What is friendship, how do friends become: help in preparing for the presentation in the Russian language. How to write a presentation that begins with the words: what is friendship: tips

What is friendship, how do friends become: help in preparing for the presentation in the Russian language. How to write a presentation that begins with the words: what is friendship: tips

This article contains options for presentation in the Russian language on the topic "Friendship".

All schoolchildren after grade 9 pass the OGE exam in the Russian language. Someone chooses an essay, while others write a presentation.

  • The choice of spelling format must be determined in advance (even in winter - at the end of the first semester).
  • So, if your class has chosen to write a presentation, this is excellent. After all, it is much easier to express your thoughts in the text heard than to write an essay.
  • The topic of friendship is one of the popular topics that can be offered to children in the exam. But remember that during the exam, another topic can be proposed, so you need to approach the preparation for the presentation responsibly.
  • Below we will present a concise presentation on the topic of friendship and tips on how to write such a text.

How to write a presentation that begins with the words: what is friendship: tips

Presentation "Friendship"

Be sure to rest well before the exam and lie down to sleep no later than 22-00 hours. This will help the body recover after a school day, gain strength. Here are some more tips on how to write a presentation that begins with the words: what is friendship to get a positive assessment:

  • Listen carefully to the textWhich teacher will read, do not be distracted.
  • Remember that you need to convey the main content of the text by specified microthemes. Highlight for yourself the topic, the main idea, the main subparagraphs (entry, the main part, conclusion) or questions that you will describe or answer in your own words.
  • Determine the style of the text.
  • Make a text plan. For this, drafts will be given to you.
  • The volume of the presentation of at least 70 wordsBut do not write a lot, since the larger the text, the more errors will be in it, and the assessment is reduced for this. Make a little with a margin, for example, 75 words - no more.
  • Write out each word - neatly and selective handwriting. Indeed, when checking, those letters or words that will be incomprehensible will be considered a mistake.
  • The teacher must clearly and loudly read the text. If something is not clear, then ask to repeat the text again from beginning to end, but with a loud voice and with good pronunciation. Be sure, the second time the text will be read correctly.
  • When listening to the text, select the main detailsthat will help in memory to restore the main points from what they heard.
  • Fix each part on the draft in a few words. Then you will only have to tie them together.
  • When the sketches are ready, write the text once completely, but on the draft. Then check all the errors, correct the inventories, arrange the commas and rewrite the text to the examination clean.

Now you know what to do if you need to prepare for writing a presentation. But know that you will not be able to pass the exam on “5”, if you had not previously been engaged in the development of memory, logical thinking and literacy. However, thanks to the above tips, you will receive a positive assessment for the presentation if you try.

Compressed presentation on the theme and the words - what is friendship: the text to help in preparation for the presentation in the Russian language

If you are preparing for the presentation on the topic “Friendship” or on another topic, then you need to practice at least once to write it yourself in the text. The original text will be given below. Ask one of the households to read it to you, and after that, following our advice, write the presentation. Here is the source text:

The presentation
The presentation "Friendship" is the source text

Here are a few examples of compression according to microthemes:

Option No. 1:

What does the word "friendship" mean? How to find a friend and how do friends become? Often, people become friends if they have something in common. For example, work, interests, hobbies. But not only this determines friendship. Friends who have been familiar for a long time can be people from different professions. They can live in different cities, but at the same time closely friends.

Is it possible to be friends if different characters? Yes! Friendship unites together - equality and dissimilarity between people. Comrades need each other, but sometimes it turns out that one gives another person more than he receives. For example, gives gifts more and rejoices at this. Friendship rests on unity and discrepancy in views at the same time. (101 Word)

It turned out a big, but beautiful text. If you are sure that you can write a similar one, and you will succeed in doing this without errors, then you can state the text in such a more detailed form. Below there are several more options for short texts.

Option No. 2:

What do friends have in common? Friends have a common fate, the same professions and uniform thoughts. Such people are often friends for years. But this is not always a determining factor in real friendship.

Comrades can have different characters, professions. Friends need each other, even if they are not similar and do different things. But it is not possible to get equally from friendship. Someone shares his experience, and the other gives a friend with gifts. A friend is one who is confident in your rightness and will always point out vices. (75 words)

Option No. 3:

Who are friends and how do they become? Friends are people with the same thinking and fate, one profession and the same hobbies. But friends can work in various fields.

Opposite characters, inequality in views - this does not prevent people from being real friends. They need each other and are ready to help at any moment. One gives a friend a lot, and the other only takes and does not give anything in return. A friend is one who indicates shortcomings, but will admire the rightness and talent.(78 words)

Such a memory and literacy training within 1-2 months will help prepare for the exam and pass it by receiving a positive assessment.

Video: OGE (GIA) Russian language. How to write a presentation

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