What is enterobiosis in children and adults: symptoms and treatment. Enterobiosis - causes and ways of infection

What is enterobiosis in children and adults: symptoms and treatment. Enterobiosis - causes and ways of infection

The article will tell the causes, symptoms and methods of treating enterobiosis in children and adults.

Enterobiosis in a medical environment is often called a disease of dirty hands. All due to the fact that it is not observing personal hygiene that leads to the propagation of pinworms in the human intestines. These parasites lay their eggs and live a life cycle in the human body. Here are a few facts that you need to know about enterobiosis:

  • It is found both in adults and in children. Children are most susceptible to infection with parasites
  • With enterobiosis, such a thing as infection of yourself is quite common
  • Immunity to parasites is not produced, therefore, enterobiosis can be sick several times
  • With this disease, both drug treatment and compliance with all hygienic norms and prescriptions are equally important

What is enterobiosis

  • Enterobiosis appears in a person in the presence of parasites - pinworms. They actively multiply, than cause a person a lot of inconvenience
  • The cuts are propagated by eggs. Eggs can be in a “sleeping” state for quite some time on household items, food, until they get into a favorable environment
  • The symptoms of enterobiosis are numerous, but the main one is the itching of the anus, the presence of parasites in the feces
  • Special tests that can be carried out in any laboratory will help to clarify the diagnosis.
Ways of infection with enterobiosis
Ways of infection with enterobiosis

Enterobiosis: Symptoms in adults and children

  • Itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus (especially at night)
  • The presence of parasites of pinworms in the feces
  • Poor general well -being, weakness, apathy
  • Lack of appetite
  • Drowsiness and irritability. With anxiety parasites, a person is poorly sprinkled and cannot relax
  • Grinding teeth in a dream
  • When combing the anal zone, infections can penetrate there. As a result, side diseases are dermatitis, paraproctitis
  • Abdominal pain, spasms with an acute stage of the disease
  • Irregular chair

Enterobiosis: causes and ways of infection

Non -observance of personal hygiene is the main reason for the penetration of parasites into the human body

  • Parasite eggs penetrate the human body due to dirty hands or nails
  • These eggs can be on household items, food, door handles or bedding
  • If a person has already been sick with enterobiosis, then re -infection is possible
  • When scratching the anus, eggs of parasites fall into the hands. If a person after that does not wash his hands, they can get into his mouth, and then in the intestines
  • Also, cuts of pinworms can remain on linen, bed, towels. Which puses an infection for other residents of the house
Personal hygiene is an important stage in the treatment of enterobiosis
Personal hygiene is an important stage in the treatment of enterobiosis

Enterobiosis in children treatment, drugs

  • To reduce itching and prevent combing, you need to do a soda enema at night. Soda will relieve inflammation and remove part of the parasites from the intestines
  • It is necessary to carefully observe hygiene norms. Wash your hands regularly, do not take your hands in your mouth. At night, put closed underwear on the child. Also, you need to briefly cut your nails
  • The use of anthelmintic agents is required. A specific medicine and dosage are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the age and personal characteristics of the body
  • Antigelmits kill parasites, but cannot withdraw them from the body. Because of this, poisoning with toxic substances of parasites is possible
  • After taking the drugs, cleansing enemas and sorbents are required, which will remove the remnants of the pinworms

Enterobiosis treatment in adults tablets

Treatment of enterobiosis in adults is not too different from the nursery. Also, special hygienic measures, enemas and taking drugs are needed.

Enterobiosis drugs:

  • "Furniture". It has a wide range of action and destroys various types of human parasites. The drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating breasts. Produced in tablets and in the form of a suspension
  • "Pirantel Pamoat." This drug is not compatible with another anthelmintic agent - Pipepesin. Designed for children and adults. May cause an allergic reaction
  • "Carbandacin." Not an expensive domestic drug that fights well with pinworms. It can cause nausea or weakness. Available in tablets
  • "Pipurezin." It has good absorption and is quite toxic. Side reactions rarely appear, usually with an overdose. The tool can be prescribed to both adults and children. Comes out in the form of pills
  • "Ambendazole." It is poorly absorbed, especially when eating fatty foods. It has side effects on the liver. Available in tablets.

Before taking drugs, you need to consult a doctor. Many anthelmintic agents have contraindications, can cause allergies or adverse reactions.

Enterobiosis tablets
Enterobiosis tablets

Enterobiosis: treatment with folk remedies in children and adults

Folk remedies can be used as auxiliary, in the treatment of pinworms.

  • At night, you can eat chopped garlic - this will reduce the activity of parasites. To do this, take 2 garlic teeth, grind and swallow with a large amount of boiled water (at least 300 ml). Procedure to do 3 nights
  • Also, you can use onions. To do this, it is crushed, poured with oil. You need to take this product 5 nights, before bedtime
  • Wormwood fights well with parasites. Prepare a decoction: pour a tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiling water and leave it overnight. A decoction should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning and at night, before bedtime
  • Together with wormwood, you can brew a cheatz. Herbs in equal proportions are poured in a thermos with boiling water. Drink a glass in the morning and at night
  • There is an interesting folk remedy with tar. It is claimed that it is very effective. We need a birch tar, which is sold in a pharmacy, cotton wool and a patch. We spread the cotton wool with tar and fix it with a patch in the navel. We wear this tool for 3 days without removing (if there is no allergy). After 3 days we remove, make a cleansing enema with soda
Folk remedies for pinworms
Folk remedies for pinworms

Enterobiosis for the pool: scraping, smear for enterobiosis

Full information about this analysis can be found from the article http://heaclub.ru/chto-takoe-analiz-na-enterobioz-i-skolko-dnej-delaetsya-analiz-na-nterobioz-kak-berut-vzroslyh-i-detej-algoritm

  • Analysis for parasites of pinworms is called scraping. This procedure is absolutely painless
  • Its goal is to identify the presence of parasites and their eggs in the intestines
  • Analysis is required when entering school, kindergarten and work, in the pool
  • If you are afraid of the procedure for taking the analysis, it can be done at home on your own with tape. Then, it must be handed over to the laboratory for verification

How much does an enterobiosis certificate work in the pool

  • The validity of the analysis of enterobiosis is very small. Therefore, it must be done immediately before the start of visits
  • It is up to 10 days
  • Upon admission to school, a children's camp or garden, the term is much less - only 3 days
Analysis for enterobiosis
Enterobiosis tests

Video: Enterobiosis Komarovsky

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