed uterine spiral
  • heredity
  • surgical operations

The exact cause of the disease can only be established by a doctor after examination.

Uterine hyperplasia: glandular, focal, atypical, in menopause

Depending on the structure, such types of hyperplasia:

  • zheleziasto-acid, in which the endometrium thickens evenly. If an increase in glandular tissue is observed, we are dealing with the easiest form of the disease - glandular hyperplasia. If at the same time, bubbles filled with liquid (cysts) are formed, we are talking about the development of a glandular-acid variety
  • focalcharacterized by uneven thickening of the fabric. Cells multiply more actively in a certain area. Such hyperplasia is divided into simple (increased cell volume) and complex, in which foci with excess tissue serve as the basis for the appearance of single or multiple polyps
  • atypical (adenomatosis), which is the most dangerous form of the disease. The probability of rebirth into oncology is extremely high. Cells not only intensively multiply, but also mutate, changing their structure. Adenomatosis can develop in the functional and basal layers of the endometrium. With this version of the disease, it is possible to remove the uterus
  • endometry hyperplasia in menopauserelated to the extinction of ovarian activity due to age, which leads to a strong restructuring of the body and hormonal imbalance

Endometry thickness with endometrial hyperplasia

Ultrasound is determined indicators of the thickness of the endometrial layerwhich are criteria for diagnosis of the disease:

  • the norm is considered to be the size from 9 mm to 11 mm
  • with the development of glandular hyperplasia, the thickness increases up to 15 mm, sometimes up to 20 mm
  • the possible presence of a malignant tumor is evidenced by the uneven structure of the mucosa thickness more than 20 mm
With hyperplasia, the thickness of the endometrium increases
With hyperplasia, the thickness of the endometrium increases

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia without curettage

At the early stage of development, the disease can be cured with conservative therapy without curettage.

Treatment with medicines is used in such cases:

  • the early stage of the disease
  • the teenage period in the patient
  • the possibility of developing atypical cells is excluded
Conservative treatment of treatment includes treatment with hormonal drugs
Conservative treatment of treatment includes treatment with hormonal drugs

This treatment method is based at several stages:

  • Stop bleeding by establishing equilibrium between estrogens and gestagenes. Oral contraceptives that suppress the activity of the ovaries help to cope with this task. Antienmic therapy can be carried out at the same time depending on the magnitude of the blood loss
  • Taking progesterone preparations In order to suppress the growth of endometrial tissue. At the same time, drugs aimed at normalizing the functioning of autonomic and central nervous systems can be used. At the same stage, gonadotropin-releasing hormones are taking medications of agonists
  • After the main course of treatment, it is prescribed additional therapyaimed at restoring the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Alternative treatment methods are:

  • a special uterine spiral containing gestagenes that have a local influence on the endometrial layer, gradually thinning it
  • folk remedies
  • homeopathy

Hyperplasia of the endometrium curettage

The curettage procedure is diagnostic and therapeutic in nature. It is carried out by removal functional layer of endometriumwhich is subsequently quickly restored. The materials removed from the uterus are sent for research.

Curettage is carried out by special devices
Curettage is carried out by special devices

Indications for curettage:

  • polyps in the uterine cavity
  • the remains of the fetal egg
  • malignant tumors
  • uterine bleeding

Exist several ways to carry out the procedurecurettage:

  • Blindly with a curette

It is carried out under general anesthesia. The doctor wraps the surface of the walls of the uterus. Eating food and food before this operation is prohibited. After that, antibiotics and bloodstreams are prescribed

  • Hysteroscopy

It is carried out using a small video camera - a hysteroscope. This is a more advanced type of cleaning, since with the help of an optical device introduced into the uterus, good visibility is ensured. The advantage of this method is that scraping of fabric is carried out more accurately, and at the same time, treatment of hyperplasia is carried out directly. The hysteroscope allows you to control the thickness of the epithelium tissue removed. In addition, the process of cleansing of small areas is facilitated. In this case, the possibility of random damage to the tissue is practically excluded.

  • Separate curettage

It is performed in the same way as the procedures described above. It differs only in the sequence of cleaning.

Curettage is not carried out during menstrual bleeding
Curettage is not carried out during menstrual bleeding

During menstruation The curettage is not carried outbecause in the case of independent rejection of the endometrium tissue, the results of laboratory tests in its study can be inaccurate.

The operation is carried out On any day of the cycle:

  • with bleeding, the cause of which is not known
  • when fruitful

This procedure cannot be carried out in the following conditions:

  • infectious diseases
  • increased levels of leukocytes
  • inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system

Video: Hysteroscopy of the uterine endometrial for hyperplasia

Hyperplasia of endometrium treatment after curettage

After the curettage procedure, the doctor prescribes drug treatment, which is aimed at preventing a repeated disease with hyperplasia. Hormonal drugs are prescribed to a woman. The duration of the course - up to six months. In the event of relapse, endometrial resection is performed.

As a rule, the woman’s body after the curettage is rapidly restored. At first, small discharge is observed, which can be accompanied by spasmodic pain. The menstrual cycle is restored for 4 months. Monthly begins usually a month later.

Menstruation resumes a month after the curettage
Menstruation resumes a month after the curettage

For rapid restoration and prevention of complications for the first time after the operation:

  • do not engage in physical exertion
  • do not visit the sauna
  • do not take hot baths
  • exclude sexual contacts
  • refrain from pregnancy for six months

The reason for going to the hospital is:

  • elevated temperature
  • unpleasant smell of discharge
  • lack of discharge
  • poor health in general

What is the danger of endometrial hyperplasia, what are the consequences?

In the absence of proper treatment, hyperplasia leads to such negative consequences:

  • the formation of adhesions
  • infertility, since a fertilized egg cannot catch in the uterine mucosa due to the changed structure of the endometrium. In addition, the formation of adhesions accompanying hyperplasia reduces the cross -country cross -country, and as a result, the ability to become pregnant. The risk of miscarriage also increases
  • violation of the menstrual cycle
  • anemia acquiring chronic character
  • due to heavy bleeding of the disease, can be transformed into an oncological form
Hyperplasia can develop into cancer
Hyperplasia can develop into cancer

Therefore, treatment should be approached very seriously and not let the disease go by chance. This will help to avoid irreversible processes. It is necessary to be treated immediately after the diagnosis is made.

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia folk remedies

Along with traditional methods, folk methods are also used in the treatment of hyperplasia. Such methods are shown only with lungs, initial stages of the disease. The essence of the effects of folk remedies is that toxins are excreted from the body and this achieves normal functioning of the cells. Non -traditional treatment has several advantages:

  • lack of side effects
  • positive tolerance
  • the possibility of long -term reception without prejudice to health
Treatment of hyperplasia with folk remedies is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor
Treatment of hyperplasia with folk remedies is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor

Especially effective Such funds are considered:

  • alcohol tinctures of medicinal herbs (backwater, uterus of Borovaya, peony)
  • decoctions of herbs (root and burdock root, plantain, nettles, viburnum bark, cuffs)
  • douching with decoctions (celandine, calendulas)
  • using gauze tampons with garlic

Remember that a consultation with a doctor when using folk remedies mandatory And self -medication is strictly prohibited!

Menstruation with endometrial hyperplasia

How menstruation proceeds is the main criterion for the establishment of the disease. All ladies know how monthly they have, and what the nature of the discharge with good health. Deviation from the norm It must alert a woman and is a signal for addressing a gynecologist.

Menstrual discharge with hyperplasia can differ from healthy discharge
Menstrual discharge with hyperplasia may differ from "healthy" secretions

Character discharge during menstruation In the case of hyperplasia, the endometrium may be different:

  • scarce discharge that are caused by an uneven structure of endometrial changes
  • smearing discharge between menstruation
  • abundant discharge with blood clots and scraps of the mucous membrane, which often occurs after a delay in menstruation
  • lack of menstruation due to an imbalance of sex hormones
  • selection after having sex

The listed factors can serve as signs of the development of the disease and require a gynecological examination.

Endometry hyperplasia and pregnancy

It should be noted that this disease is rare enough it is found in pregnant women. However, in modern medical practice, such cases are still observed. As a rule, hyperplasia of the mucosa is focal in nature.

Modern doctors speak out that a woman is pregnant With such a diagnosis, since the combination of hyperplasia with pregnancy enhances the risk of accelerated transformation of benign formations into malignant, that is, cancer.

Doctors do not recommend pregnancy with hyperplasia
Doctors do not recommend pregnancy with hyperplasia

In addition, the excessive growth of the mucosa inside the uterus is negative affects the fetus itself And can lead to various pathologies of its development. Therefore, pregnancy planning is recommended after treatment and subsequent rehabilitation.

After the treatment of glandular form of endometriosis pregnancy often occurs without problemsbecause it is the easiest form. With atypical hyperplasia, the ability to get pregnant is complicated by the fact that treatment requires much more effort and time. In addition, often you have to remove the uterus, as a result of the lack of result after treatment with medicines.

On the ability of a woman to conception after the treatment passed the following factors influence:

  • the neglect of the disease
  • form of hyperplasia
  • the result of the treatment process
  • individual characteristics

How to take duphaston with endometrial hyperplasia?

Dufaston It is a gestagenic drug that is used in the treatment of hyperplasia in the complex. The main substance is didrogestron, Which in its characteristics has a similarity with natural progesterone. This is the so -called "pure" gestagen, which is used to increase the amount of progesterone in a woman.

Dufaston with hyperplasia
Dufaston with hyperplasia

The drug proved its effectiveness When preventing the growth of the endometrium, cycle disorders, uterine bleeding. The scheme of taking the pills is prescribed by the doctor individually. In the presence of bleeding, the dose can be increased.

When taking it can be observed such side effects:

  • bloody issues
  • allergic reactions
  • dizziness
  • high sensitivity of the chest
  • chloe

Contraindications to the reception:

  • drogesterone intolerance
  • high sensitivity to Didrogestron

Organized and endometrial hyperplasia

Organized - A contraceptive having a single -hormonal character. The main active substance is leinestrenol. Well -established during hormonal therapy and is prescribed as an auxiliary agent. It is especially effective in the fight against an atypical form and is often prescribed for malignant formations. Organizer is taken according to the scheme compiled by the doctor.

Organometril with hyperplasia
Organometril with hyperplasia

Possible side effects:

  • diarrhea
  • headache
  • libido decrease
  • allergic reactions
  • increased body weight
  • swelling

Not appointed with such factors:

  • individual intolerance
  • jaundice
  • liver disease
  • diabetes
  • cholesterol disorders
  • thromboembolism

NORCOLATION for Hyperplasia Endometry

Norkolut It has an anti -estrogenic property, although it is not an active gestagen. Active substance - noretisterone - Hestagen, possessing the characteristics of estrogens and androgens. This drug is prescribed only after a complete examination of the patient for malignant formations.

Norcolite for hyperplasia
Norcolite for hyperplasia

Duration of admission Norcolite depends on:

  • the nature of pathologies
  • the presence of bleeding
  • other factors.

Possible side effects:

  • asthenia
  • headache
  • dyspepsia
  • changes in the structure of lipids
  • chloe

It is not recommended to use the medicine while taking:

  • steroids
  • drugs affecting the work of the kidneys, liver
  • sugar levels

Contraindications to use:

  • the presence of malignant tumors
  • puberty
  • polycystic ovary
  • bronchial asthma
  • blood coagulation disorders
  • epilepsy

Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia

The main preventive method to prevent endometrial hyperplasia remains regular examination of a woman with a gynecologist. Everyone knows that visiting a “female” doctor should be at least twice a year, but not everyone follows this rule.

Regular examination of a gynecologist - the best prevention of hyperplasia
Regular examination of a gynecologist - the best prevention of hyperplasia

In addition, doctors recommend such basic preventive measures:

  • regularly undergo a medical examination
  • in time, treat gynecological and hormonal diseases in time
  • follow your weight
  • engage in physical education
  • avoid abortion, as they significantly increase the risk of pathologies
  • select oral contraceptives consulting a doctor

Hyperplasia Endometry: reviews

Many women are in doubt about the effectiveness of treatment. Some even depress, believing that this is an incurable disease. Women are especially worried who plan to have a child.

However, numerous reviews of women who have undergone a course of treatment indicate that timely diagnosis and subsequent competent treatment gives positive results. Relapses sometimes happen, but in no case should you give up and stop treatment.

According to women, treatment with hormonal drugs helps not only stop the growth of the endometrial layerbut also normalizes the cycle, has a positive effect on the hormonal background.

Video: how to cure uterine hyperplasia is easy

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