What is a student’s electronic diary? How to enter the school electronic diary for parents? Electronic student diary - My page: Input

What is a student’s electronic diary? How to enter the school electronic diary for parents? Electronic student diary - My page: Input

What is an electronic student’s electronic diary? Who and how can use the student’s electronic diary?

Technical progress and modern IT technologies are increasingly penetrating into our lives. Fortunately, most of them are designed to simplify and greatly facilitate our existence. Such an invention in the field of education is an electronic diary.

What is a student’s electronic diary?

What is a student’s electronic diary?
What is a student’s electronic diary?

An electronic diary is a digital analogue of an ordinary school diary. A similar service allows parents to be every minute to be aware of the academic performance of their child. In addition to assessments, the electronic diary contains all the necessary information, both for the student and his loved ones. Such information includes:

  • change of schedules of lessons
  • date of parental meetings
  • teachers report on the work done
  • student rating
  • the performance of each student, class and school as a whole
  • hometasks
  • intra -school social network
  • blogs of teachers
  • school news
Why do you need an electronic student’s diary?
Why do you need an electronic student’s diary?

The positive sides of the electronic diary include:

  1. Inability to loss of the diary.
  2. Constant control by parents of assessments and attendance of their child.
  3. Inability to correct the assessments.
  4. An enhanced sense of responsibility of schoolchildren.
  5. The simplicity of interactive communication between the teacher and parents.
  6. Convenience for teachers - getting rid of paperwork.
  7. Savings on stationery for school - paper, pens, folders, etc.
  8. Simplification of the analysis of academic performance for teachers.
  9. Simplicity of use.
  10. Confidentiality of individual information.

But, despite the whole number of advantages, this service has several disadvantages:

  1. Weak awareness of teachers (especially the older generation) in computer technology.
  2. Not all teachers and parents have access to the Internet.
  3. The ability to hack the system (advanced students).
  4. The probability of loss of information as a result of hacking or virus.

Who can use the electronic diary?

Who can use the services of an electronic diary?
Who can use the services of an electronic diary?

The services of an electronic diary can use all those who have access to it. Access is carried out by the school administration by providing a login and password to each student. Thus, users of the electronic diary are:

  • pupils
  • parents of the students
  • teachers
  • school administration
  • higher bodies of the education system
  • medical worker of the school

How to enter the school electronic diary for parents?

How to enter the student’s electronic diary?
How can parents enter the student’s electronic diary?

In order to enter the student’s electronic school diary, his parents need to register on the site, as well as find out the class teacher individual login and password for their child. Login and password to the student are assigned by IT workers of the school. They are responsible for connecting the school to the electronic diary system. They also carry out explanatory work for the administration of the educational institution about how to use such a system. The task of teachers is also information work with parents, because not all parents can independently deal with such a rather difficult task.

A student’s electronic diary is a school educational network: entrance to the system, to your page

How to enter the student’s diary through the All -Russian educational network?
How to enter the student’s diary through the All -Russian educational network?
  • We enter the site http://dnevnik.ru.
  • We get acquainted with the device and the rules of the site in the “On Project” tab.
  • We go to the authorization page.
  • Enter the code provided by the class teacher.
  • Press the "Next" button.
  • We fill in the fields in 3 windows - name, login and password.
  • Name - introduce our own.
  • Login is the name of the personal electronic box.
  • Password - we come up with ourselves.
  • Confirm the information.
  • By the proposed link, we go to our electronic box.
  • In an email from the site, we confirm the registration by pressing the proposed link.
  • By the link, we return to the electronic diary again.
  • Enter our username and password.
  • Press the "Enter" button.
  • We successfully use the resource.
Entrance to the electronic diary via PGU
Entrance to the electronic diary via PGU

It is worth noting that for residents of Moscow, the procedure for registering and visiting an electronic diary is slightly different from the registration procedure in other regions:

  • We enter the PGU website (city services portal).
  • We register on the site (login/password on PGU and login/password in an electronic diary - these are completely different things).
  • We find the service "Electronic Diary of a student" (MKRO).
  • In the "Account" field we create a new entry - you can simply name its "Diary".
  • Enter the username and password.
  • The Login MKRO is a login issued by the class teacher.
  • MRCO password - password issued by the class teacher.
  • Press the "Ready" button.
Registration in an electronic diary via PGU
Registration in an electronic diary via PGU

Attention! Parents, when issuing a personal password and login by the administration of the school, it is advisable to ask for individual parental login/password for themselves. The fact is that student access to the site is much more limited by parent access.

How to enter the electronic diary as parents: video

How to enter an electronic diary: video

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