What is demodicosis and demodex in humans: description, photo. Disease of demodecosis in humans: paths of infection, acne causes, initial signs, symptoms, diagnosis, analysis, treatment of skin at home medication and folk remedies, prevention, diet, hygiene, reviews of those who have been recovered

What is demodicosis and demodex in humans: description, photo. Disease of demodecosis in humans: paths of infection, acne causes, initial signs, symptoms, diagnosis, analysis, treatment of skin at home medication and folk remedies, prevention, diet, hygiene, reviews of those who have been recovered

In this article you will find answers to the most frequent and important questions regarding the disease of demodicosis and the Demodex parasite.


Demodecoz and demodex ticks in a person on the face, eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, in the eyes, ears, scalp, nose, chin, body, back, chest, arms, legs: photo

Demodecoz and demodex are related concepts. The dermatological disease in question is called demodicosis. The parasite from the genus Demodex provokes this disease. Often, by mistake, it is believed that demodex and demodecosis are one and the same. This is not entirely true.

Demodex - A tick that lives on skin and hair follicles, animals.

Demodecosis - The disease caused by the tick. As a result of the disease, the skin occurs, damage to the eyelids, eyeballs.

There are two subspecies of Demodex ticks that are dangerous to humans:

  • Demodex folliculorum - is localized in the hair follicles (eyebrows and eyelashes);
  • Demodex Brevis - is localized most often in the sebaceous glands of the face, less often on the back, chest, shoulders.

It is rare, but there are times when demodex lives on such parts of the body as limbs, the scalp, inguinal region, ears.

The disease of demodicosis is insidious. Many people do not even suspect that their “bad neighbor” was activated on their skin, and that it is time to take measures. The disease of demodicosis is common among women, men, rarely in children, often appears in the elderly.

What does the disease of demodicosis look like on the face
Demodecosis on the eyelids in humans

What does the subcutaneous tick Demodex like a microscope look like a person’s disease in a person than eats: description, photo

Important: the Demodex tick lives on the skin in almost all people except newborns. But this does not mean that all these people are sick with demicodeza. The tick is part of the conditionally pathogenic microflora and can safely coexist with a person, without causing harm. The disease develops only under suitable conditions.

Under favorable circumstances, entire colonies of this type of ticks are formed for the development of demodicosis on human skin. Parasites are activated, move deep into hair or sebaceous follicles, causing inflammation of the skin. They move in search of food. Demodex feeds on the contents of the sebaceous glands, the secret of the glands.

Demodex under a microscope

Can a demodex without a microscope be seen?

No. The size of the largest adult is 0.4 mm. The smallest ticks within 0.15 mm. That is, you can see demodex exclusively under a microscope.

Demodex, demodicosis: causes of acne, disease

The danger to humans is not in the army itself parasitic ticks, but in the products of their life. The toxicity of the life of the demodex in the life of the human immune system, causing a number of concomitant problems.

Box life toxins cause a rash, acne, and inflammation on a person’s skin. Often people continue to treat acne rash while demodicosis has long joined it. People with oily skin are prone to demodicosis.

Reducing immunity is the main reason for the development of demodicosis. When the protective barriers of the skin and body cannot resist, they do not have time to remove toxins from the life of the tick, then the tick propagates more and more active and the problems are evident.

Immunity is reduced for various reasons, here are the main ones:

  1. Strong stress.
  2. Transferred infectious diseases.
  3. Insufficient hygiene.
  4. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems.
  5. Elderly age.

How to determine, recognize the Demodex tick, Demodecosis disease at home: initial signs, symptoms

You can suspect the presence of demodicosis by itching skin that occurs in the evening and at night.

Important: Demodex tick is activated at night, during the day it sleeps. Therefore, the itching of the skin in the evening and night is the first sign that should alert you.

The next feature is the reddened inflamed skin with tuberous acne, papules. The pores become expanded, the skin acquires an unhealthy look. Conventional agents to combat acne do not work.

Demodecosis of the century is manifested as follows:

  • Itching of the eyes.
  • Inflammation of the eyelids.
  • The appearance of scales on the eyelashes.
  • Eyelash loss.
  • In the neglected case, the eyes turn red and lacrimation begins.
Symptoms of demodicosis

Which doctor treats a person’s face, eyelids, body, scalp?

In the presence of these symptoms, consult a doctor:

  • With the defeat of the eyelids - to the ophthalmologist;
  • With skin lesions - to a dermatologist.

Diagnostics, analysis for demodicosis: preparation, where and how to take, how to scrap?

The doctor, based on complaints and inspection, will issue a referral to the laboratory. To determine demodicosis, analysis is necessary, since you can see a tick only under a microscope.

To pass the analysis, you must prepare:

  • First, exclude the use of creams, ointments and decorative cosmetics for several days;
  • Secondly, on the day the analysis is not washed.

For analysis, a certain amount of eyelashes or scraping from the skin area will be required. The diagnosis is confirmed if per 1 sq. cm skin number of individuals reaches 5. Diagnosis is carried out quickly, in the presence of a person who has turned.

Important: the result of the analysis can be false. Especially if you have not prepared. It is recommended to pass a scraping to demodex repeatedly in order to reliably know the result.

Video: What is a demodex?

How much does the tick Demodex live on the human body: Life cycle

Demodex quickly and actively multiplies. The tick lays eggs, after 2 days a larva hatches from the egg. At first it is motionless. By the end of the 2nd day it becomes mobile, but so far does not leave the follicle in which she hatched. After 3 days, the larva ripens and becomes mobile. Another 2 days, and a young larva becomes an adult. Then the tick returns to the follicle and dies, having managed to post new ticks.

The life cycle of one tick is 15 days.

How much does a Demodex tick live outside a person, in a pillow, on clothes, in cosmetics?

  1. Demodex does not multiply outside the human body, but continues to live.
  2. In a dry environment (pillow, clothes), the tick lives for two days.
  3. In water, a tick can live 25 days.
  4. Favorable conditions for the life of a tick cream, petroleum jelly, oily foundations (cosmetics).

At what plus and minus temperature does the Demodex tick die?

  1. Favorable temperature-30-40º;
  2. The tick freezes at 14 ° and below, but does not die;
  3. Dies at a temperature above 52 °.

Does Demodex die when washing?

Important: Demodex dies when washing at a temperature of 60 ° and above. After that, it is recommended to iron the thing with an iron. If washing is carried out at a temperature of 30-40 °, the tick will not die.

Demodecosis on the body

What is Demodex afraid on the person’s face, what dies from, does it die from the cold, frost?

Demodex does not die at minus temperature. He comes into numbness, but does not die.

Important: the tick feeds on the secret of the sebaceous glands, as well as oily creams, cosmetics. Therefore, in the fight against the tick, try not to "feed" it.

Demodex, demodicosis: is contradictory or not, as is transmitted from person to person, is dangerous, is it contrast for households?

With demodicosis, it is recommended to use an individual pillow, pillowcase, towel, cosmetics. However, these requirements relate not only to sick demodicosis, but in general to all people.

Active disputes are underway about whether demodecosis is contrast. In practice, the tick can easily get to the skin of another person with domestic contact. However, this does not mean that the second person will get sick. It's all about personal immunity. If it is weakened, yes, demodex can begin to progress. But the disease is already caused by "their" propagating ticks. If the immune system works well, Demodex will coexist peacefully, since it lives on the skin of all people.

Important: the best prevention of demodicosis is a good immunity.

Demodex, demodicosis in humans - will we cure: is it possible and how to cure forever?

Demodecosis is a chronic disease. It will not be possible to remove ticks forever from the skin, but it is realistic to achieve peaceful coexistence with them. The purpose of treatment is to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, improve immunity and restore the skin of a healthy condition.

Demodex, demodicosis in humans - first aid with severe itching: description, means

Skin itching with demodicosis is usually tolerant. But it delivers severe discomfort. If you suspect the development of demodicosis, it is better to see a doctor immediately to start treatment.

  • To relieve itching, you can drink anti -allergic tablets or drops. But this is a temporary measure. Demodex can retreat if treatment is comprehensively and regularly.
  • Itching of the scalp will help reassure Sulsen shampoo.
  • With itching on the eyelids and face, tar soap helps to cope.
  • Calendula tincture also helps to calm the skin itch for a while.
Tar soap will relieve itching with demodicosis

Demodex, demodicosis in humans of skin treatment at home, medication: the list and names of drugs, ointments, gels, creams, a drop with instructions

Important: depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment. It is incorrect to treat only external manifestations. First of all, you need to find the cause of a malfunction in the body and eliminate it. Only in this case, the treatment of demodicosis will be successful. A dermatologist can send to other doctors - an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, a hepatologist, to identify the true cause of the disease.

Drugs of various spectrums are used to combat demodicosis:

  • Acaricidal preparations cause the death of ticks (spregal, gasolbenzoate, permethrin, ichthyol, zinc ointment).
  • Sulfur drugs (sulfuric ointment).
  • Anti -inflammatory drugs (Vishnevsky ointment, salicylic acid).
  • The treatment and preventive complex of the stop democum (washing gel, cleansing lotion, soap, shampoo, eyelid gel). The complex includes birch tar, metronidazole, willow extracts, chamomile, roses, etc. Substances that help relieve inflammation and restore the skin).
  • Antiseptics (dimxide, urotropine, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine).
  • Antifungal drugs (fluconazole).
  • Immunomodulators (polyoxidonium).
  • Homeopathic preparations (traumel C).
  • Chatterbox.
Stop Demodex - a complex for the treatment of the disease

Backlines instructions, recipes for use:

  1. Distilized water (100 ml) 100 gr. Dimexide powder (100 g), Levomycetin tablets, Trichopol (10 pcs of chopped). Mix all. Apply every day, pre -shake. Wipe your face for 2 weeks.
  2. Salicylic acid (50 ml), boric acid (50 ml), erythromycin tablets (4 pcs.), Zinc ointment (1 tsp). Grind the tablets, mix all the components. Twice a day applied to acne pointily.
  3. Degtyar soap (20 g), salicylic acid (20 g), hydrogen peroxide, camphor, ammonia (4 tbsp), distilled water (2.5 tbsp). Grind everything, mix, shake. Apply 1-2 times a day.

The following drugs are suitable for the treatment of demodicosis:

  • Cleaning the skin with cotton sticks with tincture of calendula, antisupiki.
    Ointments (Demalan, Blefarogel, Demazole).
  • Antibacterial eye drops with damage to the mucous membrane of the eye (Tobrex, Levomycetin).
  • Washing with tar soap.
Drops with demodicosis of the eyelids

Demodex, demodecosis in humans treatment of skin with tablets, antibiotics: list and names of tablets, drugs with instructions for use

In addition to anti -inflammatory creams, ointments and gels for external use, antibacterial ointments and tablets are used.

A list of antibiotics that a doctor can be prescribed:

  • Trichopol
  • Zinerite
  • Ornidazole
  • Metrogil
  • Doxycycline
  • Streptocide
  • Penicillin powder

Antibacterial ointments:

  • Trichopoline
  • Synthomycin
  • Baziron
  • Metrogil
  • Clindivot

Important: the diagram, the dosage of antibacterial tablets is prescribed exclusively by the doctor depending on the age, weight of the patient.

Antibiotics under demodex

Demodex, demodecosis in humans of skin treatment with folk remedies: recipes

With weak inflammation of the skin, folk remedies help with minor rashes. They can be used regularly, not only during the disease.

  • Tea tree oil - Cauterize acne is pointwise. Well dries and relieves inflammation;
  • Demodex is afraid of acidic substances, so you can make masks based on lemon, apple vinegar. Wash with a weak sour solution in half with water.
  • Onion mask It is a natural antiseptic. Apply to the scalp. To prepare the mask, chop the bulb, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil, apply to the scalp, wrap it up and leave for 30-45 minutes. Then rinse off.
  • Tincture of calendula - Pimpling acne with a cotton wool.
  • The juice or decoction celandine. Take baths with a decoction of this plant to cleanse the skin.
  • Aloe - Squeeze the fresh juice of the plant, apply on a cotton pad, make lotions on the affected areas.

Demodex, demodicosis in humans treatment with herbs: recipes

You can fight the demodex with the help of such herbs:

  1. Anabazis
  2. Sagebrush
  3. Celandine
  4. Chamomile
  5. A series

Important: the Anabasis plant is used exclusively externally. When taking orally, you can be poisoned.

Wormwood, chamomile, tansy, mint is suitable for oral administration and as lotions. For oral administration, 1 tbsp. The herbs are poured with boiling water, insisted, expressed and taken 1 spoon 3-4 times a day.

Video: Folk remedies and demodecosis

The most effective scheme for the treatment of skin from demodex, demodicosis in humans: Description

Dermatologists often prescribe drugs that relate to veterinary:

  1. Apit;
  2. Holes;
  3. Advocate;
  4. Braceto;
  5. ASD complex 2.

All these drugs are designed to treat demodex in animals, but in extreme cases are applicable to people. Consider the scheme for applying the ointment of pits:

  • Clean the skin with tar soap.
  • Apply ointment with a thin layer: on the first day for five minutes, on the second day - for 10, etc.
  • Having added 5 minutes, reach 30 minutes.
  • Then cancel the ointment in the same way in the reverse sequence, taking away for 5 minutes.
  • You can not use the ointment of pits for longer than 4 weeks.
Ointment of pits under demodex in humans

Hygiene and hygiene, soap, shampoos to be used for demodex, demodicosis in humans: a list with names and instructions

  • With demodicosis, it is necessary to wash with household or tar soap.
  • For washing the head, tar shampoo, with zinc, Sulesen is suitable.

What cosmetics, creams, lotions to use for demodex, demodicosis: a list with names and instructions

  1. Manting cream has established itself well - a product of a Chinese manufacturer that helps fight acne, demodex. At the same time, it does not dry the skin, contributing to its moisture.
  2. Retinoids (isotrexin, klenzit-s), which normalize the release of skin fat. Contraindicated during pregnancy, use under the control of a dermatocosmetologist.
  3. Moisturizing gels based on aloe.
  4. Drying lotions.
  5. Medical mud masks or clay masks.

Important: during treatment, it is necessary to exclude care with the help of scrubs, the use of foundation, powder.

What cosmetic procedures are shown under demodex, demodicosis?

  • Electrophoresis - exposure to the skin with an electric current;
  • Peeling faces with fruit acids - cleansing the skin from old dead skin;
  • Cryomassage Faces with liquid nitrogen - exposure to the skin of the face with cold.

Important: many dermatocosmetologists are categorically against mechanical facial cleansing with demodicosis.

Cosmetological procedure - Cryomassage of the face

Recommended diet for demodicosis, demodex in humans: the essence of the diet

Important: If you want to recover from demodicosis, be sure to follow a diet. The essence of the diet for demodicosis is to limit sugar.

This is not only pure sugar. This includes flour sweet products, chocolate, bars, sweets and other goodies that love sweet tooth so much. Go to a healthy diet, this will help not only cope with demodicosis, but also normalizes the state of the body as a whole.

How to understand that demodex is cured in a person, passes: signs

Signs of a successful struggle against demodicosis:

  1. Acne, rashes pass.
  2. New acne does not appear.
  3. Itching decreases or disappears.
  4. The skin comes into normal condition.
  5. The eyelids do not scratch and do not stick together.
  6. The effect persists for a long time.

How to treat demodecosis, demodex in a child, during pregnancy, breastfeeding: drugs, instructions, recipes, tips

For the treatment of demodicosis in pregnant women and children, sparing products are used, such as special cosmetics, shampoos, ointments based on plant components. The treatment complex is aimed primarily at restoring the protective functions of immunity, vitamin therapy is selected. The difficulty of treating pregnant and nursing mothers is that they are not contraindicated in antibacterial therapy.

For the treatment of demodex in children, pregnant and nursing, such drugs are used:

  1. Tar soap;
  2. Ichthyol, sulfur, zinc ointment;
  3. Folk remedies - tincture of calendula, tea tree oil, washing with decoctions of herbs.
  4. Complex of Stop Demodex.
  5. Vitamins.

How long is Demodex treated, demodicosis in humans?

Everything is strictly individual and depends on the severity of the disease. Some people need years to restore the body's protective systems. Others - hit the target immediately after the start of the fight against demodex.

The success of treatment largely depends on the regular integrated approach to treatment and subsequent prevention.

Demodex of human skin: What to do with things?

There is no need to throw away your things, bedding after treatment from demodex. It is enough to wash them at a temperature above 60 ° and iron it with steam.

During treatment, it is necessary to change the pillowcase on the pillow and towel daily.

Treatment of demodicosis: before and after

Tick \u200b\u200bDemodex: What is the relationship with Helicobacter Pilori?

Important: often doctors recommend, together with analysis on Demodex, to take an analysis for the presence of a bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Helicobacter Pilori lives in the stomach and destructively affects the digestive tract, which makes it possible to prosper demodex. According to statistics, most patients with demodicosis are found by a Helicobacter Pilori bacterium.

Can a Demodex tick infect a person with borreliosis?

No, he can not. This is a disease of a different nature.

How does the Demodex tick affect human vision?

The tick on the eyelids, in addition to discomfort, can lead to inflammatory diseases, as a result of which vision may decrease. With demodicosis, patients may have a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, develop a dry eye syndrome.

Does the tick Demodex destroy the small vessels of a person?

With the course of the disease, small blood vessels can become wider and more noticeable. Demodex adversely affects the walls of human vessels.

Demodecosis, mite demodex in humans: the consequences of the disease

If demodicosis is not treated, the disease can leave an indelible mark on the skin in the form of scars, hillocks, huge red acne, expanded pores. A severe degree of demodicosis can hardly be treated, the skin looks very ugly. Many people are repelled by the appearance of people with demodicosis. In this regard, not only physical consequences develop, but also mental. It becomes difficult for people to love themselves, find their place in society, get acquainted with new people.

The neglected stage of demodicosis

Prevention against demodicosis, a person’s tick in humans: a complex of measures

Important: the prevention of demodicosis is to maintain the immune system, a healthy lifestyle, lack of stress, and compliance with personal hygiene.

Try to eat right, get enough sleep, often walk in the fresh air, not be nervous along the trifles, correctly and constantly care for the skin, then you are not afraid of demodex.

Demodecoz, a person’s tick in humans: reviews of those who have been cured

Alexander: “Treatment of demodicosis is long. Every morning I have to wash only with household or tar soap, use a talker and anti -inflammatory ointments. Ointments constantly need to alternate, otherwise the tick gets used to it. Daily wiping the face with celandine juice. Diet with the exception of fried, sharp, salty, and most importantly - sweet. It took about a year for treatment, but the results were visible after a couple of weeks. The disease retreated, but to this day I observe careful care and diet, I do not want a relapse. ”

Svetlana: “I advise everyone not to poison myself with antibiotics and other medicines. Start the path to healing with a gastroenterologist. I handed over the analysis for Helicobacter Pilory, and it was discovered. After treatment from Helicobacter, all acne and rash passed. Before that, nothing helped: neither cream, nor ointments, nor expensive care. ”

Tatyana: “My eyes were terribly scratched, at first I thought it was an allergy to chemicals at work. Then I read about the demodex and turned to the doctor. The analysis revealed this parasite. For treatment, it was washed with tar soap, treated the skin of the eyelids, and used special therapeutic ointment. In parallel with this, she treated the liver, I think that demodecosis provoked problems with the liver. "

It is difficult to cure demodicosis, but when fulfilling all requirements, regular care, diet, strengthening immunity, treatment of concomitant diseases, you can achieve persistent remission, normalize the amount of tick on the skin.

Video: How to cure demodecosis?

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Comments K. article

  1. The pharmacy emulsion of gasolbenzoate helps from demodicosis. It must be diluted by half with water and applied to the face. She is absorbed very quickly and kills the tick.

  2. After the scraping, the doctor prescribed me a cream-active epideril, as part of metronidazole and grass. The cream helped to get rid of the itching of the skin, soothes, helps to get rid of the tick. A few weeks later, the face became cleaner, acne and inflammation passed, fat content decreased.

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