What is feminism? Who are the feminists? How did feminism have a modern life?

What is feminism? Who are the feminists? How did feminism have a modern life?

In this topic, we will analyze the terminology of feminism.

We live in the 21st century and have the opportunity to safely observe the faces of any progress. As for the topic of feminism, many are asked by questions whether it is needed in our time. Indeed, with the development of civilization, the stereotype of the “home woman” is easily refuted. But there are also ardent opponents who see only riot in the role of feminists. And there are active supporters. But there is also a double understanding of the meaning of feminism.

What is feminism and who are the feminists?

To date, many argue that feminism no longer makes sense, because in our time there is one equal rights around. However, analyzing global problems, we can conclude that all of them are still associated with sexuals.

For example, in many places on the map of the world, the standard of living continues to depend on the floor. That is, aspects are significantly different, which the state can provide you with, and whether you are able to determine your life program without enthusiasm. This question remains open. By the way, about the most terrible places not only for women's life, but even travel can you read in our material "10 most dangerous countries for women."

For some, this may become a salvation!
For some, this may become a salvation!

Such a phenomenon as feminism is customary to be considered from several sides

  • On the one hand, feminism appears before us as Political movement, which is based on the struggle of women for equal rights. It is this angle of vision that is associated with classical feminism, namely with the suffragists who fought for the opportunity to vote in the elections.
    • Now, after the feminists reached their goal, it seems to us that questions of this nature were a very long time and even look a little wild. But at the beginning of the twentieth century, in most countries, women could not take part in the elections.
  • And from the second side Feminism is an intellectual movement. That is, it acts as a philosophical course, which is much wider than classical feminism.

Important: it can be noted that feminism (translated from lat. “Femina” - woman) is a whole branch of movements that start from political and end with psychological aspects that relate to the equality of sexes between a man and a woman. This is a movement against sexual discrimination and infringement of rights!

This is a lack of fear!
This is a lack of fear!

The main types of feminism

Studying history, it can be noted that feminism has a huge number of currents and branches. Therefore, it is quite difficult to give a specific designation to feminism, since various tastes are present and intertwined in it.

  • Social feminism It is based on the labor aspect in which female rights were infringed.
  • Radical feminism It is the basis and foundation for the development of other ideas and currents. For the first time, radical feminism appeared at the end of the twentieth century. This direction received its name due to recognition of women's discrimination with the main form of oppression by Patriarchate. Such a course has an extremely revolutionary social change as a goal.
  • The next can be distinguished Liberal feminism,which usually exists in the middle of the bulk of society. Liberals choose such an action strategy: they work for a long time in the middle of the system, making attempts to establish compromises.
  • After the decline of the radicals, he replaced Cultural feminism,to which most of the adherents of the first course joined. But one can follow a fairly clear difference between them: the radicals tried to transform the world and society, and the followers of cultural feminism prefer a side of avant -garde.
  • At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a very popular movement was born material feminism.The ideology is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bremoving house duties from women to increase their material security, as well as financial independence.
  • Another course of feminism is Feminism is moderate.This direction is popular among young girls who have not been severely oppressed. Moderate feminism is close to the liberal movement, but in some positions it is also associated with a radical direction.
  • Free or individual feminism It is customary to call the course of philosophy, based on the recognition of human rights and freedoms as a separate independent person.

But this is only a small share of dozens of branches of feminism. It is worth mentioning such currents as role-playing, black, lesbian feminism, as well as ecofeminism, transfeminism or anarcho-phheminism.

The struggle for their rights was fed for several centuries
The struggle for their rights was fed for several centuries

Who are the feminists?

  • For the first time, the word “feminism” appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, although its first manifestations began to be noticed in the 18th century. Initially, this term meant a group of personal qualities that a woman was endowed with.
  • After some time, feminists begin to call women activists who took part in female movements. On this example, you can trace how the meaning of this word is gradually changing. This happened at the beginning of the movement of the suffrarings.
  • Today and the last 100 years Under this term, all women who advocate equality and defend their rights are considered.We also repeat that this is not always related to equality in politics.

Important: but you should immediately refute myths regarding feminists. They have no hatred of men or the desire to subjugate strong representatives. For feminists, the main thing is freedom, which does not depend on the gender!

This is not just independence, but freedom and the right to choose
This is not just independence, but the right to choose

How did feminism have a modern life?

In principle, most of the female life has changed dramatically after the feminist movement. It is unfortunate that not all countries have reached the current data.

Indeed, thanks to feminism, women have:

  • the ability to learn and gain knowledge. Yes, women did not have such an opportunity before, since their knowledge was limited only to the ability to change the diapers;
  • the right to work and occupy not the lowest, but even leading and government posts;
  • and later arose and The requirement for maternity leave and care for the baby. Even more - now mom can shift these rights to dad;
  • a woman has the right to abort and protect yourself! This direction is moving in Western countries;
  • a woman is not a pear for a man. And feminism is actively fighting for women's rights, Protecting them from home and other violence.

Having considered such a phenomenon as feminism, one can distinguish one main idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it really carries in itself. Feminism is freedom! And every woman should have freedom of choice. “Feminism is not about how to make women strong. Women are already strong. He is about how to change the very understanding of power ”is Anderson.

This is freedom not only women, but also men!
This is freedom not only women, but also men!

But there is a certain negative achievement of feminism:

  • Some critics insist that women just loaded themselves with this independence and equality of sexes. The fact is that there were rights and needs at work, that they can be equal to male privileges. But in household chores and in raising children, this equality is not always met.

Although this is more family sustainable, which is set in every family and depends on the upbringing of each pair. In principle, this is a question solved at a small level. Although, if necessary, feminists will take up this aspect, as for home infringement of women's rights.

Video: Who are the feminists?

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